Sonance SS6, SS4 Instruction Manual

The SS6 and SS4 let you connect multiple pairs of loudspeakers to one receiver or amplifier and have all sets of speakers active at one time. The SS6 lets you connect up to six pairs of speakers; the SS4 lets you connect up to four. Each pair of speakers can be turned ON and OFF independently.
Where to Place the Speaker Selector
For optimum performance, the speaker selector should be placed close to your receiver/amplifier.
If you place the selector in an enclosed cabinet or between shelving, make sure there is adequate space (at least two inches) between the top of the selector and any shelving, cabinetry, or components placed above it.
DDoo nnoott ppll aaccee tt hhee ssppeeaakkeerr
Connecting the Speaker Selector to the Amplifier
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: TTuurrnn tthhee rreecceeiivveerrss oorr aammpplliiffiieerrss ppoowweerr OOFFFF bbeeffoorree mmaakkiinngg aannyy ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss ttoo tthhee sseelleeccttoorr..
Use 16-gauge (or larger) speaker cable like Sonance MediaLinQ Gold or Bronze 16/4 speaker wire to connect the amplifier to the selector.
1. Strip ¼” – ½” of insulation from each speaker lead. Twist the strands to ensure that there are no stray strands.
2. Connect the speaker leads between your amplifier’s speaker outputs and the input terminals on the back of the speaker selector (see
Figure 1
, on page 3). To avoid a short-circuit that can damage your receiver or amplifier, be sure no stray
strands of wire touch each other or the chassis’ of the selector or amplifier.
Note: Double check the polarity of the speaker wires for each channel: Amplifier “+” to Selector “+” and Amplifier “–” to Selector “–”.
Connecting the Speaker Selector to Speakers
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: TTuurrnn tthhee rreecceeiivveerrss oorr aammpplliiffiieerrss ppoowweerr OOFFFF bbeeffoorree mmaakkiinngg aannyy ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss ttoo tthhee sseelleeccttoorr..
Use 16-gauge (or larger) speaker cable. It is easiest to run 4-conductor cable (for example, Sonance MediaLinQ gold or Bronze 16/4 speaker cable) from each stereo pair of speakers to one of the speaker outputs on the back of the speaker selector (see ‘Room 1’ in Figure 2 , on page 3).
UUnnddeerr nnoorrmmaall ooppeerraattiinngg ccoonnddiittiioonnss tthhee ssppeeaakkeerr sseelleeccttoorr wwiillll bbeeccoommee wwaarrmm.. IIff nnoott uusseedd pprrooppeerrllyy tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhiiss uunniitt ccaann bbeeccoommee eexxttrreemmeellyy hhoott.. DDoo nnoott
ooppeerraattee tthhee sseelleeccttoorr wwiitthh aann aammpplliiffiieerr tthhaatt
eexxcceeeeddss tthhee MMaaxxiimmuumm AAmmpplliiffiieerr PPoowweer
r rraattiinnggss ddeessccrriibbeedd iinn tthhee SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss sseeccttiioonn oonn ppaaggee 22..
TToo eennssuurree ssaaffee oop
peerraattiioonn ffoollllooww aallll ooff tthheessee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ccaarreeffuullllyy::
DDoo nnoott ppllaaccee tthhee sseelleecctto
orr oonn ttoopp ooff oorr nneeaarr ppllaassttiicc oorr ccoommbbuussttiibbllee mmaatteerriiaall..
DDoo nnoott ppllaaccee ootthheerr
ccoommppoonneennttss ddiirreeccttllyy oonn ttoopp ooff tthhee sseelleeccttoorr..
DDoo nnoott ppllaaccee tthhee sseelleeccttoorr iinn
aann eenncclloosseedd ccaabbiinneett wwiitthhoouutt pprroovviiddiinngg aaddeeqquuaattee vveennttiillaattiioonn..
SS6 and SS4 Speaker Selector Installation Instructions
Adding Speaker Volume Controls
We recommend that you connect all your speakers to in-wall volume controls (like the Sonance VC60S/R) and then to the speaker selector (see
‘Rooms 2 – 6’ inFigure 2
, on page 3). This gives you independent volume balancing and control in all speaker locations: Your receiver's volume control acts as the Master Volume, and each individual pair of speakers can be either OFF, or ON at its own volume level, independent of the other speakers connected in the system.
Protecting the Amplifier
The speaker selector includes a Protection switch located underneath the selector, on the right side. To protect your receiver or amplifier Sonance strongly recommends that you leave the Protection switch engaged at all times. Always operate your receiver or amplifier within its rated power range and within the power range of the speaker selector.
• To ENGAGE the Protection circuit, slide the red switch towards the
of the selector.
• To DISENGAGE the Protection circuit, slide the red switch towards the
of the selector.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: TTuurrnniinngg tthhee pprrootteeccttiioonn sswwiittcchh OOFFFF aalllloowwss ggrreeaatteerr ppoowweerr ttoo yyoouurr ssppeeaakkeerrss,, bbuutt mmaayy ddaammaaggee yyoouurr rreecceeiivveerr//aammpplliiffiieerr..
Automatic Internal Fuse
The SS6 and SS4 have an internal fuse that will disconnect all of the speakers if the current draw through the unit exceeds a safe level. After the current draw returns to a safe level the fuse will automatically reset and re-connect all of the speakers.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: IIff tthhee ssppeeaakkeerr sseelleeccttoorr ccoonnttiinnuuaallllyy ttuurrnnss tthhee ssppeeaakkeerrss OOFFFF aanndd OONN,, oonnee oorr mmoorree ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg uunnssaaffee ccoonnddiittiioonnss eexxiissttss iinn tthhee aauuddiioo ssyysstteemm::
• The amplifier’s volume is set too high.
• The amplifier’s power output exceeds the Maximum Amplifier Power ratings as described in the
section below.
• There is a short-circuit in one or more of the speaker wires.
TToo eennssuurree ssaaffeettyy,, ccoorrrreecctt aannyy aanndd aallll ooff tthheessee ccoonnddiittiioonnss bbeeffoorree ooppeerraattiinngg tthhee aauuddiioo ssyysstteemm aaggaaiinn..
Power Handling:
MM aa xxiimm uu mm AAmmppll iiffii eerr PP oo wwee rr wwiitt hh PP rrootteecc ttii oo nn cciirrcc uu iitt EENN GG AAGG EE DD aanndd AALLLL pp aa iirr ss ooff ss ppeeaakk eerr ss ooppee rraatt iinngg::
40 watts RMS per channel
MM aa xxi
imm uu mm AAmmppll iiffii eerr PP oo wwee rr wwiitt hh PP rroott eecc ttii oo nn ccii rrccuuii tt NN OO TT eenngg aa ggeedd aanndd OONNEE (( 11)) ppaaii rr ooff sspp eeaakk eerr ss oo pp eerr aatt iinn gg::
120 watts RMS per channel
Protection Circuitry: Resistive in-line
Switch Type: Slide-slide, self-cleaning
Frequency Response: 20Hz – 20kHz
Dimensions (W x H x D): SS6 — 11¼” x 2” x 7” (286mm x 51mm x 178mm)
SS4 — 8½” x 2” x 7” (216mm x 51mm x 178mm)
SS6 and SS4 Speaker Selector Installation Instructions
+ 2 hidden pages