SONIX reserves the right to make change without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. SONIX does not
assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent
rights nor the rights of others. SONIX products are not designed, intended, or authorized for us as components in systems intended, for surgical
implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SONIX product
could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SONIX products for any such unintended or
unauthorized application. Buyer shall indemnify and hold SONIX and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors harmless against
all claims, cost, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death
associated with such unintended or unauthorized use even if such claim alleges that SONIX was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of
the part.
VER 1.90 Sep. 2002 V1.90 first issue
VER 1.93 Feb. 2003 1. Extend chip operating temperature from “0°C ~ +70°C” to “-20°C ~ +70°C”.
2. Change the description of ADD M,A instruction from “M M+A” to “M A+M”
3. Add ADC grade.
4. Change bit name and initial value of RBANK register.
5. Change “ACC can’t be access by “B0MOV” instruction” to “ACC can’t be access by
“B0MOV” instruction during the instant addressing mode”.
6. Correct the description of STKnH.
7. Correct the bit definition of INTEN register.
8. Change “The low-speed clock frequency is supplied through on-chip RC oscillator
circuit” to “The low-speed clock frequency is supplied through external low clock
oscillator (32.768K) by crystal or RC mode”.
9. Change all “internal low-speed clock” to “external low-speed clock”.
10. Correct the description of “TC0 CLOCK FREQUENCY OUTPUT” section.
11. Correct the description of “TC1 CLOCK FREQUENCY OUTPUT” section.
12. SCKMD = 1 means SIO is in SLAVE mode. SCKMD = 0 means SIO is in MASTER
13. Remove “SIO clock and SPI clock are compatible”.
14. Remove this line: “B0MOV A, P2”. P2 of SN8P1808 is output only.
15. Note: The clock source of LCD driver is external low clock.
16. Modify the description ADR register.
17. Modify ADB’s output data table.
18. Correct an error of template code: “b0bclr FWDRST” “b0bset FWDRST”.
19. Add a notice about OSCM register access cycle.
The SN8P1800 is an series of 8-bit micro-controller including SN8P1808. This series is utilized with CMOS technology
fabrication and featured with low power consumption and high performance by its unique electronic structure.
These chips are designed with the excellent IC structure including the large program memory OTP ROM, the massive
data memory RAM, one 8-bit basic timer (T0), two 8-bit timer counters (TC0, TC1), high performance of real time clock
timer (RTC) , a watchdog timer, up to seven interrupt sources (T0, TC0, TC1, SIO, INT0, INT1, INT2), an 8-channel
ADC converter with 8-bit/12-bit resolution, two channel PWM output (PWM0, PWM1), tw0 channel buzzer output (BZ0,
BZ1) and 8-level stack buffers.
Besides, the user can choose desired oscillator configurations for the controller. There are four oscillator configurations
to select for generating system clock, including High/Low speed crystal, ceramic resonator or cost-saving RC.
SN8P1800 series is a dual clock system using a hi-speed crystal for normal mode operation and an external low speed
crystal for slow mode, real time clock and LCD function.
OTP ROM size: 4K * 16 bits
RAM size: 256 * 8 bits (bank 0 and bank 1)
LCD RAM size: 24 * 3 bits
I/O pin configuration
Input only: P0, P3
Output only: P2 shared with LCD segment
Bi-directional: P1, P4, P5, P6
Wakeup: P0, P1
Pull-up resisters: P0, P1, P3, P4, P5, P6
External interrupt: P0
Port 3 shared with LCD segment
All LCD pins shared with the I/O pins
59 powerful instructions
Four clocks per instruction cycle
All of instructions are one word length.
Most of instructions are one cycle only.
Maximum instruction cycle is two.
All ROM area JMP instruction.
All ROM area lookup table function (MOVC)
Support hardware multiplier (MUL).
Seven interrupt sources
Four internal interrupts: T0, TC0, TC1, SIO
Three external interrupts: INT0, INT1, INT2
A real time clock timer
An 8-bit basic timer with green mode wakeup
Two 8-bit timer counters with PWM or buzzer
On chip watchdog timer
Eight levels stack buffer
An 8-channel ADC with 8-bit/12-bit resolution
SIO function
LCD driver: 1/3 duty, 1/2 bias. 3 common * 24
Dual clock system offers four operating modes
External high clock: RC type up to 10 MHz
External high clock: Crystal type up to 16 MHz
External Low clock: Crystal 32768Hz
Normal mode: Both high and low clock active.
Slow mode: Low clock only.
Sleep mode: Both high and low clock stop.
Green mode: Periodical wakeup by timer.
VDD, VSS P Power supply input pins for digital circuit.
AVDD, AVSS P Power supply input pins for analog circuit.
VPP P OTP ROM programming pin. Connect to VDD in normal operation.
RST I System reset input pin. Schmitt trigger structure, active “low”, normal stay to “high”.
XIN, XOUT I, O External oscillator pins. RC mode from XIN.
LXIN, LXOUT I, O Low speed (32768 Hz) oscillator pins. RC mode from LXIN.
P0.0 / INT0 I Port 0.0 and shared with INT0 trigger pin. (Schmitt trigger) / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P0.1 / INT1 I Port 0.1 and shared with INT1 trigger pin. (Schmitt trigger) / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P0.2 / INT2 I Port 0.2 and shared with INT2 trigger pin. (Schmitt trigger) / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P0.3~ P0.5 I
P1.0 ~ P1.3 I/O Port 1.0~Port 1.3 bi-direction pins / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P2.0 ~ P2.7 O Port 2.0~Port 2.7 output only port and shared with LCD’s SEG16~SEG23.
P3.0 ~ P3.7 I
P4.0 ~ P4.7 I/O Port 4.0~Port 4.7 bi-direction pins / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P5.0 / SCK I/O Port 5.0 bi-direction pin and SIO’s clock input/output / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P5.1 / SI I/O Port 5.1 bi-direction pin and SIO’s data input / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P5.2 / SO I/O Port 5.2 bi-direction pin and SIO’s data output / Built-in pull-up resisters.
P5.3 / BZ1 / PWM1 I/O
P5.4 / BZ0 / PWM0 I/O
P6.0 ~ P6.7 I/O
AIN0 ~ AIN7 I Analog signal input pins for ADC converter.
COM0 ~ COM2 O LCD driver common pins.
SEG0 ~ SEG23 O LCD driver segment pins.
AvrefH,AverfL I ADC’s reference high / low voltage input pins.
Port 0.3~Port 0.5 input pins and shared with LCD’s COM0~COM2. (Schmitt trigger).
Built-in pull-up resisters.
Port 3.0~Port 3.7 input port with pull-up resister and shared with LCD’s SEG8~SEG15.
Built-in pull-up resisters.
Port 5.3 bi-direction pin, TC1 ÷ 2 signal output pin or PWM1 output pin.
Built-in pull-up resisters.
Port 5.4 bi-direction pin, TC0 ÷ 2 signal output pin or PWM0 output pin.
Built-in pull-up resisters.
Port 6.0 ~ Port 6.7 bi-direction pins and shared with LCD’s SEG0~SEG7.
Enable pull-up resisters in input mode automatically.
ROM Maps for SN8P1800 devices provide 4K x 16 OTP memory that programmable by user. The SN8P1800 program
memory is able to fetch instructions through 12-bit wide PC (Program Counter) and can look up ROM data by using
ROM code registers (R, X, Y, Z). In standard configuration, the device’s 4,096 x 16-bit program memory has four
1-word reset vector addresses
1-word Interrupt vector addresses
5-words reserved area
4K words general purpose area
All of the program memory is partitioned into two coding areas, located from 0000H to 0008H and from 0009H to
0FFEH. The former area is assigned for executing reset vector and interrupt vector. The later area is for storing
instruction’s OP-code and lookup table’s data. User’s program is in the last area (0010H~0FFEH).
0001H Jump to user start address
0002H Jump to user start address
0009H User program
A 1-word vector address area is used to execute system reset. After power on reset or watchdog timer overflow reset,
then the chip will restart the program from address 0000h and all system registers will be set as default values. The
following example shows the way to define the reset vector in the program memory.
Example: After power on reset, external reset active or reset by watchdog timer overflow.
ORG 0 ; 0000H
JMP START ; Jump to user program address.
. ; 0001H ~ 0007H are reserved
START: ; 0010H, The head of user program.
. ; User program
; End of program
A 1-word vector address area is used to execute interrupt request. If any interrupt service is executed, the program
counter (PC) value is stored in stack buffer and points to 0008h of program memory to execute the vectored interrupt.
Users have to define the interrupt vector. The following example shows the way to define the interrupt vector in the
program memory.
Example 1: This demo program includes interrupt service routine and the user program is behind the
interrupt service routine.
ORG 0 ; 0000H
JMP START ; Jump to user program address.
. ; 0001H ~ 0007H are reserved
START: ; The head of user program.
; Interrupt service routine
; B0XCH doesn’t change C, Z flag
; Push 80H ~ 87H system registers
; Pop 80H ~ 87H system registers
; End of interrupt service routine
Example 2: The demo program includes interrupt service routine and the address of interrupt service
routine is in a special address of general-purpose area.
ORG 0 ; 0000H
JMP START ; Jump to user program address.
. ; 0001H ~ 0007H are reserved
ORG 08
JMP MY_IRQ ; 0008H, Jump to interrupt service routine address
START: ; 0010H, The head of user program.
. ; User program
MY_IRQ: ;The head of interrupt service routine
Remark: It is easy to get the rules of SONIX program from demo programs given above. These points are
as following.
1. The address 0000H is a “JMP” instruction to make the program go to general-purpose ROM area. The
0004H~0007H are reserved. Users have to skip 0004H~0007H addresses. It is very important and
2. The interrupt service starts from 0008H. Users can put the whole interrupt service routine from 0008H
(Example1) or to put a “JMP” instruction in 0008H then place the interrupt service routine in other
general-purpose ROM area (Example2) to get more modularized coding style.
; End of user program
; B0XCH doesn’t change C, Z flag
; Push 80H ~ 87H system registers
; Pop 80H ~ 87H system registers
; End of interrupt service routine
; End of program
The ROM addresses 0004H~0007H and last address are reserved area. User should avoid these addresses
(0004H~0007H and last address) when calculate the Checksum value.
The demo program shows how to avoid 0004H~0007H when calculated Checksum from 00H to the end of
user’s code
B0MOV END_ADDR1,A ;save low end address to end_addr1
B0MOV END_ADDR2,A ;save middle end address to end_addr2
CLR Y ;set Y to ooH
CLR Z ;set Z to 00H
@@: CALL YZ_CHECK ;call function of check yz value
B0BSET FC ;clear C glag
ADD DATA1,A ;add A to Data1
ADC DATA2,A ;add R to Data2
JMP END_CHECK ;check if the YZ address = the end of code
JMP @B ;if Z!= 00H calculate to next address
JMP Y_ADD_1 ;if Z=00H increase Y
CMPRS A,Z ;check if Z = low end address
JMP AAA ;if Not jump to checksum calculate
CMPRS A,Y ;if Yes, check if Y = middle end address
JMP AAA ;if Not jump to checksum calculate
JMP CHECKSUM_END ;if Yes checksum calculated is done.
YZ_CHECK: ;check if YZ=0004H
MOV A,#04H
CMPRS A,Z ;check if Z=04H
RET ;if Not return to checksum calculate
MOV A,#00H
CMPRS A,Y ;if Yes, check if Y=00H
RET ;if Not return to checksum calculate
INCMS Z ;if Yes, increase 4 to Z
INCMS Z RET ;set YZ=0008H then return
INCMS Y ;increase Y
NOP JMP @B ;jump to checksum calculate
END_USER_CODE: ;Label of program end
The 4089-word at ROM locations 0010H~0FFEH are used as general-purpose memory. The area is stored
instruction’s op-code and look-up table data. The SN8P1800 includes jump table function by using program counter
(PC) and look-up table function by using ROM code registers (R, X, Y, Z).
The boundary of program memory is separated by the high-byte program counter (PCH) every 100H. In jump table
function and look-up table function, the program counter can’t leap over the boundary by program counter
automatically. Users need to modify the PCH value to “PCH+1” as the PCL overflow (from 0FFH to 000H).
In the ROM’s data lookup function, the X register is pointed to the highest 8-bit, Y register to the middle 8-bit and Z
register to the lowest 8-bit data of ROM address. After MOVC instruction is executed, the low-byte data of ROM then
will be stored in ACC and high-byte data stored in R register.
Example: To look up the ROM data located “TABLE1”.
B0MOV Y, #TABLE1$M ; To set lookup table1’s middle address
B0MOV Z, #TABLE1$L ; To set lookup table1’s low address.
MOVC ; To lookup data, R = 00H, ACC = 35H
@@:. . ;
TABLE1: DW 0035H ; To define a word (16 bits) data.
DW 5105H ; “
DW 2012H ; “
CAUSION: The Y register can't increase automatically if Z register cross boundary from 0xFF to 0x00.
Therefore, user must take care such situation to avoid loop-up table errors. If Z register overflow, Y
register must be added one. The following INC_YZ macro shows a simple method to process Y and Z
registers automatically.
Note: Because the program counter (PC) is only 12-bit, the X register is useless in the application. Users
can omit “B0MOV X, #TABLE1$H”. SONiX ICE support more larger program memory addressing
capability. So make sure X register is “0” to avoid unpredicted error in loop-up table operation.
JMP @F ; Not overflow
INCMS Y ; Z overflow (FFH 00), Y=Y+1
NOP ; Not overflow
The other coding style of loop-up table is to add Y or Z index register by accumulator. Be careful if carry happen. Refer
following example for detailed information:
Example: Increase Y and Z register by B0ADD/ADD instruction
B0MOV Y, #TABLE1$M ; To set lookup table’s middle address.
B0MOV Z, #TABLE1$L ; To set lookup table’s low address.
MOVC ; To lookup data. If BUF = 0, data is 0x0035
; If BUF = 1, data is 0x5105
; If BUF = 2, data is 0x2012
. . ;
TABLE1: DW 0035H ; To define a word (16 bits) data.
DW 5105H ; “
DW 2012H ; “
B0MOV A, BUF ; Z = Z + BUF.
B0BTS1 FC ; Check the carry flag.
INCMS Y ; FC = 1. Y+1.
The jump table operation is one of multi-address jumping function. Add low-byte program counter (PCL) and ACC
value to get one new PCL. The new program counter (PC) points to a series jump instructions as a listing table. The
way is easy to make a multi-stage program.
When carry flag occurs after executing of “ADD PCL, A”, it will not affect PCH register. Users have to check if the jump
table leaps over the ROM page boundary or the listing file gener ated by SONIX assembly software. If the jump table
leaps over the ROM page boundary (e.g. from xxFFH to xx00H), move the jump table to the top of next program
memory page (xx00H). Here one page mean 256 words.
Example : If PC = 0323H (PCH = 03H、PCL = 23H)
ORG 0X0100 ; The jump table is from the head of the ROM boundary
B0ADD PCL, A ; PCL = PCL + ACC, the PCH can’t be changed.
JMP A0POINT ; ACC = 0, jump to A0POINT
JMP A1POINT ; ACC = 1, jump to A1POINT
JMP A2POINT ; ACC = 2, jump to A2POINT
JMP A3POINT ; ACC = 3, jump to A3POINT
In following example, the jump table starts at 0x00FD. When execute B0ADD PCL, A. If ACC = 0 or 1, the jump
table points to the right address. If the ACC is larger then 1 will cause error because PCH doesn't increase one
automatically. We can see the PCL = 0 when ACC = 2 but the PCH still keep in 0. The program counter (PC) will
point to a wrong address 0x0000 and crash system operation. It is important to check whether the jump table
crosses over the boundary (xxFFH to xx00H). A good coding style is to put the jump table at the start of ROM
boundary (e.g. 0100H).
Example: If “jump table” crosses over ROM boundary will cause errors.
ROM Address
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
SONIX provides a macro for safe jump table function. This macro will check the ROM boundary and move the jump
table to the right position automatically. The side effect of this macro is maybe wasting some ROM size. Notice the
maximum jmp table number for this macro is limited under 254.
IF (($+1) !& 0XFF00) !!= (($+(VAL)) !& 0XFF00)
JMP ($ | 0XFF) ORG ($ | 0XFF)
Note: “VAL” is the number of the jump table listing number.
Example: “@JMP_A” application in SONIX macro file called “MACRO3.H”.
B0MOV A, BUF0 ; “BUF0” is from 0 to 4.
@JMP_A 5 ; The number of the jump table listing is five.
JMP A0POINT ; If ACC = 0, jump to A0POINT
JMP A1POINT ; ACC = 1, jump to A1POINT
JMP A2POINT ; ACC = 2, jump to A2POINT
JMP A3POINT ; ACC = 3, jump to A3POINT
JMP A4POINT ; ACC = 4, jump to A4POINT
If the jump table position is from 00FDH to 0101H, the “@JMP_A” macro will make the jump table to start from 0100h.
The SN8P1808 has internally built-in the huge data memory up to 256 bytes for storing general purpose data and
featured with LCD memory space up to 24 locations (24 * 3 bits) for displaying pattern.
256 * 8-bit general purpose area
128 * 8-bit system register area
24 * 3-bit LCD memory space
These memory are separated into bank 0, bank1 and bank 15. The user can program RBANK register of RAM bank
selection bit to access all data in any of the three RAM banks. The bank 0 and bank1, using the first 128-byte location
assigned as general-purpose area, and the remaining 128-byte in bank 0 as system register. The bank 15 is LCD RAM
area designed for storing LCD display data.
RAM location
000h General purpose area ; 000h~07Fh of Bank 0 = To store general
The RBANK is a 1-bit register located at 87H in RAM bank 0. The user can access RAM data by using this register
pointing to working RAM bank for ACC to read/write RAM data.
RBANK initial value = xxxx 0000
087H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
- - - - R/W R/W R/W R/W
RBNKn: RAM bank selecting control bit. 0 = bank 0, 1 = bank 1.
Example: RAM bank selecting.
; BANK 0
; BANK 1
MOV A, #1
Note: “B0MOV” instruction can access the RAM of bank 0 in other bank situation directly.
Example: Access RAM bank 0 in RAM bank 1.
; BANK 1 B0BSET RBNKS0 ; Get into RAM bank 1
B0MOV A, BUF0 ; Read BUF0 data. BUF0 is in RAM bank0.
MOV BUF1, A ; Write BUF0 data to BUF1. BUF1 is in RAM bank1.
. .
MOV A, BUF1 ; Read BUF1 data and store in ACC.
B0MOV BUF0, A ; Write ACC data to BUF0.
Under bank 1 situation, using “B0MOV” instruction is an easy way to access RAM bank 0 data. User can make a habit
to read/write system register (0087H~00FFH). Then user can access system registers without switching RAM bank.
Example: To Access the system registers in bank 1 situation.
; BANK 1 B0BSET RBNKS0 ; Get into RAM bank 1
. .
MOV A, #0FFH ; Set all pins of P1 to be logic high.
B0MOV A, P0 ; Read P0 data and store into BUF1 of RAM bank 1.
The locations 80H to 86H of RAM bank 0 in data memory stores the specially defined registers such as register H, L, R,
X, Y, Z and PFLAG, respectively shown in the following table. These registers can use as the general purpose of
working buffer and can also be used to access ROM’s and RAM’s data. For instance, all of the ROM’s table can be
looked-up with R, X, Y and Z registers. And the data of RAM memory can be indirectly accessed with H, L, Y and Z
80H 81H 82H 83H 84H 85H 86H
The H and L are 8-bit register with two major functions. One is to use the registers as working register. The other is to
use the registers as data pointer to access RAM’s data. The @HL that is data point_0 index buffer located at address
E6H in RAM bank_0. It employs H and L registers to addressing RAM location in order to read/write data through ACC.
The Lower 4-bit of H register is pointed to RAM bank number and L register is pointed to RAM address number,
respectively. The higher 4-bit data of H register is truncated in RAM indirectly access mode.
H initial value = 0000 0000
081H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
L initial value = 0000 0000
080H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Example: If want to read a data from RAM address 20H of bank_0, it can use indirectly addressing mode
to access data as following.
B0MOV H, #00H ; To set RAM bank 0 for H register
B0MOV L, #20H ; To set location 20H for L register
B0MOV A, @HL ; To read a data into ACC
Example: Clear general-purpose data memory area of bank 0 using @HL register.
CLR H ; H = 0, bank 0
MOV A, #07FH
B0MOV L, A ; L = 7FH, the last address of the data memory area
CLR_HL_BUF: CLR @HL ; Clear @HL to be zero
DECMS L ; L – 1, if L = 0, finish the routine
JMP CLR_HL_BUF ; Not zero
END_CLR: ; End of clear general purpose data memory area of bank 0
. .
. .
The Y and Z registers are the 8-bit buffers. There are three major functions of these registers. First, Y and Z registers
can be used as working registers. Second, these two registers can be used as data pointers for @YZ register. Third,
the registers can be address ROM location in order to look-up ROM data.
Y initial value = 0000 0000
084H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Z initial value = 0000 0000
083H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
The @YZ that is data point_1 index buffer located at address E7H in RAM bank 0. It employs Y and Z registers to
addressing RAM location in order to read/write data through ACC. The Lower 4-bit of Y register is pointed to RAM
bank number and Z register is pointed to RAM address number, respectively. The higher 4-bit data of Y register is
truncated in RAM indirectly access mode.
Example: If want to read a data from RAM address 25H of bank 1, it can use indirectly addressing mode
to access data as following.
B0MOV Y, #01H ; To set RAM bank 1 for Y register
B0MOV Z, #25H ; To set location 25H for Z register
B0MOV A, @YZ ; To read a data into ACC
Example: Clear general-purpose data memory area of bank 1 using @YZ register.
MOV A, #1
B0MOV Y, A ; Y = 1, bank 1
MOV A, #07FH
B0MOV Z, A ; Y = 7FH, the last address of the data memory area
CLR_YZ_BUF: CLR @YZ ; Clear @YZ to be zero
DECMS Z ; Y – 1, if Y= 0, finish the routine
JMP CLR_YZ_BUF ; Not zero
END_CLR: ; End of clear general purpose data memory area of bank 0
Note: Please consult the “LOOK-UP TABLE DESCRIPTION” about Y, Z register look-up table application.
The X register is the 8-bit buffer. There are two major functions of the register. First, X register can be used as working
registers. Second, the X registers can be address ROM location in order to look-up ROM data. The SN8P1800’s
program counter only has 12-bit. In look-up table function, users can omit X register.
X initial value = 0000 0000
085H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Note: Please consult the “LOOK-UP TABLE DESCRIPTION” about X register look-up table application.
The R register is the 8-bit buffer. There are two major functions of the register. First, R register can be used as working
registers. Second, the R registers can be store high-byte data of look-up ROM data. After MOVC instruction executed,
the high-byte data of a ROM address will be stored in R register and the low-byte data stored in ACC.
R initial value = 0000 0000
082H Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Note: Please consult the “LOOK-UP TABLE DESCRIPTION” about R register look-up table application.
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