Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card 4E User Manual

CF Mag Stripe Reader Card™ 4E
CompactFlash Card with Integrated Magnetic Stripe Reader for Pocket PCs and Windows XP Notebook and Tablet Computers
User’s Guide
4/2006 Document # 6410-00274 B

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2006 Socket Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Socket, the Socket logo and Battery Friendly are registered trademarks of Socket Communications, Inc. CF Mag Stripe Reader Card and SocketScan are trademarks of Socket Communications, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders.
The Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card includes technology licensed under United States Patent No. 5,902,991.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission of Socket Communications is expressly prohibited. Please be aware that the products described in this manual may change without notice.
Feel free to contact SOCKET COMMUNICATIONS at:
Socket Communications, Inc.
37400 Central Court Newark, CA 94560 USA
Other than the above, Socket Communications can assume no responsibility for anything resulting from the application of information contained in this manual.
Please refrain from any applications of the Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card that are not described in this manual. Please refrain from disassembling the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card. Disassembly of this device will void the product warranty.
You can track new product releases, software updates and technical bulletins by visiting Socket’s web page at:
Table of Contents
About the Software 4 System Requirements 4 Package Contents 5 Product Registration 5 Software Development Kit (SDK) 5 Third-Party Applications 5 Beep and LED Patterns 6 SocketScan Icon 6
STEP 1: Uninstall Other Scanning Software 8 STEP 2: Install the Software 9 STEP 3: Insert the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card 11 STEP 4: Swipe Data into Your Application 12 OPTIONAL: Configure Prefix/Suffixes 14 OPTIONAL: Configure Sounds 15
STEP 1: Uninstall Any Scanning Software 17 STEP 2: Install the Software 17 STEP 3: Insert the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card 19 STEP 4: Complete the New Hardware Wizard 20 STEP 5: Swipe Data into Your Application 23 OPTIONAL: Configure SocketScan Settings 25

1 | Introduction

The Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card 4E reads data from one, two, or three track magnetic stripes on ID cards, driver’s licenses, or credit cards into a Pocket PC or Windows XP notebook or tablet computer. It’s the perfect solution for mobile Point of Sale applications, whether you want to eliminate long lines inside a department store or need to process credit cards at outdoor events.
The Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card is great to use in conjunction with a cellular or wireless network. You can perform credit card authorizations, manage inventory and prices, and look up credit balances and other account information anywhere within the network coverage area. For security applications, set up a mobile authentication system that wirelessly accesses database records for identity verification.
The CF Mag Stripe Reader Card can also be used with voter registration cards, health cards, financial cards, and other identity documents.
Sleekly designed with no cables or batteries, the Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card works in the CompactFlash or PC Card slot of compatible mobile c

About the Software

For software updates, visit:

System Requirements

Your mobile computer should meet these minimum requirements:
Any of the following operating systems:
- Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE or 5.0
- Windows XP or XP Tablet Edition
Available CompactFlash or PC Card slot
(Operation in a PC Card slot requires a PC Card adapter) Windows Mobile: Software installation requires ActiveSync 4.0 or greater
SocketScan™ enters swiped data directly into any open Windows program, as if the data were manually typed — no custom programming is required. You can configure Prefix/Suffixes and assign a .WAV file to signify good data reads.
Note for Windows Mobile:
Download ActiveSync free from:
Alternatively, advanced users can install a CAB file. See Appendix B.
If your version of the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card does not include a PC Card adapter, you can purchase one separately from Socket’s website, SKU# AC4001-979.

Package Contents

The CF Mag Stripe Reader Card package includes:
CF Mag Stripe Reader Card
SocketScan Installation CD
Booklets with copyright, warranty, and regulatory compliance information

Product Registration

We highly recommend that all customers register their Socket products. Registered users receive the following benefits:
Priority for technical support
Special offers for future products and product upgrades
The latest new product information
Register online at:

Software Development Kit (SDK)

The CF Mag Stripe Reader Card uses the same SocketScan software and SDK used with all of Socket’s data collection products, including bar code scanners and RFID products. The SocketScan SDK (not included) is required for more complex applications using parsed or encrypted data.
To learn about the SDK, visit:

Third-Party Applications

For information about third-party applications compatible with the Socket CF Mag Stripe Reader Card designed for health care, sales force automation, event/tradeshow management, and other vertical markets, visit:

Beep and LED Patterns

Note: The beep will come from the mobile computer, not the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card. Make sure mobile computer’s sound is turned on.
Beep Pattern LED Behavior Meaning
4 Beeps
Blinking Green and Red
No Beep Solid Green
SocketScan detects the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card.
The CF Mag Stripe Reader Card is ready to receive swiped data.
1 Beep Momentarily OFF Successful swipe.
3 Beeps Red Bad swipe. No data read.

SocketScan Icon

Note: The icon appears only when SocketScan is running. For Pocket PCs, the icon appears at the bottom of the Today screen.
Icon Meaning.
CF Mag Stripe Reader Card detected. SocketScan detects the card and is ready to receive swiped data.
No device detected. The CF Mag Stripe Reader Card is either missing or improperly inserted.

2 | Setup for Windows Mobile

This chapter shows how to install, configure, and use the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card on a Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE or 5.0.
Support for square screens and landscape mode is included.
This chapter shows Pocket PC 2003 screens. Other Pocket PCs will have functionally equivalent screens except where otherwise noted.
Setup Summary
STEP 1: Uninstall other scanning software. STEP 2: Install the software. STEP 3: Insert the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card. STEP 4: Swipe data into your application!
Configure prefix/suffixes.
Configure sounds.

STEP 1: Uninstall Other Scanning Software

Delete any bar code scanning software you may already have installed in your Pocket PC, using either of two methods.
OPTION 1: Uninstall Directly from the Pocket PC
1. Make sure the bar code scanning software is closed, and remove the CF
Mag Stripe Reader Card from your Pocket PC.
2. Tap Start | Settings. Tap on the System tab or Control Panel.
3. Tap on the Remove Programs icon.
4. Select the bar code scanning software, then tap Remove.
5. Tap Yes to confirm removal of the program.
OPTION 2: Uninstall via ActiveSync
1. Make sure the bar code scanning software is closed, and remove the CF
Mag Stripe Reader Card from your Pocket PC.
2. Use ActiveSync and a serial/Ethernet/USB cable or cradle to make an
active connection between your Pocket PC and a host PC.
3. On the host PC, open Microsoft ActiveSync.
4. Click Tools | Add/Remove Programs.
5. Select the bar code scanning software and click Remove.
6. In the confirmation screen, click OK.
7. The next dialog will ask if you want to remove the software from your
host PC as well.
Click NO to keep a copy of the software on the host PC that can later
be re-installed onto a Pocket PC.
Click YES to remove the software from the host PC.

STEP 2: Install the Software

Advanced Users: Refer to Appendix B for CAB file installation instructions.
1. Make sure you have ActiveSync 4.0 or greater. You can download it
free from:
2. Use ActiveSync and a serial/USB cable or cradle to make an active
connection between the Pocket PC and a host PC.
ActiveSync should report that you have connected.
3. Insert the installation CD into the CD drive of the host PC. Use
My Computer or Windows Explorer to access your CD drive. In the CD contents, click on Setup.
Note: If you downloaded the software from Socket’s website, extract the contents and click on Setup.
4. The SocketScan Setup Center will appear in your web browser. Read
the information in the welcome screen, then scroll down to click next at the bottom of the screen.
Read the information in the welcome screen, then scroll down to
click next.
In the Main Page, click Install Software.
In the Installation Page, click Windows CE.
5. In the File Download screen, click Run.
6. In the Security Warning screen, click Run.
7. The installation wizard will begin. Follo w the wizard to install the
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