Menu Operation Guide
If a televisio n is no t positioned in a sufficien tly s table location, it c an be p otentially ha zar dou s due to
Falling. Man y inj uries, particula rly t o children, can b e avo ide d by taking simpl e pre cau tions such as:
· Using cab ine ts or s tands recomme nde d by th e manufacture r of th e television.
· Only usin g fur nit ure that can safe ly su pport the televisi on.
· Ensurin g the t ele vision is not ove rha ngi ng the edge of the su ppo rting furniture.
· Not placi ng th e tel evision on tall f urn itu re (for example , cup boards or bookcase s) wi thout
anchori ng bo th th e furniture and t he te lev ision to a suitab le su pport.
· Not stand ing t he te levisions on cl oth o r other materials pl ace d between the televi sio n and
support ing f urn iture.
· Educating children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the television or its controls.
Scre ws: 4x15m m BA (X3,W hite,one o f them fo r spare)
Scre ws: 4x12m m BM(X5 ,Black,o ne of the m for spare)
and pr ogram r ecord ing.
Coax ial Digita l Audio ou tput fo r Digital Amp lifie r.