Snapper 2812523BVE,3012523BVE,C2811523BV,2811523BV,C2812523BVE,C3011523BV,3011523BV,C3012523BVE,C3317523BVE,3317523BVE Safety Instructions & Operator's Manual

SafetyInstructions& Operator'sManual for
2811523BV (7800102)
2812523BVE (7800104)
3011523BV (7800103)
C2812523BVE (7800365)
C3011523BV (7800364)
C3012523BVE (7800366) C3317523BVE (7800368)
\ 1
NOTE:Specifications are correct attime of printing and are subjectto changewithout notice. * Actualsustained engine power will likely be lower due to operating limitations and environmental factors. Please refer to 'Engine Power Rating Information' for
further details.
Manual No. 7102295(I.R. 2/18/2008)
TP 100-5350-1R-RE-N
ThankYoufor purchasingthis quality-built Snapperproduct. We're pleasedthatyou placedyour
confidenceinthe Snapperbrand.Whenoperatedand maintainedaccordingto the instructions in this manual,your Snapperproduct will providemanyyearsof dependableservice.
Thismanualcontainssafety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith the machineandhow to avoidthem. This machineis designedand intendedonlyfor finish cutting of
establishedlawns and is not intendedfor anyother purpose. It is important that you readand understand theseinstructions thoroughly beforeattemptingto start or operatethis equipment.Savethese
instructions for future reference.
IMPORTANT: KEEPTHIS INFORMATION FOR YOUR PERSONAL RECORDS (Complete the following information on your Snapper purchase)
Date of Purchase
Model Number
Serial Number
Model .Type. Trim
It is veryimportantthatyouregisteryourpurchasewithSnapperto ensurewarrantycoverage.Please mail yourproductregistrationcardto:
Snapper at P.O. Box 1379, IVIcDonough,Georgia 30253.
Oryou may registeronline at
Youcan contactusat ourwebsite,or if youwouldlike to speakwith a CustomerService Representative,call usat the SnapperCustomerRelationsCenterat 1-800-935-2967. Forfaster
servicepleasehaveyourSerial NumberandModelNumberavailable.
SNAPPERis a trademarkof SimplicityManufacturing,Inc.
PortWashington,WI, USA.
Briggs& StrattonYardPower Products Group
Copyright© 2008, Briggs& StrattonCorporation
Milwaukee, WI, USA. All RightsReserved.
Tableof Contents
OperatorSafety ................................................ 2
Important OperatorSafety Instructions .................................. 2
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Featuresand Controls ........................................... 5
Operation .................................................... 6
Pre-Start Checklist .................................................. 6
OperatorSeatAdjustment ............................................. 6
Starting Engine ..................................................... 7
Engaging Mower Blade ............................................... 9
EngagingWheel Drive ................................................ 9
Stopping Engine,Wheel Drive, Blade ................................... 10
Setting Park Brake ................................................. 11
Cutting HeightAdjustment ........................................... 11
ReverseLockout Mechanism ......................................... 12
Maintenance ................................................. 13
Service - After the First 5 Hours ....................................... 13
Service - Every25 Operating Hours .................................... 15
Service - Annually .................................................. 18
Service - EveryTwo Years ............................................ 18
Storage .......................................................... 18
Removingthe FuelTank ............................................. 18
EngineAdjustments and Repairs ...................................... 19
Mower DeckandComponentAdjustments ............................... 19
RearEngineRider Drive Components ................................... 22
Mower Blade Replacement ........................................... 23
Mower Drive Belt Replacement........................................ 24
Battery ........................................................... 25
Snapper RearEngineRider Accessories ................................. 27
Service Schedule................................................... 28
Maintenance/ReplacementParts ....................................... 29
Troubleshooting............................................... 30
Warranty .................................................... 32
Batteryposts,terminals and relatedaccessoriescontain
lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductiveharm. Wash handsafter handling.
Engineexhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals knownto the State of California to causecancer or other reproductive
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WARNING:This powerful cutting machine is capableof amputating hands and feetandcan throw objects
that cancauseinjury and damage! Failureto comply with the following SAFETYinstructions could result in serious injury or deathto the operator or other persons. Theowner ofthe machine must understandthese instructions and must allow only persons who understand these instructions to operate machine. Each person operating the machine must be of sound mind and body and must not be underthe influence of any substance,which might impair vision, dexterity or judgment. If you have any questions pertainingto your machine which your dealercannot answerto your satisfaction, call or write the Customer Service Department at SNAPPER,McDonough, Georgia30253. Phone:(1-800-935-2967).
Protection for Children
Tragic accidents canoccur if the operator is not alert to the
presenceof children. Children are often attracted to the machine andthe mowing activity. Children who have been given rides in the past may suddenly appear in the mowing areafor another ride and be run over or backedover by the machine.Neverassumethat children will remain where you
last saw them.
1. KEEPchildren out of the mowing area and under the
watchful careof a responsible adult other than the operator.
2. DO NOTallow children in yard when machine is operated (evenwith the bladeOFF).
3. DO NOTallow children or others to rideon machine, attachmentsor towed equipment (evenwith the blades
OFF).Theymayfall and be seriously injured.
4. DONOTallow pre-teenagechildren to operate machine.
5.ALLOW only responsible adults & teenagerswith mature
judgment under close adult supervision to operate machine.
6. DO NOToperatebladesin reverse.STOPBLADES.LOOK and SEEbehind and down for children, pets and hazards beforeandwhile backing.
7. USEEXTRACAREwhen approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects that mayobscurevision.
Protection against Tipovers
Slopesareamajor factor relatedto loss-of-control and tip- overaccidents, which can result in severe injury or death.
All slopes require extra CAUTION.If you cannot back up the
slopeor if you feel uneasyon the slope, DO NOTmow it. Useextra care with grass catchers or other attachments;
these affect the handlingandthe stability of the machine.
Referto the Slope Guideat the endof this manual.
1. DO NOToperatemachineon slopes exceeding15 degrees(27% grade).
2. ExerciseEXTREMECAUTIONon slopes above10 degrees(18% grade). Turn blades OFFwhentraveling uphill. Useaslow speedand avoidsudden or sharp turns.
3. DO NOToperatemachinebackandforth acrossfaceof slopes.Operateup and down. Practice on slopes with
4. AVOIDstarting, stopping orturning onslopes. If machine stops going uphill or tires lose traction, turn bladesOFFand backslowly straight down the slope.
5. STAYALERTfor holes and other hidden hazards.Tall grass can hide obstacles. Keepawayfrom ditches,
washouts, culverts, fencesand protruding objects.
Protection against Tipovers
6. KEEPA SAFEDISTANCE(at least3 feet) awayfrom edge of ditches and other drop offs. The machine could turn over
if an edge caves in.
7. Alwaysbegin forward motion slowly and with caution.
8. Useweights or a weighted load carrier in accordance with instructions supplied with a grass catcher. DONOT operate machine on slopesexceeding10 degrees(18% grade) when equippedwith grass catcher.
9. DONOTput your foot on the ground to try to stabilize the machine.
10. DO NOToperatemachineonwet grass. Reducedtrac-
tion could causesliding.
11. Choosealow enough speedsetting so that you will not haveto stop or shift on a slope. Tires may losetraction on
slopes eventhough the brakesarefunctioning properly.
12. DO NOToperatemachineunderany condition where
traction, steering or stability is doubtful.
13. Always keepthe machine in gear when going down
slopes. DO NOTshift to neutral (or actuate hydro roll
release)and coast downhill.
1. Read,understand, and follow instructions and warnings in this manualand on the machine, engine and attach- ments. Knowthe controls and the proper use of the machine beforestarting.
2. Onlymature, responsible persons shall operatethe machineand only after proper instruction.
3. Dataindicates that operators age 60 and above,are involved in a large percentageof mower-relatedinjuries.
These operators should evaluatetheir ability to operatethe
mower safely enough to protect themselvesandothers
from serious injury.
4. Handlefuel with extra care. Fuelsareflammable and
vapors are explosive. Useonly an approvedfuel container.
DONOTremovefuel capor addfuel with engine running.
Add fuel outdoors only with enginestoppedandcool. Clean spilled fuel from machine. DONOTsmoke.
5. Practiceoperation of machinewith BLADESOFFto learn
controls and developskills.
6. Checkthe areato be mowed and removeall objects such
as toys, wire, rocks, limbs and other objectsthat could cause injury if thrown by bladeor interfere with mowing.
Protection againstTipovers
7. Keeppeopleandpetsout of mowing area.Immediately STOPblades,STOPengine, and STOPmachine if anyone
entersthe area.
8. Checkshields, deflectors, switches, blade controls and other safety devices frequently for proper operation and
9. Make sure all safety decals are clearly legible. Replaceif damaged.
10. Protect yourself when mowing andwear safety glasses, a dust mask, long pants and substantial footwear.
11. Know how to STOPbladesandenginequickly in prepa- ration for emergencies.
12. Useextra care when loading or unloadingthe machine into a trailer or truck.
13. Checkgrass catcher components frequently for signs of
wear or deterioration and replaceas neededto prevent
injury from thrown objects going through weak or worn spots.
Safe Handling of Gasoline
To avoid personalinjury or property damage,useextreme
carein handling gasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammable andthe vapors are explosive.
1. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition.
2. Useonly an approvedfuel container.
3. DO NOTremove fuel cap or addfuel with the engine run- ning. Allow the engineto cool before refueling.
4. DONOTrefuelthe machine indoors.
5. DO NOTstore the machineor fuel container inside where
there is an open flame, spark or pilot light such as ona water heateror other appliances.
6. DO NOTfill fuel containers inside a vehicle or on atruck or trailer bedwith a plastic liner. Always placethe contain-
erson the ground away from the vehicle beforefilling.
7. Remove gas-poweredequipment from the vehicle or trailer and refuelit on the ground. If this is not possible, then refuel equipment using a portablecontainer, rather than a gasolinedispenser nozzle.
8. DO NOTstart gas powered equipment in enclosedvehi-
cles or trailers.
9. Keepthe nozzlein contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening at all times until fueling is complete. DO NOTuseanozzlelock-opendevice
10. If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing immediate-
11. Neveroverfill afuel tank. Replacefuel cap and tighten
1. Mount anddismount machine from left side. Keepclear
of dischargeopeningat all times.
2. Startenginefrom operator's seat, if possible. Make sure bladesareOFFand parking brakeis set.
3. DONOTleavemachinewith engine running. STOP
engine, STOPblades, SETbrake, and Removekeybefore
leavingoperators position of any reason.
4. DONOToperatemachine unless properly seatedwith
feet on feet rests or pedal(s).
5. STOPBLADESand ENGINEand makesure bladeshave
stopped before removing grass catcher or unclogging
mower to preventloss of fingers or hand.
6. Bladesmust be OFFexceptwhen cutting grass. Set bladesin highest position when mowing over rough
7. Keephandsand feet awayfrom rotating bladesunder- neathdeck. DONOTplace foot on ground while BLADES
are ONor machineis in motion.
8. DONOToperatemachine without entire grass catcher or
guards in placeandworking. DONOTpoint discharge at
people,passingcars, windows or doors.
9. Slow down beforeturning.
10. Watch out for traffic when near or crossing roadways.
11. STOPengine immediately after striking an obstruction. Inspect machine and repair damagebefore resuming opera-
12. Operatemachine only in daylight or with good artificial light.
13. Move joystick (if equipped) SLOWLYto maintain control
during speedanddirectional changes.
14. ExerciseCAUTIONwhen pulling loads. Limit loadsto
those you can safelycontrol and attach loadsto hitch plate as specified with SNAPPERattachmentinstructions.
15. Onslopes, the weight of the towed equipment may
cause loss of traction and lossof control. When towing, travel slowly and allow extra distance to stop.
16. DO NOToperateenginein enclosedareas. Engine
exhaust gasescontain carbon monoxide, adeadly poison.
17. DO NOTdischarge material against a wall or obstruc-
tion. Material may ricochet back towards the operator.
18. Only use accessories approvedby the manufacturer.
See manufacturer'sinstructions for proper operation and
installation of accessories.
1.Towonly with a machinethat has a hitch designedfor
towing. DONOTattach towed equipment except at the hitch
2. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for weight limits for towed equipment andtowing on slopes.
3. DO NOTallow children or others on towed equipment.
4. Onslopes,the weight of the towed equipment may cause loss of traction and loss of control.
5.Travelslowly and allow extra distanceto stop.
1. DO NOTstore machineor fuel container inside where
fumes may reachan openflame, spark or pilot light such as
in a water heater,furnace, clothes dryer or other gas appli- ance.Allow engineto cool before storing machinein an
enclosure.Store fuel container out of the reachof children in a well ventilated,unoccupied building.
2. Keepenginefree of grass, leavesor excess greaseto reducefire hazardand engineoverheating.
3.When draining fuel tank, drain fuel into an approvedcon-
tainer outdoors and awayfrom openflame.
4. Checkbrakesfrequently; adjust, repair or replaceas needed.
5. Keepall bolts, nuts and screws properly tight. Checkthat all cotter pins are in proper position.
6. Alwaysprovide adequateventilation when running engine. Exhaust gasescontain carbon monoxide, an odor-
less and deadly poison.
7. Disconnect negative(black) cablefrom battery before performing maintenanceor service.Crankingenginecould
cause injury.
8. DONOTwork under machinewithout safety blocks.
9. Serviceengine and makeadjustments only when engine is stopped. Removesparkplug wire(s) from spark plug(s)
and securewire(s) awayfrom spark plug(s).
10. DO NOTchangeenginegovernor speedsettings or
overspeed engine.
11. Lubricate machine at intervals specified in manual to prevent controls from binding.
12. Mower bladesare sharp and can cut. Wrap the blades
or wear heavyleathergloves and useCAUTIONwhen han- dling them.
13. DO NOTtest for spark by grounding spark plug next to
spark plug hole; spark plug could ignite gas exiting engine.
14. Havemachineserviced by an authorized SNAPPER
dealer at least once ayear and havethe dealerinstall any
15. Maintain or replacesafetyand instruction labelsas nec-
16. Use only genuine SNAPPERreplacementparts to
assure that original standards are maintained.
The figures andillustrations in this manual are provided for referenceonly and may differ from your specific
model. Contactyour Snapperdealer if you havequestions.
A. Steering Wheel F.
B. EngineSpeedControl (hiddenfrom view) G.
C. Ignition Switch H.
D. Clutch/Brake Pedal I. E. Park Brake Latch J.
Blade Pedal Blade Lever
DischargeDeflector OverrideControl
TransmissionShift Lever FuelTank
Make the following checksandperform the service required before each start-up:
1. Checkthe tire pressure; add or releaseair as neededto bring pressureto 12 PSI in front and 12PSI in rear.
2. Checkguards, deflectors and covers to make sure all are in placeandsecurelytightened.
3. Checkengineoil andaddoil as neededto bring level up to the FULLmark (A, Figure1). Referto the engine manualfor oil specifications.
1. With the engine stopped, loosen the two adjusting knobs (B, Figure3) and move the seatto the desired position. After adjustment, tighten the knobs securely.
NOTE:If the seat does not move after loosening the knobs, it may be necessary to loosen the 5/16" patch lock screws or hex nuts (C) located at the rear of the seat.
Figure 1: Engine oil 'Full' mark
4. Adjust the seat(A, Figure 3) as neededto the most comfortable position. Referto the Sectionentitled
5. Checkthe blade control to insure it works freely. Ifthe blade pedalsaredepressed,the blade lever can be moved manuallyfrom "ON"to "OFF"to stop the blade.
6. Checkthe Reverse Lockout Mechanism. With the blade pedalsdepressed,the shift lever must not go into
7. Cleanthe exterior surfaces of the cutting deck and engine of any accumulation of dirt, grass, oil, etc. Keep the engine air intakescreenand cooling fins clear at all
8. Addfuel to the fuel tank after pushing the Rear Engine Rider outside where fumes can dissipate. Make surethe fuel filler cap (A, Figure2) is tight, and the vent (B) is open after refueling. Referto the engine manual for fuel specifications.
Figure3: Operatorseatadjustment
Figure2: Fuelfiller cap
Starting and Operation
Engine (Electric Start)
IMPORTANT:Whenthe ignition key is turned to "START",the
engine will turn over, but will not start unless the Clutch/Brakepedalis pressed all the way down, and the Blade Leveris in the "OFF"position. The operator should be
in the seat.
Start the engineasfollows:
1. Openthe vent (B, Figure 2) on the fuel filler cap (A) by turning counterclockwise.
IMPORTANT:Failureto openthe vent on the fuel filler cap can causethe engine to stall.
2. Movethe transmission shift leverto the (N) Neutral position. Referto the section entitled "Wheel Drive".
IMPORTANT:DONOTstart the enginewith thetransmission shift lever in a drive position.
After the enginestarts, move the engine speed control to the "FAST" position and allow a brief warm-up until
engine runs smooth.
Figure 5. Engagingthe clutch/brake pedal
It is possibleto start the enginewith the transmission shift lever in a drive position. Follow starting instructions carefully.
2. Makecertainthe BladeLever (A, Figure 4) is in the
Figure4: Bladelever (in 'Off' position)
3. Pressthe Clutch/BrakePedal(A, Figure 5) all the way
down and holdwhile starting the engine.
5. Movethe engine speedcontrol (A, Figure 6) to the
choke position (B) to start a cold engine.
6. Turnthe ignition key (A, Figure 7) to the "START"
position until the engine starts.
NOTE: If after 5 seconds of cranking the engine doesnot start, releasethe key, make sure the Clutch/BrakePedal is fully depressed,and attempt starting again after waiting for approximately 20 seconds.
Figure 6: Enginespeed control
Figure 7: Ignition key
Operation(Continued) StartingandOperation(Continued)
Engine (Electric Start) (Continued)
8. Shouldthe battery be too weak to start the engine, refer
to the Section entitled "Engine (ManualStart)" to manually start the electric start engines.
9. OnModel 3317523BVEand C3317523BVE,the engineis
equipped with a fuel shut-off solenoid. If the battery is dead,the engine can be started with the recoil back-up starter if the engine speedcontrol is in the choke position (HOTengine or COLDengine).
Engine(Manual Start)
IMPORTANT:Whenthe key is turned to "ON", and the recoil
handle is pulled, the enginewill turn over, but will not start unless the Clutch/Brake Pedal is pressed all the way down
with the ParkBrakeengaged,and the BladeLever is in the "Off" position.
Start the engineasfollows:
1. Openthe vent (B, Figure 2) on the fuel filler cap (A) by
turning counterclockwise.
IMPORTANT:Failureto openthe vent on the fuel filler cap can causethe engine to stall.
2. Movethe transmission shift leverto the (N) Neutral
position. Referto the section entitled "Wheel Drive".
IMPORTANT:DONOTstart the enginewith thetransmission shift lever in a drive position.
It is possibleto start the enginewith the transmission shift lever in a drive position. Follow starting instructions carefully.
Figure 8: Setting thepark brake
5. Move the engine speedcontrol (A, Figure6)to the choke position (B) to start a cold engine.
6. Turn the key(A, Figure 9) to the "ON" position.
Figure 9: Key
7. Pull the starter rope,locatedon the engine recoil, with a smooth, even motion until the engine starts.
3. Makecertainthe BladeLever (A, Figure 4) is in the "OFF"position.
4. Pressthe Clutch/BrakePedal(A, Figure 8) all the way down, move the park brake latch (B) over, and release
the clutch/brake pedalto set the park brake.
NOTE:Always guide the starter rope back into the recoil housing. Never allow rope to snap back.
After the enginestarts, move the engine speed control to the "FAST" position.
8. Allow a brief warm-up until the engine runs smooth.
Oncebladeis disengaged,it should come to a complete stop in 3 seconds or less. If the blade continues to rotate after 3 seconds, the bladebrake must be adjusted. Refer to Section "BLADE BRAKEADJUSTMENT"for adjustment pro-
cedures or return machineto an authorized SNAPPERdeal- er for adjustment. DO NOTCONTINUEto operate machine
until bladebrakeis adjusted and functioning properly.
Mower Blade
1. With the engine running, move the engine speed control to the "FAST"position.
2. Movethe bladelever (A, Figure 18) forward to the "ON" position, then depressthe blade pedals (B) to hold the blade lever in the "ON" position.
DONOToperate blades in reverse.STOPBLADES.LOOK and SEEbehind and down for children, pets and hazards before and while backing.
Figure 11.Engagingthe clutch/brake pedal
Figure 10. Engaging themower blade
Wheel Drive
1. With the engine running, adjust the engine speed control to the "FAST"position.
2. Depressthe clutch/brake pedal (A, Figure 11).
3. Placethetransmission shift lever (A, Figure 12) into the first forward speednotch (B).
4. Releasethe clutch/brake pedalto begin forward motion.
5. During forward motion, the transmission shift lever may be placedin anydesired forward speed without depressing the clutch/brake pedal.
NOTE. For best cutting results, move the transmission shift lever into a slow forward speedand the enginespeed control to afast position. Thiscombination will allow themower blades to lift the grass while cutting smoothly andevenly.
Figure 12: Transmissionshift lever
,_ WARNING _k 1
DONOTleavethe machinewith the engine running. STOP I Blade.STOPengine.Shift to neutral and engagepark brake.I
Removekey. J
Stopping- Engine,
1. Stop the engine by turning the key (A, Figure13) to the "OFF"position.
Mower Blade
1. Stop the mower bladeby releasingthe bladepedals (A, Figure 15) or moving the blade lever (B) rearwardto the "OFF"position.
Figure 15.Stopping the mower blade
Oncebladeis disengaged,it should come to a complete stop in 3 seconds or less. If the blade continues to rotate
Figure 13. Turningkey to 'Off'
Wheel Drive
1. Stop motion of the RearEngine Rider by pushing the clutch/brake pedal (A, Figure 14) all the way down to apply the brake.
after 3 seconds, the bladebrake must be adjusted. Referto Section "BLADEBRAKEADJUSTMENT"for adjustment pro- cedures or return machineto an authorized SNAPPERdeal-
er for adjustment. DO NOTCONTINUEto operatemachine until bladebrakeis adjusted andfunctioning properly.
Figure 14. Engaging theclutch/brake pedal
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