Selecting between roller shutters/awnings and Venetian blinds
The selection is carried out via the dipswitch SW1 (see wiring diagram) :
- switch power supply off
- set dipswitch to ON ➜ roller shutters/awnings mode
- set dipswitch to OFF ➜ Venetian blinds mode
- turn power supply back on
When delivered, the dipswitch is set to Venetian blinds.
Warning : The CD 1 x 4P does not allow mixed installation.
Selecting between automatic mode and local mode (Automatic mode on/off)
Selecting between automatic mode and local mode requires a switch which has to be connected externally (see wiring diagram). In automatic mode, the general commands are automatically activated by IB compatible control units (such as a timer control, sun control, wind
control, general or façade control). In local mode, commands are activated by locally connected switches :
- connect the switch (see wiring diagram).
- switch open ➜ automatic mode is activated.
All general and local commands are carried out. Local operation is not possible while general prioritary commands are activated (e.g. by
a wind control).
- switch closed ➜ automatic mode is desactivated.
General commands are not carried out if they do not have priority. Only local commands are carried out in this case. If the general command has however higher priority (e.g. activated by a wind control), a command is given to the blind even though the automatic switch is
disconnected (safety function).
Instead of connecting the switch (depending on the function required) it is possible to leave the connection open or bridge it.
Possibility to select two tilting functions : European or US type.
"European" tilting mode:
- Press briefly less than 0,8s ➜ the Venetian blind will be activated during the time of pressing (tilting of the slats).
- Press and hold more than 0,8s ➜the Venetian blind will be activated during 3 minutes (Up or Down control).
"US" tilting mode:
- Press briefly less than 0,2s or continuous control longer than 6s ➜the Venetian blind will be activated during 3 minutes (Up or Down control).
- Press and hold more than 0,2s and shorter than 6s ➜the Venetian blind will be activated during the time of pressing (tilting of the slats).
The product is initially configured in European tilting mode. Only one type of tilting mode can be set for all motors, a mixed mode is not
To change the tilting mode:
- Disconnect the mains supply of the motor control unit (cut off shortly the mains supply and turn it on again).
- During the next 30 seconds, press the connected “IP key” (see wiring diagram) for 5 seconds or, if no “IP key” is connected, bridge the
input of the "IP" connection to the "+" terminal for 5 seconds.
Operating ergonomics of the slat rotation
Local operation of the 4 motors is carried out via the local switch connected to the unit.
Several local switches can be connected in parallel.
Switches supplied by switch manufacturers as well as the SOMFY Centralis IB switch can ensure local operation.
- Connect the local switch (see wiring diagram)
- Press the corresponding key to move the motors UP or DOWN.
- Stop the 4 motors:
by pressing simultaneously the UP and DOWN keys.
by pressing the reverse direction
or by pressing the same button again
by pressing the “IP key”, if it is connected.
Local operation