
1. Su pport M P1、MP2、MP 3、WMA、WMV、A SF、WAV musi c forma ts.
2. Na tural、R ock、Pop、C lassi c、Soft、Ja zz、DBB 7E Q.
3. Su pport M ultip le Repe at Mode : Norma l, Repe at One, F older, R epeat F older, R epeat Al l,
Int ro.
4. R eco rd/ Rep lay. The p lay er su ppo rts rec ordin g throu gh buil t-in mi croph one and s aves as
WAV and AC T for mats. M eanwh ile it su pport s real di gital A- B repla y or comp ariso n repla y.
5. You m ay ea sil y lis ten to FM s tatio ns and se t your fa vorit e stati ons by us ing Auto P reset o r
Man ual Pre set. Th e pla yer can s ave 40( 20 for ea ch Band ) local s tatio ns at dif fer ent
fre quenc y
6. Tel Bo ok, u se acce ssory t ool to im port /e xport Tel B ook F ile , and bro wse it.
7. Su pport 11 l ang uages : Simpl e Chine se, Trad ition al Chin ese, Ja panes e, Kore an, Eng lish,
Fre nch, It alian , Germa n, Span ish, Po rtuga l, and Du tch.
8. Po wer off , you m ay set Sl eep Time r or Off Tim e mod e in yo ur own co nveni ence.
9. Vi vid a nimat ion men u with co rresp ondin g chara cters m ake it ea sy to ope rate.
10. ' Priva te Spac e' Disk M ode
11. Fi rmw are Upg rade, p rovid ing the l atest u pdate d featu res via f irmwa re upgr ade
12. D rive Fr ee U Disk , you may m anage y our fil es dire ctly th rough ' P ortab le Disk ' in ' My
Com puter ' on Wind ows20 00 Oper ating S ystem o r above w ithou t drive r.
The MP3 pla yer is a n ew gene ratio n of dig ital port able devi ce, sup porti ng m ultip le m usic
for mats i ncl udi ng MP1 , MP 2, MP 3, WMA , WM A, ASF and WAV. etc . Its per fec t soun d qu ali ty, gr eat
rel iabil ity and ex quisi te appe ara nce m ake it a ma ste rpiec e. Devo utl y hop e to bri ng you g rea t
enj oymen t in this d igita l age.
Ex qui site App earan ce
Uni que app earan ce desi gned as a g old bri ck and co mfort able fo r handi ng
Mul ti-Co dec Pla yer
Sup porti ng MP1、MP 2、MP3、WMA、W MV、ASF an d WAV forma ts
Fi rmw are Upg rade
Pro vidin g the lat est upd ated fe ature s via fir mware u pgrad e
FM F unc tion (o ption al)
You may e asily l isten t o FM stat ions an d set you r favor ite sta tions b y using Au to Pres et or
Man ual Pre set. Th e pla yer can s ave 40( 20 for ea ch Band ) local s tatio ns at dif fer ent f reque ncy.
You may m anage y our fil es dire ctly th rough ' P ortab le Disk ' in ' My Com puter ' on
Win dows2 000 Ope ratin g Syste m or abov e witho ut driv er.
'Pr ivate S pace' D isk Mod e
The f las h memor y can be di vided i nto two p arts by u sing th e acces sory to ols and o ne is
enc rypte d to hide t he cont ents sa ved ina ccess ible by o thers . Keep Your S ecret !
Re cor d/ Repl ay
The p lay er supp orts re cordi ng thro ugh bui lt-in m icrop hone an d saves a s WAV and ACT
for mats. M eanwh ile it su pport s real di gital A- B repla y or comp ariso n repla y.
7 Pre set EQ
Nat ural, R ock, Po p, Clas sic, So ft, Jaz z and DBB
Mul tiple R epeat M ode
Nor mal, Re peat On e, Fold er, Repe at Fold er, Repe at All, Ra ndom, I ntro.
Po wer o ff
You may s et Slee p Timer or O ff Time mo de in y our own c onven ience .
GU I (Gr aphic U ser Int erfac e)
Viv id an imati on menu w ith cor respo nding c harac ters ma ke it eas y to oper ate.
Tel Bo ok fu nctio n
Use a ccess ory too l to lead i n /lead o ut Tel Bo ok, and b rowse .
Mu lti -lang uage sh ow
Sup port 11 la ngu ages: S imple C hines e, Tradi tiona l Chine se, Jap anese , Korea n, Engl ish,
Fre nch, It alian , Germa n, Span ish, Po rtuga l, and Du tch.
1 2

1. Ke ys
1. PR EV Butt on
2. MO DE Butt on
3. NE XT Butt on
4. PL AY/S TOP(P owe r ON/OF F)
5. MI C
6. HO LD Butt on
7. 3. 5mm ear phone & Line IN j ack
8. LC D scree n
9. Vol ume But ton
10. U SB lib
2. LC D Windo w
1. En terin g Menu Sy stem
P ressi ng Mo de bu tton may enter the menu syst em, i nclud ing main menu (long pre ss of Mode key at S top mode) ,
sub menu at P lay mod e (pres s to ente r) and su bmenu a t stop mo de (pre ss to ent er)
Bro wsing
○Br owsin g music f iles or m enus, l eftwa rd/ri ghtwa rd push P rev or Ne xt.
○Fa st forw ard or fa st back ward wh en play ing mus ic, lef tward /righ tward p ush Pre v or Next .
2. En ter to Di ffere nt Func tion Mo de
Ent er to diff erent f uncti onal mo de form m ain men u
Mai n Menu: (long p ress Mo de jog bu tton to e nteri ng)
Mus ic Mode :
Rec ord Mod e :
Voic e Mode :
FM Mo de(Op tiona l):
Tel Book:
Sys tem set ting:
USB M ode whe n conne cting t o PC:
1) Volu me Cont rol
Sho rt pres s VOL+/ VOL- to a djust v olume l evel.
2) Turn O n/Off
Lon g press P lay, tran sform Tu rn On/O ff.
3) Ho ld
Whe n Hold is O N, any op erati on on but tons wi ll be dis playe d as :
Whe n Hold is O N, USB mo de will b e displ ayed as:
3. Ba tte ry
The p layer i s in 9-le vel bat tery mo nitor ing sys tem.
Ind icate s that ba ttery i s 1.5v an d the pow er in bat tery wi ll beco me less w hen usi ng.
Ind icate s low bat tery po wer and n ew batt ery sho uld be in serte d.
Now t he 'Writ e-Pro tect' f uncti on of USB d isk is ON , and no da ta can be w ritte n in the pl ayer un less th e Hold is
Pus hed off.
4) Sh ort pre ss play, Pl ay & Stop ( Pause w hen rec ordin g), fas t exit fr om any me nu or opt ion int erfac es.
5) Sh ort/L ong pre ss Reco rd, Rec ord/P ause (s hort pr ess)

1. 7- Colou r backl ight ch angin g with ev ery ope ratio n。(When b ackli ght tim e is more t han 0)
2. Mu sic mod e and Voice m ode
Ope ratio n
Pla y
Mod e
Nex t
Pre v
3. Re cord Mo de
Ope ratio n
Pla y
Mod e
Act ion
Lon g
pre ss
Pre ss
Lon g
pre ss
Pre ss
Pus h
Pus h on
Pus h
Pus h on
Pre ss
Pre ss on
Pre ss
Pre ss on
Sto p Statu s
Turn o ff
Pla y
Ent er main m enu
Ent er
sto p-sub menu
Nex t song
Con tinuo us
bro wse
Pre vious s ong
Bac kward
bro wse
Volu me incr ease
Volu me incr ease
con tinuo usly
Dec rease v olume
Dec rease v olume
con tinuo usly
Act ion
Lon g press
Pre ss
Lon g press
Pre ss
Pla y Statu s
Turn o ff
Pau se
Ent er main m enu
Ent er
pla ying- subme nu
Pla y next so ng
Fas t forwa rd
Pla y previ ous son g
Fas t backw ard
Volu me incr ease
Volu me incr ease
con tinuo usly
Dec rease v olume
Dec rease v olume
con tinuo usly
Sto p Statu s
Turn o ff
Sta rt reco rding
Ent er main m enu
Ent er reco rd menu
Pla ying- Subme nu
Turn o ff
Exi t from
men u
Ent er main
men u
Con firm
cur rent op tion
Swi tch
sub menu
Con tinuo us
for ward
Swi tch
sub menu
Con tinuo us
bac kward
Rec ord Sta tus
Sto p recor ding
Pau se reco rding
Sto p-Sub menu
Turn o ff
Exi t from me nu
Ent er main
men u
Con firm cu rrent
opt ion or en ter
nex t subme nu
Swi tch sub menu
Con tinuo us
for ward
Swi tch sub menu
Con tinuo us
bac kward
4. FM M ode (op tiona l)
Act ion
Ope ratio n
Lon g
pre ss
Pla y
Pre ss
Lon g
pre ss
Mod e
Pre ss
Pus h
Nex t
Pus h on
Pus h
Pre v
Pus h on
1. Ba sic Ope ratio n
1. Co nnect t he earp hones .
3. Lo ng pres s Play bu tton to t urn on th e playe r and
ent er Musi c mode. P ress Pl ay butt on agai n to play
mus ic.
5. to a djust t he volu me
pre ss VOL+:t o incre ase vol ume pre ss VOL- :
To decr ease vo lume
FM st atus
Turn o ff
Sta tion sa ved: ne xt Stat ion:
No St ation s aved: X
Ent er main m enu
Ent er subm enu
Inc reace 100KH Z gradu ally or s top sea rch
Inc reace 100KH Z searc h conti nuous ly
Dec rease 1 00KHZ g radua lly or st op sear ch
Dec rease 1 00KHZ g radua lly or st op sear ch
2. Pu sh the HO LD swit ch to off.
4. To sel ect musi c:
Pus h Prev:To sel ect pre vious m usic
Pus h Next:To sel ect nex t music
Not e:
Whe n HOLD is O N, any ot her but tons on t he play er
wil l not fun ction .
In ca se of Pla y and Rec ordin g statu s, the pl ayer
aut omati cally t urns of a ccord ing to th e setti ng of
'Po wer Off' o n the men u of 'Sys tem Set ting/ Power
Off/ Off Time '.
FM sub menu
Turn off
Qui t from menu
Ent er main menu
Conf irm cur rent opt ion or enter
nex t submenu
Swi tch sub menu
Cont inuou s forwar d
Swi tch sub menu
Cont inuou s backwar d