7.1 LEDs on the animeo KNX Motor Controller .................................................................. 44
7.2 Information during operation ............................................................................. 44
7.3 Status of the configuration ................................................................................ 44
Push button configuration of the radio transmitters .......................................................... 45
Technical data ................................................................................................. 46
These instructions apply to KNX 4 AC Motor Controller WM/DRM 220 - 240 V AC from version B onwards!!!
Before starting up it is necessary to follow the safety instructions in this instruction. SOMFY cannot be held liable for defects and damages when these have been caused as a result of not following instructions (wrong installation, incorrect
service etc.). Establishing, testing and starting up of the equipment is permitted only by a qualified person (in accordance with VDE 0100). Switch on all connections without voltage. Take precautions against unintentional turning on.
The installation of the Somfy products may occur only at easily accessible places. If maintenance and repair become
hindered by accessibility substantially (e.g. stuck or extensively stuck flooring, installation behind lamps or behind
façades), any originating supplementary costs therein cannot be charged to the seller.
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The animeo KNX Motor Controller WM/DRM 220 - 240 V AC is suited for selecting from up to four individually parameterable motors for Venetian
blinds, roller shutters, awnings and windows. The local push button inputs can be used as conventional push buttons or as universal KNX binary
Functions and advantages
• Time savings through easy installation, for example, using spring connectors, strain relief cable binders, sufficient enough clamping space …
• A group input can be used to control all four motors independent of ETS programming.
• Every motor is safe with an individual fuse (3.15, A).
• Moving direction of the motors is possible without ETS.
• The device can be used in the delivery state without programming with the ETS software.
• 4 local push button inputs can be used as maximum 8 universal KNX binary inputs to connect, for example, window contacts, temperature
sensors or presence detectors. Using conventional push buttons, lighting can also be controlled and dimmed.
• User-friendly and intuitive parameter settings in the ETS software.
• Intelligent change-over between manual operation and automatic operation to guarantee excellent user friendliness and energy savings.
• Position messaging of the motors during the movement and when reaching the upper or lower end position.
• Two different safety positions, freely determinable for every individual motor output.
• Safety position with mains voltage return freely determinable and messaging over building.
• Automatic cascading of the outputs with mains voltage return and bus-safety functions to minimise power peaks.
• Plug and Play! Any time extendable with animeo RTS radio module (Ref. 1860105). Without additional wiring the four motors can be controlled
individually per radio using Somfy RTS technology.
• Alternatively the animeo KNX RTS Receiver (Ref. 1860191) can be used. Here, without additional wiring, up to 5 universal KNX radio binary
inputs can be gained (e.g., light ON/OFF with DIM).
A complete parametering and programming is only possible when there is a power supply and KNX bus voltage on the KNX Motor Control-
ler. When only KNX bus voltage is present, only the physical address can be programmed.
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Manual Command A manual command is a command which is generated by local conventional push buttons or by a Somfy RTS
radio hand transmitter. A telegram which is sent on the objects 0-7 (bit commands) is also understood as a
manual command.
Automatic Command A telegram which is sent on the objects 8-15 (byte commands) is understood as an automatic command.
US push button ergonomics With this parameter it is ensured that the Venetian blind is controlled in the US ergonomics over the local push
button inputs or over the Somfy RTS radio hand transmitter.
Short pressing of the push button (< 0.5 s): A move command is carried out.
Long pressing of the push button (> 0.5 s): A turn command is carried out, as long as the push button is pressed.
When released, the turn command is stopped. If the current position of the Venetian blind is beyond the turn,
a move command is carried out with pressed push button.
EU push button ergonomics With this parameter it is ensured that the Venetian blind is controlled in the EU ergonomics over the local push
button inputs or over the Somfy RTS radio hand transmitter.
Short pressing of the push button (< 0.5 s): A turn step is carried out.
Long pressing of the push button (> 0.5 s): A turn command is carried out, as long as the push button is pressed.
If the current position of the Venetian blind is beyond the turn, a move command is carried out.
Screen push button ergonomics With this parameter it is ensured that the end product is controlled in Screen ergonomics over the local push
button inputs or over the Somfy RTS radio hand transmitter.
Short pressing of the push button when the end product is moving: A stop command is carried out.
Long pressing of the push button when the end product is not moving: A drive command is carried out.
These ergonomics are selected to control vertical awnings, roller shutters, awnings and windows.
Choose the right place for installation:
level surface with sufficient space
Installation of the
Motor Controller 4 AC WM
Switch box
Complete wiring and connect
power supply
Check range
when using
animeo RTS radio
> 10 cm
DIN rail
DIN rail version
90 mm
90 mm
210 mm : 12 HP
Wiring diagram
90 mm
90 mm
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The "US"-LED blinks regularly when the mains (230 V) and the KNX bus voltage are connected actively on
the device. The device is ready for operation when the "US" LED blinks.
Connected to ...CablingTwisted pairMax. length
Min.: 4 x 0.75 mm
/19 AWG
-150 m
Max.: 4 x 2.5 mm2/14 AWG
Push button
Group control
Min.: 3 x 0.6 mm/22 AWG
Max.: 3 x 2.5 mm
Min.: 3 x 0.6 mm/22 AWG
Max.: 3 x 1.5 mm
/14 AWG
/16 AWG
2 x 0.8 mm/20 AWGCompulsory, corresponding to
Recommended150 m
Recommended50 m
KNX topology guidelines
230 V AC
Min.: 3 x 1.5 mm
/16 AWG
Max.: 3 x 2.5 mm2/14 AWG
Checking the move direction of the end products
Group control of the motor outputs 1 - 4 over the group input
The move directions of the motors can be checked via the group inputs. All four motor outputs are switched simultaneously. This input can be
blocked in the ETS parameters. In the event of bus power failure, it is always freed to allow emergency operation.
When starting up, make absolutely sure that the motors move in the right direction. This check can be carried out by making a wiring bridge at
the group input.
Check the correct move direction of the end products
DOWN: The end product moves down (bridge between: C + q)
STOP: The end product stops (bridge between: C + q+ p)
UP: The end product moves upwards ( C + q)
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Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Settings in the delivery state
The Motor Controller KNX can be used in the delivery state also without prior programming by the ETS software. Practical presets are implemented in
the device. These settings apply to all four motor outputs.
Move times UP/DOWN, CLOSED/OPEN = 5 minutes
Connection of local conventional push buttons is possible
The local push button inputs are assigned directly to the motor outputs: Push button input 1 controls motor output 1 (fig. 1). The motor outputs
can be controlled through bridging the wire at the push button inputs when required (fig. 2).
Fig. 1Fig. 2
Function of the Reset/Prog button
The basic settings in the KNX Motor Controller can be made using this push button. These basis settings are possible only in the delivery state,
before the device with the ETS was programmed, or after the device was unassigned by the ETS.
The basis settings are overwritten by the settings in the ETS.
Selection of different user ergonomics
Using the Reset/Prog button the press button user ergonomics for the local push button inputs or Somfy RTS radio hand transmitter can be determined. These settings are possible only in the delivery state, before the device is programmed with ETS software or after the device is unassigned
with the ETS.
As soon as the device with the ETS is programmed, no further settings of the user ergonomics can be made via the Reset/Prog button. When the
device is unassigned by the ETS, the adjusting of the user ergonomics is possible again via the Reset/Prog button.
The selection of the user ergonomics must match with a corresponding end product.
= Learning-in of animeo RTS radio module
SCR = Screen ergonomics*
EU = Venetian blind, EU ergonomics*
US = Venetian blind, US ergonomics*
* see chapter 1 "Definitions"
Changing the ergonomics:
The delivery state is Venetian blind with EU ergonomics
2 s
2 s
To change to different ergonomics press briefly the Reset/Prog
button. Repeat till such time as the desired LED shines.
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2 s
Save and exit the
setting mode
Manual learning-in of move and turn times
The move and turn times per motor output can be set via local conventional push buttons. These settings are possible only in the delivery state
before the device has been programmed with the ETS. As soon as the device with the ETS is programmed, the move times and turn times can no
longer be set via local conventional push buttons. When the device is unassigned by the ETS, the adjusting of the move times and turn times via
local conventional push buttons can be done again.
Alternatively to the conventional push buttons, the settings can also be done using the Somfy RTS Transmitter and animeo RTS Radio Module
(Ref. 1860105). A setting using animeo KNX RTS Receiver (Ref. 1860191) and Somfy RTS Transmitter is not possible!
Learning-in length of move and turn times
0.5 s
0.5 s> 6 s
Press immediately when the
lower end position is reached
Manual learning-in of the intermediate position 1
Hold Stop during the complete turn
Intermediate position 1 can be learned-in individually per motor output via conventional local push buttons. At the same time, it is possible to
carry out the intermediate position 1 via settings in the ETS parameters. Prior to this, the move and turn times must be learned-in!
Alternatively to the conventional push buttons, the settings can also be done using the Somfy RTS Transmitter and animeo RTS Radio Module
(Ref. 1860105). A setting using animeo KNX RTS Receiver (Ref. 1860191) and Somfy RTS Transmitter is not possible!
Save Call up
Move blinds to desired position
Save position
With conventional unlocked push buttons, a Stop
command is generated by pressing the UP and DOWN
button at the same time.
> 2 s
Whilst saving, the blinds move briefly
UP and DOWN.
0.5 s
The saved position is moved to.
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Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Reset / Prog
Resetting to the delivery state
1. When the device has not been programmed with the ETS software.
2. When the device has been programmed with the ETS software.
The settings made via the Reset/Prog push button can be
set back to the delivery state by pressing the Reset/Prog
button for 10 seconds.
When the device has been programmed with the ETS software, a reset in
the delivery state is no longer possible via the Rest/Prog button. Over the
function "Unload" in the ETS, all settings of the device can be set back in
the delivery state. The Reset/Prog button is then freed again.
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Communication objects
At the most, 150 communication objects are available for use, but not all at once. A maximum of 250 group addresses can be connected.
No.Object nameModelDPT_IDDescription
1Motor 1 UP / DOWN, CLOSED / OPEN1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "0" is received by this communication
object, the corresponding blind is moved upwards or a window
2Motor 2 UP / DOWN, CLOSED / OPEN1 Bit1.001
3Motor 3 UP / DOWN, CLOSED / OPEN1 Bit1.001
4Motor 4 UP / DOWN, CLOSED / OPEN1 Bit1.001
is closed. If a telegram with the value "1" is received, the corresponding blind is moved down or a window is opened. At the end
of the set move time for UP or DOWN direction or the move time for
opening or closing of the window, the relays of the outputs are
5Motor 1 STEP / STOP1 Bit1.001With Venetian blinds: If the Venetian blind is moving, the move is
stopped with the receiving of a telegram on one of these commu-
6Motor 2 STEP / STOP1 Bit1.001
7Motor 3 STEP / STOP1 Bit1.001
8Motor 4 STEP / STOP1 Bit1.001
nication objects, no matter whether "0" or "1" is received. If the
Venetian blind is stationary, a turn is carried out. In addition, the
slats turn CLOSED with the receiving of a telegram with the value
"1" and UP with the receiving of a telegram with the value "0". The
duration of the turning step is defined in the parameter settings.
With vertical awnings, roller shutters, awnings and windows:
When one of the end products is moving, the move is stopped with
the receiving of a telegram on one of these communication objects,
no matter whether "0" or "1" is received. If one of these end
products is not moving and a telegram is received on one of these
communication objects, then no operation is carried out.
9Motor 1 Position UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004If a telegram is received on one of these communication objects, the
corresponding blind will move to the position which is defined by
10Motor 2 Position UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004
11Motor 3 Position UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004
12Motor 4 Position UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004
the received value "0" = upper / "255" = lower.
With Venetian blinds: When the position is reached, the same
slats angle is moved to at which the Venetian blind was before.
Between the receiving of a telegram on the objects 9-12 and the receiving of a telegram on
the objects 13-16, a temporary time lapse of 2 seconds must be taken into consideration.
13Motor 1 Slat position1 Byte5.004With Venetian blinds: If a telegram is received on one of these
communication objects, the corresponding slats will move to the
14Motor 2 Slat position1 Byte5.004
15Motor 3 Slat position1 Byte5.004
16Motor 4 Slat position1 Byte5.004
position which is defined by the received value. If a Venetian blind
is moving and receives a value on the corresponding object, the
position of the slats is moved to only when the move has been
completed. Depending on the parameter settings on the card index
"General" the position is defined as follows:
"255" = slats max. closed /
"0" = slats max. turned
17Motor 1 Move to IP 11 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on one of these com-
munication objects, the corresponding blind moves to the ETS
18Motor 2 Move to IP 11 Bit1.001
19Motor 3 Move to IP 11 Bit1.001
20Motor 4 Move to IP 11 Bit1.001
parametered per local switch, or to the radio hand-transmitted,
learned-in intermediate position 1. In addition, the learned-in
position is valid. With the receiving of a telegram with the value "0"
on one of these communication objects, the blinds 1-4 move to the
upper end position.
21Motor 1-4 Move to IP 11 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on this communication
object, the blinds 1-4 move to the ETS parametered per local switch,
or to the radio hand-transmitted, learned-in intermediate position
1. In addition, the learned-in position is valid. With the receiving
of a telegram with the value "0" on this communication object, the
blinds 1-4 move to the upper end position.
22Motor 1 Move to IP 21 Bit
If a telegram with the value "1" is received on one of these communication objects, the corresponding blind moves to the intermediate
23Motor 3 Move to IP 21 Bit1.001
24Motor 3 Move to IP 21 Bit1.001
position 2 parametered in the ETS parameters. With the receiving
of a telegram with the value "0" on one of these communication
objects, the corresponding blind moves to the upper end position.
25Motor 4 Move to IP 21 Bit1.001
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No.Object nameModelDPT_IDDescription
26Motor 1-4 Move to IP 21 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on this communication
object, the blinds move to the Intermediate Positition (IP) 2 parametered in the ETS parameters. With the receiving of a telegram with
the value "0" on this communication object the blinds 1-4 move to
the upper end position.
27Motor 1 Security, low prio1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on one of these com-
munication objects, the corresponding blind moves to the position
28Motor 2 Security, low prio1 Bit1.001
29Motor 3 Security, low prio1 Bit1.001
30Motor 4 Security, low prio1 Bit1.001
parametered in the ETS parameters. With the receiving of a telegram
with the value "0" on one of these communication objects, no operation is carried out. Only when "Repeat last telegram after security
(Yes)" has been selected in the ETS parameters, can the operation
for the corresponding blind be carried out. If one of these communication objects is activated by a telegram with the value "1" and
on one of the communication objects 32-34 (Security, high prio)
a telegram is received with the value "1", the corresponding blind
move to the position parametered in the ETS (Security, high prio).
31Motor 1 - 4 Security, low prio1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on this communication
object, the blinds 1-4 move to the position parametered in the ETS
parameters. With the receiving of a telegram with the value "0" on
this communication object no operation is carried out. Only when
"Repeat last telegram after security (Yes)" has been selected in the
ETS parameters can the operation for the corresponding blinds 1-4
be carried out. If one of these communication objects is activated by
a telegram with the value "1" and on the communication object 36
(Security, high prio) a telegram is received with the value "1", the
blinds 1-4 move to the position parametered in the ETS (Security,
high prio).
32Motor 1 Security, high prio1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on one of these com-
munication objects, the corresponding blind moves to the position
33Motor 2 Security, high prio1 Bit1.001
34Motor 3 Security, high prio1 Bit1.001
35Motor 4 Security, high prio1 Bit1.001
parametered in the ETS parameters. With the receiving of a telegram
with the value "0" on this communication object no operation is
carried out. Only when "Repeat last telegram after security (Yes)"
has been selected in the ETS parameters can the operation for the
corresponding blind be carried out. In this case, when an object for
"Security, low prio" is activated ("1"), the corresponding parametered position will be moved to.
36Motor 1 - 4 Security, high prio1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on this communica-
tion object, the blinds 1-4 move to the IP 2 parametered in the ETS
parameters. With the receiving of telegram with the value "0" on
this communication object no operation is carried out. Only when
"Repeat last telegram after security (Yes)" has been selected in the
ETS parameters can the operation for the blinds 1-4 be carried out.
In this case, when an object for "Security, low prio" is activated
("1"), the corresponding parametered position will be moved to.
37Mains power failure (230 V)1 Bit1.002A mains power failure is signaled with this communication object.
As soon as the mains voltage cuts out, a telegram with the value "1"
is sent to the bus. With return of mains voltage this communication
object sends the telegram with the value "0".
38Motor 1 Feedback UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004Through these communication objects, the actual position, based on
the learned-in move time (UP / DOWN direction) of the correspond-
39Motor 2 Feedback UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004
40Motor 3 Feedback UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004
ing blind, is sent to the bus. This kind of sending (on demand,
status change, cyclic) is set in the ETS parameters.
"0" = upper / "255" = lower.
41Motor 4 Feedback UP / DOWN1 Byte5.004
42Motor 1 Feedback slat1 Byte5.004Through this communication objects, the actual slats position, based
on the learned-in turn time, is sent to the bus. This kind of sending
43Motor 2 Feedback slat1 Byte5.004
44Motor 3 Feedback slat1 Byte5.004
45Motor 4 Feedback slat1 Byte5.004
(on demand, status change, cyclic) is set in the ETS parameters. The
position, dependent of parameter settings on the menu list "General" is defined as follows:
"255" = slats max. closed / "0" = slats max. turned
"0" = slats max. closed / "255" = slats max. turned
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No.Object nameModelDPT_IDDescription
46Motor 1-4 Status positions1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" or "0" is received on this com-
munication object, the current status positions of the corresponding
blinds are sent to the bus (objects 38-45).
47Motor 1 Upper end position1 Bit1.001Through these communication objects a telegram with the value "1"
for the corresponding blind is sent when the upper end position is
48Motor 2 Upper end position1 Bit1.001
49Motor 3 Upper end position1 Bit1.001
reached. When leaving the upper end position of the corresponding
blind, a telegram with the value "0" is sent. The upper and lower
end position is determined by the parametered move times.
50Motor 4 Upper end position1 Bit1.001
51Motor 1-4 Upper end position1 Bit1.001Through this communication object a telegram with the value "1"
for the blinds 1-4 is sent when all four blinds have reached the
upper end position. When all 4 blinds leave the upper end position,
a telegram with the value "0" is sent. The upper and lower end
position is determined by the parametered move times.
52Motor 1 Lower end position1 Bit1.001Through this communication objects a telegram with the value
"1" for the corresponding blind is sent when all four blinds have
53Motor 2 Lower end position1 Bit1.001
54Motor 3 Lower end position1 Bit1.001
55Motor 4 Lower end position1 Bit1.001
reached the lower end position. When leaving the lower end position of the corresponding motor, a telegram with the value "0"
is sent. The upper and lower end position is determined by the
parametered move times.
56Motor 1-4 Lower end position1 Bit1.001Through this communication object a telegram with the value "1" is
sent for the blinds 1-4 when all four blinds have reached the lower
end position. When the corresponding blinds leave the lower end
position, a telegram with the value "0" is sent. The upper and lower
end position is determined by the parametered move times.
57Motor 1 Block functions1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on one of these com-
munication objects, the functions parametered in the ETS for the
58Motor 2 Block functions1 Bit1.001
59Motor 3 Block functions1 Bit1.001
60Motor 4 Block functions1 Bit1.001
corresponding blind is blocked. If a telegram with the value "0"
is received on one of these communication objects, the functions
parametered in the ETS for the corresponding blind is no longer
blocked and freed again.
61Motor 1-4 Block functions1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" is received on this communica-
tion object, the functions parametered in the ETS for the blinds 1-4
are blocked. If a telegram with the value "0" is received on this
communication object, the functions parametered in the ETS for the
blinds 1-4 are no longer blocked and freed again.
62Motor 1 Prio automatic/manual1 Bit1.001Over these communication objects the priority automatic function
and priority manual function can be switched. If a telegram with
63Motor 2 Prio automatic/manual1 Bit1.001
64Motor 3 Prio automatic/manual1 Bit1.001
65Motor 4 Prio automatic/manual1 Bit1.001
the value "1" is received on one of these communication objects,
the automatic functions for the corresponding blind is priority activated. If a telegram with the value "0" is received on one of these
communication objects, the manual functions for the corresponding
blind is active.
66Motor 1 Reset priority1 Bit1.001If a telegram with the value "1" or "0" is received on one of these
communication objects the priority switching for the correspond-
67Motor 2 Reset priority1 Bit1.001
68Motor 3 Reset priority1 Bit1.001
69Motor 4 Reset priority1 Bit1.001
ing blind is reset. Automatic functions or manual functions are
then switched to priority active again. Whichever priority is active
depends on the status of the communication objects 62-65 or
whichever priority has been parametered in the ETS.
70Switch input 1: UP / DOWN1 Bit1.001A long pressing of the button on input A generates a telegram on
this communication object with the value "0". The Venetian blind
moves UP.
A long pressing of the button on input B generates a telegram on
this communication object with the value "1". The Venetian blind
moves DOWN.
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No.Object nameModelDPT_IDDescription
71Switch input 1: STEP/STOP1 Bit1.001A short pressing of the button on input A generates a telegram on
this communication object with the value "0". The slat turns UP.
When the Venetian blinds are making a move then a short pressing
of the button generates a stop command on input A. A short pressing of the switch on input B generates a telegram with the value
"1". The slats turn CLOSE. When the Venetian blind is making a
move then a short pressing of the button generates a stop command
on input B.
72Switch input 1: A, Switch1 Bit1.001According to the parameter settings and the state at input 1 contact
A a switching telegram is sent over this communication object with
the value "1" or "0".
73Switch input 1: B, Switch1 Bit1.001According to the parameter settings and the state at input 1 contact
B, a switching telegram is sent over this communication object with
the value "1" or "0".
74Switch input 1: A, 8-Bit value1 Byte5.004According to the parameter settings, with a rising edge on input 1
contact A, the parametered value (0-255) is sent.
75Switch input 1: B, 8-Bit value1 Byte5.004According to the parameter settings, with a rising edge on input 1
contact B, the parametered value (0-255) is sent.
76Switch input 1: A/B, Dimming1 Bit1.001
According to the parameter settings, with a short pressing at the
input 1 contact A/B, a telegram is generated with the value "1" or
According to the parameter settings, with a short pressing at the
input 1 contact A/B, a telegram is generated with the value "1" or
77Switch input 1:
A/B, Dimming, Value
4 Bit3.007
Brighter/darker dimming:
According to the parameter settings, brighter dimming is done with
a long pressing at the input 1 contact A. According to the parameter
settings, darker dimming is done with a long pressing at the input 1
contact B.
Brighter/Darker toggle:
According to the parameter settings, over input 1 contact A, 100 %
is dimmed with longer pressing of the switch. When releasing the
corresponding switch at the input A, a stop command is generated.
The last activated dimming step becomes inverted. According to
the parameter settings, over input 1 contact A, 100 % is dimmed
with longer pressing of the switch. When releasing the corresponding switch at the input B, a stop command is generated. The last
activated dimming step becomes inverted.
110 Radio input 1: UP / DOWN1 Bit1.001A longer pressing of the "UP" switch on channel 1 of the learned-
in handheld sender generates a telegram with the value "0". The
Venetian blind moves UP.
A longer pressing of the "DOWN" switch on channel 1 of the
learned-in handheld sender generates a telegram with the value
"1". The Venetian blind moves DOWN.
111 Radio input 1: STEP/STOP1 Bit1.001According to the parameter settings a short press on the "my"
button on channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram with the value "0" on this communication
object. The slats turn OPEN. When the Venetian blind is moving
then a short press of channel 1 on the learned-in handheld radio
transmitter will generate a stop command.
A short pressing of the "DOWN" button on channel 1 of the learnedin handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram with the value
"1" on this communication object. The slats turn DOWN. When the
Venetian blind is moving then a short press of channel 1 on the
learned-in handheld radio transmitter will generate a stop command.
112 Radio input 1: Switch "my" button1 Bit1.001According to the parameter settings a press on the "my" button on
channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter generates a
switching telegram with the value "0" or "1" on this communication object.
113 Radio input 1: 8-Bit value "my" button1 Byte5.004According to the parameter settings a press on the "my" button on
channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter sends a
switching telegram with the value (0-255).
114 Radio input 1: Switch "UP" button1 Bit1.001According to the parameter settings a press on the "UP" button on
channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter generates a
switching telegram with the value "1" or "0" on this communication object.
115 Radio input 1: Switch "DOWN" button1 Bit1.001According to the parameter settings a press on the "DOWN" but-
ton on channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter
generates a switching telegram with the value "1" or "0" on this
communication object.
116 Radio input 1: 8-Bit value "UP" button1 Byte5.004According to the parameter settings a press on the "UP" button on
channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter sends a
switching telegram with the value (0-255).
117 Radio input 1: 8-Bit value "DOWN" button1 Byte5.004According to the parameter settings a press on the "DOWN" button
on channel 1 of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter sends a
switching telegram with the value (0-255).
animeo KNX 4 AC MoCo · REF. 5071074 - 14/47
No.Object nameModelDPT_IDDescription
118 Radio input 1: Dimming ON/OFF or
Slow tilting UP/DOWN
119 Radio input 1: Dimming Brighter/Darker or
Slow tilting OPEN/CLOSE
1 Bit1.001
4 Bit3.007
A short pressing of the "UP" button on channel 1 of the learned-in
handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram with the value "0"
on this communication object. The lights switch OFF or the Venetian
blind moves UP.
A short pressing of the "DOWN" button on channel 1 of the learnedin handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram with the value
"1" on this communication object. The lights switch ON or the
Venetian blind moves DOWN.
A short pressing of the "DOWN" or the "UP" button on channel 1
of the learned-in handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram
with the value "1" or with the value "0"on this communication
object. The lights switch ON or OFF or the Venetian blind moves
Brighter/Slow tilting open:
A longer pressing of the "UP" button on channel 1 of the learned-in
handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram with the adjusted
value "100 %,
/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 or 1/64" on this communication
object. The lights dim darker or the Venetian blind moves UP.
Darker/Slow tilting close:
A short pressing of the "DOWN" button on channel 1 of the
learned-in handheld radio transmitter generates a telegram with
the adjusted value "100 %, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 or 1/64" on this
communication object. The light dims brighter or the Venetian blind
turns slowly closed.
120 Radio input 2: UP / DOWN1 Bit1.001See object description 110, channel 2 instead channel 1