Snow Joe SJ622 Owner’s Manual

Safety instructions
Me No. 622
is aged ,m+_V ;m+_m_+_" Nu d in
pui lh_ e_I_;nsk_t l_om the :r_cepb_;le
®,,_en_ae_ With Water _hi_@ ¢_@rat_i+t t_e
Se ¢e_ _e-_uA in #O _0¢_ +_d
All Operaters Must Read These
instructions Before Use
Gene i Sad WARN|N !
You and a?g cd-_erc'%+er+loror b+s sr+o must un/+rs!e?£_ +n_ 5olow hie i{'s_ru:ot}o_ i_ lher en i<elZ
+n_ Ihod_i rel"et{ ham al Ire +Iar_ ef snow season
FNlure to follow _he_e i_e'!rum:io_e m_y res_1::in E !C: SHOCK F/RE serious PERSONAL FN URY.
Netce tie per_enal y al+_ symbol & u_ed i!
tla _1 to tr_w you_ _t_tie_ t_ ! WARNING
Th_ _ean_ that: the a_er _eq_h'es _pee_al
_ON+ C_T!ON+ _ NE_°
i, _ A_ea
+ Kee_ we_k _ea _tea_ and wel! IlL C;lu1_e_ed
dm'k a_e+s :inv+_+accidents
b Oo _ ep+r_e s#_h+owe_ l_ +_ +_pi:oek_
at.n_p_e_, e_h as _ _'_epresence ,_ Iem_+£_e
liqu ds ,_ses+ or d+sL _leetJ_ _eg#__ses create
are,a= Be aware tha_ t<+ _ormd no+++ el _he n+ +A"_e#+t_med on rn_ make t di _sr
2,D÷ctrk:a_ Sa[,÷ly
ir_ p?Or war h::_c_dionSor ex;pO+®to rair_ Do _<)!
h_-xJie he pug o_ hl a.pp[i _+Ii '_/e h_rxJ,$ <>r wni+ sa 9 i# _a®r
, _on O#d- WAR_ING = _@ _ a :UL r_ed
ex_ns_ ¢o_d _r @_J al-we+th÷r use
(_ls#al_ eran%e eele(j=To p _hee×tene;on
tqe iop d_t _de c__ mi_%+ +fame b_e
i I.olh+ _s shciwr i Figm"+ 18 See
WAA_QIt+G bo_ <_'_pegs !0 for more oo_d in_r Tur_ @_:'lh+ _÷r :s_it_ih aad dis,cease+ _e
_z ¢I_ing _ s__e_ Any such operab_
be performed &Ker in9 parte in the
+r _ temple e@.
h._o net;mo_e tr_+_pe_ _ _ _h_
_e #i_@ i_ e¢_neo_ed to the _we_ _,o¢ketand
3, ,Pars ! S+_÷_y
[},;,IrI:?[+;*ii l't@ onat!Jl® Wh@i tie:J+ i!:_Cr
th÷ influen_;_ @ d ah; <r medi A ir_iry,
b Wear et_ln% - Wearing pJbbN NNrs
ad p_<_esi+n frc_ e;_bqc _ n<£w_s
lees+ e!othin£ or }+welry 'lham_ y be_e caugh
iF+the _.¢hine. pr¢.t e _e:dgear Io.keep hair from re,_c.i'_bnI par+s ef the me.'./hine, Sa_eW g;_ss++ after beer p:rot_<_ic_ than
g d a , i+:Jpiugs;al'+dm<_i;_-+r_
b A_o_ bod_ _a_ _h ed O+ _mmded
rei _;rs,The+'_i,s ar i et iisk <?t+_l=xsIrb
ii ygur i-5 h_J (:_g
ivc.r_,se lhe ri_k d _+et<ic r
_-_+see by i_e cord c+yer'_i me cord to di+sonner,,+_ilh<G_the electric} _>de_
d R_pl_ e+#_1_ repN_ dam_ eels, f
©2<)07 C9 <@+7+,+_,m,::LL(; i'+1%+q+:+ +P+++4 ©+ 1+<++++_'m:h:_;_
Bo_ _po_Ion -Mak p_sper_ootinge_ ba[anc.a a:a_ lines P[ac,_- heels Rmqy o_ lhe g_oan_ and
and do r_alava_re_sh In ease _gu M}:!or e '¢_ me ano,_._hrov_w, in tme for .ga When slapping_>a _a be care ul 1o a'_'oid obstac[a_ be__e_:h2out<_eet behind you re._v@@_aliR9
4. Snowth Use and Ca_e
a Kn<_w_ou_ _h_¢we_ _ Fa ;is yaur _qm
s:'[i!lhlo_ief o+ al@_ ini parl_ k;:_nsUr_ Ix_l lie
iiii iS I 11<!11%@I=
c P_elkmi:_al _;e_ inspec_len =Cfaa_ t_a area. la
be I4.0wedbefore aa_J__sa, Ra_cwa al! objects s_d_ as nac_a, bt_kea glass r_i,le _ra, ¢÷ sling I"hiCl'] t%at be t'sIowI b9_b ÷cd,aI_led it't
_,e s rc_#er. Keep lha area oI aperalQn cqe_I
',sfall p,arac, ms= parlicalal 7 dram and p÷l,s.
t. fxc_%_÷ fo_- The enec+4hrowar wss de@Qaed
_d aza _rts_ raia faraa_a_ a<_ cxx_71b_a for opIim_m 5aIaty and pa_" . Do ¢satbase
ilkeep p,_aa_ur÷con .
e.M_a_l_ir% Iwieh - Ce ¢_ u_a1ha r
if iha _lS:h does _£4 turn il o0_arid _tt A_%° trssat appliance l}qat as be s@_IriI_d i 7 1he a_'hah is ao_ a_a la us_ _£Ii r"_el Be l°apaifed
t _i'_tn# at't @_a_ _ i he sn0_wt?_f@_e!aeSdaulaPy
damag,f_i f@pat:fof fepb:H_ are' damaga_ is,at bf@Sle
_÷s_.aftr@_m_d !rig the
iLicharfI_ ah_J1iil II>_<)p_Sl°atOfaI bysli_r_@_li,it
a is _17 y up by Ifm f _;_
e told ipers4;¢a_i{nBJry13o 1i01.
ilia y'tIit 1C,in fie _17_,_oh@e= Sic@
B-Middle k_ma
_/>Uppe_ s e _F-Lawarc_ e
GtChuta d_ r H- c'h@a
K- pleIa
O-P_iar:;za_ plug P- ha
h lamB=ill _ir_la@ lelli r".....=' .
s':_owlhiowlr in lh® I +4)id p:xsili<y; L_ an4ofall,
i. Abn_m_ e oe = II you ,nafcathe sms,&,lhr_wa
ru@'i_sginan ;_psla)Je stale a,_hear abnIrr_I sounds from _e an@he _top he maehine disacnnsc.f he p@_ar im_d_a,_e%,._"d year mr_:_naldis!Jib_o=
.i eerie'at -When uei_ he al_o_thrawa_ ", yc
mua! '_spa+:_ Is<<.ai<ka_oa sad reg_#batana ragardb _ aaias eonIe4 and envi lal pml,e_tc_,. "r2 a_,oid f:paisedas a, !,ta+J osr@JIt!/_aida upon a_ _ppraariale o¢>era_ia_ _ime _'_d ar lha
J ®rmqOr_ol he
Sa_ and ;l_struction
@:[IIT_,IIEI_££ 8! £:I. ,&£;L_IT£ OEL IAILi EIT_
W'fL tiNIA£ IIL _tItfl@!;
, L£_R LAI t_8 I_ _N:B_IL_JE
wdn{_ (Sges no! b(_com¢_da
Geeing Sta ed
W s ng ir_t"_<an,mr_s_ic_y._mlJr_g$x;.,sitiOn
3 Ct_k _tl items f_# _tt da is seen or
I ad, p_omBfh/ deal,e:r dbere you bo_2@ht
tff,%$nc,W ÷r o/*con_l S!n_W m_r Service fo_ a.s,sis_.ance
67_@@:lg !'ncak_Js_Jfa lYssfh+e _:s.sMSba{:_8o_¢a_ss ;Si!@
..... ;,o.....
[,Jt_/s(a@sdl_<:r_'_Sk { p8
Upper, Mitdie, and Lower Frame
I. Loe_se_sand remove lqe foursetso ]oit qxim@Tobols_
iddl÷ Rs_me_Fi9, 2 ....
. s>drethe _' e l:rsme is he;,,dup , _g
the UP _ _o the middte h_sqe, g
middie _ame ir_ lhe _,e '.s__ire_@s wi/m_t
a:ssemL4e 1_÷
2 ©0 ;_+_,o_o_,e_'!!gN:a¢'_lh@ l:_my hnshs.,
O_-_nec.l 1be uppe_ l_ame o 1be _ I in Ib_ _:_e
'lt;fhtl':f, IiIIJ IO IIF;%fl lih@ l]IfI£]l©II OFI t0t!;
kl'_a=llafY_l &l @il!!i' S!¢51:®@fll¢ _'aI ,illg I!,
ACabb dip
A-&:_i_tR_in£ ik_eb
Discharge Chute and Chute Crank
. LiI _=_.¢hul:_, = ' . y
onto he d _sh_'_ cihut÷ !Ills. 'I0 _nd i i)
+ 12 hidden pages