Solvline LemonIDE User Manual

User Guide
Ver 1.0e
2010. 07. 02
Revision History
2007. 8. 31 1.0 All jhkim
2007. 11. 29 1.0a All shlee
2008. 4. 10 1.0b All LemonIDE for Windows appended
Date Version Pages Description
2008.5.10 1.0c 6.4 Nonstop Debugging Appanded
2009.2.3 1.0d All Eddy CPU 2.1 Environment Appanded
2010.7.2 1.0e 2 Open Linux Version
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction....................................................................... 1-1
1.1 About this manual................................................................................1-1
1.2 Who should read this manual? .................................................................1-1
1.3 Contents...........................................................................................1-1
1.4 LemonIDE Documents............................................................................1-2
1.5 Technical Support ................................................................................1-2
Chapter 2. Getting Started ................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Overview...........................................................................................2-1
2.2 Structure ..........................................................................................2-2
2.3 Features ...........................................................................................2-3
Chapter 3. Installing LemonIDE Windows.................................................. 3-4
3.1 Install Environment ..............................................................................3-4
3.1.1 Windows Host System..............................................................................3-4
3.1.2 Target System .......................................................................................3-4
3.2 Installation ........................................................................................3-5
3.2.1 JDK installation .....................................................................................3-5
3.2.2 Configuring Windows En vironment Variables...................................................3-6
3.2.3 Installing LemonIDE ................................................................................3-6
3.3 Creating Project Space..........................................................................3-7
3.3.1 Creating Workspace ................................................................................3-8
3.3.2 Creating Projects ...................................................................................3-8
3.3.3 Configuring Path .................................................................................. 3-10
Chapter 4. Installing LemonIDE Linux...................................................... 4-1
4.1 Install Environment ..............................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Linux Host System ..................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Target System .......................................................................................4-1
4.2 Installation ........................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Toolchain & Package Installation.................................................................4-2
4.2.2 JDK installation .....................................................................................4-2
4.3 4.3 Configuration.................................................................................4-4
4.4 LemonIDE..........................................................................................4-4
4.5 Creating Workspace..............................................................................4-4
4.6 Creating Projects.................................................................................4-5
4.6.1 Creating LemonIDE C/C++ Project ...............................................................4-5
Chapter 5. Using IDE ........................................................................... 5-1
5.1 LemonIDE Views..................................................................................5-1
5.2 Creating & Editing Source Codes ..............................................................5-2
5.3 Compile Environment Settings & Build .......................................................5-3
5.3.1 Creating & Updating Makefile ....................................................................5-4
5.3.2 Adding to Make Target .............................................................................5-5
5.3.3 Source Compile .....................................................................................5-6
5.4 Registering Run Method.........................................................................5-6
Table of Contents
5.4.1 Registering M ethod name and binary file.......................................................5-7
5.4.2 Configuring Arguments.............................................................................5-7
5.4.3 Configuring Target Agent ..........................................................................5-7
5.4.4 Configuring Debugger..............................................................................5-8
5.4.5 Configuring Common...............................................................................5-9
5.4.6 Method register result .............................................................................5-9
5.5 Executing Run Method...........................................................................5-9
5.5.1 Configuring Eddy’s Target Agent................................................................ 5-10
5.5.2 Executing Run Method (with results to Serial Port) ......................................... 5-10
5.5.3 Executing Run Method (with result to Telnet)................................................ 5-11
5.6 Creating a Firmware Image................................................................... 5-13
5.6.1 Changing Makefile ................................................................................ 5-13
5.6.2 Adding to Make Target ........................................................................... 5-15
5.6.3 Creating Firmware Image........................................................................ 5-15
5.6.4 Updating Firmware............................................................................... 5-15
Chapter 6. LemonIDE Debugger ............................................................6-16
6.1 Debugging Preparation ........................................................................ 6-16
6.1.1 Execute Target Agent ............................................................................ 6-16
6.1.2 Cautions when setting compile options ....................................................... 6-16
6.2 Executing Debugger............................................................................ 6-17
6.3 Breakpoint Debugging ......................................................................... 6-18
6.3.1 Modifying compiling environment & Executing debugging....................................... 6-19
6.3.2 Settings Breakpoint............................................................................... 6-19
6.3.3 Program Run Control ............................................................................. 6-19
6.4 Non-Breaking Debugging ........................................................................6-20
6.4.1 Modifying compiling environment & Executing debugging....................................... 6-20
6.4.2 Setting Tracepoints & Actions ..................................................................... 6-21
6.4.3 Program Trace Control............................................................................. 6-23
Chapter 7. Monitoring Tool ................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Target Browser....................................................................................7-1
7.1.1 Target Browser User Interface....................................................................7-1
7.1.2 Adding a Target to the Target Browser ..........................................................7-3
7.2 Target Status Monitor............................................................................7-5
7.3 Terminal ...........................................................................................7-6
7.4 CPU Memory View................................................................................7-7
7.5 Registers...........................................................................................7-8
7.6 Changing Workspace.............................................................................7-8
User’s Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction

This chapter is an introduction to SystemBase’s Integrated Devel opment Envi ronment, Lem onIDE.

1.1 About this manual

This manual includes procedures, functions, and usages of LemonIDE, an IDE developed by SystemBase so that programmers can easily write applications and execute them on the tar get board.

1.2 Who should read this manual?

This manual is designed for developers who wish to write applications using LemonIDE. It is strongly recommended that anyone trying to apply or configure LemonIDE read this document. This manual includes various functions, developm ent process , and i mpo rtant note s on using LemonIDE. It is a great starting point for any programmer who wants to execut e custom appli cations on conn ected devices.

1.3 Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction is a preface with general information and introductory notices.
Chapter 2. Getting Started explains about features and structure of LemonIDE.
Chapter 3. Installing LemonIDE Windows provides information on first-time installation of LemonIDE
Windows and host configuration.
Chapter 4. Installing LemonIDE Linux provides information on first-time installation of LemonIDE Linux
and host configuration.
Chapter 5. Using IDE describes each menu and its f unction.
Chapter 6. LemonIDE Debugger explains how to debug remote applications running on the target using
LemonIDE debugger.
Chapter 7. Monitoring Tool explains how to monitor the target status in real-time with LemonIDE.
User’s Guide

1.4 LemonIDE Documents

The following table summarizes documents included in the Eddy document set.
Table 1-1. LemonIDE Documents
Document Description
User Guide LemonIDE configuration and management LemonIDE Spec Sheet Technical specifications of LemonIDE
T o access m ore information on Lem onIDE, pl ease refer t o the SystemBase website at developer community Through these websites, technical documents or latest updates are available for download.
All documents are updated promptly, so check for the recent document updates. The contents in these documents are subject to change without a prior notice. or

1.5 Technical Support

You can reach our tech support with the following methods;
1. Visit the developer’s community at LemonIDE with developers all around the world.
2. Visit us at and submitted.
3. E-mail our technical support team to welcomed.
4. Call us at our customer center at 82-2-855-0501 for immediate support. and go to ‘Technical Support’menu. FAQ and questions can be reviewed and share information and tips on Any kind of inquiries, requests, and comments are
User’s Guide

Chapter 2. Getting Started

This chapter includes general i nformati on, main featu res, and appli cations of Le monIDE.

2.1 Overview

LemonIDE is an integrated dev elom e nt envir onm ent (I DE) for em bedde d so ftware de velo pment , based on a world ­famous open source project Eclipse. It includes GUI (Graphical User Interface) environment which helps writing applications or firmware running on a Embedded Linux. It also eliminates inconvenience from TUI (Text User Interface) with integrated structure linking GNU C/C++ compiler , source code editor , and debugge r to one interface. This means programmers do not need to learn compiler or debugger commands. With an unified GUI, all development process can be handled by mouse clicks. In addition, Mak efile auto-creation, source auto-co mpletion, remote debugging, plugin support, and target system monitoring features are provided.
User’s Guide

2.2 Structure

Image 2-1 LemonIDE Structure
Users can develop embedded software running on the target system based on Eddy platform in a more convenient and accelerated manner. Tools included in LemonIDE are as follows:
LemonIDE IDE : Project-based management with C/C++ source program editing, cross-compile,
remote execution, and GUI builder integration
LemonIDE Debugger : A built-in debugger in LemonIDE supporting both breakpoint and tracepoint
Monitoring Tool : Memory, process, resource, and battery usage of the target system displayed
Target Agent : Running on the target, the agent is connected to the host to transfer file and accept
remote execution command.
User’s Guide

2.3 Features

Main features of LemonIDE are as follows:
Eclipse SDK 3.2.2 CDT core 3.1.2 CVS core 3.2.2
GNU C/C++ 3.4.3 arm-linux cross compile r
C/C++ source code editor C/C++ code auto-completion Syntax highlighting Makefile auto-creation Source browser Multiple file editing with tab interface File search and advanced search External editor link for various file types Detailed information on error syntax Auto Build Remote execution
GNU gdb 6.3.90 Visual source code debugger Breakpoint and tracepoint-based debugging Remote debugging Multi-thread debugging
Target Monitor Tool
T ar getview Pl ug-in 1.0. 0 Monitor Plug-in 1.3.4
User’s Guide

Chapter 3. Installing LemonIDE Windows

This chapter describes how to install LemonIDE on the Windows host system. Refer to “Eddy_DK_Program mer_Guide ”for installing instructions on Cy win, Toolchain and DK Sources.

3.1 Install Environment

3.1.1 Windows Host System

LemonIDE Windows requires a W indows host system. It has been tested on the following W indows versions. Windows XP SP2 Windows 2000 Windows 2003
Instructions in this manual are based on LemonIDE Windows installed on Windows XP.

3.1.2 Target System

In order to download and execute the application created from LemonIDE, a target system is required. SystemBase embedded modules applicable as target systems are as follows:
Eddy Series (Ver 2.xx, Ver 2.1.x.x)
Eddy-DK (Ver 2.xx, Ver 2.1.x.x)
Refer to Eddy-DK Programm er’s G uide for hos t-target co nnections and operation tests.
User’s Guide

3.2 Installation

This chapter describes how to install LemonIDE on the Windows host system. Cywin and Toolchain must be installed i n order to inst all LemonI DE Windows. Refer to “Eddy_DK_Program mer_Guide ”for installing instructions on Cy win, Toolchain and DK Sources.

3.2.1 JDK installation

LemonIDE requires a Java Runti me Environm ent runnin g on the W ind ows host s ystem. Java 5 JRE (Java Runtime Enviro nment) or hi gher is requi red. User must download and install JDK as its License policy forbids public distribution. The following describes downloading and install ing of J DK 6.0.
Select ‘Download’ and then ‘Java SE’ as shown above to move to JDK 6 download area.
Download the latest JDK 6 version by clicking the download button on the right.
It is recommended that JDK be installed under “ C:\”. Install Wizard will be automatically executed and guide you through install process once download is complete. Downloading time may vary depending on your network environment.
User’s Guide

3.2.2 Configuring Windows Environment Variables

Path must be set for LemonIDE to reference Ja va Libraries. On ‘Window Desktop’ Æ Right click ‘My Computer’ Æ ‘Properties’ Æ ‘Advanced’ Æ ‘Environment Variables’, select ‘Path’ from System Variables. Click ‘Edit’ and add the following line.
Version reflects the installed JDK version. If JDK6 was installed under C:\, installed directory would resemble c:\jdk1.6.0_05, where “6.0_05” reflects the installed JDK version. In the Path file, add “;c:\jdk1.6.0_05\bin”

3.2.3 Installing LemonIDE

Install LemonIDE package. LemonIDE package can be found in Eddy DK CD under SDK/W indows. “Lemonide­windows-1xx.tgz” file is the LemonIDE package. Copy this file to “C:” drives root directory. Execute Windows command prompt program “CM D” and unzip t he LemonIDE packa ge as shown bel ow.
(Directory path is case sensitive)
The default directory for LemonIDE installation is set to “c:\cygwin\opt\lemonix\lemonide ”
Instructions on this manual are based on LemonIDE installation under C:\. Should LemonIDE be installed in different hard drive or directory, environmental variables must be set accordingly. It is recommended that LemonIDE be installed under C:\.
User’s Guide

3.3 Creating Project Space

If installation process is completed move to LemonIDE installed directory, /cygwin/opt/lemonix/lemonade, and execute “lemonide.exe”. LemonIDE execution program is located in “c:\cygwin\opt\lemoix\lemonide\lemonide.exe”.
You may create shortcut icons for your co nvenience. LemonIDE logo will first appear, and after loading is completed LemonIDE will automatically display its initial screen. Picture below is the first screen that will appear when LemonIDE is successfully executed. Click “WorkBench” icon on the right.
User’s Guide

3.3.1 Creating Workspace

Create a Workspace folder.
As Workspace DK Source has been installed in previous section of this manual, select the directory where DK Source has been installed. Refer to “7.6 Changing Workspace” to change workspace.
Blank space is not allowed when creating Workspace. (e.g.) C:\documents and settings(not allowed)

3.3.2 Creating Projects

Create a new project on a Workspace. A project is a set of required resource needed in developing a program, and includes source code and build information.
As this manual’s instructions are based on Eddy DK Source, add application & firmware image space under DK Source directory(W orkspace) a s projects.
LemonIDE project can be classified into one of the following four categories depending whether makefile is created and whether C or C++ program is used.
User’s Guide
Standard Make C Project
Project based on C or C++ where existin g makefile is used
Standard Make C ++ Project LemonIDE Make C Project LemonIDE Make C++ Project
Project based on C or C++ where makefile is automatically created
Links to libraries are common in ordinary developing environment, and most Open Sources provide makefile. Hence use of Standard type project is recommended. Provided DK Source also includes makefile definitions. Explanation on this manual will be based on Standard typed project.
To create a “Standard Make C++ Project or Standard C Project”, select “File” Æ NewÆ Project
“LemonIDE ApplicationÆStandard Make C++ Project or Standard C Project or FileÆ
New Æ Standard C++Project/Standard C Project from LemonIDE title menu.
T ype in “src” for Project Nam e and click “Finish” to enlist an Eddy application project. “src” is an application directory enlisted as a filesystem_2.1.x.x Workspace.
T ype in “ram disk” for Project Name and click “Finish” to enlist a project to be used as File System Image Works in the same manner. If all procedures were carried out correctly, Workspace “filesystem_2.1.x.x” should display two projects, “src” and “ramdisk” as shown in the image below.
User’s Guide

3.3.3 Configuring Path

Some libraries provided by Cygwin are used in LemonIDE. For this reason, “/” used in Cygwin’s Path has to be converted to c:\cygwin\, and it also has to comply with
Windows default Path C:\.
Click Windows Æ PreferencesÆ C/C++ Æ Debug Æ Common Source Lookup Path Æ Add Æ Path Mapping from LemonIDE menu and “Path Mapping : New Mapping will be created.
On the newly created Path Mapping : New Mapping, click Edit Æ Add, and Path Mapping window will appear as
shown below. Add the following.
\cygdrive\c\ Æ c:\
User’s Guide
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