Q1: Which engine manual do I refer??
A1: The engine manufacturer offers you such specific information in the enginge manual.
Q2: How many forward speeds does the Disc Drive provide?
A2: Disc Drive comprises of six forward speeds while one is ordained in reverse drive.
Q3: What is the top speed of Hydrostatic Drive?
A3: The top speed of Hydrostatic Drive is close to 7 mph.
Q4: What would be the recommended pressures for the front tires.
A4: It would be correctly maintained that the front tire pressure should not exceed 12 psi.
Q5: In case I am unable to start the tractor what should be the course of action?
A5: If the tractor doesn't start, firstly, you must check the safety interlock system and all the other switches that were seat, clutch/brake, and mower blade.
Q6: Can you please tell me where I might can find the serial number for the tractor?
A6: The tractors serial number can be found on the left hand side just below the dash panel.
Q7: What preventive checks are necessary for the hydraulic fluid?
A7: The 20W20 or 30W engine oil should be used to regularly check the hydraulic fluid and replace it if need be.