SONICblue RioVolt User guide

RioVolt™ User Guide

About the User Guide

The RioVolt User Guide includes the following sections:
Getting Started
Using Your RioVolt
Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
RioVolt Specifications
About the User Guide
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Warranty & Regulatory Information
Contacting Customer Care

Navigating and printing the RioVolt User Guide

The online RioVolt User Guide is in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) file format.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that you use Adobe Acrobat version 4.0 available
on the CD-ROM to view and print the RioVolt User Guide.
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Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane icon in the Acrobat toolbar to show the Navigation Pane Window and bookmarks in the left column. Bookmarks are links to the contents of the User Guide. Click any bookmark in the list to jump to the page in the User Guide that contains the topic. Click the Print icon in the Acrobat toolbar to print the User Guide. The size of the User Guide is optimized for printing.

Copyright and trademark

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Copyright and trademark
Copyright © 2000 SONICblue, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SONICblue, Inc. does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions in this document or make any com­mitment to update the information contained herein.
Rio is a registered trademark of, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries and is used under license.
Microsoft, Windows Media and the Windows Logo are trademarks or registered trade­marks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
RealNetworks, RealAudio, RealPlayer, WebActive, and the RN logo are registered trademarks of RealNetworks, Inc. Adaptec, the Adaptec logo, the Adaptec tag line, and AHA are trademarks of Adaptec, Inc. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other product names may be trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
First Edition, December, 2000. Part Number 75550145-001


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Congratulations on purchasing the RioVolt, the simple solution to taking hours of digital music with you. Download music from the Internet onto your PC or Macintosh or encode your favorite CDs, then create your own CDs to enjoy using your RioVolt. The RioVolt supports multiple music formats for you to enjoy. You can choose from MP3 and WMA compressed digital audio or CD Audio (Red Book), including CDText. When playing your MP3 and WMA music files you will have up to 120 seconds of skip protection (up to 40 seconds for CD Audio) so that you can listen to your music where you want with Electronic Shock Protection. Your RioVolt also supports firmware upgrades should new features become available for your player in the future. With the simple to use interface, including folder and track titles, the RioVolt will give you easy access to over 250 music tracks on each CD you create!

Package Contents

8 Function Remote Control
RioVolt Carrying Case
AC Adapter
2 AA Alkaline Batteries
Getting Started Poster
RioVolt Installation CD
RioVolt User Guide
Frequently Asked Question Document (FAQ)
Real Jukebox®
Adaptec® Easy CD Creator®
Adobe Acrobat®
Package Contents
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System Requirements (For included software only)

PC (Minimum System Requirements)

Intel® Pentium®200 MHz MMX or higher CPU
30MB or more free hard drive space
Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT 4.0 w/ Service Pack 4, 2000
Internet connection and web browser
OS 8.6 or higher
30MB or more free hard drive space
Internet connection and web browser

System Recommendations

CD-ROM Writer (RW) highly recommended

Safety Information

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Safety Information




RISK OF EXPLOSION, DAMAGE OR BATTERY LEAKAGE IS POSSIBLE IF REPLACED INCORRECTLY OR BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS OR LOCAL LAWS. Use only certified and approved Batteries and AC Adapters as those specified in the product User Guide. Use of headphones while operating a vehicle is not recommended and is unlawful in some states and areas. Be careful and attentive while driving. Stop operation of the player if you find it disruptive or distracting while operating any type of equipment. Listening to music at full power over extended periods of time can be damaging to the hearing of the user. Invisible laser radiation when open and interlocks defeated, avoid exposure to beam.

Getting Started

You will need the following items to start using your new RioVolt:
The RioVolt
2 AA Alkaline Batteries (included) or the RioVolt AC Adapter (included)
Headphones (included) or powered speakers (not included)
Remote Control (included)
1. Open the Battery Compartment Door by sliding it away from the RioVolt and insert 2 AA Alkaline batteries (included).
2. Slide the Battery Compartment Door back to its original position to close.
Plug the RioVolt AC Adapter into the Power Por t on the side of the RioVolt.
Getting Started
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Battery Door

3. Plug the Headphones Cable into the Headphones Port on the side of the RioVolt.
To use the Remote Control, plug the
Headphones Cable into the Remote Control, and then plug the Remote Control Cable into the Headphones Port on the side of
the RioVolt. The Remote Control can then be clipped to your clothing for easy access.
4. Slide the Release Latch at the front of the RioVolt to the right to open the case.

Headphones Por t

Hold Switch
Speaker Port
Power Port

Release Latch

5. Place a music CD or a CD that you have burned with your own digital music files into the RioVolt.

Using Your RioVolt

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6. Close the top lid securely.
7. Press Play once to begin playing the first track on the CD.
NOTE: Another option is to plug a pair of powered speakers into the RioVolt’s Lineout
Port instead of using headphones.
Using Your RioVolt

The Display

When powered on, the RioVolt’s Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is backlit for easier viewing while buttons are in use. The backlight turns off after a few seconds to conserve battery power when selections are not being made. The LCD displays the status of the RioVolt and the Artist and Song information for the the encoded music you are playing. The LCD assists you in selecting new music to listen to.
In playback mode, the LCD shows:
Repeat Indicator
Shuffle Indicator
Repeat A-B Indicator
Hold Indicator
Battery Indicator
Tr ac k Number
Tr ac k Information
Tra ck T im e
Track Information If you encoded the song using Real Jukebox, Rio Audio Manager, MusicMatch, or SoundJam software, the song information, the LCD scrolls from side to side through the File Type (MP3, WMA, etc.), Artist Name, and Song Title. Song information is conatined in the ID3 Tag
, which can be
included manually or by connecting to Gracenote via the Internet.
Track Number — Track Number on the CD.
Tr a ck T i m e Time elapsed in the song.
Repeat Indicator — Shows if 1 song is set to repeat, if all D(Track Number) songs in a directory are
set to repeat, if all songs on the CD are set to repeat or if no songs are set to repeat.
Shuffle Indicator Shows if the RioVolt is set to shuffle songs in play.
Repeat A-B Indicator Shows if the RioVolt is set to repeat a programmed sequence of music.
Volume Level Indicator — Indicates the volume level numerically when the Volume Bar is pressed once.
Then it disappears.
Battery Indicator Shows graphically the remaining battery power level.
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