Mo_el No,3_
Safe_ instructions
All OperaIors ....t
|nstru_ions Before Use
Mus_ Read These
in _m ha:ridheld posit]on is LmSa_,e,
6= This r is b_ _¢ use ca p_w_
es The uni d_ould _et be used ec grove or
?_ LI_t e®at e_e_:atlen; De _ot ca_W p/_ggea-m
row'@ wit_ i en @_'_@ Be sixre t_a _
is @f ir
& 8_'7 I®eltl®n_ Be aJ_#a{"@ +@f 7o/Je foc+Iing _fsd ICe 7
n8 to ssa #roper ,sl:al! 'times:
for uneven su and ,:Lont o,¢ei_ea_r;hi,
9_ _×_tve f_'ce; Tb,s sr_how® was de_ig_J Is
r,_sp_@_la_ a cerb_n re;Is fgr _e_
oplmum satety and #e formB!'ics Don°I Force keep
l& H}tti_g, an e If Ih@ hrow÷ ' _osl 17
strik÷e _l_ object, tff'st slop; r:e_¢sve ie 7 lb,en plug
In!sect fc_ r_p_ir e_ r@isr5 p_rl
t:i,,,,W_en wor_ te @empire@ C)i_s I _°,smi<_@
_ouFc.e 'whe_ _]£ i_ u£e %_e_ +z_s,ae 1@3 e_ @_d
t,efere pedormih I @-Wmainte s 1_amolcn.
ll; Store safel!_ Sl£m_l im a dry b÷Iwesn u_e_,
Sl@¢_ ilI B _Sk:_@ @f'@t WYlBf@ children ._rd :hsdz÷d
;,eOpl@ CaRROll: fI@Jl @C_S@IS,
tSllllIalntal_ for Sa;ii a#£ I_I_R'_: S@@inslruclions i_'s!
'lq@cpel:_lor'@ mansaJ for_{_@r m@irIenarme.LJ_e,srFy
Save These Insttuciions
Safe_ and |ns_uction Decals
S_a%ty_cals and ins ns a_a 6a@ vtsibb _otha _.orand ara locatad
naa_ areas @ _r_t_a_ d t_ 0_" S S b@ _d
Las calcoma'J_°usd@seguri@d @ r_,tccion,,ss9s"_ rn@rfl_qsi @t
c@g r y ®sl4r_ ublc f_r.ca alas _ @ i:_}lgto, L,as _an_as
@aP_adaso as 8asdeb#s_ _.azaL
SJ 322_2_
S4 a22,o_ta,s