Smoke Guard M2500 Smoke,M2500 Fire + Smoke,2100 Operation & Maintenance Manual

Doc #2502, Rev 04
Operation & Maintenance Manual
for Model 2500 Smoke and Fire+Smoke systems from Smoke Guard, Inc.
Phone: (800) 574-0330 Fax: (208) 639-7851
Call your local Smoke Guard distributor
for answers to questions about your system
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
The responsibilities of the building owner 4
Testing frequency ....................................................... 4
Alterations and additions ............................................. 4
System acceptance testing ........................................... 4
Operation 5
What makes up the Model 2500 Smoke Guard system ..... 5
How the Smoke Guard system works ............................ 6
What to do if the curtain has deployed .......................... 7
Maintenance/Testing 8
Before you test ........................................................... 8
Functional test and visual inspection ............................. 9
Record Keeping 10
Why keep records? ..................................................... 10
What records should you keep? ................................... 10
Mandatory Semi-Annual Cycle Test 11
Appendix: Troubleshooting a System Fault 12
System fault annunciation ........................................... 12
Clearing a system fault ............................................... 12
M2500sStatus LED interpretations ............................... 13
Notes on status LED interpretations ............................. 13
Recommended corrective action .................................. 14
This is the official operation, maintenance, and testing manual for the Model 2500 Smoke and Model 2500 Fire+Smoke curtains from Smoke Guard, Inc.
NOTE: Read this entire manual before operating, maintaining or testing your Smoke Guard system.
The Smoke Guard Model 2500 Fire+Smoke system is a code compliant, 2 hour (120 minute), Fire Endurance rated curtain and complies with the UL 10D standard. It is also rated to UL 1784 according to the requirements of smoke and draft control assemblies defined in NFPA 105.
The Smoke Guard Model 2500 Smoke system is a code compliant smoke­rated assembly that is designed to protect openings in smoke-rated construction. It is also rated to UL 1784 according to the requirements of smoke and draft control assemblies defined in NFPA 105.
The M2500 is designed to be installed into the building structure with the main housing located at ceiling level and guides mounted to each wall of the opening to be protected. The main housing contains a smoke or fire rated curtain stored around a curtain tube. During normal operation and under alarm conditions, the curtain unwinds from the tube towards the floor.
Guides at each side maintain pressure sealing. The descent of the curtain is
normally regulated by a DC motor at an average of at least 6 inches per second. The curtain will also deploy entirely by gravity in the event of power loss. The M2500 controller will interface with a smoke detector or fire alarm circuit. The controller also controls the DC motor and brake, which deploy and retract the curtain. Battery backup power ensures operation in the event of AC power loss.
As with other components of your fire protection system, periodic maintenance is required. The building owner must inspect and test each Smoke Guard unit at least once every six months. Failure to properly test and maintain your Smoke Guard unit could result in death or serious injury in the event of a fire.
The responsibilities of the building owner
The Smoke Guard system is considered “connected equipment” as defined in NFPA 72. As such, the owner or designated representative shall be responsible for inspecting, functional testing, recording of tests, and maintaining the system. Delegation of responsibility shall be in writing, with a copy made available to the authority having jurisdiction under the provisions of the building code and local ordinances.
Testing frequency
Visual inspection, functional testing, and maintenance described in this manual must be performed and recorded at intervals not longer than six months, more frequently where required by the authority having jurisdiction.
Alterations and additions
Visual inspection shall ensure that there are no changes that would affect equipment performancesuch as building modifications, occupancy hazards, and environmental effects. Smoke Guard recognized personnel must perform any alterations or additions to your system.
System acceptance testing
Acceptance tests shall be performed after system components are added or deleted, after any modification, repair, or adjustment to the system hardware or wiring.
The following topics explain the function of your M2500 Smoke Guard system.
What makes up the Model 2500 Smoke Guard system
Housing: The M2500 consists of a smoke-rated or fire+smoke-rated fabric curtain assembly mounted within a steel housing. The housing contains a tubular motor (systems over 20 feet in width have 2 motors), drive components, system electrical sensors, and curtain.
A junction box within the housing receives wiring from the main controller and distributes it to the motor/brake assembly as well as switches.
Guide system: The curtain is captured vertically on both sides by curtain loops secured by guide rods. The guide rods thread through guides anchored at each side of the system. Guides can be mounted on a wall face, recessed into pockets or mounted within an opening jamb. The curtain deploys within a continuous vertical slot in each guide.
Curtain: The curtain assembly is equipped with a bottom bar to seal the curtain at the bottom and optional sensing edge to detect obstructions to the deploying screen.
Controller: The main controller houses terminal blocks to receive main power, a 24Vdc power supply, controller PCA, batteries and terminal blocks to interface with curtain and building connections. It also contains a user interface PCA, which has three indicator LEDs, and a test deploy switch. The system is powered by an input source supplying 100-240VAC 50/60Hz. A 24VDC power supply provides power for the entire curtain system. Two 12V sealed lead-acid batteries provide power should the primary power be lost.
Door activation switches: Optional door activation switches, installed on the right as occupants approach the curtain from either side, allow occupants to temporarily raise a deployed curtain approximately 7 feet in order to pass through.
Keyed test-deploy switch. An optional keyed wall switch simulates an alarm condition and is provided to facilitate testing. (NOTE: There is also a test-deploy switch on the main controller near the user-interface LEDs.)
NOTE: The smoke detector or other initiating device is part of the building smoke and fire alarm system and NOT a component of the Smoke Guard system. However, it is an essential component, vital to the proper operation of the system and all other connected equipment. The smoke detecting system must therefore be inspected, tested, and properly maintained in
accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s guidelines as well as the
requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction. Emergency power to the smoke detector should be maintained in accordance with NFPA 70.
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