SONIX SN6B000 Datasheet

Hi-Density LCD Driver with 8-bit Controller
SN6B000 is a 8-bit micro controller series with hi-density LCD driver. Combined with one or more SN6BS00 (64-segment drivers), SN6B000 can form one 1024/ 2048/ 4096/ 6144/ 8192 dots LCD system. A dual-tone melody and a voice synthesizer are included in SN6B000. Also, a 7-bit current-type DAC and the PWM circuit are built in SN6B000, so that makes users easily choose a speaker (DA), or a buzzer (PWM) for their applications. SN6B000 only contains 32 COM signals of LCD. All segment signals are provided by SN6BS00. Several different types of LCD applications can be implemented by suitably combining SN6B000 and SN6BS00. SN6B000 not only contains internal mask ROM itself (128K words, MC mode), but also possesses the interface to access external ROM (maximum 512K words, MP mode). A memory chip, SN6B400 consists of 256K-word mask ROM and is available to work with SN6B000 to accomplish the whole micro-processor system.
Dots Configuration COM SEG 1024 2048 4096 6144 8192
1 SN6B000 + l SN6BS00 1 SN6B000 + l SN6BS00 1 SN6B000 + 2 SN6BS00 1 SN6B000 + 3 SN6BS00 1 SN6B000 + 4 SN6BS00
16 64 32 64 32 128 32 192 32 256
December 20, 2000
Hi-Density LCD Driver with 8-bit Controller
ROM space: 512K words (=219*16=220*8); Program Space: 256K*16
MC mode:128K words in SN6B000
MP mode: along with SN6B400 to 256K words
RAM Size:
256 bytes in SN6B000
4*256 bytes in SN6BS00 (2*256 bytes LCD RAM, 2*256 bytes normal
I/O Port : There are Port0 and Port1 (total 16 pins I/O)
All ports are I/O-type and P0.7 can be modulated with a carry signal
Each port can be set as “H”, ”L”,
Every port can wake up chip when chip is in power-down mode
60 instructions
8 levels stack buffer supports interrupt and call subroutine
System Clock:
2MHz RC oscillator
2M/ 4M(3.58M) crystal
Low speed clock: Register option, 32768 crystal or RC
Three different operation modes can be selected:
Normal mode (both High/Low osc. On).
Slow mode (High osc. Off, Low osc. On).
Stop mode (both High and Low osc. Off).
LCD: 1/16 duty (for 1024) or 1/32 duty, frame rate=64 or 128 Hz.
A voltage regulator and double voltage circuit is included in SN6BS000
8 interrupt sources :
5 internal interrupts: T0, TC0, TC1, TW, SPEECH (non-maskable).
3 external interrupts: INTP0.0 ~ INTP0.2
ISR entry location: Reset: 0000, SPEECH: 0018h, and the others: 0008h
Built-in voice synthesizer
Sampling rate from 4K to 40Khz
Dual tone melody with 4 octaves
7-bit DA converter (maximum 3mA)
PWM output for Buzzer
, and
high-resistance “H”
December 20, 2000
Hi-Density LCD Driver with 8-bit Controller
Pin Name I/O Descriptions Internal
C0~C31 O Common 0 ~ 31 VLC1, VLC4, VLC5 VLCDR I LCD Bias P/C I Micro-processor/Micro-controller A0~A19 O Address Bus for ROM D0~D7 I/O Data Bus for ROM CE1B O Chip Enable of External ROM. VO/ BUZ1 O Voice out, 7-bit DA / PWM output BUZ2 O PWM output OSC/XIN High speed Clock input:
XOUT O High Speed clock output CKSEL I High speed clock selection
LXIN I Low speed clock input LXOUT O Low speed clock output P0, P1 I/O I/O Ports XCE_0 O Chip Enable of SN6BS00 0 XCE_1 O Chip Enable of SN6BS00 1 XCE_2 O Chip Enable of SN6BS00 2 XCE_3 O Chip Enable of SN6BS00 3 XD7~XD0 I/O Data Bus to Slave Driver
I LCD Bias
CKSEL=L, RC oscillator CKSEL=H, Crystal
( 0:2M RC oscillator, 1: Crystal)
XA9~XA0 O Address Bus to Slave Driver WR O Read Write signal FRAME O Frame Synchronous Signal CL O Display Synchronous Signal M O Alternating signal for LCD SYNC O Phase 1 synchronous pin. TEST I Test Pin RESETB I Reset Pin VDD I Positive power supply GND I Negative power supply
December 20, 2000
Hi-Density LCD Driver with 8-bit Controller
Pin Name I/O Descriptions
S0~S63 O Segment 0 ~ 63 VLCDR, VLC2, VLC3,
I LCD Bias VLC5 VREG O Voltage Pumper VPS I Voltage Pumper VO1, VO2 I Voltage Pumper XA0~XA9 I Address Bus XD0~XD7 I/O Data Bus XCE I Chip Enable WR I Read Write signal FRAME I Frame Synchronous Signal CL I Display Synchronous Signal M I Alternating signal for LCD VDD I Positive power supply GND I Negative power supply
Pin Name I/O Function Description
I Positive power supply CEB I Chip Enable. (Active Low) SYNC I Clock Pin D7~D0 O Data Output A18~A0 I Address Input VSS I Negative power supply.
December 20, 2000
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