If the sprayer will not hold pressure, fill the sprayer 3”(ca. 8 cm) below the top with water. Replace the cap and
pump 4 times. Filling the sprayer this full makes it very easy to pump up to the maximum pressure. CAUTION: The
bottom of the pressure relief valve is submerged and will discharge water under pressure. Dry off any water on the
outside of the sprayer . (See Figure 1) If you observe water leaking out of the sprayer , check for damage at the site of
the leak.
If the leak is at a connection, try to tighten the screw cap. If that fails, remove the screw cap and check the sealing
surface to make sure that it is flat, smooth and the seal or O-Ring is undamaged. Retighten. (See Figure 2)
When reassembling the connections, especially the hose, make sure the O-Ring is seated before hand-tightening
the screw cap. (See Figure 3)
The pressure relief valve is removed by unscrewing it from the tank. Once removed, the lower housing pulls off to
access the O-Ring on the stem (A). When replacing this O-Ring, make sure it is seated in the recess on the stem.
Lubricate O-Ring with Vaseline Grease on stem before reassembly. (See Figure 4)
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 1
Note: Always wear rubber gloves, safety goggles and appropriate protective clothing when repairing a sprayer. Once a repair is
completed, fill the unit with clean water, pressurize, and check for leaks. If the sprayer leaks, Do Not Use. Repair leaks and recheck.
Difficulty in Moving • Dirty Cylinder Wall • Remove Piston, Clean and Replace
Pump Handle
• O-Ring on Piston Swollen (Not Cleaned Properly) • Replace O-Ring
• No Lube on Piston/Cylinder • Lubricate with Vaseline Grease
Low Pressure & Resistance • Damaged O-Ring in Pressure Relief Valve • Replace O-Ring
During Pumping
• Worn or Damaged O-Ring onPisto • Replace O-Ring
• Tank Cap Not Tight • Tighten Cap
• No Lube on Piston Cylinder • Lubricate Piston, O-Ring and Cylinder with Vaseline Grease
Leaks From End • Worn or Damaged O-Ring in Shut-Off Valve • Rebuild Shut-Off Valve
of Spray Wand
Leaks From • Worn or Damaged Umbrella Valve • Replace Umbrella Valve
Inside Cylinder at Bottom of Cylinder
Leaks Under Cap • Damaged or Missing Gasket • Replace Gasket
• Screw Cap Not Tight • Tighten Tank Cap
Leaks From Shut-Off Valve • Worn, Damaged or Loose Fittings, Lack of Lubrication• Tighten Fittings and Replace Worn Parts,
Disassemble and Lubricate O-Rings
Leaks From Hose • Worn, Damaged or Loose Fittings • Tighten Fittings and Replace Worn Parts
Pressure Relief • Lack of Lubrication or Contaminated • Clean and Lubricate Pressure Relief Valve
Valve Sticks Relief Valve Assembly
Air Leak - • Tank Cap Not Tight • Tighten Tank Cap
Air Coming Out
Between the Two • Gasket Twisted or Lacking Lubrication • Straighten Gasket and Lubricate with Vaseline Grease
Halves of the
Pump Support • Tank Lip Damaged • Repair or Replace Tank