
SafetyInstructions& Operator'sManual for
P216019KWV (7800193)
NOTE:Specifications are correct at time of printing and are subjectto changewithout notice.
* Actual sustainedengine powerwill likely be lower due to operating limitations and environmentalfactors. Please refer to 'EnginePower Rating Information' for
further details.
McDonough, GA;_ 30;253 U_S_A_
Manual No. 7101294(I.R. 1/26/2007)
TP lO0-5257-1R-WB-N

ThankYoufor purchasingthis quality-built Snapperproduct. We're pleasedthat you placedyour
confidenceinthe Snapperbrand.When operatedand maintainedaccordingto the instructions in this
manual,your Snapperproduct will provide many years of dependableservice.
Thismanualcontainssafety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith the
machineand how to avoidthem. This machineis designedand intendedonlyfor finish cutting of
establishedlawnsand is not intendedfor anyother purpose. It is importantthat you read and understand
theseinstructions thoroughly beforeattemptingto start or operatethis equipment.Savethese
instructions for future reference.
(Complete the following information on your Snapper purchase)
Date of Purchase
Model Number
Serial Number
Model .Type. Trim
It is veryimportantthatyouregisteryourpurchasewith Snapperto ensurewarrantycoverage.Please
mail yourproductregistrationcardto:
Snapper at P.O. Box777, McDonough, Georgia 30253.
Oryou may registeronline at www.snapper.com.
Youcan contactusat ourwebsite,or if youwouldlike tospeakwith a CustomerService
Representative,call usat the SnapperCustomerRelationsCenterat1-800-935-2967. Forfaster
servicepleasehaveyourSerial NumberandModelNumberavailable.
SNAPPERis a trademarkof
PortWashington,WI, USA.
Briggs& StrattonYardPower Products Group
Copyright© 2007, Briggs& StrattonCorporation
Milwaukee, WI, USA. All RightsReserved.

Tableof Contents
Operator Safety ................................................ 2
Important OperatorSafety Instructions .................................. 2
Featuresand Controls ........................................... 4
Operation .................................................... 5
Pre-Start Checklist .................................................. 5
Starting & Stopping Engine& Blades .................................... 5
Propelling Mower ................................................... 6
HandleHeight Adjustment ............................................ 6
Cutting HeightAdjustment ............................................ 7
Recycling Operation ................................................. 7
Removingthe Recycling Cover ......................................... 7
Installing the DischargeDeflector ....................................... 8
Installing the Grass BagAdapter ........................................ 8
Installing the Recycling Plug ........................................... 9
Installing the Grass Bag .............................................. 9
Maintenance ................................................. 10
ChangeEngine Oil .................................................. 10
CheckTransmission Grease .......................................... 10
CheckMower Blade ................................................ 11
CheckEngineDrive Belt ............................................. 11
CheckTransmission Belt ............................................. 11
Service - Periodic .................................................. 11
Engine ........................................................... 11
Air Filter ......................................................... 11
Engine Oil ........................................................ 11
Storage Procedure ................................................. 11
Mower Blade Replacement ........................................... 12
BladeSharpening .................................................. 12
Wheel DriveControl Adjustment ....................................... 13
Driven and Drive Disc Service ......................................... 14
Belt Service ....................................................... 17
Engine Drive Belt Replacement ........................................ 17
Transmission Belt Replacement ....................................... 18
Battery Service .................................................... 19
Service Schedule................................................... 20
Troubleshooting............................................... 21
Warranty .................................................... 22
Batteryposts, terminals and relatedaccessoriescontain
lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of
Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductiveharm. Wash hands after handling.
Engineexhaust,some of its constituents, and certain
vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to
the State of California to causecanceror other reproductive

WARNING:This powerful cutting machineis capableof amputating handsand feet and can throw objects
that can cause injury and damage! Failureto comply with the following SAFETYinstructions could result in
serious injury or deathto the operator or other persons. The owner of the machine must understand these
instructions and must allow only persons who understandthese instructions to operate machine.Each
personoperating the machine must be of sound mind and body and must not beunderthe influence of any
substance,which might impair vision, dexterity or judgment. If you have any questions pertaining to your
machinewhich your dealer cannot answer to your satisfaction, call or write the CustomerService
Departmentat SNAPPER,IVIcDonough,Georgia30253. Phone:(1-800-935-2967).
Protection for Children
Tragic accidents canoccur if the operator is not alert to the
presenceof children. Children are often attracted to the
machine andthe mowing activity. Neverassumethat
children will remain whereyou lastsawthem.
1. KEEPchildren out of the mowing area and under the
watchful careof a responsible adult other than the operator.
2. DO NOTallow children in yard when machine is operated
andturn machine OFFif anyoneenters the area.
3. DO NOTallow pre-teenagechildren to operate machine.
4. ALLOW only responsible adults & teenagerswith mature
judgment under close adult supervision to operate machine.
5. DO NOTpull mower backwards unless absolutely
necessary.LOOKand SEEbehind and down for children,
pets and hazards beforeand while backing.
6. USEEXTRACAREwhen approaching blind corners,
shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure vision.
1. Slopes are a major factor relatedto slip and fall acci-
dents,which can result in severe injury. All slopes require
extra caution. If you feel uneasyon aslope, DONOTmow
2. Mow across slopes, neverup-and-down. Exercise
extremeCAUTIONwhen changing directions on slopes. DO
NOTmow steep slopes or other areas where stability or
traction is in doubt. Referto the Slope Guideat the end of
this manual.
3. Useextra care with gcrass catchers or other attach-
ments; these affect the handling and the stability of the
4. Handle fuel with extracare. Fuelsareflammable and
vapors are explosive. Useonly an approved fuel container.
DONOTremovefuel capor addfuel with engine running.
Add fuel outdoors only with engine stopped and cool. Clean
spilled fuel and oil from machine. DONOTsmoke.
5. Checkthe areato be mowed and removeall objects such
as toys, wire, rocks, limbs and other objects that could
cause injury if thrown by bladeor interfere with mowing.
Also note the locationof holes, stumps, and other possible
6. Keeppeople and pets out of the mowing area.
Immediately,STOPBlade,Stop engine and Stop mower if
anyone entersthe area.
7. Checkshields, deflectors, switches, blade controls and
other safety devices frequently for proper operation and
8. Make sure all safety decals are clearly legible. Replaceif
9. Protect yourself when mowing and wear safety glasses, a
dusk mask, long pants,and substantialfootwear. DONOT
mow barefooted or with sandals.
10. Know how to STOPbladeand engine quickly in
preparationfor emergencies.
11. Use extra care when loading or unloadingthe machine
into a trailer or truck.
12. Checkgrass catchercomponents frequently for signs of
wear or deterioration and replaceas neededto prevent
injury from thrown objects going through weak or torn
1. Read,understand, and follow instructions andwarnings
in this manualand on the mower, engineandattachments.
Knowthe controls and the proper useof the mower before
2. Only mature, responsible persons shall operatethe
machine and only after proper instruction.
3. Data indicates that operators age 60 and above,are
involved in a large percentageof mower-related injuries.
Theseoperators should evaluatetheir ability to operatethe
mower safely enough to protect themselvesand others
from serious injury.
2 www.snapper.com
Safe Handling of Gasoline
Toavoid personal injury or property damage, useextreme
care in handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable
and the vapors are explosive.
1. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes andother sources
of ignition.
2. Use only an approvedfuel container.
3. DO NOTremovefuel cap or add fuel with the engine
running. Allow the engineto cool before refueling.
4. DO NOTrefuelthe machine indoors.
5. DO NOTstore the machine or fuel container inside where
there is an open flame, sparkor pilot light such as ona
water heateror other appliances.

Safe Handling of Gasoline
(ContinuedFromPrevious Page)
6. DO NOTfill fuel containers inside a vehicle or on atruck
or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always placethe contain-
erson the ground away from the vehicle beforefilling.
7. Remove gas-poweredequipment from the vehicle or
trailer and refuelit onthe ground. If this is not possible,
then refuel equipment using a portablecontainer, rather
than a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
8. DO NOTstart gas poweredequipment in enclosedvehi-
cles or trailers.
9. Keepthe nozzlein contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening at all times until fueling is complete. DO
NOTusea nozzle lock-open device
10. If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing
11. DO NOToverfill a fuel tank. Replacefuel cap and tighten
1. DO NOTput hands or feet near or under rotating parts.
Keepclearof discharge areawhile engine is running.
2. STOPenginewhen crossing gravel drives, walks, or
roads, and under anyconditions where thrown objects
might be a hazard.
3. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
4. DO NOToperatemower while under the influenceof
alcohol or drugs.
5.After striking a foreign object or if mower vibrates
abnormally,STOPthe engine,disconnect and secure spark
plug wire. Inspect the mower for any damageand repair the
6. DO NOTmow near drop offs, ditches or embankments.
Operatorcould lose footing or balance.
7. STAYALERTfor holes and other hiddenhazards.Tall
grass can hide obstacles. Keepawayfrom ditches,
washouts, culverts, fencesand protruding objects.
8. DO NOTmow on wet grass. Always be sure of your
footing. Keepa firm hold on the handleand walk, neverrun.
Slipping could cause injury.
9.ALWAYSstay behind handlewhen engine (motor) is
10. DO NOTleavethe machinewith the enginerunning.
STOPBLADEand STOPENGINEbeforeleavingthe opera-
tors position for any reason.
11. Before cleaning, repairing or inspecting makecertain
engine,blade and all moving parts haveSTOPPED.
Disconnectand secure spark plug wire awayfrom plug to
prevent accidentalstarting.
12. STOPengineandwait until the bladecomes to com-
pleteSTOPbefore removing grass bag and/or clearing
13. DO NOToperatemower without the entire grass catch-
er, or guards in placedischargeguard, rearguard or other
safety devicesin place and working. DONOTpoint dis-
charge at people,passing cars, windows or doors.
14. DO NOTdischarge material against a wall or obstruc-
tion. Material may ricochet backtowards the operator.
15. Slow down beforeturning.
16. Watch out for traffic when near or crossing roadways.
17. DO NOToperateengine in enclosedareas. Engine
exhaust gasescontain carbon monoxide, a deadly poison.
18. Only use accessories approvedby the manufacturer.
See manufacturer'sinstructions for proper operation and
installation of accessories.
1. DO NOTstore mower or fuel containerinside where
fumes may reach an open flame, sparkor pilot light such as
in awater heater,furnace, clothes dryer or other gasappli-
ance. Allow engine to cool before storing machine in an
enclosure. Store fuel container out of reachof children in a
well ventilated, unoccupied building.
2. Keepmower and engine free of grass, leavesor excess
greaseto reducefire hazardand engineoverheating.
3. When draining fuel tank, drain fuel into an approved
container outdoors and away from open flame.
4. Keepall bolts, especially bladebolts, nuts and screws
properlytight. Checkthat all cotter pins are in proper
5. Always provide adequateventilation when running
engine. Engineexhaust gasescontain carbon monoxide, a
deadly poison.
6. Serviceengine and makeadjustments only when engine
is stopped. Removedspark plug wire from spark plug and
secure wire awayfrom spark plug to prevent accidental
7. DO NOTchangeengine governor speedsettings or
overspeed engine.
8. Checkgrass bag assembly frequently for wear or
deterioration to avoid thrown objects andexposureto
moving parts. Replacewith new bag if loose seams or tears
are evident. Replaceslider or bag adapterif brokenor
9. Mower bladesare sharp andcan cut. Wrap the bladesor
wear heavy leather gloves and useCAUTIONwhen handling
10. DO NOTtest for spark by grounding spark plug next to
spark plug hole; sparkplug could ignite gas exiting engine.
11. Havemachine serviced by an authorized SNAPPER
dealer at least once ayear and havethe dealerinstall any
newsafety devices.
12. Use only genuine SNAPPERreplacementparts to
assure that original standards aremaintained.

The figures and illustrations in this manualare provided
for referenceonly and may differ from your specific
model. Contactyour Snapperdealer if you havequestions.
Oil Fill Capand Dipstick
FuelFiller Cap
Grass BagAdapter
RearHeight Adjustment Latch (2)
Front Height Adjustment Latch (2)
EnginePrimer (Not all models)
4 www.snapper.com
RopeStart Handle
Ground SpeedControl
Drive WheelControl
Grass Bag

Make the following checksandperform the service required
before each start-up.
1. Checkthe guards, deflectors, grass bag,adapter,and
covers to makesure all arein placeand securely
2. Checkthe blade control (A, Figure 1), wheel drive
control (B), andground speedcontrol (C) to insure they
work freely.
Figure 1. Mower controls
3. Checkthe cutting height. Adjust to the desired height.
Refer to the Section entitled 'Cutting HeightAdjustment'.
4. Checkthe engineoil (A, Figure 2) and add oil as needed
to bring the level upto the full mark. Referto the Engine
Owner's Manualfor oil specifications.
Engine and Blade (Briggs Engines)
1. Movethe engine speedcontrol to the fast ('Rabbit')
2. Push the primer button (A, Figure 3) three times to
start a cold engine.
NOTE:Theprimer should not be required to restart a warm
NOTE:Briggs QuantumSeriesengines are equipped with
a ReadyStart TMfeature,and thus do not feature a primer
Figure3: Engineprimer
3. Pull the blade control (A, Figure 4) against the handle.
4. Start the mower:
Manual Start Models: Pullthe rope start handle(B)
to crank the engine.
Electric Start Models: Insertthe key(C) into the
ignition switch. Turn the key to crankthe engine.
5. After the enginestarts, allow a brief warm-up until the
engine runs smooth before beginning moweroperation.
Figure2: Oiland fuel fill
5. Addfuel to the tank after pushing the mower outside
wherefumes cansafely dissipate. Fill the tank to 1-1/2
inches belowthe top of the filler neck (to allow for fuel
expansion). Makesure the cap (B, Figure2) is tightened
after fueling. Referto the EngineOwners Manualfor fuel
6. Cleanthe exterior surfaces of the cutting deck and
engine of any accumulation of spilled fuel, dirt, grass,
oil, etc. Keepthe engine air intakescreenand cooling
fins clear at all times.
NOTE:Tostop the engine (and blade), releasethe blade
Figure4: Starting the mower

Engine and Blade (Kawasaki Engine)
1. Makesure the fuel valve (A, Figure5) onthe engine is
1. Stop forward motion of the mower by releasingthe
wheel drive control.
2. Stop the engine and blade by releasingthe blade
Theheight of the mower handle can beadjustedasfollows:
1. Loosenthe lower nuts (A, Figure7) on each
lower handle.
Figure5. Fuelshut-off (Kawasaki engine only)
2. Movethe engine speedcontrol past the fast ('Rabbit')
detent to the 'Choke'position.
3. Pullthe blade control (A, Figure4) against the handle.
4. Pull the rope start handle(B) to crank the engine.
5. Afterthe engine starts, allow a brief warm-up until the
engine runs smooth before beginning moweroperation.
Figure 7: Adjusting the handleheight
NOTE.Tostop the engine (and blade), releasethe blade
Propelling the Mower
1. Startthe engine. Referto the Section entitled"Starting
and Operation- Engineand Blade".
2. Movethe ground speedcontrol (A, Figure 6) to the
desired speed position.
3. Squeezethe wheel drive control (B) againstthe handle
to engagethe wheel drive and propel the mower
forward. Forward speed can be adjusted while the
mower is moving by changingthe position of the
ground speedcontrol.
2. Move the handleassembly (B) up or down until the
desired position is achieved.
3. Tighten the lower nutson eachlower handleto maintain
the desired position.
DONOTattempt any maintenance, adjustmentsor service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Disconnectspark plug wire and secureaway from spark
plug. Engineand components are HOT.Avoid serious
burns, allow sufficient time for all components to cool.
Figure6: Mower drive controls
6 www.snapper.com

DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustments or service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Disconnectspark plug wire and secure away from spark
plug. Engineand components are HOT.Avoid serious
burns, allow sufficient time for all components to cool.
1. Pullthe height adjusting latch (A, Figure8) outward and
move to the desired cutting height.
Note: For best recycling results, cut upto a maximum of 1/3
of grass blade length and recycleONLYwhen grass is dry.
1. Setall wheels in the highest cutting position (Notch 7).
Referto the Section entitled "Cutting Height
2. Move the engine speedcontrol to the fast (Rabbit)
3. Move the ground speed control to the slowest speed
4. Proceed mowing slowly. If the grass is very dense,
lower each rearwheel latch one notch lower than the
front wheel latches to improve recycling performance.
Note:The recycling cover should remain onthe machineat
all times, unless alternatedischarge operations are desired,
such asside discharging or bagging.
Removingthe RecyclingCover
1. Removethe knob nuts (A, Figure 10) and internal/
externaltooth lock washers(B) securing the recycling
cover (C) to the mower deck.
2. Remove the cover.
Figure8: Adjusting cutting height
2. Set all wheels atthe same cutting height. The highest
cutting position is Notch 7 (Figure 9). The lowest
cutting position is Notch 1.
1.25 in 4.00 in
Figure9: Cuttingheight settings (approximate)
Stop engineand mower bladeby releasingthe blade
control before adjusting cutting height.
Figure 10. Removingthe recycling cover