Multiple Upgrade Recommendation
If you intend to perform multiple hardware upgrades to your Power Mac, we
recommend that you complete the installation of the Encore/ST first, and then
install the remaining upgrades; complete each upgrade and test it before proceeding to
the next.
Install or Upgrade to Mac OS 9.2.1 or Later, If Necessary
The Encore/ST G4 requires Mac OS 9.2.1 or later in order to operate in your system, and must be installed before you install the processor upgrade card.
1. Verify the Mac OS version on your system is at least Mac OS 9.2.1, and then
install or upgrade the OS software if necessary (Figure 1).
Update Power Mac Firmware
Before installing the Encore/ST, you must ensure your AGP Graphics, Gigabit
Ethernet, or Digital Audio system’s firmware has been updated to the latest version (currently 4.2.8). Please note, your system must be able to make a connection to
the Internet to perform some of the steps in this section.
1. Boot your system in Mac OS 9.2.1 or later (not OS X, nor OS X Classic
mode). As of this writing, Apple has not made this firmware updater available as an OS X application.
2. From the Apple Menu, select and open Apple System Profiler. Click the trian-
gle next to Production Information, and find the Boot ROM version information (Figure 2). If it reads “$0004.28f1”, skip the rest of the steps in
this section and proceed to page 3. Otherwise, go to step 3.
3. Log on to the Internet and type the following in your browser window’s
address bar:
4. Click on the appropriate software link to download the firmware software
(Figure 3).
5. Double-click the G4 FW Update 4.2.8.smi file icon to mount the G4
Firmware Update disk image.
6. Double-click the G4 Firmware Update icon to open the disk image, then
double-click the About G4 Firmware Update file icon. Once the read me file
has opened, print it.
7. Following the directions on the pages you printed, update the firmware on
your system. If a message appears stating that your firmware is up-to-date,
proceed to the next section.
Software and Firmware Installation/Update Info
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 1
Mac OS Version
WARNING: When you install (or upgrade to) Mac OS 9.2.1 or later, you
may have to upgrade the your computer’s firmware as part of the software installation. Please note, the firmware installed with the Mac OS may not
be the version required by the Encore/ST. Before installing the Encore/ST, you
may be required to upgrade your firmware again; you MUST ensure your
system is using version 4.2.8 firmware. If your system is using an earlier version
of the firmware, your system will not operate with the Encore/ST installed.