
5900748 355ZB2654, 26HP
5900755 355ZB2654FC, 26HP
Revision IR
Rev.Date 2/2008

Thankyou for purchasingthis quality-built Snapperproduct. Weare pleasedthat you've placedyour confidencein the Snapper
brand.When operatedand maintained accordingto the instructions in this manual,your Snapper mowerwill provide many
years of dependableservice.
Thismanualcontainssafety information to makeyou aware of the hazardsand risks associatedwith mowers and how to avoid
them. BecauseSnapper does not necessarilyknow all the applicationsthis mower could be used for, it is important that you
readandunderstandtheseinstructions. Keepthis manualnearthe mower for convenientreference.
Thismowerrequiresfinal assemblybeforeuse. Referto the Assemblysection of this manual for instructions on final
assembly procedures. Followthe instructions completely.
Whereto FindUs
ContactSnapper CustomerServiceat 1400417-7833, or on the Internet atwww.snapper.com.
Model Number
It is very important that you register your purchasewith Snapperto ensure warrantycoverage. Pleasemailyour product
registrationcard to:
Snapperat P.O.Box 1379, McDonough, Georgia30253.
Oryou may register online atwww.snapper.com.
@2008 Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC

OperatorSafety.................................. 2
Important Operator Safety Instructions ............................. 2
SafetyDecals................................................. 8
Parts Bag- Contents ...........................................
Installing the Ground Speed/ Steering Control Levers .................
Seatand SafetySwitch Assembly .................................
Chargingthe Battery ...........................................
How to Preparethe Engine.......................................
CheckTire Pressures...........................................
Starting the Engine.............................................
Stopping the Riderand Engine....................................
Pushingthe Riderby Hand ......................................
Zero-Turn Driving Practice.......................................
Mower Removaland Installation ..................................
Mowing .....................................................
Maintenance .................................... 26
MaintenanceSchedule.......................................... 26
Lubrication................................................... 27
Servicing the Mower Blades...................................... 28
Engine Maintenance............................................ 30
TransmissionMaintenance ...................................... 32
Battery Maintenance ........................................... 33
Storage ..................................................... 33
Adjustments.................................................. 34
Troubleshooting .................................. 40
Specifications ................................... 43
Slope Guide .................................... 44
Warranties ..................................... 45
GeneralWarranty.............................................. 45
Batteryposts, terminals and relatedaccessoriescontain
leadand leadcompounds, chemicals known to the State of
Californiato causecancer and birth defectsor other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Engineexhaust, someof its constituents, and certain
vehiclecomponents contain or emit chemicals known to the
State of Californiato cause cancer or other reproductive

Congratulations on purchasing a superior-quality pieceof lawn and
garden equipment. Our products aredesignedand manufacturedto meet
or exceedall industry standards for safety.
Do not operatethis machine unlessyou have beentrained. Readingand
understanding this operator's manualis away to train yourself.
Power equipment is only as safe asthe operator. If it is misused, or not
properly maintained,it can be dangerous! Remember,you are
responsible for your safety andthat of those around you.
Usecommon sense, andthink through what you are doing. If you are not
surethat the task you are about to perform canbe safely done with the
equipment you have chosen, ask a professional: contact your local
authorized dealer.
Theoperator's manualcontains important safety information
you needto beawareof BEFOREyou operateyour unit aswell
as DURINGoperation.
Safeoperatingtechniques, an explanation of the product's
featuresand controls, and maintenanceinformation is
includedto help you getthe most out ofyour equipment
Besure to completely readthe Safety Rulesand information
found on the following pages. Also completely readthe
Tragicaccidents can occurwith children. Do not
allow them anywherenearthe area of operation.
Childrenare often attractedto the unit and mowing
activity. Neverassume that children will remain
whereyou last sawthem. If there is a risk that
children may enterthe areawhereyou are mowing,
haveanother responsible adult watchthem.
2 www.snapper.com

Operationon slopes can be dangerous. Using the unit on aslopethat is too
steep where you do not haveadequatewheeltraction (and control) can
causesliding, loss of steering, control, and possible rollover. You should
not operateon aslopegreaterthan a 5.4 foot rise over a 20 foot length (15
Always mow across slopes, not up and down (to maintaintraction on the
wheels) and avoid suddenturns or rapid speedchanges. Reducespeed and
useextremecaution on ALL slopes.
Also, note that the surface condition you are on can greatly impactyour
ability to safely operatethis machine. Operating on wet or slippery slopes
can causesliding and loss of steering andcontrol. Donot operateon
slopes that areslippery, wet, or havesoft soil conditions.
If you feel unsure about operating the unit on a slope, don't do it. It's not
worth the risk.
This unit hasspinning mower blades. Thesebladescanpick up and throw
debristhat could seriously injure a bystander. Besure to clean upthe areato
be mowed and removeobjectsthat could bethrown bythe blade BEFOREyou
start mowing.
Do not operatethis unit without the entiregrass catcher or dischargeguard
(deflector) in place.
Also, do not allow anyonein the areawhile the unit is running! if someone
doesenterthe area,shut the unit off immediately until they leave.
This equipment hasmany moving parts that caninjure you or
someoneelse. However,if you stayin the operator zone (stay
seatedin the seat), andfollow the safety rules in this operator's
manual,the unit is safeto operate.
Themower deck hasspinning mower bladesthat can amputate
handsand feet. Do not allow anyone nearthe unit while it is
running! Keepsafety devices (guards, shields,and switches) in
placeand working.
Tohelpyou, the operator, use this equipment safely,it is
equippedwith an operator-present safetysystem. Do NOT
attempt to alter or bypass the system. Seeyour dealer
immediately if the system does not pass all the safety interlock
systemtests found in this manual.
Moving Parts

,_ Important OperatorSafety Instructions(Continued) ,_
Retaining walls and drop-offs around steps and water are a common hazard.Giveyourself a minimum of two mower widths of
clearancearoundthese hazardsand hand-trim with a walkbehind mower or string trimmer. Wheels dropping over retaining
walls, edges,ditches, embankments,or into water can cause rollovers,which may result in serious injury, death, or drowning.
RetainingWalls, Drop-offs,and Water
Alwaysdisengageall drives, shutoff the engine,and removethe
key before doing anycleaning, refueling, or servicing.
Gasolineand its vapors are extremely flammable. Do not smoke
while operating or refueling. Do not addfuel while engineis hot
or running. Allow engine to cool for at least 3 minutesprior to
adding fuel.
Do not add fuel indoors, in anenclosedtrailer, garage,or any
other enclosedareathat is not well ventilated. Gasolinespills
should be cleaned up promptly and before operationbegins.
Gasolineshould be stored only in sealedcontainers approvedfor
Proper maintenance is critical to the safety and performance of
your unit. Keepthe unit freeof grass,leaves,and excess oil. Be
sureto perform the maintenanceprocedures listed in this
manual, especially periodically testing the safety system.
Onlyoperatethis unit outdoors and awayfrom unventilated
areassuch asinside garagesor enclosedtrailers. Theengine
emits poisonous carbon monoxidegas and prolonged
exposurein an enclosedareacan result in serious injury or
4 www.snapper.com

ImportantOperatorSafety Instructions(Continued)
Readthesesafety rules and follow them closely. Failureto obeythese rules could result in loss of control of unit,
severepersonal injury or deathto you, or bystanders,or damageto property or equipment.
Thismowinqdeckis capableof amputatinqhandsandfeet andthrowinqobjects. Thetriangle _ in text signifies
important cautions or warnings which must befollowed.
1. Read,understand,and follow all instructions in the
manualand on the unit beforestarting.
2. Donot put handsor feet near rotating parts or under the
machine. Keepclear of the dischargeopening at all
3. Onlyallow responsible adults, who arefamiliar with the
instructions, to operatethe unit (local regulations can
restrict operator age).
4. Clearthe area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, etc.,
which could be picked upandthrown by the blade(s).
5. Besurethe area is clearof other peoplebefore mowing.
Stopthe unit if anyoneentersthe area.
6. Nevercarry passengers.
7. Donot mow in reverse unlessabsolutely necessary.
Always look down and behind before and while travelling
in reverse.
8. Neverdirect discharge materialtoward anyone. Avoid
discharging material against a wall or obstruction.
Materia/may ricochetback toward the operator. Stopthe
blade(s)when crossing gravelsurfaces.
9. Donot operatethe machine without the entire grass
catcher, dischargeguard (deflector), or othersafety
devicesin place and operational.
10. Slow down beforeturning.
11. Neverleavea running unit unattended.Always disengage
the blades (PTO),set parking brake,stop engine,and
remove keys before dismounting.
12. Disengageblades(PTO)when not mowing. Shut off
engine and wait for all parts to come to a complete stop
beforecleaningthe machine, removing the grass catcher,
or unclogging the discharge guard.
13. Operatethe machineonly in daylight or good artificial
14. Donot operatethe unit while underthe influence of
alcohol or drugs.
15 Watch for traffic whenoperating near or crossing
16. Useextra carewhen loading or unloading the unit into a
trailer or truck.
17. Always weareyeprotection when operatingthis unit.
18. Dataindicates that operators,age 60years andabove,
are involved in a large percentageof power equipment-
relatedinjuries. Theseoperators should evaluatetheir
ability to operatethe equipment safelyenough to protect
themselvesand others from injury.
19. Followthe manufacturer'srecommendationsfor wheel
weights or counterweights.
20. Keepin mind the operatoris responsiblefor accidents
occurring to other people or property.
21. All drivers should seekand obtain professionaland
22. Always wearsubstantial footwear and trousers. Never
operatewhen barefoot or wearing sandals.
23. Beforeusing, alwaysvisually check that the bladesand
bladehardwareare present,intact, and secure. Replace
worn or damagedparts.
24. Disengageattachments before:refueling, removing an
attachment, makingadjustments (unlessthe adjustment
can be made from the operator's position).
25. Whenthe machineis parked,stored, or left unattended,
lowerthe cutting meansunlessa positive mechanical
lock is used.
26. Beforeleavingthe operator's position for any reason,
engagethe parking brake(if equipped), disengagethe
blades(PTO),stop the engine,andremove the key.
27. To reducefire hazard,keepthe unit freeof grass,leaves,
& excess oil. Do not stop or park over dry leaves,grass,
or combustible materials.
28. It isa violation of California Public ResourceCode
Section4442 to use or operatethe engine on or nearany
forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered land
unlessthe exhaustsystem is equippedwith a spark
arrester meeting anyapplicablelocal or state laws. Other
states or federalareasmay havesimilar laws.
29. OSHAregulations may require the use of hearing
protection whenexposedto sound levelsgreater than 85
dBAfor an 8 hour time period.
excessof85 dBAat the operator'sear and
O his machineproducessoundlevels in
cancause hearing lossthroughextended
periodsof exposure.
Wear hearingprotectionwhen operatingthis
1. When transporting the unit on anopen trailer, makesure
it is facing forward, in the direction of travel. If the unit
is facing backwards, wind lift could damagethe unit.
2. Always observesafe refueling and fuel handling practices
when refuelingthe unit after transportation or storage.
3. Neverstore the unit (with fuel) in an enclosedpoorly
ventilated structure. Fuelvapors can travelto an ignition
source (such asa furnace, water heater,etc.)and cause
an explosion. Fuelvapor is alsotoxic to humans and
4. Always follow the engine manualinstructions for
storage preparationsbefore storing the unit for both
short and long term periods.
5. Always follow the engine manualinstructions for proper
start-up procedures when returning the unit to service.
6. Neverstore the unit or fuel container inside wherethere
isan openflame or pilot light, such as in a waterheater.
Allow unit to cool before storing.

ImportantOperatorSafety Instructions(Continued)
Slopesarea major factor relatedto loss-of-controlandtip-over
accidents,whichcan resultin severeinjury ordeath.Operation
on all slopesrequiresextracaution.If you cannot backupthe
slopeor if you feel uneasyon it, do not operateonit.
Controlof awalk-behindor ride-onmachinesliding on a slope
will not be regainedbythe applicationof thebrake. The main
reasonsfor lossof control are:insufficienttire grip on the
ground,speedtoo fast,inadequatebraking,thetypeof
machineis unsuitablefor its task,lack ofawarenessofthe
groundconditions, incorrecthitching andload distribution.
1. Mow across slopes, not up and down.
2. Watch for holes, ruts, or bumps. Uneventerrain could
overturn the unit. Tallgrass can hide obstacles.
3. Choosea slow speedsothat you will not haveto stop or
changespeedswhile on the slope.
4. Donot mow on wet grass. Tires mayloosetraction.
5. Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on aslope. Iftires
losetraction (i.e. machinestops forward motion on a
slope), disengagethe blade(s) (PTO)and driveslow off
the slope.
6. Keepall movement on slopes slow and gradual. Donot
makesuddenchanges inspeedor direction, which could
causethe machineto rollover.
7. Useextra carewhile operating machines with grass
catchers or other attachments;they can affectthe
stability of the unit. Do not useon steepsslopes.
B. Do not try to stabilizethe machine by putting your foot
onthe ground (ride-on units).
9. Donot mow neardrop-offs, ditches, or embankments.
The mower could suddenly turn over if a wheel isover
the edge of a cliff or ditch, or if an edgecavesin.
10. Donot use grass catchers on steepslopes.
11. Donot mow slopes if you cannot back upthem.
12. Seeyour authorized dealer/retailerfor recommendations
ofwheel weights or counterweights to improve stability.
13. Removeobstacles such as rocks, tree limbs, etc.
14. Useslow speed.Tires may lose traction on slopes even
though the brakesarefunctioning properly.
15. Donot turn on slopes unless necessary,andthen, turn
slowly and gradually uphill, if possible. Never mow
down slopes.
1. Tow only with a machinethat hasa hitch designedfor
towing. Donot attach towed equipment exceptat the
hitch point.
2. Followthe manufacturer's recommendationsfor weight
limit for towed equipment andtowing on slopes. See
attaching a trailer under OPERATION.
Never operate on slopesgreaterthan150which is a
rise of 5.4 feet (1,6 m) vertically in20 feet (6 m)
Selectslow groundspeedbefore drivingontoslope.
Useextracaution when operating on slopeswith rear-
Mow acrossthe face of slopes, notup anddown,use
cautionwhen changingdirectionsandDONOTSTART
3. Neverallow children or others in or on towed equipment.
4. Onslopes,the weight of thetowed equipment maycause
loss of traction and loss of control.
5. Travelslowly and allow extra distanceto stop.
6. Donot shift to neutral and coast down hill.
Tragicaccidentscanoccur if the operator is not alertto the
presenceofchildren. Childrenare oftenattractedto the unit
andthe mowingactivity. Neverassumethat childrenwill
remainwhereyou lastsawthem.
1. Keepchildren out ofthe mowing areaand under the
watchful care of another responsible adult.
2. Bealert andturn unit off if children enterthe area.
3. Beforeand during reverseoperation, look behindand
downfor small children.
4. Nevercarry children, evenwith the blade(s) off. They
may fall off and beseriously injured or interfere with safe
unit operation. Childrenwho havebeengiven rides in
the past maysuddenly appear in the mowing areafor
another ride and be run over or backedover bythe
5. Neverallow childrento operate the unit.
6. Useextra carewhen approaching blind corners, shrubs,
trees, or other objects that may obscurevision.
1. Engineexhaustfrom this product contains chemicals
known, in certain quantities,to causecancer,birth
defects,or other reproductive harm.
2. Lookfor the relevant EmissionsDurability Period andAir
Index information on the engineemissions label.
1. This spark ignition system complies with CanadianICES-
6 www.snapper.com

ImportantOperatorSafety Instructions(Continued) ---
Safe HandlingofGasoline
1. Extinguishall cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources
of ignition.
2. Useonly approvedgasolinecontainers.
3. Neverremovethe gas cap or add fuel with the engine
running. Allow the engineto cool before refueling.
4. Neverfuel the machineindoors.
5. Neverstore the machine or fuel container where there is
an open flame, spark, or pilot light such as neara water
heateror other appliance.
6. Neverfill containers inside a vehicleor on atruck bed
with a plastic bed liner. Always placecontainerson the
ground away from your vehicle beforefilling.
7. Removegas-poweredequipment from the truck or trailer
and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible,then
refuelsuch equipment on atrailer with a portable
container, ratherthan from a gasoline dispensernozzle.
8. Keepnozzlein contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening atall times until fueling is complete.
Donot usea nozzlelock-open device.
9. If fuel isspilled on clothing, changeclothing immediately.
10. Neverover-fill the fuel tank. Replacegascap andtighten
11. Useextra carein handling gasolineand other fuels. They
are flammable and vapors areexplosive.
12. If fuel isspilled, do not attempt to start the enginebut
movethe machineawayfrom the areaof spillage and
avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors
13. Replaceall fuel tankcaps andfuel container caps
Service& Maintenance
1. Neverrun the unit in an enclosed areawherecarbon
monoxide fumes may collect.
2. Keepnuts andbolts, especiallyblade attachmentbolts,
tight and keepequipment in good condition.
3. Nevertamper with safety devices.Checktheir proper
operation regularlyand makenecessaryrepairs ifthey
are not functioning properly.
4. Keepunit freeof grass, leaves,or other debris build-up.
Cleanup oil or fuel spillage, andremoveany fuel-soaked
debris. Allow machineto cool beforestorage.
5. If you strike an object,stop and inspect the machine.
Repair,if necessary,before restarting.
6. Nevermakeadjustments or repairs with the engine
7. Checkgrass catchercomponents and the discharge
guard frequently and replacewith manufacturer's
recommendedparts,when necessary.
8. Mower blades are sharp. Wrap the blade or weargloves,
and useextra caution when servicing them.
9. Checkbrake operation frequently. Adjust andservice as
10. Maintain or replacesafety and instructions labels,as
11. Donot removethe fuel filter when the engine is hot as
spilled gasoline may ignite. Do not spreadfuel line
clamps further than necessary. Ensureclamps grip
hosesfirmly overthe filter after installation.
12. Donot use gasoline containing METHANOL,gasohol
containing more than 10% ETHANOL,gasoline additives,
or white gasbecauseengine/fuel system damagecould
13. If the fuel tank must be drained,it should be drained
14. Replacefaulty silencers/mufflers.
15. Maintain or replacesafety and instruction labelsas
16. Useonly factory authorized replacementparts when
making repairs.
17. Always comply with factory specifications on all settings
and adjustments.
18. Onlyauthorizedservice locations should be utilized for
majorservice and repair requirements.
19. Neverattempt to make major repairson this unit unless
you havebeen properly trained. Improper service
procedurescan result in hazardousoperation, equipment
damageand voiding of manufacturer's warranty.
20. On multipleblade mowers,take careas rotating one
bladecancause other bladesto rotate.
21. Donot changeengine governor settings or over-speed
the engine. Operatingthe engine at excessive speedcan
increasethe hazardof personal injury.
22. Disengagedrive attachments,stop the engine,remove
the key,and disconnect the spark plug wire(s) before:
clearing attachmentblockagesand chutes, performing
service work, striking an object, or if the unit vibrates
abnormally. After striking an object, inspectthe machine
for damageand make repairsbefore restartingand
operatingthe equipment.
23. Neverplace hands nearthe moving parts,such as a
hydro pump cooling fan, when the tractor is running.
(Hydro pump cooling fans aretypically located on top of
the transaxle).
24. Unitswith hydraulic pumps, hoses,or motors:
WARNING:Hydraulicfluid escaping under pressure may
havesufficient force to penetrateskin and causeserious
injury. If foreign fluid is injected into the skin it must be
surgically removedwithin a few hours bya doctor
familiar with this form of injury or gangrene mayresult.
Keepbodyand handsaway from pinholes or nozzles
that eject hydraulic fluid under high pressure. Usepaper
or cardboard, and not hands,to search for leaks. Make
sure all hydraulic fluid connections aretight and all
hydraulic hoses and lines are in good condition before
applying pressure to the system, if leaks occur,havethe
unit servicedimmediately by your authorized dealer.
25. WARNING:Stored energydevice. Improper releaseof
springs can result in serious personalinjury. Springs
should be removedby an authorized technician.
26. Models equippedwith an engine radiator:WARNING:
Storedenergydevice. To preventserious bodily injury
from hot coolant or steam blow-out, neverattempt to
removethe radiator cap while the engine is running.
Stopthe engineand wait until it is cool. Eventhen, use
extremecare when removingthe cap.

This unit hasbeendesignedand manufacturedto provide
you with the safety and reliability you would expectfrom an
industry leaderin outdoor power equipment manufacturing•
Although readingthis manualand the safety instructions it
contains will provideyou with the necessarybasic knowledge
to operatethis equipment safelyand effectively, we have
placedseveralsafety labels onthe unit to remind you of this
important information while you are operatingyour unit.
All DANGER,WARNING, CAUTIONand instructional
messageson your rider and mower should becarefully read
and obeyed•Personalbodily injury can result when these
instructions are not followed. Theinformation is for your
safetyand it is important! Thesafety decals beloware on
your rider andmower•
If any of these decals are lost or damaged, replacethem at
once. Seeyour local dealerfor replacements.
Theselabelsare easilyappliedand will act asa constant
visual reminder to you, and otherswho may usethe
equipment,to follow the safety instructions necessaryfor
rotatingparts, stay clear losparsesDilatories,al_iese
ofpartsandkeep all delos partesy manterlga Handin
shieldsand guardsin redeslos pantaliasy guardas
pl......... lugar. Pulley"
To avoid in}ury from rotating blades,
stay clear of deck edge and keep others
away• Do not mow without discharge
chute or entire grass catcher in place.
Paleevit_raigunalesidn de Warning,
Pare evitar sufrir lesionee causadas per Jas euchillas
giratodas y obietos lanzados, mantenerse ale ado del borde
de la glataforma de corte y manteoer a los demos personas
ale adas de la m_quina. No user la m_quina sin eJtubo de
descarga o sin e recogedor de paste en su ugar.
m m
P/N: 5101292 "Decal, Danger,MowerDischarge"
HAZARD _r_ Paraevitarlesionescausadas
Toavoidinjuryfrom _----_,d parloscuchilles,mantenerse
rotatingblades,stay _ alejadodelbordedeJa
P/N:5100709 "Decal, Danger,Fire (SP)"
P/N: 5100708 "Decal, Danger, Fire"
"Decal, Danger,
8 www.snapper.com

_\%_,dkee, WJ 53261 USA
,iMm,i . m,l,mm
SER,.L.o. xx×x_
Whencontactingyourauthorizeddealer forreplacement
parts,service, or informationyouMUST havethese
Recordyour model name/number, manufacturer's
identification numbers, and engineserial numbers in the
spaceprovided on the inside front cover for easyaccess.
Thesenumbers can befound in the locations shown.
NOTE."For location of engineidentification numbers, refer to
theengine owner's manual
UnitID Tag
This unit is equippedwith safety interlock switches. These
safety systems are presentfor your safety,do not attempt
to bypasssafety switches,and nevertamper with safety
devices. Checktheir operation regularly.
Operational SAFETYChecks
Test1 -- EngineshouldNOTcrank if:
• PTOswitch is engaged,OR
• Parkingbrakeis not engaged,OR
• Ground Speed/ SteeringControl Leversare not in the
Test2 -- EngineSHOULDcrankandstartif:
• PTOswitch is NOTengaged, AND
• Parkingbrakeis engaged,AND
• Ground Speed/ SteeringControl Leversare locked in
the NEUTRALposition.
Test3 -- EngineshouldSHUT OFFif:
• Operatorrises off seatwith PTOengaged,OR
• Operatorrises off seatwith parking brake disengaged.
• Operatormovesground speed/steering control levers
out of their neutral positions beforedisengagingparking
Test4 -- Blade BrakeCheck
Mower blades and mower drive belt should come to a
completestop within five (5) seconds after electric PTO
switch is turned off (or operator rises offseat). If mower
drive belt doesnot stop within five (5) seconds, seeyour
NOTE."Oncethe enginehas stopped,PTOswitch must be
turned off, parking brakemust be engaged,and the ground
speed/steering control levers must be locked in the
NEUTRALposition after the operator returns to theseat in
order to start theengine.
If the unitdoesnotpassa safetytest, do notoperate
it. See yourauthorizeddealer. Underno
circumstance shouldyouattemptto defeat the
purposeof the safetyinterlocksystem.

Thealertsymbol A is used to identity safety information
about hazardsthat can result in personal injury. A signal
word (DANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION)is used with the
alertsymbol to indicate the likelihood andthe potential
severity of the injury. Inaddition, a hazardicon may be used
to representthe type of hazard. An explanationof hazard
levels and icons are asfollows:
This indicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided,will result in
seriousinjuryor death.
This indicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, couldresultin
serial injuryor death.
This indicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, mightresultin
minor ormoderateinjury.
Thesemessagespresentedwithout the alertsymbol indicate
a situation where the unit or property could be damaged.
® ® ©
® ®
® @ OD
@ © ® ® ®
@ ®
Figure 1. Safety Icons
A, Alert
B. Readthe Manual
C. ToxicFumes
D, Fire Hazard
E. No Smoking
E Hot Surface
G, Keep ChildrenAway
10 www.snapper.com
H. Amputation - RotatingParts
L PinchPoint
J. Thrown Objects
K. Amputation - Footin Blade
L, Amputation - Hand in Blade
M. Slippery Slopes
N. Machine TipOver
O. RofloverHazard
P, Drop OffHazard
Q. Shield Eyes.ExplosiveGasescan
causeblindness or injury
R, No Sparks, Flamesor Smoking
S. CorrosiveSubstance
T, FlushEyes Immediately with water.
GetMedical help fast.

Readand followthe assemblyandadjustment
instructionsforyour mower.
All fasteners arein the partsbag. Do notdiscard
anypartsor material untilthe unitis assembled.
NOTE:Inthis instruction book, left and right describethe
location of a part with the operator onthe seat.
PartsBag- Contents
isshownin brackets().
Beforedoing any assemblyor maintenancetothe
mower,removethewires fromthespark plugs.
Figure2. Parts Bag Components
A. 5/16 Nylock FlangeNut (Qty."4)

Installthe GroundSpeed/ SteeringControl
Positioningthe GroundSpeed/ SteeringControlLevers:
Theground speed /steering control levers (A,Figure3) must
be moved to the upright position beforeattempting to operate
the machine.
1. Removethe bottom mounting hardware (B). Discardthe
manillatag (C).
2. Loosenthe upper mounting hardware (D).
3. Position the ground speed/ steering control levers inthe
upright position. See Figure3.
4. Loosely install the 5/16-18 X 1" bolt (E),5/16" lock
washer (F),and 5/16" flat washer (G)through the ground
speed/ steering control leverinto the control leverbase
(H)as shown in Figure3.
5. Repeatprocess for other side of unit.
1. Fromthe neutral position, pivot the ground speed/
steering control levers in towards the center of the
machine. If one of the levers is tilted further forward (B,
Figure4) or back (A) then the other lever,pivot the levers
forward or backwardsto align with eachother (C).
Tighten the mounting bolts.
ShippingPosition.......... __../_
Figure3, Instafl Control Levers (Left Side Shown)
A. Control Lever
B, Bottom Mounting Hardware
C. Manilla Tag
D. UpperMounting Hardware
E. 5/16-18x 1"Bolts
F, 5/16 Lock washers
G. 5/16 Washers
H. Control LeverBase
® ® ©
Figure4, LeverAlignment & PlacementAdjustment
A, LeversMisaligned (OneLever TiltedBehind theOther)
B, LeversAligned Incorrectly (OneLever TiltedIn Front of
C. LeversAligned Correctly
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Seat& SafetySwitchAssembly
1. Pivot the ground speed/ steering control levers out to
the NEUTRALposition and pivot the seatplate (B,Figure
5) forward.
2. Mount the seat (A) to the seat plate (B) using four 5/16-
18 nylock flange nuts (C) andtighten securely.
3. Pressthe seatswitch wire harnessend (D) onto the seat
switch until the latch of the seat switch wire harness end
snaps down over the lock on the seatswitch.
Figure5. SeatInstallation
A, Seat
B. SeatPlate
C. 5/16-18 Nylock FlangeNut (4)
D, Seat Switch WireHarness
Theseatand ground speedcontrol levers should be adjusted
sothat operator's elbows aresupported bythe arm rests
when his/her hands are onthe controls, and the ground
speedcontrol levers canbe movedthrough their full range of
motion without contacting the operator's legs.
Seat Position Adjustment
Theseatcan be adjustedforward andback. Movethe
adjustment lever (A, Figure6) towards the left hand side of
the machine,slidethe seat to the desired position, and
releasethe lever.
Figure6. SeatAdjustment
A. Adjustment Lever