Z-Wave RTS Interface Preliminary Instructions (ZRTSI)
Somfy Part # 1870202
Product Overview
The Somfy Z-Wave Universal RTS Interface (“ZRTSI”) is a Z-Wave
bridge controller that resides as a secondary controller (only) node
within a designated Z-Wave control network. It receives Z-Wave
transmissions and coverts them to motor control commands for
Somfy’s full range of RTS wireless controlled motors. It is
recommended that one interface be used for each RTS motor area
within a 25-35 foot radius of the interface.
The ZRTSI has sixteen (16) virtual Z-Wave nodes that correspond to
sixteen (16) RTS channels. All nodes can be automatically included
with a Somfy TaHoma primary controller #1811151 (or other Z-Wave
SIS controllers). Individual nodes can also be manually included in
the network with TaHoma or other standard Z-Wave controllers.
RTS channels are linked to Somfy RTS embedded motors per the
RTS programming instructions for each RTS motor type.
The ZRTSI is powered when plugged into an active receptacle.
Z-Wave Certification
♦ This device is Z-Wave certified pending and can be
controlled by all Z-Wave certified controllers.
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ZRTSI Ins t allation and Operating Instructions
Programming and operation
buttons and indicators are
found on the side of the
ZRTSI as illustrated.
The ZRTSI must be plugged
into an AC power outlet within
Z-Wave and RTS
transmission ranges for
programming and operation.
Buttons & Indicators
S-BUTTON - The S-BUTTON has 4 primary purposes:
1. Used for binding RTS Channel s t o S omfy RTS motors.
2. Used for manually incl uding or excluding the ZRTSI into or out-of a Zwave network.
3. Used for verifyi ng RTS c ommunication between the ZRTSI and an RTS motor. Repeatedly pressing
and releasing the S-BUTTON while in Normal Mode (see Mode Descriptions) will drive an RTS motor
4. Used for accessing inc lusion mode or exclusion mode when pressed & held during power-up
(see Mode Descriptions).
S-LED - The S- LE D changes 3 different colors:
1. Green – indicates norm al m ode of operation.
2. Red – flashing red indicates that an RTS transmission is occurring.
3. Yellow - Soli d yell ow indic ates that a manual node inclusion i s permitt ed.
Flashing yellow indicates that manual node ex cl usi on is permitted.
SELECTOR – The Rotary Selector is used to select individual virtual Z-Wav e nodes or individual RTS channels.
There are sixteen (16) total node/c hannels; Channels 1-9, Channel 10 = A, Channel 11 = B,
Channel 12 = C, Channel 13 = D, Channel 14 = E, Channel 15 = F, Channel 16 = 0.
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