October, 09
Somfy Z-Wave ILT Interface Quick Reference
24 V DC in for Sonesse 30
Powers Interface
24 V DC out for Sonesse 30
Connection to ILT motor.
Powered provided by motor
for interface.
Data for Sonessse 30
Programming button for Z-WAVE
The Somfy Z-Wave ILT Interface is a Z-Wave routing slave that r esides as a node within a designated Z-Wave contr ol
network. It receives Z-Wave transmissions and coverts them to motor control commands f or Somfy ’s Sonesse 50
ILT2 (AC) motor and Sonesse 30 RS485 (DC) motor. These motors will pr ov ide feedback on present position to the
interfac e which in turn is available to the Z-Wave net work.
One interface i s used f or each Sonesse 50 ILT2 and S ones se 30 RS485 motor.
The interfac e is mount ed within thirty (30) feet of each motor head.
The interfac e is compatible with all automation, handheld and PC based control s using the Z-Wave 300 series chip.
Zensys Z-Wav e certified.
Initial Interface Set Up
Before programmi ng the Interface, the motorized window covering should be install ed and m otor limits set.
1. Inclusion LED will illuminate for five (5) seconds when power is first plugged in.
2. Press SETUP button once to verify motor movement. Motor movement with inclusion LED OFF indicates that
the interface i s ready to be included in an existing Z-Wav e network.
3. Select the inclusi on c ommand on your Z-Wave programmer / remote cont r oller.
4. Press the interf ac e SET UP button once to include it in the network.
“Part of Z-WAVE Network” LED

October, 09
5. The INCLUSION LED will stay illuminated when the interfac e i s included in the network.
Interface Operation
The interfac e is operat ed by 3
lighting dimmer as per the following examples:
♦ Light ON = Window Covering DOWN, Light OFF = W indow Cov ering UP
♦ Light DIM & BRIGHTEN = Window Covering Opened by P er c entage where 0% = Window Covering
OPEN at its upper limit and 100% = Wi ndow Cov eri ng CLOSE D at its lower limit.
♦ Lighting perc entage values between 0% and 100% = 99 intermediate window covering positions
The SETUP button can be used to manually operate the motor.
1. With the motor stopped, pres s the S E TUP button ONCE and release to start the mot or moving to its limit. A
second button press and release will reverse the motor di r ection.
2. To move the motor to any position within its full travel, press SETUP and wait until the motor is at the desired
position and release. If direction is reversed, release SETUP and then press and hold again.
3. While the motor is mov ing pr ess the SETUP button ONCE to reverse direction to it’s other limit or the SETUP
button could be HELD and released at desired position.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Results. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not c aus e harmful inter ferenc e, and
2. This device must ac cept any int erference received, includi ng t h at w hic h m ay c ause undes ir ed operati on .
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for CLASS B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These
limits ar e des igned to pr ovi d e r easonable protecti on ag ains t h ar mf ul interference when the equipm ent is operated in a com m erc i al en vironment .
This equi p m ent generat es , us es and c an radiate r adi o frequenc y energy and, if not ins t alled and us ed in ac cordanc e wi th th e ins tructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particul ar install ati on.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off an d on, th e
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which receiver is connected
4. Consult the dealer or experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or mod if ications n ot exp r ess ly approved by the man ufactur er c oul d void the user ’s aut h or it y t o op er ate the equi pm en t
party automation, handhel d and P C based cont r ollers as if they were controlli ng a