- Q: How wide of a cutting deck do the Series 6 mowers contain?
A: The Series 6 mowers contain decks no less than 25, 26, 28, and 30 inches.
- Q: I would like to have my model 6 series mower fitted with a grass catcher, is this option feasible?
A: Yes, grass catcher kits are optional on the 25", 26, 28, 30 models.
- Q: To replace the worn out wear wheel on the front of the model 6 series, what tire do I need to purchase and use.
A: The specification of a front tire will carry a code Pneumatic 4.10/3.50x4.
- Q: Are there any safety standards provided on the mower?
A: Yes, the mower does have automatic blade stop and has interlock systems.
- Q: Am I able to change the type of engine installed on my mower?
A: The mower can take either a Briggs & Stratton engine or a Tecumseh engine.