
Operator's Manual
Model No. Description
NSPX V22 70H W
Manual No. 7104756 (Rev. '-')

Thank You for purchasing this quality-built Snapper mower. We're pleased that you placed your
confidence in the Snapper brand. When operated and maintained according to the instructions in this
manual, your Snapper mower will provide many years of dependable service.
This manual contains safety information to make you aware of the hazards and risks associated with
the machine and how to avoid them. This machine is designed and intended only for finish cutting of
established lawns and is not intended for any other purpose. It is important that you read and understand
these instructions thoroughly before attempting to start or operate this equipment. Save these original
instructions for future reference.
Dateof Purchase
Retailer's Phone Number
Model Number
Serial Number
Model .Type Code
SNAPPERis a trademark of
Briggs & Stratton PowerProductsGroup, LLC
Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Copyright © 2010, Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, WI, USA. All Rights Reserved.

Tableof Contents
OperatorSafety ................................................................................... 4
Featuresand Controls............................................................................ 8
AssembJy........................................................................................... 9
Operation.......................................................................................... 10
Propellingthe Mower...............................................................................................................11
Maintenance ...................................................................................... 15
ServiceAir Filter.......................................................................................................................16
Troubleshooting .................................................................................. 19
Warranties ........................................................................................ 20
Slope Guide....................................................................................... 23
It is aviolation of California Public ResourceCode,Section
4442, to use or operatethe engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless the exhaust
system is equippedwith a spark attester, as defined in
Section 4442, maintained in effectiveworking order. Other
states or federal jurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or
dealer to obtain a spark arrester designed for the exhaust
system installed onthis engine.
Batteryposts, terminals and related accessoriescontain
lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State
of California to causecancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Engineexhaust, some of its constituents, and certain
vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to
the State of Californiato causecanceror other reproductive

,L_ WARNING:This powerful cutting machine is capable of amputating handsand feet and can throw objects
Tragic accidents canoccur if the operator is not alert to
the presenceof children. Children are often attracted to
the machineand the mowing activity. Neverassumethat
children will remain where you lastsaw them.
1. KEEPchildren out of the mowing area and under the
watchful careof a responsible adult other than the operator.
2. DONOTallow children in yard when machine is operated
andturn machineOFFifanyoneentersthe area.
3. DONOTallow pre-teenagechildren to operate machine.
4.ALLOW only responsible adults & teenagerswith mature
judgment under close adult supervision to operate machine.
5. DONOTpull mower backwardsunless absolutely
necessary.LOOKandSEEbehind and down for children,
pets and hazards before and while backing.
6. USEEXTRACAREwhen approaching blind corners,
shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure vision.
1. Slopesare a major factor relatedto slip and fall
accidents,which can result in severeinjury. All slopes
require extra caution. If you feel uneasyon a slope, DONOT
mow it.
2. Mow across slopes, neverup-and-down. Exercise
extremeCAUTIONwhenchanging directions on slopes. DO
NOTmow steep slopes or other areaswhere stability or
traction is in doubt. Referto the Slope Guideat the back of
this manual.
3. Useextra carewith grass catchers or other attachments;
these affect the handling and the stability of the machine.
1. Read,understand, and follow instructions and warnings
inthis manualand on the mower, engineand attachments.
Knowthe controls and the proper useof the mower before
2. Only mature, responsible persons shall operatethe
machine and only after proper instruction.
3. Data indicatesthat operators age 60 and above,are
involved in a large percentageof mower-related injuries.
Theseoperators should evaluatetheir ability to operatethe
mower safely enough to protect themselves and others
from serious injury.
4. Handlefuel with extracare. Fuelsareflammable and
vapors are explosive. Useonly an approvedfuel container.
DONOTremovefuel capor add fuel with engine running.
that can causeinjury and damage! Failureto comply with the following SAFETYinstructions could result in
serious injury or deathto the operator or other persons.Theowner of the machine must understand these
instructions and must allow only persons who understandthese instructions to operate machine.Each
personoperating the machine must beof sound mind and body and must not be under the influence of any
substance,which might impair vision, dexterity or judgment. If you haveany questions pertaining to your
machinewhich your dealer cannot answer to your satisfaction, contact Customer Service (1-800-317-7833
or www.snapper.com).
(Continued FromPreviousColumn)
Add fuel outdoors only with engine stopped and cool. Clean
spilled fuel and oil from machine. DONOTsmoke.
5. Checkthe areato bemowed and removeall objects such
as toys, wire, rocks, limbs and other objects that could
cause injury if thrown by bladeor interfere with mowing.
Also notethe location of holes, stumps, and other possible
6. Keeppeople and pets out of the mowing area.
Immediately, STOPBlade,Stop engine and Stop mower if
anyone enters the area.
7. Checkshields, deflectors, switches, blade controls and
other safety devices frequently for proper operation and
8. Make sure all safety decals are clearly legible. Replaceif
9. Protectyourself when mowing and wear safetyglasses,
long pants and substantial footwear. DONOTmow
barefootedor with sandals.
10. Know how to STOPbladeand engine quickly in
preparationfor emergencies.
11. Use extra carewhen loading or unloadingthe machine
into a trailer or truck.
12. Checkgrass catchercomponents frequently for signs of
wear or deterioration and replaceas neededto prevent inju-
ry from thrown objects going through weak or torn spots.
To avoid personal injury or property damage,use extreme
care in handlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammable
and the vapors are explosive.
1. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources
of ignition.
2. Use only anapprovedfuel container.
3. DONOTremovefuel cap or add fuel with the engine
running. Allow the engineto cool before refueling.
4. DONOTrefuel the machine indoors.
5. DONOTstore the machineor fuel container inside where
there is an open flame, spark or pilot light such as ona
water heater or other appliances.
6. DONOTfiii fuel containers inside a vehicle or on a
truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always place the
containers on the ground awayfrom the vehicle before
4 www.snapper.com

7. Removegas-poweredequipment from the vehicle or
trailer and refuelit on the ground. If this is not possible,
then refuelequipment using a portablecontainer, rather
than a gasolinedispenser nozzle.
8. DONOTstart gas poweredequipment in enclosed
vehicles or trailers.
9. Keepthe nozzlein contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening at all times until fueling is complete. DO
NOTusea nozzle lock-open device
10. If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing
11. DONOToverfill a fuel tank. Replacefuel cap and tighten
1. DONOTput hands or feet near or under rotating parts.
Keepclearof discharge areawhile engine is running.
2. STOPenginewhen crossing gravel drives, walks,or
roads, and under anyconditions where thrown objects
might be a hazard.
3. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
4. DONOToperatemower while under the influence of
alcohol or drugs.
5.After striking aforeign object or if mower vibrates
abnormally, STOPthe engine,disconnect and securespark
plug wire. inspect the mower for anydamageand repair the
6. DONOTmow near drop otis, ditches or embankments.
Operatorcould lose footing or balance.
7. STAYALERTfor holesandother hidden hazards.Tail
grass can hide obstacles. Keepawayfrom ditches, wash-
outs, culverts, fences and protruding objects.
8. DONOTmow on wet grass. Always be sure of your
footing. Keepafirm hold on the handleand walk, neverrun.
Slipping could cause injury.
9.ALWAYSstay behind handlewhen engine (motor) is
10. DONOTleavethe machinewith the enginerun-
ning. STOPBLADEand STOPENGINEbefore leavingthe
operators position for any reason.
11. Beforecleaning, repairing or inspecting make cer-
tain engine,blade and all moving parts haveSTOPPED.
Disconnectandsecure spark plug wire awayfrom plug to
prevent accidentalstarting.
12. STOPengineand wait until the bladecomes to
completeSTOPbeforeremoving grass bag and/or clearing
13. DONOToperatemower without the entire grass
catcher, rear guard, or other safety devices in placeand
working. DO NOTpoint discharge at people, passing cars,
windows or doors.
14. DONOTdischarge material against a wail or
obstruction. Material may ricochet back towards the
15. Slow down before turning.
16. Watchout for traffic when near or crossing roadways.
17. DONOToperateengine in enclosedareas. Engine
exhaust gasescontain carbon monoxide, a deadly poison.
18. Onlyuse accessoriesapprovedby the manufacturer.
See manufacturer's instructions for proper operation and
installation of accessories.
1. DONOTstore mower or fuel container inside where
fumes may reach an open flame, sparkor pilot light such
as in awater heater,furnace, clothes dryer or other gas
appliance. Allow engine to cool before storing machine in
an enclosure. Store fuel container out of reachof children
in awell ventilated, unoccupied building.
2. Keepmower and engine free of grass, leavesor excess
greaseto reducefire hazardand engine overheating.
3. Whendraining fuel tank, drain fuel into an approved
container outdoors and away from open flame.
4. Keepall bolts, especially bladebolts, nuts and screws
properly tight. Checkthat all cotter pins are in proper
5. Alwaysprovide adequateventilation when running
engine. Engineexhaust gasescontain carbon monoxide, a
deadly poison.
6. Serviceengine and makeadjustments only when engine
is stopped. Removedspark plug wire from spark plug and
secure wire awayfrom spark plugto prevent accidental
7. DONOTchange engine governor speedsettings or
overspeed engine.
8. Checkgrass bagassembly frequently for wear or dete-
rioration to avoid thrown objects and exposureto moving
parts. Replacewith new bag if loose seamsor tears are evi-
dent. Replaceslider or bagadapter if brokenor cracked.
9. Mower bladesaresharp and can cut. Wrap the bladesor
wear heavy leather gloves and useCAUTIONwhen handling
10. DONOTtest for spark by grounding spark plug next to
spark plug hole; spark plug could ignite gas exiting engine.
11. Havemachine serviced by an authorized dealerat least
once a year andhavethe dealer install any new safety
12. Use only factory authorized replacementparts or like
parts when making repairs.

Safety and OperationDecals
Readingthis manual andthe safety instructions it contains
will provide the basic knowledge necessaryto operatethis
mower safelyand effectively. However,severalsafety and
operation decals have also been placedon the mower as
a reminder of this important information during operation.
Part No. 7104745
Thedecalsnoted below are located on the mower. Thesafety
warnings and operation instructions they contain should
be carefully read, understood, and followed. Not following
theseimportantwarningsand instructionscan result in
seriousbodilyinjuryor death.
If any of thesedecals are lost or damaged, replacethem
immediately. Contactyour dealer for replacement decals.
Mower Run
Mower Stop
Part No. 7104746
Part No. 7101394
KeepHandsand FeetAway
Part No. 7013010
Mower Start
6 www.snapper.com

Explanationof Safety Decals
A. WARNING:Avoid Serious injury or Death
Readthe operator's manualbefore attempting to
operatethe mower.
Mow across slopes, not up or down.
Explanationof Operation Decals
To avoid injury to others, do not mow when
others, especiallychildren, arearound.
To reducethe potential for fire, wait at least2
minutes before refueling.
B. DANGER:Amputation and Thrown Object Hazard.
To avoid serious injury or death, keep hands and
feet away from the mower deck at all times during
_ To avoid injury from thrown objects, do not
"-?::i:_":_operatethe mower unlessall mulching, discharge,
or baggingcomponents arein their proper place.
C. DANGER:KeepHandsand FeetAway.
D. WARNING:Guardor EntireGrass CatcherMust Be
installed BeforeOperating Mower.
A. Drive Control
• Push drive control forward to propel mower. Push the
drive control further forward to increaseground speed.
B. Mower Start
1. Squeezeblade control against drive control, and pull
drive control all the way back.
2. Pull starter rope handleto start mower.
C. Mower Run
• Squeezebladecontrol against drive control.
D. Mower Stop
• Releasebladecontrol.
• Enginewill stop.

Featuresand Controls
Thefigures and illustrationsin this manual are provided
for referenceonly and may differ from your specific model.
Contactyour dealer if you have questions.
8 www.snapper.corn
Oil Fill Capand Dipstick E.
FuelFillerCap F.
Mulching Cover G.
Cutting Height Adjust Lever(at eachwheel) H.
BladeControl (2)
Drive Control (2)
Starter Rope Handle

Cut all four corners of the box from top to bottom.
Removeall packing materials from the mower.
Locate and identify the items included with the mower:
* Mulching plug (A, Figure 1 - installed)
* Grass bag (B)
* Side discharge deflector (C)
* Operator's manual (D)
1. Loosen, but do not remove,the knobs (A, Figure 2) on
both sides of the upper handle.
2. Unfold the upper handleso that it is aligned with the
lower handle,and tighten the upper knobs.
3. Removethe handle knobs, washers and carriagebolts
from the lower handle (B).
4. Raisethe lower handle,aligning it with oneof the three
sets of holes in the handle bracket. (Most userswill pre-
fer the middle position). Replacethe hardware removed
in Step 3, tightening securely.
Set Upthe Starter Rope Handle
1. Squeezethe bladecontrol (A, Figure 3) againstthe
drive control (B).
NOTE.The bladecontrol and drive control can beoperated
from either side.
2. Pull the starter rope handle(C) out of the engine to the
rope guide ([I). Hookthe starter rope into the rope guide
(it might be a tight fit).

Checkthe guards, deflectors, grass bag,and coversto
make sure all are in place and securelytightened.
Checkthe blade control (A, Figure 4) and drive control
(B) to insure they work freely.
Checkthe cutting height. Adjust to the desiredheight.
Refer to the section entitled 'Cutting Height Adjustment'.
Checkthe engine oil:
• Make sure the mower is on a level surface.
• Cleanthe oil fill areaof anydebris.
• Remove the dipstick (A, Figure 5) andwipe with a
• Insert andtighten the dipstick.
• Remove the dipstick and checkthe oil level. It should
be at the top of the full indicator (B) on the dipstick.
• If low, add oil (Briggs & Stratton warranty-certified
SAE30lawnmower oil is recommended) slowly into the
engine oil fill. Do notoverfill. After adding oil, wait one
minute and recheckthe oil level.
• Replaceandtighten the dipstick.
5. Addfuel to the tank:
• Make sure the mower is outside, where fumes can
safely dissipate.
• Removethe fuel fill cap (C, Figure 5).
• Fill the tank with fuel. Referto the section entitled 'Fuel
Recommendations'.To allow for expansion of the fuel,
do not fill abovethe bottom of the filler neck (D).
• Reinstall the fuel fill cap.
6. Cleanthe exterior surfaces of the cutting deck and
engine of any accumulationof spilled fuel, dirt, grass,
oil, etc. Keepthe engine air intakescreen and cooling
fins clear at all times.
7. Chargethe battery. Refer to the section entitled
"Charging the Battery".
Fuel mustmeet these requirements:
* Clean,fresh, unleaded gasolinewith
, A minimum of 87 octane / 87AKI (90 RON).
, Gasolinewith up to 10% ethanol (gasahol) or up to 15%
MTBE(methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
* CAUTION:DONOTuse unapproved gasoline, such as E85.
Do not mix oil in gasoline or modify the engineto run on
alternative fuels. This wiii damagethe engine components
and void the engine warranty.
Theengineon this equipment is certified to operateon
gasoline. Theemissions control systemfor this engine is EM
(Engine Modifications).
High Altitude
At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum 85
octane/85AKi (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To remain
emissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is required.
Operationwithout this adjustment will cause decreased
performance, increasedfuel consumption, and increased
Operationof the engineat altitudes below 2,500 feet (762
meters) with the high altitude kit is not recommended.
Thefigures and illustrations in this manualareprovided
for referenceonly and may differ from your specific model.
Contactyour dealer if you have questions.
Figure5:0il andfuelfill
iMPORTANTMower is shippedwithoutoil in engine.
Failureto add oil before startingwill result in engine
10 www.snapper.com

Starting the Mower
Theengineon this mower is equipped with a ReadyStart®
system, which featuresa temperature-controlled automatic
choke, it does not have a manual choke or a primer.
1. Squeezethe bladecontrol (A, Figure 6) againstthe
drive control (B).
2. Pull the drive control all the way backto the neutral
NOTEThe blade control and drive control can be operated
from either side.
3. Pull the rope start handle (6) to start the engine.
4. To stop the engine (and blade), releasethe blade
5. After the engine starts, allow a brief warm-up until the
engine runs smooth before beginning mower operation.
HandleHeight Adjustment
DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustmentsor service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Removestarter insert. Disconnectspark plug wire and
secure awayfrom spark plug. Engineand components
are HOT.Avoid serious burns, allow sufficient time for all
components to cool.
Propelling the Mower
1. Start the engine.
2. Begin slowly pushing the drive control (A, Figure 7)
forward to propel the mower. Forward speed can be
increased by pushing the drive control further forward.
NOTEThe drive control canbe operated from either side.
IMPORTANT:Upon initial use,the drive control may have
to be adjusted. Referto the section entitled "Drive Control
Stoppingthe Mower
1. Stop forward motion of the mower by pulling the drive
control all the way back.
2. Stop the engine and blade by releasingthe blade
Forgreater operator comfort, the height of the mower handle
can be adjusted.
1. Removethe handle knobs, washersand carriagebolts
from the lower handle (A, Figure 8).
NOTE.Donot removethe lower set of handle hardware (C).
2. Alignthe handle assemblywith one of the three handle
height adjustment holes (B).
3. Replacethe hardware removed in Step 1, tightening

Cutting HeightAdjustment
DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustments or service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Removestarter insert. Disconnectspark plugwire and
secure awayfrom spark plug. Engine and components
are HOT.Avoid serious burns, allow sufficient time for all
components to cool.
1.25 in 4.00 in
Pull the cutting height adjust lever(A, Figure 9)
outward, and moveto the desiredcutting height. The
highest cutting position is Notch 9, and the lowest
cutting position is Notch 1 (Figure 10). Makesure each
adjust lever is in the same position so that the mower
will cut level.
Installingthe DischargeDeflector
DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustmentsor service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Removestarter insert. Disconnectspark plug wire and
secure awayfrom spark plug. Engineand components
are HOT.Avoid serious burns, allow sufficient time for all
components to cool.
1. Raisethe mulching cover(A, Figure 11).
2. Install the deflector (B)to the deck under the mulching
cover, making sure that the locking tabs on the deck (C)
go through the slots in the deflector (B).
3. Lowerthe mulching cover against the deflector.
Mulching Operation
For best mulching results, cut up to a maximum of 1/3 of
grass length andrecycle ONLYwhen grass is dry.
1. Make sure the discharge deflector and grass bag are
removed, and the mulching plug is installed.
2. Setthe cutting height adjust lever in the highest cutting
position (Notch 9).
3. Proceedmowing slowly. Graduallylower the cutting
height to obtain the bestcombination of cutting and
mulching performance. Cutting too much grass in one
pass, or cutting wet heavygrass maycause clumping or
plugging of the mower deck.
12 www.snapper.corn

nstallingthe GrassBag
DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustments or service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Removestarter insert.Disconnect spark plug wire and
secure awayfrom spark plug. Engine and components
are HOT.Avoid serious burns, allow sufficient time for all
components to cool.
Important: The mulching plug must be removed only
when bagging is desired, and must be replacedas soon as
bagging operations are completed.
1. Raisethe rear discharge door (A, Figure 12).
2. Removethe mulching plug (B) from the reardischarge
Holding the grass bag handle (A, Figure 13), install the
grass bag onto the mower, making sure that the grass
bag hooks (B) are hooked onto the reardoor pivot rod
Grass Catcherbags are madeof woven fabric, and are
subject to deterioration and wear during normal usage.
Checkcondition of bag before each use. immediately
replaceworn or damagedcatcher bagswith only bags
recommended bythe manufacturer. The grass catcher
is optional equipment on some models.

Mainlenance Reminder
The maintenancereminder (A, Figure14) providestimely
reminders of important maintenanceitems. It has six
display modes:
Total Hours
Displays total hours mower hasbeen operated.This is the
default screen.
Trip Hours
To display:
Press the 'Mode' button (B) until the 'Trip Hours' screen
is displayed.
To reset:
Press and hold the 'Reset' button (C) for more than 3
To display:
Press the 'Mode' button until the 'Clock' screenis
To set:
1. Pressand hold the 'Mode' button for more than 3
seconds. Thehour display will flash.
2. Pressthe 'Reset' button to set the correct hour.
3. Press
4. Press
5. Press
Change Oil
The 'ChangeOil' icon (D) will appear after the first 5 hours
(total hours) of operation, then after every25 hours of oper-
ation thereafter. This indicates it is time to changethe oil. Be
sure to follow the procedures outlined in this manual.
To reset:
1. Pressthe 'Mode' button until the 'ChangeOil' screen
is displayed. (The icon will flash.)
2. Pressand hold the 'Reset' button for more than 3
the 'Mode' button. The minutes displaywill
the 'Reset' button to setthe correct minutes.
and hold the 'Mode' button for more than 3
to savethe set time.
Spark Plug
The'Spark Plug' icon (E) will appear every 50 hours (total
hours) of operation. This indicates it is time to changethe
spark plug. Besureto follow the procedures outlined in this
To reset:
1. Pressthe 'Mode' button until the 'Spark Plug' screen
is displayed. (The icon will flash.)
2. Pressand hold the 'Reset' button for more than 3
NOTE:if not reset,the 'Spark Plug' icon will automatically
disappearafter 3 operating hours.
Air Filter
The'Air Filter' icon (F) will appearevery 50 hours (total
hours) of operation. This indicates it is time to changethe
air filter. Be sureto follow the procedures outlined in this
To reset:
1. Pressthe 'Mode' button until the 'Air Filter' screen is
displayed. (Theicon will flash.)
2. Pressand hold the 'Reset' button for more than 3
NOTE;If not reset,the 'Air Filter' icon will automatically
disappearafter 3 operating hours.
Change oil Spark plug Air filter
@ ® ®
NOTEIf not reset,the 'ChangeOil' icon will automatically
disappearafter 3 operating hours.
14 www.snapper.c0rn

DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustments or service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Removethe starter insert. Disconnectspark plug wire and
secure awayfrom spark plug. Engine and components are
HOT.Avoid serious burns, allow sufficient time for all com-
ponents to cool. Wearheavy leather gloves when handling
or working around cutting blades. Bladesareextremely
sharp and can causesevere injury.
ii!i i !!! i!ii i! ! !! !! ! ! !! ! i!! !i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!
Every8 Hoursor Daily
Checksafety interlock system
Cleandebris off mower
Checkmower for loose hardware
See Dealer Annually to
Lubricate mower
Checkmower blade **
Checkmower bladestopping time
Checkdrive belt
* Whichevercomes first
**Check blademore often in regions with sandy soils or
high dust conditions.
Emissions Control
Maintenance, replacement,or repair of the emissions control
devicesandsystems may beperformed byany non-road
engine repair establishment or individual. However,to obtain
"no charge" emissions control service, the work must be
performed by afactory authorized dealer.Seethe Emissions
i i: ! ! i i! ii !! ! i i i i!i iiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
First5 Hours
Every8 Hours or Daily ....................
Checkengineoil level
Every25Hoursor Annually *
Cleanengineair filter and pre-cleaner(if equipped) **
Every50 Hoursor Annually *
Replaceoil filter (if equipped)
Replaceair filter
Replacepre-cleaner(if equipped)
See Dealer Annually to
Inspect muffler and spark arrester (if equipped)
Replacespark plug
Replacefuel filter (if equipped)
Cleanengineair cooling system
* Whichevercomes first
**Clean more often in dusty conditions or when airborne
debris is present.