Sonnet Technologies Piccolo USB Flash Drive User Manual

This user guide explains how to properly use and care for the
USB flash drive with your USB port-equipped computer.
User’s Guide
The Piccolo is a cross- platform, self-contained, flash memory drive for use with your Macintosh
identifies it as a removable media drive. The Piccolo comes unformat-
or Windows® PC; your computer
ted; Mac users may format it either as a Macintosh or DOS drive.
At this printing, Piccolo may be used with any Mac® or Windows OS computer with a USB 1.1 port, that meets the following requirements:
Macintosh Computer Requirements: Power Macintosh, Macintosh clone, eMac PowerBook
computer running Mac OS 8.6* through Mac OS X
, iBook®, iMac®, or
Ver sion 10.2. x.
PC Requirements: IBM PC/AT or compatible desktop/notebook/sub- notebook/laptop computer with 100 MHz Pentium ning Windows 98
, Windows 98 SE (Second Edition)†, Windows Me
(or equivalent) or better run-
(Millennium Edition), Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
Visit Our Web Site
For the most current software updates and online support files, visit the Sonnet web site at Remember to register your product online at to be informed of future upgrades and product releases.
* If your system is running Mac OS 8.6, you may need to inst all addit ional software for P iccolo to
operate. Go to to get the sof tware.
Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE require driver software for Piccolo to operate in you r system.
Download the driver from our website at
Getting Started
This section describes the physical aspects of the Piccolo.
Protective cap - Remove the cap to plug in the Piccolo, snap it back in place when you unplug the Piccolo (Figure 1).
Status indicator - Lights or flashes to indicate operating status: LED on or flashing slowly - The Piccolo is powered and recognized by your computer. LED flashing quickly - Your computer is reading data from, or writ- ing data to the Piccolo (Figure 1). Note: While the status indicator is flashing quickly, do not unplug the Piccolo; it is in use.
USB connector
Figure 1
USB connector - Plug into a USB port or extension cable connec- tor (Figures 1 and 2).
Write protect switch - Move the switch to the locked position to prevent data writing or erasure (Figure 3).
USB port
USB connector
write protect switch (move
toward lock icon to lock)
status indicator
Using the Piccolo With Mac OS X
The Piccolo is supported natively under Mac OS X; no drivers are required. Just plug it into a USB port, and start working.
Mount - When the Piccolo is plugged in, it mounts to the desk­top and appears as a removable media device (Figure 4).
Use - Use the Piccolo like a removable media drive. Access it from the desktop and from within applications.
Eject - Drag the Piccolo to the Eject icon in the dock to unmount it; alternately, with the Piccolo selected, you may press + E on your keyboard. (Figure 5).
• Always remember to “eject” the Piccolo before unplugging it to prevent data loss or corruption.
• When you delete files from the Piccolo (drag them to the trash), remember to empty the trash by selecting Empty trash... from the Finder Menu. Otherwise, the files remain in the Trash folder on the Piccolo and occupy “disk” space.
• If the Piccolo does not mount after you plug it in (or while plugged in when your system boots), unplug it, then plug it back into the USB port; it should mount.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 2 Figure 3
Using the Piccolo With Mac OS 8.6 through 9.x
Piccolo is supported natively under Mac OS 8.6* through 9.x; no drivers are required. Just plug it into a USB port, and start working.
Mount - When the Piccolo is plugged in, it mounts to the desktop and appears as a removable media device (Figure 6).
Use - Use the Piccolo like a removable media drive. Access it from the desktop and from within applications.
Eject - Drag the Piccolo to the Trash on the desktop to unmount it; alternately, with the Piccolo selected, you may press + E on your keyboard (Figure 7).
• Always remember to “eject” the Piccolo before unplugging it to prevent data loss or corruption.
• When you delete files from the Piccolo (drag them to the trash), remember to empty the trash by selecting Special: Empty trash... from the Apple Menu. Otherwise, the files remain in the Trash folder on the Piccolo and occupy “disk” space.
• If the Piccolo does not mount after you plug it in, or while plugged in when your system boots, unplug it, then plug it back into the USB port; it should mount.
* If your system is running Mac OS 8.6, you may need to install additional softwa re for Piccolo to
operate. Go to to get the soft ware.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Using the Piccolo With Windows
The Piccolo is supported natively under Windows Me, Windows
2000, and Windows XP; no drivers are required—just plug it into a USB port and start working. Under Windows 98/Windows 98 SE, you must download and install a driver* prior to using the Piccolo.
Detection - After the Piccolo is plugged in, it is automatically detected by your computer and assigned a drive letter. (Figure 8).
Use - Use the Piccolo like a removable disk. Access it from My Computer and from within applications.
Eject - Open My Computer, right-click on the Piccolo, drop down through the menu and select Eject (Figure 9). Users of Windows Me, 2000, or XP may also left-click on the eject icon on the taskbar, then select the Piccolo (Figure 10).
• Always remember to “eject” the Piccolo before unplugging it to prevent data loss or corruption.
• If the Piccolo does not appear in My Computer, press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh the screen. If after refreshing the sys­tem the Piccolo still does not appear, unplug it, then plug it back into the USB port; it should appear.
* Windows 98/Windows 98 SE require driver software for Piccolo to operate in your system.
Download the driver from our website at
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Limited Warranty
Sonnet Technologies, Inc. warrants that its product(s) shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years following the date of original purchase. For complete warranty information, go to
Contacting Customer Service
The Sonnet website located at has the most current support information and technical updates.
Before you call Sonnet Customer Service, please check our website for the latest updates and online support files, and check your user’s guide for helpful information. When you call Sonnet Customer Service, have the following information available so our customer service staff can better assist you:
• Product name
• Date and place of purchase
• Computer type and model
• Operating system and version
If further assistance is needed, please contact us at:
Sonnet Customer Service: Tel: 1-949-472-2772
(Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Pacific Time)
Fax: 1-949- 457-6349 E-mail: Online Service Form:
©2001 Sonnet Technologies, Inc. Revised 2003. All rights reserved. Sonnet, the Sonnet logotype, Simply Fast, the Simply Fast logo­type, Piccolo, and the Piccolo logotype are trademarks of Sonnet Technologies, Inc. Other product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in the USA. UG-PIC-E-060503