X10 to RTS Interface
The X10 to RTS interface is a 16-channel RTS transmitter that enables 3rd party X10
systems to directly control Somfy’s line of RTS motors and controls using standard X10
commands. The interface also includes an RS232 input for direct control of RTS product
from an RS232 port. The interface plugs into a standard 115 VAC electrical outlet. The
interface has a range of 65’ in open air.
Programming Instructions
1. Plug the interface into a standard electrical outlet. The green power LED illuminates.
2. Using the 16-position rotary dial, choose the channel you wish to bind to the RTS
product. The RTS product must be in programming mode (refer to RTS product
instructions). Depress the interface program button. The interface reverts to
operating mode.
3. Repeat step 2 until all products are programmed.
4. To unbind a channel repeat step 2 for a previously programmed channel.
5. Using the 16-position rotary switch, choose the proper house code.
X10 Operation
example: 1 BRIGHT would send RTS signal 1 UP.
RS232 Operation
9600 baud, no Parity, 1 stop bit, 7 data bits
ASCII Protocol: <!><2 digit unit code><Command(U,S,D)>
The X10 commands used are BRIGHT for UP, DIM for DOWN and OFF for STOP. For
Somfy Systems, Inc. 47 Commerce Place, Cranbury , New Jersey 08512