
Model Humber:
Briggs & Stratton PowerProductsGroup
5375 North Main Street
Munnsville, NY 13409
SW20KAV1748, 17HP Kawasaki, 48" Cut Walk-Behind Mower
SW20KAV133B, 13HP Kawasaki, 36" Cut Walk-Behind Mower

Thankyoufor purchasingthis quality-built SnapperProproduct. We'repleasedthat
you've placedyour confidencein the SnapperProbrand. Whenoperatedand maintained
accordingto the instructions inthis manual,your SnapperProproductwill provide many
yearsof dependableservice.
This manualcontainssafety informationto makeyou awareof the hazardsand
risksassociatedwith this machineand howto avoidthem. Thismachineis designedand
intendedto be usedand maintainedaccordingto the manualandoperatedbytrained
professionalsfor finish cutting of establishedlawnsand is not intendedfor any other
purpose. It is importantthat you readand understandtheseinstructions thoroughly
beforeattemptingto start or operatethis equipment
Unit Model Number
MowerDeck ModelNumber
EngineMake EngineModel
EngineType/Spec EngineCode/SerialNumber
SeeFeatures and Controls for the location of Identification Numbers
Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group
Copyright {©2008 Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, WI, USA. All rights reserved.
TheSnapper Pro logo is atrademark of Briggs & Stratton
Corporation Milwaukee,WI, USA.
Contact Information:
Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group
5375 N. MainSt.
Munnsville, NY 13409-4003
(800) 933-6175
Unit SERIALNumber
Mower DeckSERIALNumber
The engineexhaustfrom this product contains chemicals
known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects, or other reproductive harm.

Table of Contents
Operator Safety ..................................................... 2
Safety Rulesand Information...........................................2
Safety Decals....................................................................8
Safety InterlockSystem....................................................9
Features& Controls.............................................. 10
Control Functions...........................................................11
Operation ........................................................... 13
Checks Before Starting.................................................. 13
CheckingTire Pressures.................................................14
Pushingthe Unit by Hand...............................................14
Cutting HeightAdjustment..............................................15
Starting the Engine.........................................................17
Stopping the Mower.......................................................17
Driving the Mower..........................................................18
Mowing Recommendations............................................20
Mowing Methods............................................................21
Attaching a Trailer...........................................................22
RegularMaintenance ............................................ 23
Checking/Adding Fuel.....................................................24
Oil & FilterChange..........................................................24
Check/Fill Transmission Oil...........................................26
Transmission Oil Filter Change.......................................26
Servicing the Mower Blades...........................................27
NeutralAdjustment .........................................................29
Speed BalancingAdjustment ..........................................29
ParkingBrakeAdjustment ..............................................30
DeckLevelingAdjustment ..............................................31
Mower Belt Replacement................................................32
Transmission Drive Belt Replacement............................34
ReverseSpeedControl LeversAdjustment ....................35
Starting After Long Term Storage...................................36
Troubleshooting................................................... 37
Troubleshootingthe Mower............................................37
Troubleshootingthe Mower Deck...................................38
Troubleshooting Common Cutting Problems..................39
Specifications ...................................................... 40
Slope identification Guide....................................... 41
NOTE,"In this manual, "left" and "rigtit" are referred to as seen
from the operating position.

$a{etyRules& Ifl{ormUofl
Readthe Manual
Congratulations on purchasing a superior-quality pieceof lawn and
garden equipment. Our products are designed and manufactured to meet
or exceedall industry standardsfor safety.
Do not operatethis machine unless you have beentrained. Readingand
understanding this operator's manual is a way to train yourself.
Power equipment is only as safe asthe operator. If it is misused, or not
properly maintained, it can be dangerous! Remember,you are
responsible for your safety and that of those aroundyou.
Use common sense,and think through what you are doing. If you are
not sure that the task you are about to perform can be safely done with
the equipment you havechosen ask a professional: contact your local
authorized dealer.
Theoperator's manualcontains important safety information
you needto be awareof BEFOREyou operateyour unit as
well as DURINGoperation.
Safeoperatingtechniques, an explanation of the product's
features andcontrols, and maintenanceinformation is
included to helpyou get the most out of your equipment
Be sure to completely readthe Safety Rulesand Information
found on the following pages. Also completely readthe
Tragic accidents can occur with children. Do not
allowthem anywherenear the areaof operation.
Childrenare often attractedto the unit and mowing
activity. Neverassumethat children will remain
where you last sawthem. If there is a risk that
children may enterthe areawhere you are mowing,
haveanother responsibleadult watch them.
2 www.SnapperPro.com

Thrown Objects
SafetyRules& Iflformatiofl
Slope Operation
You could be seriously injured if you usethis unit on too steep of aslope.
Usingthe unit on a slope that is too steep whereyou do not haveadequate
footing and unit traction (and control) can cause you to lose control and
possibly slip andfall or roll the unit over.
Always mow across slopes, not up and down (you could slip and fall.)
You should not operate on a slope greaterthan a 5.4 foot rise overa 20
foot length (15 degrees).
Also, notethat the surface you are on can greatly impact your ability to
safely operatethis machine. Wet grass or soft soil can seriously affect your
footing and traction of the unit. Do not operateon slopesthat are slippery,
wet, or havesoft soil.
Thisunit has spinning mower blades. Thesebladescar/pick up and throw
debris that could seriously injure a bystander. Be sureto clean up tile areato
be mowed and remove objects that could bethrown by the blade BEFOREyou
start mowing.
Do not operatethis unit without the entiregrass catcher or discharge guard
(deflector) in place.
Also, do not allow anyone in the areawhile the unit is running! If someone
does enterthe area.shut the unit off immediately until they leave.
This equipment has many moving parts that can injure you or
someone else. However,if you stay in the operator zone(area
behind the handlesand controls), and follow the safety rules in
this operator's manual,the unit is safeto operate.
The mower deck hasspinning mower bladesthat canamputate
hands and feet, Do not allow anyonenear the unit while it is
running! Keepsafetydevices (guards, shields, and switches) in
placeand working.
Tohelp you, the operator, usethis equipment safely, it is
equippedwith an operator-presentsafety system. Do NOT
attempt to alter or bypass the system. Seeyour dealer
immediately if the system does not passall the safety interlock
system tests found in this manual.
Moving Parts

Sa{etyRules& Ifl{ormUofl
Fueland Maintenance
Always disengageall drives, shutoff the engine and removethe
key beforedoing anycleaning, refueling or servicing.
Gasolineand its vaporsare extremely flammable. Do not smoke
while operating or refueling. Do not add fuel while engine is hot
or running. Allow engine to cool for at least 3 minutes prior to
adding fuel.
Do not addfuel indoors, in an enclosedtrailer, garage or other
enclosed areathat is not well ventilated. Gasolinespills should
be cleaned up promptly and before operation begins.
Gasolineshould be stored only insealedcontainers approvedfor
Proper maintenanceis critical to the safety and performance of
your unit. Keepthe unit free of grass, leavesand excessoil. Be
sureto perform the maintenanceprocedures listed in this
manual, especially periodicallytesting the safety system.
Only operatethis unit outdoors and away
from unventilatedareassuch as inside
garagesor enclosedtrailers. Theengine
emits poisonous carbon monoxidegas and
prolonged exposure in an enclosedarea can
result in serious injury or death.
4 www.SnapperPro.com

SsfetyRules& information
Readthese safety rules and follow them closely. Failureto obey these rulescould result in loss of control of unit,
severe personal injury or death to you, or bystanders, or damageto property or equipment. This mowing deck is
capableof amputating hands and feet and throwin_ Thetriangle _ in text signifies important cautions
or warnings which must be followed.
1. Read,understand,and follow all instructions in the
manualand on the unit before starting. If the
operator e or mechanic s can not readEnglishit is the
ownersresponsb tytoexpanthsmatera to them.
2. Becomefamiliar with the safeoperation of the
equipment, operator controls, and safety signs.
3. All operators and mechanics should betrained. The
owner is responsiblefor training the users.
4. Only allow responsible adults,who are familiar with the
instructions, to operate the unit.
5. Neverlet children or untrained people operateor service
the equipment. Localregulations may restrict the age of
the operator.
6. The owner/user can preventand is responsible for
accidents or injuries occurring to themselves,other
people or property.
7. Dataindicatesthat operators, age60 years and above,
are involved in a large percentageof riding mower-
relatedinjuries. Theseoperators should evaluatetheir
ability to operate the riding mower safelyenough to
protect themselvesand others from serious injury.
1. Evaluatethe terrain to determinewhat accessoriesand
attachments are neededto properly and safely perform
the job. Use only accessoriesand attachments
approved by the manufacturer.
2. Wear appropriate clothing including safety shoes, safety
glassesand ear protection. Long hair,loose clothing or
jewelry may get tangled in moving parts.
3. Inspect the areawhere the equipment isto beusedand
removeall objects such as rocks, toys and wire, which
can be thrown by the machine.
4. Useextra carewhen handling gasoline and other fuels.
They are flammable and vapors areexplosive.
a) Useonly an approvedcontainer.
b) Neverremove fuel cap or add fuel with the engine
running. Allow engineto cool before refueling. Do
not smoke.
c) Neverrefuel or drainthe machine indoors.
5. Checkthat operator's presencecontrols, safety switches
and shields are attached and functioning properly. Do
not operate unlessthe _are functioning properly.
1. Neverrun an engine In an enclosed area.
2. Mow only in the daylight or with good artificial light,
keepingawayfrom holes and hidden hazards.
3. Besure all drives are in neutral and parking brakeis
engaged before starting engine. Only start engine from
the operator's position. Useseat belts if provided.
4. Besure of your footing while using pedestriancontrolled
equipment, especiallywhen backing up. Walk,don't
run. Reducedfooting could causeslipping.
5. Slow down and use extra careon hillsides. Besure to
travel in the recommendeddirection on hillsides. Turf
conditions can affect the machinesstability. Usecaution
when operating neardrop-offs.
6. Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary.
Always look down and behind beforeand while traveling
in reverse.
7. Beawareof the mower discharge direction and do not
point it at anyone. Do not operatethe mower without
either the entire grass catcheror the deflector in place.
8. Slow down and use caution when makingturns and
when changing directions on slopes.
9. Neverraise deckwith the blades running.
10. Neverleavea running unit unattended. Always
disengagethe PTO,set parking brake,stop engine,and
remove keys before dismounting. Keephandsand feet
away from the cutting units.
11. Turn off the PTOswitch to disengagethe bladeswhen
not mowing.
12. Neveroperatewith guards not securely in place. Be
sure all interlocks are attached,adjusted properly and
functioning properly.
13. Neveroperatewith the dischargedeflector raised,
removed or altered, unless using a grass catcher.
14. Do not changethe engine governor setting or overspeed
the engine.
15. Stop on levelground, lower implements, disengage
drives, engageparking brake, shut off engine before
leavingthe operator's positionfor anyreason including
emptying the grass catchers or unclogging the chute.
16. Stop equipment and inspect bladesafter striking objects
or abnormalvibration occurs. Make necessaryrepairs
before resuming operations.
17. Keephandsand feet awayfrom the cutting units.
18. Look behind and down before backing up to be sure of a
clear path.
19. Nevercarry passengersand keeppets and bystanders
20. Do not operatethe unit while underthe influenceof
alcohol or drugs.
21. Slow down and usecaution when makingturns and
crossing roads and sidewalks. Stop blades if not
22. Usecare when loading or unloading the machine into a
trailer or truck.
23. Usecare when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees
or other objects that mayobscure vision.
24. To reducefire hazard,keepunit free of grass, leaves&
excess oil. Do not stop or park over dry leaves,grass or
combustible materials.
25. The enginein this unit is not factory equippedwith a

SafetyRules& information
spark arrester. It is a violation of California Public
ResourceCode Section 4442 to useor operatethe
engine on or near any forest-covered, brush-covered, or
grass-covered land unless the exhaustsystem is
equipped with a spark attester meeting any applicable
local or state laws. Otherstates or federal area may
havesimilar laws.
26. OSHAregulations may require the use of hearing
protection when exposedto sound levels greaterthan 85
dBA for an 8 hour time period.
excess of 85 dBAat the operator's ear and
Thismachine produces sound levels in
cancausehearing lossthoughextended
periods of exposure.
Wear hearingprotection when operating this machine.
Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto loss-of-control and tip-
overaccidents,which can result in severeinjury or death.All
slopes requireextra caution. If you cannotbackupthe slope
or if youfeel uneasyon it, do not driveon it.
Never operate on slopes greater than 15° which isa
rise of 5.4 feet (165 cm) vertically in 20 feet (607 cm)
Select slew ground speed before driving ontoslope.
Useextra cautionwhen operating on slopes with rear-
mounted grass catchers.
l/low across the face of slopes, not up and down, use
caution when changingdirections and DONOTSTART
1, Mow across slopes, not up and down.
2. Remove obstaclessuch as rocks, tree limbs, etc.
3. Watch for holes, ruts, or bumps. Uneventerrain could
overturn the unit. Tallgrass can hide obstacles.
4. Useslow speed. Choosea slow speed so that you will
not haveto stop or changespeedwhile on the slope.
5. Useextra carewith grass catchers or other attachments.
Thesecan change the stability of the unit.
6. Keepall movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do
not make suddenchanges in speedor direction.
7. Seeyour authorized dealerfor recommendations of
availableweights to improve stability.
Do Not
1. Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a slope. If tires
losetraction (i.e. machine stops forward motion on a
slope), disengagethe blade(s) (PTO)and drive slow off
the slope.
2. Do not turn on slopes unless necessary,and then, turn
3. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, or embankments.
The operator could losefooting or balanceor mower
could suddenly turn over if awheel is overthe edgeof a
cliff or ditch, or if an edge cavesin.
4. Do not mow on wet grass. Reducedfooting or traction
could causesliding.
5. Do not try to stabilizethe unit by putting your foot on
the ground. (ride-on units)
6. Do not mow excessivelysteep slopes.
7. Do not use grass catcher on steep slopes.
1. Tow only with a machinethat hasa hitch designedfor
towing. Do not attach towed equipment except atthe
hitch point.
2. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for weight
limit for towed equipment and towing on slopes. See
attaching a trailer under OPERATION.
3. Neverallow children or others in or on towed
4. Onslopes, the weight of the towed equipment may
cause loss of traction and loss of control.
5. Travelslowly and allow extra distanceto stop.
6. Do not shift to neutral and coast down hill.
Tragicaccidentscanoccur if the operatoris not alert to the
presenceof children.Children areoften attractedto the unit
andthe mowing activity. Neverassumethat childrenwill
remainwhereyou lastsawthem.
1. Keepchildren out of the mowing areaand under the
watchful care of another responsible adult.
2. Bealert and turn unit off if children enter the area.
3. Before and during reverseoperation, look behind and
down for small children.
4. Neverallow children to operate the unit,
5. Useextra carewhen approaching blind corners, shrubs.
trees, or other objectsthat may obscure vision.
1. Engineexhaustfrom tHs product contains chemicals
known, in certain quantities, to cause cancer,birth
defects, or other reproductive harm.
2. Look for the relevant Emissions Durability Periodand Air
Index information onthe engine emissions label.
6 www.SnapperPro.com
1. ThissparkignitionsystemcomplieswithCanadian

SafetyRules& Iflformtiofl
Toavoid personal injuryor property damaqe, use extreme
care in handling gasoline. Gasolineis extremely flammable
and the vaporsare explosive.
Safe Handling ofGasoline
1. Extinguish all cigarettes,cigars, pipes, and other
sources of ignition.
2. Useonly approvedgasoline containers.
3. Neverremove the gas cap or add fuel with the engine
running. Allow the engineto cool beforerefueling.
4. Neverfuel the machine indoors.
5. Neverstore the machine or fuel containerwhere there is
an open flame, spark, or pilot light such as neara water
heateror other appliance.
6. Neverfill containers insidea vehicle or on a truck bed
with a plastic bed liner. Always placecontainers on the
ground away from your vehicle beforefilling.
7. Removegas-powered equipment from the truck or
trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible.
then refuel such equipment on a trailer with a portable
container, ratherthan from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
8. Keepnozzlein contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening at all times until fueling is complete.
Do not use a nozzlelock-open device.
9. If fuel is spilled on clothing, changeclothing
10. Neverover-fill the fuel tank. Replacegas capand
tighten securely.
11. Useextra care in handling gasoline and other fuels. They
are flammable and vapors are explosive.
12. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but
move the machine awayfrom the area of spillage and
avoid creating anysource of ignition until fuel vapors
13. Replaceall fuel tank capsand fuel containercaps
Maintenance and Storage
1. Always observe safe refueling and fuel handling
practices when refuelingthe unit after transportation or
2. Always follow the engine manualinstructions for storage
preparations before storing the unit for both short and
long term periods.
3. Always follow the engine manualinstructions for proper
start-up procedureswhen returning the unit to service.
4. Neverstore the machine or fuel container insidewhere
there is an openflame, such as in a water heater. Allow
unit to cool beforestoring.
5. Shut off fuel while storing or transporting. Donot store
fuel near flames ordrain indoors.
6. Keepall hardware,especially blade attachment bolts.
tight and keepall parts in good working condition.
Replaceall worn or damaged decals.
7. Nevertamper with safety devices. Checktheir proper
operation regularly.
8. Disengagedrives, lower implement, set parking brake,
stop engineand remove key or disconnect spark plug
wire. Wait for all movement to stop before adjusting,
cleaning or repairing.
9. Cleangrass and debris from cutting units, drives,
mufflers, and engineto prevent fires. Cleanup oil or
fuel spillage.
10. Let enginecool before storing and do not store near
11. Stop and inspect the equipment if you strike anobject.
Repair,if necessary,before restarting.
12. Park machine on level ground. Neverallow untrained
personnelto service machine.
13. Usejack stands to support components when required.
14. Carefully releasepressure from components with stored
15. Disconnect batteryor removespark plug wire before
making any repairs. Disconnectthe negativeterminal
first and the positive last. Reconnectpositive first and
16. Usecare when checking blades. Wrapthe blade(s) or
wear gloves, anduse caution when servicing them.
Onlyreplaceblades. Neverstraighten or weld them.
17. Keephandsand feet awayfrom moving parts. If
possible, do not makeadjustments with the engine
18. Chargebatteries in an open well ventilated area,away
from spark andflames. Unplug charger before
connecting or disconnecting from battery. Wear
protective clothes and useinsulated tools.
19. Grasscatcher components are subject to wear,damage,
and deterioration, which could exposemoving parts or
allow objects to bethrown. Frequentlycheck
components and replacewith manufacturer's
recommendedparts, when necessary.
20. Checkbrake operationfrequently. Adjust and service as
21. Useonly factory authorized replacement parts when
making repairs.
22. Always comply with factory specifications on all settings
and adjustments.
23. Only authorized service locations should beutilized for
major service andrepair requirements.
24. Neverattempt to makemajor repairs on this unit unless
you have been properly trained. Improper service
procedures can result in hazardous operation,
equipment damageand voiding of manufacturer's
25. Units with hydraulic pumps, hoses,or motors:
WARNING:Hydraulicfluid escaping under pressure may
havesufficient force to penetrateskin and causeserious
injury. If foreign fluid is injected into the skin it must be
surgically removed within a few hours bya doctor
familiar with this form of injury or gangrenemay result.
Keepbody and hands awayfrom pin holes or nozzles
that eject hydraulic fluid under high pressure. Use paper
or cardboard, and not hands,to searchfor leaks. Make
sure all hydraulic fluid connectionsare tight and all
hydraulic hosesand lines arein good condition before
applying pressureto the system. If leaks occur, have
the unit serviced immediately byyour authorized dealer.
26. WARNING:Storedenergy device. Improper releaseof
springs can result in serious personal injury. Springs
should be removed by anauthorizedtechnician.

Safety Decals
Thisunithasbeendesignedandmanufacturedto provide
youwiththesafetyandreliabilityyouwouldexpectfrom an
industryleaderin outdoorpowerequipmentmanufacturing.
Although reading this manualand the safety instructions it
contains will provideyou with the necessary basic
knowledge to operatethis equipment safely and effectively,
we haveplaced several safety labelson the unit to remind
you of this important information while you areoperating
your unit.
All DANGER,WARNING, CAUTION and instructional
messageson your mowerand mower deckshould be
carefully read and obeyed. Personal bodily injury can result
whenthese instructions are not followed. The information is
for your safetyand it is important! Thesafety decals below
are on your mower and mower deck.
If any of these decals are lost or damaged, replacethem at
once. Seeyour local dealerfor replacements.
Theselabelsare easilyapplied and will act as a constant
visual reminderto you, and others who may use the
equipment,to follow the safety instructions necessaryfor
safe,effective operation.
8 www.SnapperPro.com

this unit is equipped with safety interlockswitches. These
_afetysystems are presentfor your safety,do not attempt
:o bypasssafety switches, and nevertamper with safety
Jevices. Check their operation regularly.
Safety icons
Thealert symbol '_ is used to identity safety information
about hazardsthat can result in personalinjury. A signal
word (DANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION)is used with the
alert symbol to indicatethe likelihood and the potential
severity of the injury. In addition, a hazardicon may be
usedto represent the type of hazard. An explanation of
hazardlevels and icons are asfollows:
Operational SAFETYChecks
rest1 -- Engine shouldNOTcrank if:
,, PTOswitch is engaged,OR
,, Parking brakeis not engaged,OR
,, Forward SpeedControl Leveris not in the NEUTRAL
rest2 -- EngineSHOULDcrankif:
,, PTOswitch is NOTengaged,AND
,, Parking brakeis engaged,AND
,, Forward SpeedControl Leveris inthe NEUTRAL
rest3 -- EngineshouldSHUTOFFif:
', Operatorreleasesthe operator presencebandieswitb
• Operatorreleasesthe operator presencehandles with
the parking brakedisengaged.
rest4 -- Blade BrakeCheck
_ower blades and mower drive belt should come to a
:;ompletestop within seven (7) seconds after electric PTO
_witchis turned off (or operator rises off seat). If mower
Jrive belt does not stop within seven (7) seconds, see your
This indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will result in
serious injuryor death.
This indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, could result in
serial injury or death.
This indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, might result in
minor or moderate injury.
Thesemessages presentedwithout tbe alert symbol indicate
a situation wherethe unit or property could be damaged.
NorthAmerican Safety Icons
Hazard Safety icon Hazard Safety icon
Alert _ Amputation _---"1_
ToxicFumes _ ThrOwnObjects
Footin Blade
_IOTE:Oncethe enginehas stopped, PTOswitch must be
turned off, parking brake must be engaged,and themotion
:ontml handlemust be returned to the NEUTRALposition
_norder to start the engine,
if the unit does notpassa safety test, do notoperate
it. See your authorized dealer. Underno
circumstanceshouldyou attempt to defeat the purpose
of the safety interlocksystem.
Read the Maintain a •
Manual [[_ Safe _ _"">T
Hazard Children
OpenFlame @ Keep [_ ,_,_
Fire Hazard _,_ BatSurface _
Rotating Protective
Amputation _) Wear
Parts Gear
AmputatiOnHandin _r_%'_ PinchPoint I_11
Blade A

Featuresand Controls
Identification N.rnbers
Whencontactingyourauthorized dealer for replacement
parts, service, or informationyou MUSThavethese
Recordyour part number, serial number andengine serial
numbers in the space provided on the inside front cover for
easyaccess. Thesenumbers can befound in the locations
shown in Figure1.
NOTE,Forlocationof engineidentification numbers, refer to
theengine owner's manual.
Figure 1. Identification Numbers
A. Identification Tag
10 www.SnapperPro.com

Figure2, Control Locations
Control Functions
Theinformation below briefly describes the tiJnctionof individual controls. Starting, stopping, driving, and mowing require
thecombined use of several controls applied in specific sequences. Tolearn what combination and sequenceof controls to
usefor various tasks see the OPERATIONsection.
_F_ Forward Speed Control Lever
BO ignition Switch
r--'_ Reverse Speed Control Levers
Theseleverscontrol the groundspeed of the mower,
Theforward speedcontrol levercontrols the forward ground
speedof both drive wheels.
The left reverse speedcontrol levercontrols the steering and
reverse ground speed of the left drive wheel. The right
reverse speed control levercontrols the steering and reverse
ground speedof the right drive wheel.
Seethe Operationsection for proper steering instructions.
The ignition switch starts andstops the engine, it hastwo
] OFF Stopsthe engine
] RUN Rotatethe ignition switch to the RUN
position before pulling on the starter rope
to start the engine.
r__ Recoil Starter Handle
The recoil starter handle is used to start the engine.

Features& Centrols
DISENGAGE Releasesthe parking brake.
Pullthe parking brake handleup to engagethe parking
brake. Pushthe parking brakehandle down to disengage
the parking brake. NOTE,Tostart the unit the parking brake
must be engaged.
Locks the parking brake.
[PTO (Power TakeOff) Switch
The PTOswitch engagesand disengagesthe mower. Pull UP
on the switch to engage,and push DOWNto disengage.
r_ Neutral Return Pedal
The neutralreturn pedal provides a hands-free return to
neutral. The pedal is used in conjunction with the Reverse
SpeedControl Leversto properly stop the machine.
Seethe Operationsection for Driving Instructions.
Fuel Tank Cap
Toremove the cap, turn counterclockwise.
Engine Kill / Operator Presence Handles
Thesehandlesare a major factor in the safety interlock
system of the mower. Both handlesare tied together so
depressing one handledepressesboth. Theoperator must
depressthe handlesin order to deactivatethe enginekill
system. Handlesmust bedepressed to disengage the
parking brakeand engagethe PTOswitch.
Transmission Release Valves
Thetransmission release leversdeactivatethe transaxle so
that the unit can be pushedby hand. SeePUSHINGTHE
UNIT BY HANDfor operational information.
TransmissionOil Fill
Transmissionoil is addedthrough the transmission oil
reservoirs. It also serves as extra holding capacity for oil as
the transmissions heat upand the oil expands. SeeCHECK
TRANSMISSIONOILfor oil levelcheck andfill procedures.
Thethrottle controls the engine speed. Movethe throttle
control forward towards the FASTpositionto increasethe
engine speed and back towards the SLOWposition to
decreasethe enginespeed. Always operate at FULLthrottle.
FAST Speedsup the engine speed.
SLOW Slows down the engine speed.
Cutting HeightAdjustment Handles
Thecutting height adjustment handlescontrol the mower
deck cutting height. To raise the mower deck cutting height
crank the cutting height adjustment handlesclockwise. To
lower the mowerdeck cutting height,crank the cutting
height adjustment handlescounter-clockwise. Toensure an
evencut, both cutting height adjustment handles must be
adjusted to the same height.
[]Choke Control
Closethe chokefor cold starting. Openthe choke oncethe
engine starts. A warm engine may not requirechoking. Pull
the knob UPto close the choke. Pushthe knob DOWNto
open the choke.
12 www.SnapperPro.com

Beforefirst time operation:
,. Besure to read all information inthe Safetyand
Operationsections before attempting to operatethis
,. Becomefamiliar with all of the controls and how to stop
the unit.
,. Drive in an open areawithout mowing to become
accustomedto the unit.
Beforeleavingthe operator'sposition for any reason,
engagethe parking brake, disengage the PTO,stopthe
engineand removethe key.
Toreducefire hazard,keepthe engine, unit free of
grass, leaves and excessgrease. Do notstopor park
unit overdry leaves, grass or combustiblematerials.
Gasolineis highlyflammable and must behandled
with care. Never fill the tank when the engineis still
hotfrom recent operation.Donotallow openflame,
smokingor matchesin thearea. Avoid over-fillingand
wipe up any spills.
Never operate on slopesgreater than 15° which is a
rise of 5.4 feet (1,6 m) vertically in 20 feet (607 cm)
Select a slowground speedbefore driving onto a
Mow across theface of slopes, not up and down, use
cautionwhen changingdirections and DONOTSTART
Checks Before Starting
,. Checkthat crankcaseis filled to full mark on the engine
oil dipstick (B, Figure3). Seethe engine Operator's
Manualfor instructions and oil recommendations.
,. Fillthe fuel tank (A) with fresh fuel. Referto engine
manualfor fuel recommendations.
,. Makesure all nuts, bolts, screws andpins are in place
and tight.
,. Checkthe tire pressures. See Check Tire Pressures.
,. Checkthe hydraulic oil tank (C) and make sure that the
oil level is upto the FULLCOLDmark.
,. Adjust the height ofthe mower deck to the desired
position. SeeMowing Height Adjustment,
Figure3. Pro-start Checks
A. Fuel TankFiller Neck
B, Engine Oil Dipstick
C, Hydraufic Oil Fill