Using Your RioVolt SP250
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Using Your RioVolt SP250
The Display
When powered on, the RioVolt’s Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is backlit for easier viewing while buttons are in
use. The backlight turns off after a few seconds to conserve battery power when selections are not being made
unless the AC Adapter is in use. The LCD displays the status of the RioVolt and the Track information for the
the encoded music. The LCD assists you in selecting new music to listen to.
• Battery Indicator — Appears in the upper corner of the display and measures the approximate
remainder of the battery life.
• Artist Name and Track Title — If you encoded the song using Real Jukebox, Rio Audio Manager,
MusicMatch, or iTunes software, the LCD scrolls from side to side through the Artist Name, CD Title, and
Track Title. Track information is contained in the ID3 Tag, which can be included manually or by
connecting to a music database on the Internet.
• Balance/EQ Indicators — Graphically displays the Balance between Left and Right or the EQ Preset
• Compression Rate — Indicates at which compression rate the track was encoded.
• Sampling Rate — Indicates at which sampling rate the track was recorded.
• Codec Indicator — Indicates which codec was used to record and encode the track.
• Music/Program/Playlist Indicator — Indicates whether the RioVolt SP250 is playing an existing playlist
on the CD, a playlist of tracks you programmed the RioVolt to play or simply tracks on the CD.
• Directory Folder — Indicates that the track being played exists within a music folder, which may be based
upon the Artist, Album, Genre or on whatever criteria you used to group your tracks on the CD.
• Track Number — Track Number on the CD.
• Tr a c k T i m e — Time elapsed in the track.
• Repeat/Shuffle Indicator — Shows if one track, all tracks in a directory, all tracks on the CD
or no tracks are set to repeat; and if one track, all tracks in a directory, all tracks on the CD, or
none of the tracks are set to shuffle. It also shows if the RioVolt is set to play only the track intros .
• Hold Indicator — Indicates whether or not the Hold Switch on the RioVolt SP250 or the remote control
has turned on. If the Hold Switch is ON, the rest of the buttons will no longer function.
Battery Indicator
Artist Name
Tra c k T i t l e
Balance/ EQ Indicator
Hold Indicator
Track Number
Directory Folder
Playlist Indicator
Tr a ck