Sonic Foundry SOUND FORGE XP User Manual


Sound Forge XP is a compact, easy-to-use digital audio editing solution for the Windows platform.With a Windows-compatible sound card, Sound Forge XP gives you the ability to record, edit and process professional-quality digital audio files. Sound Forge XP supports an extensive set of file formats, allowing you to develop audio for training and business presentations, Web content, musical recordings, computer games, and digital video productions.
The latest version of Sound Forge XP offers expanded file format support, including Microsoft Video for Windows (AVI), RealAudio and RealVideo (RA, RM), and Active Streaming Format (ASF) files using Microsoft NetShow. Its new features include improved processing speeds, additional effects, and support for adding regions and markers to sound files.
Sound Forge XP was developed with input from musicians, sound editors, multimedia and game designers, and studio engineers, among others. Although Sound Forge XP includes features specific to these applications, they can also be applied in many other creative ways.
Sound Forge XP is a deep program.There are many features which you may not discover immediately, and others that may seem overwhelming. Don’t let this scare you. Remember, there’s always the Undo command! The best advice for using Sound Forge XP is to jump in and start using it. Pick up the manual now and then, read through a section to learn a few new tricks, and then go back and try what you’ve learned.


In developing Sound Forge XP, one of our primary goals was to make the interface as easy to use as possible. However, some features may not be immediately apparent, so we hope you take some time to at least page quickly through the manual.That way, you won’t miss any of Sound Forge XP’s creative potential.
This manual is designed to function both as a reference guide and tutorial. It is divided into six chapters and seven appendices; chapters 2-5 contain step­by-step instructions on using Sound Forge XP’s functions, chapter 6 contains reference information. Highlighted throughout the text, you will find Tips
The Introduction briefly describes Sound Forge XP, includes installation, registration and help information, and provides a general overview of digital sound for those who have no previous experience producing digital audio.
Chapter 2 is designed to provide you with an introduction to working within the Sound Forge XP interface using a combination of descriptions and tutorials.
This chapter provides explanations and tutorials covering Sound Forge XP’s editing functions and how to navigate through sound files.
Chapter 4 describes how to work with file formats, including AVI and Internet files, and file attributes.
Chapter 5 introduces the recording functions of Sound Forge XP, and explains how to employ processes and effects.
The Reference chapter details all Sound Forge XP menus and dialogs.
The Appendices are designed to provide in-depth technical and reference information. They include:
Appendix A Optimizing Sound Forge XP
Appendix B Troubleshooting
Appendix C Shortcuts
Appendix D Sound Formats
Appendix F Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
Appendix G Using CSOUND, MTU, IRCAM, BICSF and EBICSF Files


The first thing you should do is register Sound Forge XP by filling out the enclosed registration card and returning it to Sonic Foundry within 30 days of purchase.Alternately, you will be given the option to register via your modem at the end of the installation process.
You must be registered for us to provide you with technical support and upgrade information.
In order to use Sound Forge XP, you will need:
• Intel Pentium or Alpha AXP microprocessor
• Microsoft Windows 9x or Windows NT 4.0 or later
• Windows-compatible sound card
• VGA display
• CD-ROM drive
• 16 MB RAM
• 5 MB of hard-disk space for program installation
The install utility SETUP.EXE on the setup CD creates any necessary directories and copies all files required by Sound Forge XP.
1. After placing the Sound Forge XP CD-ROM in the drive, AutoPlay will bring an installation menu into focus. Simply follow the instructions.
2. If you have disabled the CD-Rom AutoPlay feature, run Setup from the Start menu as indicated below. Click OK to continue.
If you have an Intel-based system you may register online via your modem and a toll free number. At the end of Sound Forge XP setup, choose Yes when asked whether or not to register.
1. Enter user information and survey information.
2. Follow the dialog instructions.
3. Watch your mail for future Sound Forge XP products and upgrades.
After you click OK in the initial Welcome menu, you will be asked to enter your activation code.This code can be found on the inside cover of your Sound Forge XP manual.You must have this activation code whenever you wish to run the setup program.
Sound Forge XP comes with only one copy protection requirement: you must use the activation code whenever you run the setup program. Please allow us to continue this policy by abiding by the license agreement and giving your friends our phone number rather than a copy of the software.


A variety of help functions are included in the Sound Forge XP program.There are three methods for accessing online Help:
• Find information about any program function by selecting Contents under the Help menu or pressing F1.This will take you straight to the Help table of contents. From this dialog, you can search by topic or get information about using online Help.
• Find information about a specific dialog by pressing the Help button in the dialog or the F1 function key.
• Find information about a specific menu command by pressing the F1 function key while selecting a menu item.
You will find that online Help is extremely useful as a quick reference guide. Since many topics are cross-linked, it’s easy to navigate through all of the Help material available on a topic. Once you have become familiar with Sound Forge XP, you’ll probably never have to refer to this manual to find information. All you’ll need is the online Help.
If you experience problems while using Sound Forge XP, our technical support department is always ready to help you.
So that we are able to provide you with the best possible support, please check the following before calling:
• Make sure you have registered online or sent in your registration card.
• Check to see that the information you need isn’t already covered in the manual. Appendix B, Troubleshooting, addresses many commonly asked questions about using Sound Forge XP.
• Verify that you’ve installed your sound card properly in Windows. Refer to your Windows manual or your sound card’s instructions for information on correctly installing sound cards.
• Confirm that you have enough editing space available on your hard drive for the sounds you are editing.
• Have your serial number and type of sound card available to you.
• Use a phone near your computer so that our technicians can walk you through the answer to your question step-by-step if necessary.
Technical support is free for the 90 days following your first call. After 90 days, there are a variety of support plans available. For more information on extended support plans, contact us using any method below.
Our web page is a valuable resource for program updates, technical information and support.
You may also send us email via the Internet.
(608) 256-7300
You can fax us 24-hours a day.
(608) 256-5555
Call our technical support line between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
(608) 256-3133
Our Fax on Demand service is available 24 hours a day as an option on the main Sonic Foundry phone line.


If you are new to digital sound editing, it will be well worth your time to become familiar with some basic concepts. This section covers the most important fundamentals. However, we strongly recommend that you page through a book on digital audio and sound recording if you want to get the most out of Sound Forge XP’s editing and digital signal processing features.
When you hear a sound, you are sensing changes in the air pressure around your eardrum. You can think of air pressure as the density of air molecules. When an object vibrates or moves, it displaces air molecules causing a pressure change. This in turn causes other air molecules to move. We don’t hear air pressure changes caused by the weather. Instead, we hear air pressure differences that vary rapidly over time.
These rapid vibrations are picked up by your ears and converted to electrical signals that your brain interprets as sound. If we were to graph the air pressure at your eardrum as a function of time while you were listening to a short sound, it might look like the waveform below.
When the air pressure is constant there is no sound.You perceive constant air pressure as silence. When something causes a sound, the air pressure around your eardrum changes above and below the normal atmospheric level. You perceive the amount of change as the loudness of the sound.The loudness of a sound, called its amplitude, is usually measured as a fraction of a standard level, often in decibels (dB).
You perceive the rate of change in the air pressure as the pitch of the sound. In scientific terms, this term corresponds to the frequency of the wave. The frequency is usually measured in Hertz (Hz), or cycles per second.
Sounds in nature are not as simple as the above sine wave. In reality, a sound would look something like the one below. This irregular waveform does not have a periodic amplitude or frequency.
Complex waveforms like the one shown above are constructed by combining a number of simple waveforms (like the one in the first drawing) of different amplitudes and frequencies. This is why we perceive both high and low pitched sounds at once when we hear most natural sounds.
The characteristic sound of a waveform (be it produced by a grand piano or a violin) is called its timbre. Timbre, also referred to as tone color, is said to be rich or full when there are many different frequencies in a sound. Most people consider a sound from a sine wave dull since it only has one frequency.
The different frequencies in a sound, combined with the varying amplitudes of each frequency, make up the spectral content of a waveform. The spectral content, which you might say is the more scientific term for timbre, usually varies over time. Otherwise, the sound remains static and again sounds dull. The spectral characteristic of a waveform over time is the signature of a tone that allows you to describe it as string-like or horn-like.
Let’s say you’re recording with a microphone. As you hold the microphone up in the air and talk, the microphone converts the changes in air pressure into changes in electrical voltage.This is called an analog signal.
If you were to graph the changing voltage inside a microphone cord, it would look exactly like the graph of the air pressure going up and down. To record your voice, you would send the signal to a medium, such as magnetic tape, that can store a replica of the analog signal.
To play back your recording, you need something to create the differences in air pressure, which our ear interprets as sound, i.e., an audio speaker. Speakers operate by moving a cone from one position to another in a consistent manner. In order to move the cone either forward or backward the speaker must be driven by an electrical current. During playback, a tape or record player generates a current, which is then fed to an amplifier. When connected to a speaker, the current moves the speaker in a way that reproduces the pressure changes sensed by the microphone during recording.
Until recently, sound was always recorded as an analog signal on magnetic tape or vinyl grooves. One problem with storing a signal in this form is that it is hard to accurately record the analog signal without adding noise. When you make copies of your recording you have to convert it to an electrical signal and then re-record it, adding even more noise. Listen to a third generation cassette recording and you’ll know what we’re talking about. Also, editing with tape is a not an easy task, since you must always be fast-forwarding or rewinding to a section, splicing, etc. Tape-based editing is called linear editing.
With recent advances in computer technology, it has become efficient and economical to record sound waves using a process called digital sampling. In digital sampling, the analog signal of the sound wave is divided and stored as numbers that represent the amplitude of the wave over very small segments of time.
For a moment, let’s take a look at another process that is very similar to the way our computer makes sound – the making of movies and television. Given a scene with a person walking, we can slow down the speed at which the pictures are shown and see that each movement is captured by a different picture.As we speed up the rate of the pictures passing by, the motion becomes more fluid and eventually we stop noticing each individual picture. If we keep speeding up the movie the person appears to walk faster and faster and eventually ends up looking quite humorous. The important point is that a movie is just a collection of individual pictures.
So how do people record a movie? Obviously they pick up a movie camera and film the action. The movie camera takes a series of pictures at a fast rate and saves them on the film. The movies we see are simply a collection of pictures that are played back in rapid succession.
When we record a sound through the sound card in a computer (also called digitizing or sampling) we do much the same thing as the movie camera.The computer rapidly checks what position the microphone is in and saves it in the computer. When done recording, the computer has a collection of individual positions (normally called samples) which it can use to recreate the sound we have recorded. Individually, the samples are almost meaningless, much like an individual picture in a movie, but together they make up the recorded sound. This method of recording and playing sound is known as digitized sound.
A simple model for a digital system is one where a speaker cone can be in one of two positions, either in or out, corresponding to the numbers 1 and 0 stored in a computer. The normal position, in, is when the speaker is sitting at rest with no current applied.The speaker isn’t moving and we don’t hear anything. When current is applied the speaker cone moves to the other position, out. As the speaker moves to the out position it forces the air around it to move and we hear a small click or pop. If we leave the speaker sitting in the out position we again hear nothing since the speaker only produces sound when it is moving, not when it is stationary.
Now if we move back and forth between the in and out positions we will hear a tone. As we move it faster and faster between the two positions (increasing the frequency) we will hear the tone increase in pitch.This model of a simple digital speaker system is exactly how the speaker inside your PC operates. Programs can put the speaker in either the in or out position to make sounds. Although there are more complicated methods to allow this type of system to produce sounds other than tones, they are beyond the scope of this introductory text.
Instead of using just the two-position model, let’s suppose we had a system that allowed us to have 100 positions or even more. If this were the case then we would be able to make much more complex sounds. We could move the speaker just a little bit or we could move it all the way out. This would allow us to have more precise control of the amplitude of the waveform. The more positions we have, the more flexibility we have in producing sound. For example, if we were to represent amplitude as a number from one to four, any values that fell in between positions would be rounded to the closest value. This rounding error is called quantization noise. When more positions are available, rounding errors become smaller.
You will often see a sound card referred to as 8-bit or 16-bit. We can directly relate this to the number of positions in which we can place the speaker.With an 8-bit card we can place it in 256 different positions and with a 16-bit card we can place it in any of 65,536 positions. Although you might think that a 16-bit card should have twice as many positions as an 8-bit card, this is not the case. It actually has 256 times as many positions. Even though 16-bit samples take up twice as much space as 8-bit samples, it is recommended that when at all possible you use 16-bit samples to minimize quantization noise.
The number of times a sound waveform is checked each second is the sampling rate.The sampling rate is similar to the frame rate in movies. As you can imagine, with higher sampling rates you store more information about the sound’s changing amplitude. This gives you more fidelity.
As a matter of fact, it is impossible to accurately record frequencies above one­half of the sampling rate. This threshold frequency is called the Nyquist frequency, and should be considered when selecting a sampling rate. Frequencies higher than the Nyquist frequency show up as noise.
The downside to very high sampling rates is that since each sample takes up space in memory (1 byte for 8-bit samples, 2 bytes for 16-bit samples), higher sampling rates will fill up your hard drive faster than lower sampling rates. For instance, a stereo digitized sound of 44,100 Hz 16-bit data (approximately what your CD player uses) lasting 10 seconds takes up almost 2 megabytes of space! This means if you have a 40 megabyte hard drive you couldn’t even store 4 minutes of sound data, and that’s without having any programs or other data on your system.
The advantages of digital editing far outweigh the enormous storage requirements. Once you’ve recorded a sound as a digital sample on your hard drive, you have the ability to perform edits like copying, cutting, and pasting without losing any fidelity and, as some people like to brag, with accuracy of up to 0.000023 seconds (single sample spacing at 44,100 Hz sampling rate). With a visual editor like Sound Forge XP, you can actually see a representation of the waveform to navigate through the sound file quickly and accurately.
Another advantage of storing sound digitally is the availability of digital signal processing (DSP) techniques. Digital signal processing techniques can be used for filtering, simulating room acoustics, and other special effects to restore or enhance the original recorded sound.
Finally, with a tool like Sound Forge XP, you can open and save your sound files to and from a number of different computer platforms and sound cards.
Now get in there and have some fun with Sound Forge XP!
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Chapter 2 provides an introduction to working within the Sound Forge XP. Use of the interface is illustrated using a combination of descriptions and tutorials. The material is divided into two main sections:
• Main Screen Basics
• Data Window Basics
This section will introduce you to the Sound Forge XP screen and cover the most basic operations, including:
• Using the Mouse
• The Main Screen
• Toolbars
• The Data Window
• ToolTips
Many commonly used functions in Sound Forge XP can be performed in a number of different ways. Sound Forge XP has been designed to allow you to choose how you want to work – it doesn’t force you to work in a certain way. To avoid confusion in the tutorials, every method of accomplishing a task will not always be described. Refer to chapter 6, Sound Forge XP Reference and Appendix C, Shortcuts, for more information on each feature.
Although using the mouse in Sound Forge XP is not required, it will make your editing sessions easier. Once you become familiar with Sound Forge XP you will probably want to use some of the built-in shortcuts provided by the mouse and the keyboard. (For a complete listing of shortcuts, see Appendix C.) The following list of terms will help you when reading the manual.
Pointing Moving the mouse pointer over an item.
Clicking Pointing to an item and quickly pressing and
releasing the left or right mouse button. The manual will indicate whether to right-click or left-click on an item to execute a specific function. When there is no left or right specification, use the left mouse button. Right­clicking is often used to reach shortcut menus.
Double-clicking Clicking the mouse button twice in quick
succession. Double-clicking always employs the left mouse button.
Triple-clicking Clicking the mouse button three times in quick
succession. Triple-clicking also always employs the left mouse button.
Toggle-clicking Clicking the right mouse button repeatedly
while holding the left mouse button to toggle through various options. This is a great shortcut for procedures such as drag and drop and changing the Magnify Tool mode of operation.
Shift-clicking Clicking the mouse while holding down the
Shift key on the keyboard. Shift-clicking is used mainly to skip dialogs so that you can quickly repeat operations.
Control-clicking Clicking the mouse while holding down the
Control key on the keyboard. Control-clicking is used to modify the operation of a normal click.
Dragging Holding down the mouse button while you
move the mouse. Dragging is used to quickly move sections of data between separate windows and to move trackbars, scrollbars and faders.
Slow-dragging Holding down both the right and left mouse
buttons while moving the mouse. Using this with trackbars and faders increases the resolution of the movement. This is especially helpful when making fractional adjustments to parameters in a dialog.
Dropping Releasing the mouse button in another area of
the screen after clicking on and dragging an object. Dragging and dropping is used to speed up operations like mixing or cross-fading.
When you start Sound Forge XP, the main screen, or workspace, opens.This is where you will do all of your sound editing. The very first time you open Sound Forge XP, no data windows are open and you will need to either open an existing sound file or create a new one. There are a variety of ways to do this, which are all described below.
The important parts of the Sound Forge XP screen are labeled in the above diagram.The following list briefly describes how each functions.
Program Title Bar Shows the program name and the name of the
currently active data window (if the data window is maximized within the workspace).
Data Window When a sound file is opened, it is graphically
displayed within its own data window. Data windows can be arranged, resized, or minimized.
program title bar
menu bar
data window
status bar
Sound Forge
Menu Bar Shows the menu headings for the available
functions. When no data windows are open, the Process, Effects, and Tools menus are not listed; these contain functions that require an open data window.
Status Bar On the left, help (see p. 24) and processing
information (see p. 21) are displayed.The fields on the right show the playback sample rate, sample size, mono/stereo, total length of the active data window, and the total free storage space. These fields can be edited by double­clicking or right-clicking on them (except for the free storage space). When no data windows are open, the fields are blank.
Workspace The background area behind the data windows.
You can drag and drop sections of sound data here to create new data windows.


The first time you open Sound Forge XP, two toolbars appear on the screen: the Standard and Transport toolbars. The toolbars contain buttons that quickly execute commands.
Standard Provides quick access to many common Sound
Forge XP functions. These functions are also available on the File and Edit menus. For a complete reference to these commands, see Chapter 6.
Transport Includes the audio transport buttons: Record,
Play All, Play, Pause, Stop, Go to Start, Rewind, Forward, and Go to End.
Two more toolbars are also available, but not automatically displayed when Sound Forge XP is opened.
Status Contains operations to set the display Status. For
a complete reference of these commands, see Chapter 6.
ACID Sound Forge XP offers tools that are especially
designed to help you create seamless loops which can be used in Sonic Foundry’s ACID or any other application that requires perfect loops. These tools can be accessed from the ACID Toolbar.These eight buttons will be explained in this chapter, and they include: the Edit Acid Properties, the Edit Tempo, the Double Selection, Halve Selection, Shift Selection Left, Shift Selection Right, Rotate Selection and Selection Grid Lines tools.
You can drag and drop a toolbar anywhere on the screen. When you drag a toolbar to any side of the main window, it docks, or attaches to the side. If you drag a toolbar away from a side, it becomes a floating toolbar.Toolbars are also resizable and removable.To hide a floating toolbar, just click on its Close button.
To select from the list of available toolbars, select Preferences under the Options menu and look on the Toolbars page (or Toolbars in the View menu). To show a toolbar, check the box next to the toolbar you wish to use and then select OK. The number of open toolbars and their position on the screen is entirely up to you.
Data windows contain sound data.These windows contain a number of sub­windows and controls that you will use in editing and viewing your sound data. Many parts of the data window lead to shortcut menus, dialogs, and other operations.
The important components of the data window are labeled in the diagram above. The following list briefly describes each part and possible mouse operations:
Title Bar Shows the file name or, if present, the title stored
in the Summary information of WAV files. Double­click to maximize and restore the window.
Level Ruler Shows the amplitude of the waveform. Right-
click to reach the Level Ruler shortcut menu.When using the Level Zoom In feature, click and drag the ruler up or down to shift the view vertically.
title bar time ruler
level ruler
ruler tags
edit tool selector
Time Ruler Shows the current location in the data window
as well as ruler tags. Right-click to reach the Time Ruler shortcut menu. Drag to scroll the data window.
Ruler Tags Indicates the position of region end points and
markers. Right-click to reach the Ruler Tag shortcut menu. Drag to change their locations. Double-click anywhere in the region to select.
Edit Tool Selector Use this button to toggle between the Edit,
Magnify, and Pencil Tools.
The Pencil Tool requires that the zoom ratio be between 1:1 and 1:16.
Playbar On the left side of the playbar are the following
audio transport buttons: Go to Start,Go to End, Stop, Play Normal, and Play Looped. To the right are the playbar’s selection status fields.
Selection Status Fields Shows the beginning, end, and length of a data
selection. If no portion of the waveform has been selected (highlighted), only the cursor position (also known as the insertion point) is displayed. Double-click on the left-most field to reach the Go To dialog. Double-click on either of the other two fields to reach the Set Selection dialog. Right-click to reach the Status Format shortcut menu.
Waveform Display Shows a graphical representation of the sound
file.The horizontal axis represents time (marked in the Time Ruler) and the vertical axis represents amplitude (marked in the Level Ruler). Right- click anywhere on the waveform display to reach the Waveform Display shortcut menu.
Position Scroll Bar Use this to scroll the sound file forward and
backward in time to see parts of the file not currently visible in the waveform display.
Overview Allows for quick navigation and playback of any
part of the file. Overview also shows the fraction of the waveform on the waveform, as well as the selected region. Left-click to move the cursor. Double-click to center the cursor in the waveform display. Right-click to start playback or pause. Left-click and drag to activate the Audio Event Locator.
Time Zoom (Also called Zoom Ratio) Specifies the number of
samples of data represented by each point on the screen horizontally.
Resolution This determines the length of time that is shown
in the waveform display. With a small resolution value (1:1, 1:2, 1:4,...), a shorter length of time is displayed.
Time Zoom In/Out Use these to change the zoom resolution for the
time axis. Between these buttons is a spinner that allows you to continuously change the time zoom resolution.
Level Zoom In/Out Use these to change the zoom resolution for the
level (vertical) axis. Between these buttons is a spinner that allows you to continuously change the level zoom resolution.
Maximize Width Pressing this button stretches the width of the
data window to fit within the Sound Forge XP workspace.
OLE Drag Source Drag from this section of the data window into
another application, such as Microsoft Word, to link the sound file to other documents.
If you hold the mouse over a toolbar button or status bar field for more than one second, you will notice a small box appears next to the mouse pointer containing text. This text is a quick description of the button or field’s function. Using ToolTips is an easy way to learn your way around the Sound Forge XP screen. You can disable this function by selecting Toolbars under the View menu and clearing Show ToolTips.
When you click (on) and hold a button in a toolbar or select a menu item, you will see a one-line description of the command in the left side of the status bar. This gives you a little more information about the function of a button. If you release the mouse button outside of a toolbar or menu item, the toolbar command will not be performed.
With Sound Forge XP, you can have multiple sound files open simultaneously on the screen. Each file has its own data window that shows a graphical representation of the waveform and other information about the file. This section covers the following topics:
• Opening an Existing File
• Playing a File
• Playing a Section
• Using the Transport Toolbar vs. the Data Window Playbar
• Creating a New Window
• Active Windows vs. Inactive Windows
• Copying Data to a New File
• Saving a File
To open an existing sound file:
1. Select the Open command from the File menu. Sound Forge XP displays the Open dialog. Use this dialog to select and open a file.
2. By default, Sound Forge XP plays a file when you select it in the dialog.You can turn off this feature by clearing the Auto play check box. If the Auto play feature is disabled, you can preview WAV files by pressing the Play button in the Open dialog. During playback, the label on the Play button changes to Stop. Pressing the Stop button stops the playback.
3. Use the Files of type list to select different types of data files. If Sound Forge XP recognizes the file type when it is highlighted in this list, it will display its information in the bottom half of the dialog.
4. For this exercise, open the file TUTOR1.WAV. This file is located in the directory where you installed Sound Forge XP.
You will now see a data window containing TUTOR1.WAV. This file is a recording of someone saying, “Wow, sound editing just gets easier and easier.” Notice that, although the file name is TUTOR1.WAV, the name of the data window is “Wow, sound editing...” This is because a title for the file is stored within the WAV file itself. Sound Forge XP allows you to embed descriptive titles as well as copyright information and other text fields for any WAV file.
Sound files in Sound Forge XP can have a title different from the file name.To edit the title, use the Summary page of the Properties folder (File menu).You can quickly get to the Summary dialog by pressing Alt+Enter.


To play an opened sound file:
1. Click on the Play All button on the Transport toolbar.
2. While the file is playing, a pointer will move along the data window showing the current position.You will also see the current position in the first selection status field in the playbar.
You can begin play from any point in the window by moving the cursor.
1. Move your mouse pointer to the silence section right after the “Wow” portion of the file. Left-click (make sure you don’t drag the mouse) and you will see the flashing cursor in the silence area after the word “Wow.” Click the Play button on the Transport toolbar and now you will only hear “sound editing just gets easier and easier.”
2. If you don’t hear anything, you may have accidentally selected a small portion of data by dragging the mouse. To see whether you’ve made a selection, look at the three right-hand status fields in the data window status bar. If only the first one is filled, then no data is selected. If they all have values, click in the data window again to clear the selection.


You can also play parts of the sound data by selecting a portion of the waveform display with the mouse.To play a section:
1. Click and drag the left mouse button starting at the section of silence prior to “Wow.” Drag the mouse until you are in the portion after the “Wow.” Notice that as you drag the data, the background appears in another color. Release the mouse button and you will now have a highlighted section of data.
2. Click the Play button. You should now hear just the “Wow” portion of the file.
3. While selecting waveform data, notice that the three selection status fields on the right side of the playbar display values. These values show you the start (Selection Left), end (Selection Right), and length (Selection Length) of the selection you have made. When no data is selected, the cursor position (also called the insertion point) is displayed.
Clear the selection and put the cursor back at the start of the file. To do this, click on the Go to Start button in the Transport toolbar.
There are a number of ways to play your sound files in Sound Forge XP. The most common method is to use one of the Play buttons located either on the Transport toolbar or the playbar in the data window.This section describes both methods.
On the left-side of the playbar at the bottom of every data window are five buttons. These buttons allow you to play the sound data in a variety of ways. The first two buttons allow you to set the cursor to the start or end of the current file. These are the Go to Start and Go to End buttons. The third button is the Stop button, which you can use at any time to stop playback.
The last two buttons play the sound in different ways and, at the same time, set the default play mode. The first button is the Play Normal button. This button plays the currently selected section of data. If there is no data selected, pressing the Play Normal button plays from the current cursor position to the end of the file.
The next button is the Play Looped button.This button plays the selected section in a continuous loop or, if no data is selected, the entire file in a continuous loop. In addition, while the Play Looped button is selected, playback will follow any new cursor position or selection that is made.
Whenever you play a file using playbar buttons, you will notice a small line that appears underneath the arrow in the Play button you have selected.This is the current play mode, which will be used whenever you select the Play button in the Transport toolbar (or hit the Spacebar). Play Normal is the current play mode in the playbar graphic shown above.
To change the current play mode, press the corresponding playbar button or use Control+Spacebar.
The Transport toolbar has nine buttons.
The Transport toolbar buttons are described below from left to right:
Record Brings up the Record dialog, which allows you to
record to either a new or existing window.
Shortcut: Control+R
Play All Plays the entire sound file from beginning to
end. This allows you to hear the entire sound even if you have a selection or the cursor positioned somewhere other than the start of the data. Shortcut:Shift+Spacebar
Play Plays the file using the current play mode.To set
the play mode select one of the two play buttons on the playbar as described in the above section (The Playbar Buttons).The last button used becomes the active play mode. Shortcut: Spacebar
Pause Works like the Stop button in that it stops play of
the current file. However when selecting Pause, the cursor is placed at the current play position rather than back to where it was when play was selected. Shortcut:Enter during playback
Stop Stops play and positions the cursor where it was
prior to selecting play. Shortcut: Spacebar during
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