Snapper 500Z Series, 8900731, 800ZB2648 Safety Instructions & Operator's Manual

Safety/nstructions& Operator'sManualfor
500Z Series
26HP Zero-Turn Riders
Mtg, No, Description 8900731 800ZB2648 Snapper 26HP 5OOZZero-Turn Rider with 48" Mower
Rev. Date: 1/2008
TP 100-7367-1R-ZT-N
Thankyoufor purchasingthis quality-built Snapperproduct. We'repleasedthat you've
placedyour confidencein the Snapperbrand. Whenoperatedand maintainedaccording
to the instructions in this manual,your Snapperproduct will providemanyyearsof dependableservice.
This manual containssafetyinformationto makeyou awareof the hazardsand
risksassociatedwith this machineand howto avoidthem. Thismachineis designedand intendedto beusedand maintainedaccordingto the manualfor finish cutting of
establishedlawnsand is not intendedfor any other purpose. It is importantthat you read and understandtheseinstructionsthoroughly beforeattemptingto start or operatethis equipment
Unit Model Number
MowerDeck ModelNumber
EngineMake EngineModel
EngineType/Spec EngineCode/SerialNumber
SeeFeaturesand Controls for the location of Identification Numbers
Unit SERIALNumber
Mower DeckSERIALNumber
Engine exhaustfrom this productcontains chemicals known, in certainquantities, to causecancer, birth
defests, or other reproductive hare].
Copyright 2008 Briggs & Stratton Corporation Milwaukee, WI, USA, All rights reserved.
TheSnapperlogo is a trademark of Briggs & Stratton Corporation Milwaukee,WI, USA.
Contact Information: Snapper Products
535 Macon St. McDonough, GA30253
Table of Contents
Operator Safety ..................................................... 2
SafetyRulesand Information...........................................2
Features& Controls.............................................. 19
IdentificationNumbers ...................................................10
Control Functions ...........................................................11
Operation........................................................... 13
CheckingTire Pressures.................................................14
SeatAdjustment .............................................................14
Mowing Height Adjustment ............................................15
Foot PedalAdjustment....................................................15
Starting tbe Engine.........................................................16
Stoppingthe Rider..........................................................16
Pusbingtbe Riderby Hand.............................................16
Zero Turn Driving Practice..............................................17
Mowing Reccomendations.............................................19
Mowing Methods............................................................20
Attaching aTrailer...........................................................21
Regular Maintenance ............................................ 22
Oil & FilterChange..........................................................23
CheckTransmission Oil Level.........................................25
Transmission Oil Filter Cbange.......................................25
Servicingtbe Mower Blades...........................................26
Ground SpeedControl LeverAdjustment .......................28
NeutralAdjustment .........................................................28
ParkingBrakeAdjustment ..............................................29
Returnto NeutralAdjustment.........................................30
DeckRodTiming Adjustment.........................................31
DeckLevelingAdjustment ..............................................31
Mower Belt Replacement................................................32
Hydraulic Pump Drive Belt Replacement........................33
Battery Maintenance.......................................................34
Starting After Long Term Storage...................................37
Troubleshooting ................................................... 38
Troubleshootingthe Rider ..............................................38
Troubleshootingthe Mower............................................39
Troubleshooting Common Cutting Problems..................40
Specifications ...................................................... 41
Slope identificationGuide....................................... 42
NOTE,"In this manual, "left" and "right" are referred to as seen from the operatingposition.
SafetyRules and Information
Congratulationson pumhaeinga superior-qualitypieceoflawnand gardenequipment.Ourproductsaredesignedandmanufacturedtomeet orexceedallindustrystandardsforsafety.
Do notoperatethismachineunlessyouhavebeentrained.Readingand understandingthisoperator'smanualisa way totrainyourself.
Power equipment is only as safe as the operator. If it is misused, or not properly maintained,it can be dangerous! Remember,you are responsible for your safety and that of those aroundyou.
Use common sense,andthink through what you are doing. If you are not surethat the task you are about to perform can be safely done with the equipment you havechosen ask a professional: contact your local
authorized dealer.
Theoperator's manualcontains important safety information you needto be awareof BEFOREyou operateyour unit as well as DURINGoperation.
Safeoperatingtechniques, anexplanationof the product's features andcontrols, and maintenanceinformation is included to helpyou get the most out of your equipment
Be sureto completely readthe Safety Rulesand Information found on the following pages. Also completely readthe Operationsection.
Tragic accidents can occur with children. Do not
allowthem anywherenear the areaof operation. Childrenareoften attractedto the unit and mowing activity. Neverassume that children will remain
where you last saw them. Ifthere is a risk that
children may enterthe areawhere you are mowing, haveanother responsibleadult watch them.
Operationonslopescan be dangerous. Using theunit on a slopetbat is
too steepwhere you do not haveadequatewheel traction (and control) can cause sliding, loss of steering, control, and possiblerollover. You should
not operate on a slope greater than a 5.4 foot rise over a 20 foot length (15
degrees). Always mow across slopes, not up anddown (to maintaintraction on the
wheels) and avoid sudden turns or rapid speed changes. Reducespeed and
useextremecaution onALL slopes.
Also, notethat the surface condition you are on can greatly impact your ability to safelyoperatethis machine.Operatingon wet or slippery slopes can causesliding and loss of steering and control. Do not operate on slopes that are slippery, wet, or havesoft soil conditions.
If you feel unsureabout operating the unit on a slope, don't do it. It's not
worth the risk.
This unit has spinning mower blades. Theseblades can pick up and throw debris that could seriously injure a bystander. Be sure to clean up the areato be mowed and remove objects that could bethrown by the blade BEFOREyou start mowing.
Do not operate this unit without the entiregrass catcher or discharge guard (deflector) in place.
Also, do not allow anyonein the areawhile the unit is running! If someone does enter the area.shut the unit off immediately until they leave.
This equipment has many moving parts that can injure you or someone else. However,if you stay in the operator zone(stay seated in the seat), and follow the safety rules in this operator's manual, the unit is safe to operate.
The mower deck hasspinning mower bladesthat can amputate hands and feet. Do not allow anyonenear the unit while it is
running! Keepsafetydevices (guards, shields, and switches) in placeandworking.
Tohelpyou, the operator, usethis equipment safely, it is equippedwith an operator-presentsafety system. Do NOT attempt to alter or bypassthe system. Seeyour dealer immediately if the system does not passall the safety interlock system tests found in this manual.
Retainingwalls anddrop-offs around stepsand water are a comrnon hazard.Giveyourself a rninimurn of two mower widths of clearancearound thesehazardsandhand-trim with a walk behind moweror string trimmer. Wheelsdropping over retainingwalls, edges, ditches, embankments,or intowater car/cause rollovers,which may resultin serious injury,death, or drowning.
Always disengageall drives, shutoff the engine, and remove the key beforedoing anycleaning, refueling, or servicing.
Gasolineandits vapors are extremely flammable. Do not smoke while operating or refueling. Do not add fuel while engine is hot or running. Allow engine to cool for at least 3 minutes prior to adding fuel.
Do not add fuel indoors, in an enclosedtrailer, garage, or any other enclosed areathat is not well ventilated. Gasolinespills
should be cleanedup promptly and beforeoperation begins. Gasolineshould be stored only in sealedcontainers approvedfor
Proper maintenanceis critical to the safety and performance of your unit. Keepthe unit free of grass, leaves,and excess oil. Be sureto perform the maintenance procedures listed in this manual, especially periodicallytesting the safety system.
i i
ii [i
Only operatethis unit outdoors and away from
unventilatedareassuch as inside garagesor enclosed
trailers. The engine emits poisonous carbon
monoxide gas and prolonged exposure in an enclosed
area can result in serious injury or death.
Readthese safety rules and follow them closely. Failureto obeythese rulescould result in loss of control of unit,
severe personal injury or deathto you, or bystanders, or damageto property or equipment. This mowinq deck is capableof amputating handsand feet and throwingobjects. Thetriangle _ in text
signifies important cautions or warningswhich must be followed.
1. Read,understand,and follow all instructions in the manualandon the unit beforestarting.
2. Do not put hands or feet nearrotating parts or underthe machine. Keepclear of the discharge opening at all
3. Onlyallow responsible adults, who are familiar with the instructions, to operatethe unit (local regulations can
restrict operator age).
4. Clearthe area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, etc.,
which could be picked upand thrown by the blade(s).
5. Besure the area is clear of other peoplebeforemowing. Stopthe unit if anyoneentersthe area.
6. Nevercarry I_assengers.
7. Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary.
Always look down and behind beforeandwhile travelling
in reverse.
8. Neverdirect dischargematerial toward anyone. Avoid
discharging material against a wall or obstruction.
Materia/may ricochetback toward the operator. Stop
the blade(s)when crossing gravelsurfaces.
9. Do not operate the machine without the entire grass
catcher, discharge guard (deflector), or other safety devices in placeandoperational.
10. Slow down before turning.
11. Neverleavearunning unit unattended.Always disengage the blades(PTO),set parking brake, stop engine,and
remove keysbefore dismounting.
12. Disengageblades(PTO)when not mowing. Shut off engine and wait for all parts to come to a complete stop
beforecleaningthe machine,removing the grass
catcher, or unclogging the discharge guard.
13. Operatethe machine only in daylight or good artificial
14. Do not operate the unit while underthe influence of alcohol or drugs.
15 Watch for traffic when operatingnearor crossing
16. Useextra carewhen loadingor unloadingthe unit into a trailer or truck.
17. Always wear eyeprotection when operating this unit.
18. Dataindicatesthat operators, age60 years and above, are involved in a large percentageof power equipment-
relatedinjuries. Theseoperators should evaluatetheir
ability to operatethe equipment safelyenoughto protect themselves and others from injury.
19. Follow the manufacturer's recommendationsfor wheel weights or counterweights.
20. Keepin mind the operator is responsible for accidents occurring to other people or property.
21. All drivers should seekand obtain professional and practical instruction.
22. Always wear substantial footwear and trousers. Never operatewhen barefoot or wearing sandals.
23. Beforeusing, always visually checkthat the bladesand blade hardwarearepresent, intact, and secure. Replace
worn or damagedparts.
24. Disengageattachments before: refueling, removingan
attachment, making adjustments (unless the adjustment can be madefrom the operator's position).
25. When the machine is parked,stored, or left unattended, lowerthe cutting means unless a positive mechanical
lock is used.
26. Beforeleavingthe operator's position for any reason,
engagethe parking brake(if equipped), disengagethe
blades(PTO),stop the engine, andremove the key.
27. To reduce fire hazard,keepthe unit free of grass, leaves, & excess oil. Do not stop or park over dry leaves,grass.
or combustible materials.
28. It is a violation of California Public ResourceCode Section4442 to use or operatethe engine on or near
any forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered
land unless the exhaustsystem is equipped with a spark
attester meeting any applicablelocal or state laws.
Otherstatesor federalareas may havesimilar laws.
29. OSHAregulations may require the use of hearing protection when exposedto sound levelsgreaterthan 85
dBA for an 8 hour time period.
This machine produces sound levels in
excess of 85 dBAat the operator'sear and
cancausehearing lossthroughextended periodsof exposure.
Wear hearing protectionwhenoperating this machine.
1. When transportingthe unit on an open trailer, make sure it isfacing forward, inthe direction oftravel. If the unit
is facing backwards, wind lift could damagethe unit.
2. Always observe safe refueling and fuel handling practices when refuelingthe unit after transportation or
3. Neverstore the unit (with fuel) in an enclosed poorly
ventilated structure. Fuelvapors can travel to an ignition source such as a furnace, water heater,etc. andcause
an explosion. Fuelvapor is alsotoxic to humans and animals.
4. Always follow the engine manualinstructions for storage preparations before storing the unit for both
short and long term periods.
5. Always follow the engine manualinstructions for proper start-up procedureswhen returning the unitto service.
6. Neverstore the unit or fuel container inside where there
is an open flame or pilot light, such as in a waterheater.
Allow unit to cool before storing.
Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto loss-of-control and tip- overaccidents,which canresult in severeinjury or death.
Operationon all slopesrequiresextracaution.Ifyou cannot backup the slopeor ifyou feel uneasyon it. do not operateon
it. Control of awalk-behindor ride-on machinesliding on a slope
will not beregainedby theapplicationof the brake. Themain reasonsfor loss of control are: insufficienttire grip onthe ground,speedtoo fast, inadequatebraking,the type of
machineis unsuitablefor its task, lackof awarenessof the ground conditions, incorrecthitchingandloaddistribution.
1. Mow across slopes, not up and down.
2. Watch for holes, ruts, or bumps. Uneventerrain could overturn the unit. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
3. Choosea slow speedso that you will not have to stop or
changespeedswhile on the slope.
4. Do not mow on wet grass. Tires may loosetraction.
5. Avoid starting, stopping, or turning onaslope. If tires losetraction (i.e. machine stops forward motion on a
slope), disengagethe blade(s) (PTO)anddrive slow off the slope.
6. Keepall movementon slopes slow andgradual. Do not makesudden changes in speed or direction, which could
cause the machine to rollover.
7. Useextra care while operating machines with grass
catchers or other attachments;they can affectthe stability of the unit. Do not use on steepsslopes.
8. Do not try to stabilizethe machine by putting your foot on the ground (ride-on units).
9. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, or embankments.
The mower could suddenly turn over if a wheel is over the edgeof a cliff or ditch, or if an edgecavesin.
10. Do not use grass catchers on steepslopes.
11. Do not mow slopes if you cannot back up them.
12. Seeyour authorizeddealer/retailerfor recommendations of wheel weights or counterweights to improve stability.
13. Removeobstaclessuch as rocks, tree limbs, etc.
14. Useslow speed.Tiresmay losetraction on slopes even
though the brakes are functioning properly.
15. Do not turn on slopes unless necessary,andthen, turn
slowly and gradually uphill, if possible. Nevermow down slopes.
1. Tow only with a machinethat hasa hitch designedfor towing. Do not attachtowed equipment except atthe
hitch point.
2. Follow the manufacturer's recommendationsfor weight
limit for towed equipmentandtowing on slopes. See
Never operate on slopes greater than 15° whichisa rise of 5.4 feet (1,6 m) vertically in 20 feet (6 m) hoNzontally.
Select slow ground speedbeforedriving onto slope.
Useextra cautionwhen operatingon slopeswith rear- mounted grass catchers.
Mow across theface of slopes, not up and down,use caution when changingdirections and DO NOTSTART
attaching a trailer under OPERATION.
3. Neverallow children or others in or ontowed equipment.
4. Onslopes, the weight of the towed equipment may cause loss of traction and lossof control.
5. Travelslowly and allow extra distanceto stop.
6. Do not shift to neutral and coast down hill.
Tragicaccidentscanoccurif the operator is notalertto the presenceof children.Childrenareoftenattractedto the unit andthe mowing activity. Neverassumethat childrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem.
1. Keepchildren out of the mowing areaandunderthe watchful care of another responsible adult.
2. Bealert and turn unit off if children enter the area.
3. Beforeandduring reverseoperation, look behind and down for small children.
4. Nevercarry children, evenwith the blade(s)off. They
may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere with
safe unit operation. Childrenwho havebeen given rides
in the past may suddenly appear in the mowing areafor
another ride and be run overor backedover by the
5. Neverallow children to operatethe unit.
6. Useextra care when approachingblind corners, shrubs. trees, or other objectsthat may obscure vision.
1. Engineexhaustfrom this product contains chemicals
known, in certain quantities, to cause cancer, birth
defects, or other reproductive harm.
2. Lookfor the relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air
Index information onthe engine emissions label.
1. Thisspark ignitionsystem complies with Canadian
Safe Handling ofGasoline
1. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition.
2. Useonly approvedgasolinecontainers.
3. Neverremove the gas cap or add fuel with the engine running. Allow the engineto cool before refueling.
4. Neverfuel the machine indoors.
5. Neverstore the machine or fuel container where there is
an open flame, spark, or pilot light such as near a water
heateror other appliance.
6. Neverfill containers insideavehicle or on atruck bed
with a plastic bed liner. Always placecontainers on the ground away from your vehicle before filling.
7. Removegas-powered equipment from the truck or trailer
and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible, then
refuelsuch equipment on a trailer with a portable
container, rather than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
8. Keepnozzlein contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening at all times until fueling is complete.
Do not use a nozzlelock-opendevice.
9. If fuel is spilled on clothing, changeclothing immediately.
10, Neverover-fill the fuel tank. Replacegas cap and tighten
11, Useextra care in handling gasoline and other fuels. They
are flammable and vapors are explosive.
12, If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but
move the machine awayfrom the area of spillage and
avoid creating anysource of ignition until fuel vapors
13, Replaceall fuel tank caps and fuel container caps
Service & Maintenance
1. Neverrun the unit in anenclosedareawhere carbon monoxide fumes may collect.
2. Keepnuts andbolts, especially bladeattachment bolts.
tight and keepequipment ingood condition.
3. Nevertamper with safety devices. Checktheir proper operation regularly and make necessaryrepairs if they
are not functioning properly.
4. Keepunit free of grass, leaves,or other debris build-up. Cleanup oil or fuel spillage, and removeanyfuel-soaked
debris. Allow machineto cool before storage.
5. If you strike an object, stop andinspect the machine. Repair,if necessary,before restarting.
6. Nevermake adjustments or repairs with the engine running.
7. Checkgrass catchercomponents and the discharge
guard frequently and replacewith manufacturer's
recommendedparts, when necessary.
8. Mower blades are sharp. Wrap the blade or wear
gloves, and useextracaution when servicing them.
9. Checkbrake operation frequently. Adjust and service as required.
10. Maintain or replacesafety and instructions labels,as necessary.
11. Do not remove the fuel filter whenthe engine is hot as
spilled gasoline may ignite. Do not spreadfuel line clamps further than necessary. Ensureclamps grip
hosesfirmly over the filter after installation.
12. Do not use gasolinecontaining METHANOL,gasohol
containing more than 10% ETHANOL,gasolineadditives,
or white gas becauseengine/fuel system damagecould result.
13. If the fuel tank must bedrained, it should be drained outdoors.
14. Replacefaulty silencers/mufflers,
15. Maintain or replacesafety and instruction labelsas necessary.
16. Useonly factory authorized replacementpartswhen making repairs.
17. Always comply with factory specifications on all settings
and adjustments.
18. Onlyauthorizedservice locations should be utilized for major service and repair requirements.
19. Neverattempt to make major repairs on this unit unless
you havebeenproperlytrained. Improper service
procedures canresult in hazardous operation, equipment
damageandvoiding of manufacturer's warranty.
20. On multiple blade mowers, take care as rotating one bladecan cause other bladesto rotate.
21. Do not change engine governor settings or over-speed
the engine. Operatingthe engine at excessivespeedcan
increasethe hazardof personalinjury.
22. Disengagedrive attachments,stop the engine, remove
the key,and disconnectthe spark plug wire(s) before: clearing attachment blockages and chutes, performing
service work, striking an object, or if the unit vibrates abnormally. After striking an object, inspect the machine
for damageand make repairs before restarting and
operatingthe equipment.
23. Neverplace handsnearthe moving parts, such as a hydro pump cooling fan, when the tractor is running.
(Hydro pump cooling fans are typically located on top of
the transaxle),
24. Units with hydraulic pumps, hoses,or motors:
WARNING:Hydraulicfluid escaping under pressure may
havesufficient force to penetrateskin and causeserious injury. If foreign fluid is injected into the skin it must be
surgically removed within a few hours by a doctor familiar with this form of injury or gangrenemay result.
Keepbody and hands awayfrom pin holes or nozzles
that eject hydraulicfluid under high pressure. Usepaper
or cardboard, and not hands,to search for leaks. Make
sure all hydraulic fluid connections are tight and all
hydraulic hoses and lines are in good condition before
applying pressureto the system. If leaks occur, havethe
unit serviced immediately byyour authorized dealer.
25. WARNING:Stored energydevice. Improper release of
springs can result inserious personal injury. Springs should be removed by an authorizedtechnician.
26. Models equipped with an engine radiator: WARNING: Storedenergy device. To prevent serious bodily injury
from hot coolant or steam blow-out, neverattempt to
removethe radiator capwhile the engine is running. Stopthe engine andwait until it is cool. Eventhen. use
extreme care when removing the cap.
Safety Decals
Thisunithasbeendesignedandmanufacturedto provide youwiththesafetyandreliabilityyouwouldexpectfroman industryleaderin outdoorpowerequipmentmanufacturing.
Although reading this manualand the safety instructions it contains will provideyou with the necessary basic
knowledge to operatethis equipment safely and effectively, we have placedseveralsafetylabelson the unit to remind
you of this important information while you are operating your unit.
All DANGER,WARNING, CAUTIONand instructional messageson your rider and mower should be carefully read and obeyed. Personalbodily injury can result when these instructions are not followed. The information is for your safety and it is important! Thesafetydecalsbelow are on your rider and mower.
If any of these decals are lost or damaged, replacethem at
once. Seeyour local dealerfor replacements. Theselabelsare easilyapplied and will act as a constant
visual reminderto you, and others who mayusethe equipment,to follow the safety instructions necessaryfor safe,effective operation.
6 2
this unit isequippedwith safety interlockswitches. These ;afetysystems arepresentfor your safety,do not attempt :o bypass safety switches, andnevertamper with safety Jevices. Checktheir operation regularly.
Safety icons
Thealert symbol '_ isusedto identitysafety inforrnation about bazardsthatcan result in personalinjury. A signal
word (DANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION)is usedwitb tbe alert symbol to indicatethe likelihood and the potential severity of the injury. In addition, a hazardicon may be usedto represent the type of hazard. An explanation of
hazardlevelsandicons are asfollows:
Operational SAFETYChecks
Fast1 -- Engine should NOTcrank if:
,, PTOswitch is engaged,OR ,, Parking brakeis not engaged,OR ,, Ground speed control levers are not in the NEUTRAL
Fast2 -- EngineSHOULDcrankit:
,, PTOswitch is NOTengaged,AND ,, Parking brakeis engaged,AND
,, Ground speed control levers are locked in the NEUTRAL
Fast3 -- Engineshould SHUTOFFif:
,, Operator rises off seatwith PTOengaged, OR ,, Operator rises off seatwith parking brake disengaged. ,, Operator movesground speedcontrol levers out of
their neutral positions before disengagingparking
rest4 -- Blade Brake Check _ower bladesand mower drive belt should come to a
:;ompletestop within seven (7) seconds after electric PTO ;witch is turned off (or operator rises off seat). If mower
Jrive belt does not stop within seven (7) seconds,seeyour Jealer.
_IOTE:Oncethe enginehas stopped, PTOswitch must be
turned off, parking brake must be engaged,and the motion
_ontml handlesmust be locked in the NEUTRALposition _fter the operator returns to theseatin order to start the 9ngine.
if theunit does notpassa safetytest, do notoperate
it. See yourauthorized dealer. Underno circumstanceshould you attempt to defeat the purpose of the safety interlocksystem.
This indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will resultin seriousinjury or death.
This indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, could resultin serial injury or death.
This indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury.
Thesemessages presentedwithout tbe alert symbol indicate a situation wherethe unit or property could be damaged.
NorthAmerican Safety Icons
Read the Manual
OpenFlame Hazard
Fire Hazard
Amputation Rotating
Parts Amputation
Hand in Blade
Rollover Hazard
Safety icon
Foot in Blade
Maintain a Safe Distance
Away Hot Surface
Protective Gear
Pinch Point
Overhead Obstacles
Safety icon
Featuresand Controls
Identification Numbers
Whencontactingyourauthorized dealer for replacement parts, service, or informationyou MUSThavethese
Recordyour part number, serial number and engine serial
numbers in the space provided on the inside front cover for easyaccess. These numbers can be found in the locations
shown in Figure1.
NOTE,Forlocationof engineidentification numbers, refer to theengineowner's manual.
Figure 1. IdentificationNumbers A. Identification Tag
Figure2, Control Locations
Control Functions
Theinformation below briefly describes the timction of individual controls. Starting, stopping, driving, andmowing require thecombined use of several controls applied in specific sequences. Tolearn whatcombination and sequenceof controls to
usefor various tasks seethe OPERATIONsection.
Ground Speed Control Levers
Theseleverscontrol the ground speed of the rider, The left lever controls the left reardrive wheel andthe right lever controls the right rear drive wheel.
Moving a leverforward increasesthe FORWARDspeed of the associatedwheel,and pulling back on a lever increases the REVERSEspeed.
Note: Thefurther alever is moved away from the neutral
position the faster the drive wheel will turn.
Seethe Operationsection for proper steering instructions.
Seat Adjustment Lever
Theseatcan be adjusted forward and back.Movethe lever towards the left, position the seat as desired, and releasethe
leverto lock the seat in position.
ignition Switch
The ignition switch starts and stops the engine, it hasthree positions:
RUN Allows the engineto run and
_'_ START Cranksthe enginefor starting.
NOTE.Neverleavethe ignition switch in the RUNposition
with the enginestopped-ttiis drains thebattery,
Stops the engineand shuts off the electrical system.
the electrical system.
Features& Controls
DISENGAGE Releasesthe parking brake.
m ENGAGE Locks the parking brake.
Pullthe parking brake leverupto engagethe parking brake. Pushthe lever down to disengage the parking brake. NOTE,
Tostart the unit theparking brakemust be engaged.
PTO (Power Take Off) Switch
The PTOswitch engagesand disengagesthe mower. Pull UP on the switch to engage,and push DOWNto disengage.
m_ Deck Lift Pedal, Cutting Height
='='='_='-"_Adjustment Pin & Deck Lift Lock
Thesecontrol the cutting height of the mower deck. Depressthe pedal until it locks into the 4-1/2" (11,47 cm)
position. Placethe adjustment pin in the desired cutting height and releasethe lift lock lever.
Fuel Tank Cap
Toremovethe cap, turn counterclockwise.
Fuel LevelGauge
Displays the fuel level in the tank.
LL_JTransmission Oil Fill
This unit is equipped with two transmission oil reservoirs. Thetransmission oil reservoirs arelocated beneaththe
operator's seat and in front of the engine. Transmission oil is added through the transmission oil reservoirs. It also
servesas extra holding capacity as thetransmissions heat up andthe oil expands. SeeCHECKTRANSMISSIONOIL
LEVELfor oil levelcheckandfill procedures.
Throttle Control
Thethrottle controls engine speed, Movethe throttle forward to increaseenginespeedand backto decrease engine speed. Always operateat FULLthrottle,
_ Choke
Closethe choke for cold starting. Openthe choke oncethe engine starts. A warm engine may not requirechoking. Pull
the knob UP to close the choke. Pushto knob DOWNto open the choke.
B Hour Meter / Maintenance Reminder
Measuresthe time of the PTObeing engaged, The hour meter measuresthe number of hoursthe PTO hasbeen
engaged. The hour meter will flash an initialoil change indicator at 5 hours, and a lubrication reminder every 50
hours. Thesereminders display for approximately two hours andwill automatically reset themselves.
Note: Thehour meter will register the passageof time only whenthe PTOis engaged. Thehour meter has a self
containedpower source so the total hours are always visible.
Beforefirst time operation:
,, Besure to read all information in the Safety and
Operationsections before attempting to operate this
tractor and mower.
,, Becomefamiliar with all of the controls and how to stop
the unit.
,, Drive in an open areawithout mowing to become
accustomedto the unit.
Neverallow passengers to ride an the unit. Beforeleavingthe operator'spositionfor any reason,
engage the parking brake, disengage the PTO,stopthe engine and remave thekey.
Toreducefire hazard, keepthe engine, tractorand
mower free of grass, leavesand excessgrease. Donot
stopor park tractor over dry leaves, grass or
Gasoline is highly flammable and must be handled
with care. Neverfill the tankwhen the engineis still
hotfrom recent operation.Donet allow open flame,
smokingor matches in the area. Avoid over-fillingand wipe up any spills.
Never operateon slopesgreater than (15°) whichisa
rise of5.4 feet (1,6 m) vertically in 20 feet (607 cm) horizontally.
Select slow ground speedbeforedriving ontoa slope.
Useextracautionwhenoperatingonslopeswith a rear-mountedgrass catcher.
Mow across theface ofslopes, net up anddown, use cautionwhenchangingdirections and DO NOTSTART ORSTOPONSLOPE.
Checks Before Starting
,, Checkthat crankcaseis filled to full mark on the engine
oil dipstick (A, Figure3). Seethe engine Operator's Manualfor instructions and oil recommendations.
,, Fill the fuel tanks with fresh fuel. Referto engine manual
for fuel recommendations.
,, Makesure all nuts, bolts, screws andpins are in place
and tight.
,, Makesure the fuel selector valve (B) is in the "ON"
position. ,, Checkthe tire pressures. See Check TirePressures. ,, Adjust the seat position, and make certain you canreach
all controls from operator's position. SeeSeat
,, Adjust the height ofthe mower deck to the desired
position. SeeMowing Height Adjustment.
Donotloadthis zero-turnrider on a trailer or truck using two separateramps. Onlyuse a singlerampthat
isat least onefootwiderthan the width of the rear
wheels of this rider. Thisriderhasa zero turning
radius and therear wheels couldfail offthe ramps, or
the rider couldtip over injuringthe operatoror
Figure3. ChecksBefore Starting A. Engine0il Dipstick
B. Fuel ValveSelector
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