Sonnet Technologies Crescendo-NuBus User Manual

Installation Manual
Crescendo G3/G4 NuBus
Processor Upgrade Card for NuBus Power Macintosh
Installation Manual Crescendo
NuBus Processor Upgrade Cards © 2000 Sonnet Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sonnet Technologies, Inc. 18004 Sky Park Circle Irvine, California 92614-6428 USA
Sales: 1-949-261-2800 Fax: 1-949-261-2461 Tech Support: 1-949-261-1426 (Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm Pacific Time) Tech Support E-mail: Domestic Sales E-mail: Website:
Sonnet, the Sonnet logotype, Simply Fast, the Simply Fast logotype, and Crescendo are trademarks of Sonnet Technologies, Inc. Macintosh, Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The PowerPC name and the PowerPC logotype are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, used under license therefrom. Other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
This manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Sonnet Technologies, Inc. Your rights to software distributed by Sonnet is governed by its accompanying software license agreement.
Sonnet has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this manual. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
Manual Number: Z-C61-MNL-E Release: v 1.0 Printed in the U.S.A.
Preface iv
Before You Get Started v
1 Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 611X, 1
and Workgroup Server 6150 Installation
2 Power Macintosh 6100 AV Installation 7
3 Power Macintosh 7100 Installation 17
Identify your computer’s video output 18 Install Crescendo card 22 AV/HPV Card Video Adapter Kit 23
4 Power Macintosh 8100, 8115, and Workgroup 37
Server 8150 Installation
Identify your computer’s video output 38 Install Crescendo card 42 AV/HPV Card Video Adapter Kit 43
5 Workgroup Server 9150 Installation 55
6 Power Computing 100 and 120 Installation 61
7 Radius System 100 and 81/110 Installation 67
8 Upgrading to Mac OS 9 and a G4 75
9 Learning About the Software 77
Sonnet Processor Upgrade Extension 77 Sonnet G4 Enabler 9 77 Nonvolatile RAM Patch 77 G4 Firmware Patch 77 G4 Firmware Patch Remover 77 Metronome 78
10 Removing a Level 2 Cache Card 79
11 Troubleshooting Guide 83
12 Warranty 87
13 Technical Support 89
Conten ts
This manual explains how to install the hardware and software for Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards so that you can accelerate your Power Macintosh®.
This documentation assumes you have a working knowledge of the Macintosh
and its operating conventions. If you are unfamiliar with
the Macintosh, see your computer’s documentation.
Compatible Macintosh Models
At this printing, the following Power Macintosh and Mac®OS compatible computers can be upgraded with Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards:
• Power Macintosh 6100, 6100 AV, 7100, 8100, 8115
• Performa 6110, 6112, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6118
• Workgroup Server 6150, 8150, 9150
• Power Computing 100, 120
• Radius 81/110
• Radius System 100
Check the Read Me File
For the most current information regarding this installation, check the Read Me file on the Crescendo/Encore Install diskette packaged with your product.
Visit our Website
The latest software updates and online support files are available from the Sonnet website at
Take Precautionary Measures
We recommend that you make a backup of important information on your hard drive prior to installing new hardware or software. When handling computer products, you must take care to prevent the components from being damaged by static electricity. Always work in an area free of static electricity and avoid carpeted areas. Handle processor upgrade cards by their edges and avoid touching connector traces and component pins.
Familiarize Yourself with the Instructions
Please familiarize yourself with the instructions in this manual before beginning the installation. If you feel you are unable to install the computer hardware, contact a qualified computer technician.
As you read the instructions you may notice that your Sonnet processor upgrade card may differ from those pictured.
Before You Get Started
Support Note:
If you are installing a G4 upgrade card, please refer to Chapter 8, “Upgrading to a Mac OS 9 and a G4” for information that applies exclusively to the G4.
This chapter contains instructions for installing Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards into Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 611X, and Workgroup Server 6150 computers.
System Compatibility
At this printing, Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards are compatible with the latest Mac OS from Apple. Mac OS 9 is required for G4 AltiVec use. For up-to-date Mac OS compatibility, check our website.
You Should Have
The following items should be included in your product package:
• Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade card
• Crescendo/Encore Install diskette
• Installation manual
Powered by Sonnet label
Installation Overview
This overview is intended for those with prior experience installing Sonnet upgrade products or Macintosh hardware. We strongly recommend following the full installation instructions if this is your first installation of this hardware.
Installing the Crescendo card takes a few easy steps:
1) Install Mac OS 9 (if upgrading as part of this installation)
2) Install Sonnet software
3) Turn off computer
4) Remove case cover from computer
5) If installed, remove PDS card from PDS slot
6) Remove Level 2 cache card (if present)
7) Install Crescendo card into PDS slot
8) Replace case cover onto computer
9) Affix the Powered by Sonnet label to front of computer
10) Turn on your newly upgraded computer
11) To upgrade to AltiVec-enhanced software, see Chapter 8
For more complete instructions, follow the installation procedure outlined in the pages that follow.
Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 611X, and Workgroup Server 6150
Chapter 1
Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 611X, and Workgroup Server 6150 Crescendo Installation
Install Software
1. If you are upgrading to Mac OS 9 as part of this installation, do so now. Sonnet recommends a clean/universal install of the Mac OS. Start up your computer from the Mac OS CD and double click the Mac OS Install application. In the Select Destination window, click the Options button and click the Perform Clean Installation check box that appears in the subsequent screen. Click the Select button. Proceed through the next several screens until you reach the Install Software window. Click the Customize button. In the Custom Installation and Removal window click the pop-up menu to the right of Mac OS 9. Change the “Recommended Installation” to “Customized installation.” The Select Mac OS 9 Features to Install window will appear shortly. Change “Recommended Installation” to “Universal Installation” from the pop-up menu. Click OK, Start, then Continue to complete the installation. After the software is installed, quit the Mac OS Install application and restart your computer from the hard drive where Mac OS 9 is installed.
2. Insert the Crescendo/Encore Install diskette into the floppy disk drive. Double click the Crescendo/Encore Install icon. By default, with “Easy Install” selected from the pop-up menu, the required software will be installed into the active System Folder on the boot drive. If this is ok, click the Install button; otherwise, select “Custom Install” from the pop-up menu for more options or select another drive to install the software. The installer will install the appropriate software into the System Folder of your computer. If the installation was successful, a dialog box will appear. Click Quit to leave the installer and shut down your computer.
Support Note:
We recommend that you make a backup of important
information on your hard drive prior to installing new hardware or software. When handling computer products, you must take care to prevent components from being damaged by static electricity. Avoid carpeted areas, handle processor upgrade cards only by their edges, and avoid touching connector traces and component pins.
Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 611X, and Workgroup Server 6150 Installation
Shut Down and Open Computer
1. Shut down your Power Macintosh. If the computer has been on for any length of time, wait a few minutes for it to cool before beginning the installation.
2. Disconnect the power and peripheral cables from the back of the computer and move it to an area where you can freely work.
3. Open your Power Macintosh by unlatching the case cover (Figure 1) and set it aside.
4. Identify the internal components of your computer. Touch power supply metal shielding (Figure 2) to discharge any potential damaging static electricity.
Figure 1: Unlatch and lift case cover from computer
Figure 2: Touch power supply metal shielding to discharge static electricity
Level 2 cache card
PDS slot
ROM card
power supply
metal shielding
Chapter 1
Remove PDS Card
Locate the PDS slot (Figure 3) located next to the ROM card. If there is a PDS card already installed (such as the 6100 DOS card), remove it.
Remove Level 2 Cache Card
If your computer contains a Level 2 cache card, remove it. If you are uncertain about whether you have a Level 2 cache card, or where it might be located, consult your computer’s documentation or see Chapter 10, “Removing a Level 2 Cache Card.”
Install Crescendo NuBus Processor Upgrade Card
1. Remove the Crescendo card from the anti-static package, making sure to handle the card by the edges (Figure 4). Your card may differ from what is pictured below.
PDS slot
Figure 3: Remove PDS card from PDS slot
Figure 4: Remove Crescendo card from packaging
ROM card
CPU (with heatsink)
Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 611X, and Workgroup Server 6150 Installation
2. Align the Crescendo card over the PDS slot (Figure 5). Gently press down until the card is firmly seated.
Replace Case Cover Onto Computer
1. Replace the case cover onto your computer (Figure 6).
2. Return the computer to your computing area and reconnect the
power and peripheral cables.
3. Affix the Powered by Sonnet label to the front of your computer.
Figure 5: Install Crescendo card into PDS slot
Crescendo card
Figure 6: Replace case cover onto computer
PDS slot
CPU (with heatsink)
Chapter 1
Turn On Computer
1. Turn on your Power Macintosh. Your newly accelerated machine should boot as normal.
2. If you are installing a Crescendo G4, see Chapter 8, “Upgrading to Mac OS 9 and a G4” for information about enabling AltiVec extensions in Mac OS and application software.
Support Note: Your computer must be upgraded with a G4
processor in order to take advantage of enhanced AltiVec applications and software.
This chapter contains instructions for installing Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards into a Power Macintosh 6100 AV computer.
System Compatibility
At this printing, Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards are compatible with the latest Mac OS from Apple. Mac OS 9 is required for G4 AltiVec use. For up-to-date Mac OS compatibility, check our website.
You Should Have
The following items should be included in your product package:
• Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade card
• Crescendo/Encore Install diskette
• Installation manual
Powered by Sonnet label For the installation you will also require:
• A medium Phillips screwdriver
Installation Overview
This overview is intended for those with prior experience installing Sonnet upgrade products or Macintosh hardware. However, we strongly recommend following the full installation instructions if this is your first installation of this hardware.
Installing the Crescendo takes a few easy steps:
1) Install Mac OS 9 (if upgrading as part of this installation)
2) Install Sonnet software
3) Turn off computer
4) Remove case cover from computer
5) Remove AV card bracket from PDS slot
6) Disassemble AV adapter and AV card from bracket
7) Remove Level 2 cache card (if present)
8) Install AV card into pass-through slot on Crescendo card
9) Assemble Crescendo with attached AV card to bracket
10) Install bracket (with Crescendo and AV cards) into PDS slot
11) Replace case cover onto computer
12) Affix the Powered by Sonnet label to front of computer
13) Turn on your newly upgraded computer
14) To upgrade to AltiVec-enhanced software, see Chapter 8
For more complete instructions, follow the installation procedure outlined in the pages that follow.
Power Macintosh 6100 AV Installation
Chapter 2
Power Macintosh 6100 AV Crescendo Installation
Install Software
1. If you are upgrading to Mac OS 9 as part of this installation, do so now. Sonnet recommends a clean/universal install of the Mac OS. Start up your computer from the Mac OS CD and double click the Mac OS Install application. In the Select Destination window, click the Options button and click the Perform Clean Installation check box that appears in the subsequent screen. Click the Select button. Proceed through the next several screens until you reach the Install Software window. Click the Customize button. In the Custom Installation and Removal window click the pop-up menu to the right of Mac OS 9. Change the “Recommended Installation” to “Customized installation.” The Select Mac OS 9 Features to Install window will appear shortly. Change “Recommended Installation” to “Universal Installation” from the pop-up menu. Click OK, Start, then Continue to complete the installation. After the software is installed, quit the Mac OS Install application and restart your computer from the hard drive where Mac OS 9 is installed.
2. Insert the Crescendo/Encore Install diskette into the floppy disk drive. Double click the Crescendo/Encore Install icon. By default, with “Easy Install” selected from the pop-up menu, the required software will be installed into the active System Folder on the boot drive. If this is ok, click the Install button; otherwise, select “Custom Install” from the pop-up menu for more options or select another drive to install the software. The installer will install the appropriate software into the System Folder of your computer. If the installation was successful, a dialog box will appear. Click Quit to leave the installer and shut down your computer.
Support Note:
We recommend that you make a backup of important
information on your hard drive prior to installing new hardware or software. When handling computer products, you must take care to prevent components from being damaged by static electricity. Avoid carpeted areas, handle processor upgrade cards only by their edges, and avoid touching connector traces and component pins.
Shut Down and Open Computer
1. Shut down your Power Macintosh. If the computer has been on for any length of time, wait a few minutes for it to cool before beginning the installation.
2. Disconnect the power and peripheral cables from the back of the computer.
3. Disconnect any video cables connected to the back of the AV card (Figure 1).
4. Remove the thumbscrews that secure the AV card to the back of the computer (Figure 2).
Power Macintosh 6100 AV Installation
Figure 1: Disconnect video cables from AVcard
Figure 2: Remove thumbscrews from AVcard
Chapter 2
5. Move the computer to an area where you can freely work.
6. Open your Power Macintosh by unlatching the case cover
(Figure 3) and set it aside.
Remove AV Card Bracket
1. Touch the power supply metal shielding (Figure 4) to discharge any potential damaging static electricity.
2. Remove the AV card bracket from the PDS slot (Figure 4).
Figure 3: Unlatch and lift case cover from computer
Figure 4: Touch power supply metal shielding and remove AV card bracket
AV card bracket
PDS slot
metal shielding
of power supply
Power Macintosh 6100 AV Installation
Disassemble AV Card from Bracket
1. Using a medium Phillips screwdriver, remove the screw that secures the AV card to the bracket (Figure 5). Set the screw aside. Unplug the AV card from the AV adapter.
Remove the Two Screws that Secure the Adapter
Using a medium Phillips screwdriver, remove the two screws that secure the adapter to the bracket (Figure 6). Remove the adapter from the bracket. Set the two screws and adapter aside.
Remove Level 2 Cache Card
If your computer contains a Level 2 cache card, remove it. If you are uncertain about whether you have a Level 2 cache card, or where it might be located, consult your computer’s documentation or see Chapter 10, “Removing a Level 2 Cache Card.”
Figure 5: Remove screw that secures AVcard to bracket
Figure 6: Remove screws that secure adapter to bracket
Chapter 2
Install Crescendo NuBus Processor Upgrade Card
1. Remove the Crescendo card from the anti-static package, making sure to handle the card by the edges (Figure 7). Your card may differ from what is pictured below.
2. Package the adapter and two adapter screw in the Crescendo’s anti-static package and store it in a safe place.
3. Plug the AV card into the pass-through slot on the Crescendo card (Figure 8); note the notch in the AV card for orientation. Press down on the outer edges of the AV card until it is firmly connected to the Crescendo card.
Figure 7: Remove Crescendo card from packaging
Figure 8: Plug AV card into Crescendo card
pass-through slot
on Crescendo card
AV card
Power Macintosh 6100 AV Installation
4. Assemble the Crescendo with attached AV card onto the bracket. Hook the AV card onto the outer prong of the bracket as you slide the Crescendo card in between the metal runners (Figure 9). Verify that the inner prong of the bracket lines up and protrudes through the corner cutout on the AV card.
5. Secure the AV card and Crescendo card to the bracket with the bracket screw (Figure 10) you removed earlier.
Figure 9: Align Crescendo card in between bracket runners
inner prong
corner cutout on AV card
Crescendo card
Figure 10: Secure AVcard and Crescendo card to bracket
outer prong
Chapter 2
6. With the Crescendo and AV cards securely mounted onto the bracket, align the bracket over the PDS slot. Make certain the metal tab on the bracket slides into the inner slot on the side of the computer’s case (Figure 11). Gently press down on the bracket so that the Crescendo plugs into the PDS slot.
Replace Case Cover Onto Computer
1. Replace the case cover onto your computer (Figure 12).
Figure 11: Align bracket over PDS slot and plug Crescendo into PDS slot
side slot
hard drive
Figure 12: Replace case cover onto computer
metal tab
Power Macintosh 6100 AV Installation
2. Secure the AV card to the back of the computer with the thumbscrews you removed earlier (Figure 13).
3. Return the computer to your computing area and reconnect the video cable(s) to the back of the AV card (Figure 14).
4. Reconnect the power and peripheral cables to the back of the computer.
5. Affix the Powered by Sonnet label to the front of your computer.
Figure 13: Replace thumbscrews onto AVcard
Figure 14: Reconnect video cable(s) to AV card
Turn On Computer
1. Turn on your Power Macintosh. Your newly accelerated machine should boot as normal.
2. If you are installing a Crescendo G4, see Chapter 8, “Upgrading to Mac OS 9 and a G4” for information about enabling AltiVec extensions in Mac OS and application software.
Chapter 2
Support Note:
Your computer must be upgraded with a G4 processor in order to take advantage of enhanced AltiVec applications and software.
This chapter contains instructions for installing Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards into a Power Macintosh 7100 computer.
System Compatibility
At this printing, Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade cards are compatible with the latest Mac OS from Apple. Mac OS 9 is required for G4 AltiVec use. For up-to-date Mac OS compatibility, check our website.
You Should Have
The following items should be included in your product package:
• Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade card
• Crescendo/Encore Install diskette
• Installation manual
Powered by Sonnet label For the installation you will also require:
• A large flatblade screwdriver
Installation Overview
This overview is intended for those with prior experience installing Sonnet upgrade products or Macintosh hardware. However, we strongly recommend following the full installation instructions if this is your first installation of this hardware.
Installing the Crescendo card takes a few easy steps:
1) Install Mac OS 9 (if upgrading as part of this installation)
2) Install Sonnet software
2) Turn off computer and remove case cover from computer
3) If installed, remove AV or HPV card from PDS slot
4) Remove Level 2 cache card (if present)
5a) If you do not have an AV or HPV card:
• Install Crescendo card into PDS slot; skip to step 6
5b) If you have an AV or HPV card along with the AV/HPV Card
Video Adapter Kit (sold separately):
• Invert and attach AV or HPV card to video adapter board
• Plug video flex cable into Crescendo card’s connector
• Install Crescendo card into PDS slot
• Install video adapter board into middle NuBus slot and plug video flex cable from Crescendo card into AV or HPV card
6) Replace case cover onto computer
7) Affix the Powered by Sonnet label to front of computer
8) Turn on your newly upgraded computer
9) To upgrade to AltiVec-enhanced software, see Chapter 8
For more complete instructions, follow the installation procedure outlined in the pages that follow.
Power Macintosh 7100 Installation
Chapter 3
Power Macintosh 7100 Crescendo Installation
Identify System Video Output Configuration
Before installing the Crescendo card into your computer, it is important to identify your system configuration for video output.
manufactured the Power Macintosh 7100 with an AV (Audio/ Video) card or HPV (High Performance Video) card installed in the PDS slot of the computer. Other video alternatives include onboard video through the high density video port or a NuBus video card.
Determine your video output configuration by referring to Figure 1 below. There are three possible configurations:
Apple AV or HPV Card – If the monitor is attached to a card
installed in the PDS slot (Figure 1-Label A), you have an AV or HPV card. Since the Crescendo card installs into the PDS slot, you will need the AV/HPV Card Video Adapter Kit (Sonnet part number C61A-7181) to preserve the use of the AV or HPV card. If you purchased a video adapter kit, continue with the installation on the following page; otherwise, contact Sonnet or a Sonnet reseller to obtain a one.
Onboard Video – If the monitor is attached to the high density
video port (Figure 1-Label B), you have onboard video. Continue with the installation on the following page.
NuBus Video Card – If the monitor is attached to a card installed in
one of the three NuBus slots (Figure 1-Label C), you have a NuBus video card; continue with the installation on the following page.
Figure 1: Power Macintosh 7100 video output ports
PDS slot port
(with AV or HPV card)
NuBus slot portshigh density video port
Power Macintosh 7100 Installation
Install Software
1. If you are upgrading to Mac OS 9 as part of this installation, do so now. Sonnet recommends a clean/universal install of the Mac OS. Start up your computer from the Mac OS CD and double click the Mac OS Install application. In the Select Destination window, click the Options button and click the Perform Clean Installation check box that appears in the subsequent screen. Click the Select button. Proceed through the next several screens until you reach the Install Software window. Click the Customize button. In the Custom Installation and Removal window click the pop-up menu to the right of Mac OS 9. Change the “Recommended Installation” to “Customized installation.” The Select Mac OS 9 Features to Install window will appear shortly. Change “Recommended Installation” to “Universal Installation” from the pop-up menu. Click OK, Start, then Continue to complete the installation. After the software is installed, quit the Mac OS Install application and restart your computer from the hard drive where Mac OS 9 is installed.
2. Insert the Crescendo/Encore Install diskette into the floppy disk drive. Double click the Crescendo/Encore Install icon. By default, with “Easy Install” selected from the pop-up menu, the required software will be installed into the active System Folder on the boot drive. If this is ok, click the Install button; otherwise, select “Custom Install” from the pop-up menu for more options or select another drive to install the software. The installer will install the appropriate software into the System Folder of your computer. If the installation was successful, a dialog box will appear. Click Quit to leave the installer and shut down your computer.
Shut Down and Open Computer
1. Shut down your Power Macintosh. If the computer has been on for any length of time, wait a few minutes for it to cool before beginning the installation.
2. Disconnect the power and peripheral cables from the back of the computer and move it to an area where you can freely work.
Support Note:
IMPORTANT! – If you are installing a Crescendo card
into a Power Macintosh 7100 with an AV or HPV card, you will require
the AV/HPV Card Video Adapter Kit to preserve your video output. We recommend that you make a backup of important information on your
hard drive prior to installing new hardware or software. When handling computer products, you must take care to prevent components from being damaged by static electricity. Avoid carpeted areas, handle processor upgrade cards only by their edges, and avoid touching connector traces and component pins.
Chapter 3
3. Open your Power Macintosh by first loosening the security screw
(Figure 2, inset) on the back of the case with a large flatblade screwdriver; then, gently slide the case cover off the computer (Figure 2).
4. Identify the internal components of your computer. Touch the power supply metal shielding (Figure 3) to discharge any potential damaging static electricity.
Figure 2: Remove case cover from computer
Figure 3: Internal components of Power Macintosh 7100
NuBus slots
PDS slot (with AV or HPV card)
Security screw
power supply
metal shielding
Remove PDS Card from PDS Slot
1. Locate the PDS slot (Figure 4). If there is a PDS card installed (such as the Apple AV or HPV card), remove it (Figure 4), and set it aside.
2. To preserve the use of your AV or HPV card, you need the AV/HPV Card Video Adapter Kit (Sonnet part number C61A-7181). If you have the video adapter kit, continue with the installation instructions. If you do not have the video adapter kit, please contact Sonnet to obtain one.
Remove Level 2 Cache Card
If your computer contains a Level 2 cache card, remove it. If you are uncertain about whether you have a Level 2 cache card, or where it might be located, consult your computer’s documentation or see Chapter 10, “Removing a Level 2 Cache Card.”
Power Macintosh 7100 Installation
Figure 4: Remove PDS card from PDS slot
PDS slot
Install Crescendo NuBus Processor Upgrade Card
Remove the Crescendo card from the anti-static package, making sure to handle the card by the edges (Figure 5). Your card may differ from what is pictured below.
If You Are Re-Installing an AV or HPV Card – Temporarily set the Crescendo card aside and continue with the instructions on the following page to install the Crescendo with an AV or HPV card.
If You Do Not Have an AV or HPV Card – Align the Crescendo card over the PDS slot (Figure 6). Gently press down until the card is firmly seated in the PDS slot. Replace the cover onto your computer and finish the installation in the section entitled, “Reconnect Power and Peripheral Cables” on page 36.
Chapter 3
Figure 6: Touch power supply metal shielding to discharge static electricity
Crescendo card
PDS slot
Figure 5: Remove Crescendo card from packaging
NuBus slots
AV/HPV Card Video Adapter Installation
Adapter Kit Inventory
Before installing the Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade card with the AV or HPV card, you will require the following items (Figure 7):
Included with adapter kit:
1) Video adapter board
2) Video flex cable
3) Two 4-40 nuts
4) Support stand-off (required for 7100 only)
5) Two subassembly standoffs (required for 8100 only)
Needed; not included with adapter kit:
6) Small flatblade screwdriver
7) Small Philips screwdriver
8) Crescendo NuBus processor upgrade card
9) PDS-based AV or HPV card (AV card shown below)
We suggest you inventory and lay the items out in front of you prior to proceeding with the installation of the AV or HPV card with the Crescendo card.
Power Macintosh 7100 Installation
Needed; not included
Figure 7: Items needed for Crescendo card installation with AV or HPV card
Included with adapter kit
Temporarily Remove NuBus Cards from Computer
Locate the NuBus slots (Figure 8). If any NuBus cards are installed, temporarily remove them so you have better clearance for installing the video adapter board. If you have three NuBus cards in your computer, you will only be able to reinstall two of them. The middle NuBus slot is required for the adapter board.
Identify Your PDS-based Video Card
Determine if you have an AV or HPV card as follows:
AV Card – The AV card has a single 15-pin monitor connector for a monitor and S-Video In and S-Video Out ports (Figure 9) that support Audio/Video features. If you have an AV card, continue with the instructions in the section entitled, “Affix the AV Card to Adapter Board” on page 28.
Chapter 3
S-Video In port
S-Video Out port
15-pin monitor connector
Figure 9: AV card
Figure 8: Remove any NuBus cards from NuBus slots
NuBus slots
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