SONIQ MB206K-AU, MB206R-AU Instruction Manual

MB1 307 24- 01
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AUSTRALIA :1300765 663
NEW ZEALAND:0800 100 236
Bluetooth Speaker
Congrat ul ations on y ou r purchas e of t his quali ty p roduct. B lu etooth Speaker s ys tem will br in g an exciti ng s onic dime ns ion to musi c an d multime di a present at ions. Bef or e attempt in g to operat e th e unit, please re ad t his manua l ca refully t o av oid elect ri cal shock , pe rsonal injury, an d damage to t he p roduct.
2. Refer al l se rving to qu al ified ser vi ce person ne l. Servic in g is require d wh en the appa ra tus has bee n da maged in an y wa y, such as pow er s upply cor d or p lug is dama ge d, liquid h as b een spilled o r ob jects hav e fa llen into t he a pparatu s, t he appara tu s has been ex po sed to mois tu re.
3. To reduc e th e risk of fir e or e lectric al s hock, do no t ex pose this product t o ra in or moist ur e.
4. The pr od uct must no t be e xposed to d ri pping and n o ob ject fill ed with liqu id s such as a vas e sh ould be pla ce d on the prod uc t.
5. Please k ee p the unit in a w el l-venti la ted area.
6. No naked f la me source s su ch as candl es s hould be pl ac ed on the produ ct .
7. Dispos al o f this prod uc t should be i n ac cordanc e wi th local regulat io ns. If you ar e no t sure how to p ro ceed, con ta ct your local aut ho rity.
8. Clean on ly w ith a sligh tl y moist, li nt -free clo th .
9. Do not ins ta ll near any h ea t sources s uc h as radiat or s, heat, registe rs , stoves or o th er appara tu s that prod uc e heat.
Safe ty Instruction
The European directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) electrical appliances must, requires that old household not be disposed of in the normal unsorted municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be collected separately in order to optimize the recovery and recycling of the materials they contain, and reduce the impact on human
health and the environment. When you dispose of the appliance, it must be
separately collected. Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer
for information concerning the correct disposal of their old appliance.
Disposal of old electrical appliances
Tro uble shoo ti ng..... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. 9
Caution :
1. The sa fe ty and oper at ing instr uc tions sho ul d be retain ed f or future re fe rence. Fo ll ow all oper at ing and use i ns tructio ns .
10. Only us e at tachmen ts /access or ies speci fi ed by manuf ac turer.
11. Unpl ug t his appar at us during l ig htning st or ms or if it’s u nused for a long pe ri od of time, s uc h as a holida y.
12. Openi ng o r removin g co vers may ex po se you to ris k or electro cu tion or oth er h azard and m ay v oid the war ra nty.
We stro ng ly sugges t yo u study the S af ety instr uc tion care fu lly.
Safety in st ruction .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... 2
Product c om ponents .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. 3
Basic ope ra tion... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. .... 4
Bluetoo th c onnecti on ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ....... .. . 5
Audio con ne ction.. .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. ... 7
USB conne ct ion.... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. .. 8
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