Sonic Blue 52260056-001 User Manual

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Rio One Getting Started Guide Copyright © 2001 SONICblue Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. SONICblue Incorporated does not assume any responsibility for errors or
omissions in this document or make any commitment to update the informa­tion contained herein. Rio is a registered trademark of RioPort, Inc. in the USA and/or other countries and is used under license.
This product is iTunes ready. iTunes is provided by Apple Computer, Inc. Copyright © 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. iTunes is a trade­mark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows Media, and the Windows Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Cor­poration in the United States and/or other countries.
All other product names may be trademarks of the com­panies with which they are associated.
First Edition, May 2001. Part Number 52260056-001
SETTING UP YOUR RIO ONE...............................................7
Step 1: Unpack package contents ............................7
Step 2: Install the battery.........................................12
Step 3: Install the software......................................13
Step 4: Using the software.......................................15
Step 5: Plug in the USB cable ..................................16
Step 6: Register your Rio One ...............................17
Step 7: Check out the User Guide ........................17
AFETY AND PRODUCT CARE............................................19
YSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................22
CUSTOMER CARE ................................................................23
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Congratulations on your purchase of the Rio One portable digital audio player! Rio is the perfect companion for active people—delivering skip­free music for people on the go. Your Rio connects easily to a PC or Mac for downloading compressed digital audio tracks. Use the included software to convert tracks from your audio CDs or to download tracks from the Internet for playback on your new Rio One.
It only takes four steps to start playing your digital audio tracks on your Rio One:
1 Install the battery. 2 Install the Rio software from the software CD. 3 Connect your Rio to the USB port on your computer. 4 Use the Rio software to download digital audio tracks into your
Rio’s flash memory.
Take a few minutes to review the information in the following pages. The Getting Started Guide shows you the basics of how to set up and start using your Rio One. Do you want to learn more?
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Check out the User Guide on the Rio One software CD for more information on using your Rio, an introduction to the Rio software, frequently asked questions, warranty information, and more.
Click on the RealJukebox or iTunes software Help menus for detailed instructions on using the software to download digital audio tracks, convert tracks from CD-ROM or transfer tracks to your Rio One.
Visit the Rio Web site at:

Setting up your Rio One

Setting up your Rio One

Step 1: Unpack package contents

Your Rio One package includes the following items:
Rio One portable digital audio player.
One 1.5 volt AA size alkaline battery.
Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable.
Getting Started Guide.
Rio One software CD.
iTunes software CD (for Mac users).
Other printed materials.
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Setting up your Rio One

Rio One buttons and controls

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+ 16 hidden pages