Capture Client
Activities, Logs, and Reports
Administration Guide
Overview 3
Navigation 3
Description 5
Guide Conventions 5
About Web Activities 7
Web Activity Events 7
Web Activity Blocked Sites 8
Logs 10
Management Logs 10
Device Logs 11
Reports 12
Generating Reports 12
Scheduling Reports 13
Available Reports 14
Request Report 15
Schedule Reports 16
SonicWall Support 19
About This Document 20
Capture Client Activities, Logs, and Reports Administration Guide
SonicWall®Capture Client provides a framework for managing and enforcing policy across endpoints in your
IT infrastructure. It shows you the level of coverage you have and the gaps that need to be plugged. This
document describes how to monitor the various kinds of data provided so you can follow up with the
appropriate action. These include:
l Web Activity Events
l Activities and Logs
l Reports
This section provides general information about Capture Client and includes the following:
l Description
l Navigation
l Guide Conventions
When logging in to Capture Client for the first time, the Dashboard is the default view. If one of your tenants
is selected, you can get a quick summary of the number of infected devices, actives threats and critical
issues. You can also see a series of tiles showing the top items in each category. By scrolling down on the
Dashboard, you can see a summary of issues by group.
Capture Client Activities, Logs, and Reports Administration Guide
If the account is selected, the Dashboard information is summarized by tenants.
To change to the account/tenant option:
Click the drop-down list, next to Capture Client Management, at the top of the page.
Select the account or tenant view that you want.
Capture Client Activities, Logs, and Reports Administration Guide
SonicWall Capture Client is a client offering that delivers multiple client protection capabilities. With a nextgeneration malware protection engine powered by SentinelOne, the SonicWall Capture Client delivers
advanced threat protection with these key features:
l Continuous behavioral monitoring of the client that helps create a complete profile of file activity,
application & process activity, and network activity. This protects against both file-based and fileless
malware and delivers a 360⁰ attack view with actionable intelligence relevant for investigations.
l Multiple layered signatureless techniques include techniques for protecting cloud intelligence,
advanced static analysis and dynamic behavioral protection. They help protect against and
remediate well known, little known, and even unknown malware, without regular scans or periodic
updates. This maintains the highest level of protection at all times, without hampering user
l Unique roll-back capabilities support policies that not only remove the threat completely but also
restore a targeted client to its original state, before the malware activity started. This removes the
effort of manual restoration in the case of ransomware and similar attacks.
l Cloud-based management console reduces the footprint and overhead of management. It
improves the deployability and enforceability of Endpoint Protection, irrespective of where the
endpoint is.
The size of your Capture Client tenancy is only limited by the number of endpoint licenses procured.
Guide Conventions
The following conventions are used in this guide:
Convention Use
Bold Text Used in procedures to identify
elements in the user interface
like dialog boxes, windows,
screen names, and buttons.
Also used for file names and
text or values you are being
instructed to select or type into
the interface.
Menu divider | Menu item > Menu item Indicates a multiple step menu
choice on the user interface.
For example, System Setup |
Users, Groups & Organizations
> Users means find the menu
or section divider System
Setup first, select Users,
Groups & Organizations, and
then select Users.
Computer code
Indicates sample code or text
to be typed at a command line.
Capture Client Activities, Logs, and Reports Administration Guide
<Computer code italic>
Represents a variable name
when used in command line
instructions within the angle
brackets. The variable name
and angle brackets need to be
replaced with an actual value.
For example in the segment
serialnumber=<your serial
number>, replace the variable
and brackets with the serial
number from your device:
Italic Indicates the name of a
technical manual. Also
indicates emphasis on certain
words in a sentence, such as
the first instance of a
significant term or concept.
Capture Client Activities, Logs, and Reports Administration Guide