1. I l nuovo s istema di lav aggio 3
2. Avvert enze per la sicurezza e l’us o 4
3. Ist ruzioni per l’installazione 6
4. D escrizione c om andi 8
5. Utilizzazione della m acchina per il lav aggio 13
6. Utilizzazione della m acchina per l’asc iugat ura 18
7. Pulizia e m anut enzione 22
8. Avvert enze in c aso di anom alie e malf unzionamento
Simboli Pannello Comandi 171
1. Le nouveau sys t ème de lav age 49
2. Av ertissements pour la sécurité et l’ut ilis at ion 50
3. I nstructions pour l’installat ion 52
4. D escription des commandes 55
5. Utilis ation de la machine pour le lav age 60
6. Utilis ation de la machine pour le s échage 65
7. N ettoyage et entretien 68
8. Av ertissements en cas d’anomalies de f onc tionnement
Sym boles Tableau De Board 171
1. El nuevo s istem a de lav ado 98
2. Adv ertencias para la seguridad y el us o 99
3. I nstrucciones para la instalación 101
4. D escripción de los mandos 104
5. Utilización de la máquina para el lav ado 109
6. Utilización de la máquina para el s ec ado 114
7. Limpiez a y mantenimiento 118
8. Adv ertencias en c aso de anom alí as de
func ionam iento
Simbolos Panel De Mandos 171
1. O novo s istem a de lav agem 147
2. Adv ertências para a segurança e o us o 148
3. I nstruções para a instalação 150
4. D escrição dos comandos 153
5. Utilização da máquina para a lav agem 158
6. Utilização da máquina para a sec agem 163
7. Lim peza e m anutenção 167
8. Adv ertências em caso de anom alias e de m au
9. Símbolos do painel de comandos 171
1. The new was hing sy s t em 26
2. Saf ety warnings 27
3. I nstallation ins t ructions 29
4. D escription of controls 31
5. W ashing ins t ructions 36
6. D rying ins t ructions 41
7. C leaning and maint enance 45
8. Troubleshoot ing 47
Cont rol Panel Sym bols 171
1. D as neue W aschsy s t em 73
2. Sic herheits- und Gebrauchs -Hinweise 74
3. I nstallations-Anweisungen 77
4. Beschreibung der Schalt ungen 80
5. Gebrauc h der Waschm aschine zum W aschen 85
6. Gebrauc h der Waschm aschine zum Trock nen 90
7. R einigung und Wart ung 94
8. H inweise bei Betriebsst örungen 96
Sym bole Bedienungsblende 171
1. H et nieuwe wassyst eem 122
2. Aanwijzingen voor de v eiligheid en het gebruik 123
3. Aanwijzingen voor de installat ie 126
4. Beschrijv ing van de bediening 129
5. Gebruik van de mac hine om t e wass en 134
6. Gebruik van de mac hine om t e drogen 139
7. Sc hoonmaak en onderhoud 143
8. Aanwijzingen bij st oringen 145
Bedieningspaneel Symbolen 171
Contrassegno WEEE
Marque WEEE
WEEE Zeichen
Marca WEEE
Mark teken WEEE
Marca WEEE
This n ew washer dryer is the o utcome of y ear s of r esearch.
The leading-edge design and the quality of the production processes us ed to m anufac ture t his product ensure it will give you many y ear s of excellent service.
Its c onc ept satisfies all cur r ent and futur e washing and drying req uir ements.
Its low wa t e r , pow e r a nd de te r ge nt c ons um ption he lp pr ot e c t the e nvir onm e nt
and reduce running costs to a minimum.
Wate r and power consumption has been reduced in all programmes.
These res ults were achieved by means of a special washing system valid for all
programmes and all fabr ics.
The dr um i s fitted with thr ee exter nal vanes t hat keep t he water con stantly circ ulating,
ther eby offering int ensive and uniform washing whilst c onsuming le s s w ater.
This e nsures your laundry is washed and tr eated w ith utm ost c ar e.
The new washing system is so effective that normally dirty laundry can ev en be
cleaned without a pre-wash cy cle.
Wash ing ti me s h ave also been reduced.
Pre- washing i s o nly recomm ended f or very dirty laundry.
Pleas e read the operating ins tructions with care in order to take full advantage of all
the featur es of fered by this wa s her dr yer.
Please r ead all the inst r uc tions cont ained in t his manual in or der to under s tand h ow
to oper ate this applianc e c or rectly and s afe ly .
This manual is divided into paragraphs which provide a step-by-step description of
all the functions of the appliance. The instructions are easy to understand and are
accompanie d by detai led illustr ations .
This manual provides a quick and easy reference for answering all your questions
concer ning the use of y our new washer dry er .
Keep t his manual n ear the machine for futur e c onsultation.
When selling or moving the appliance, make sure this manual remains with the
These wa rni ngs are given for safety rea sons.
Please read them carefully before installing and using the appliance.
This m anual forms an integral part of the appliance and must therefore be kept intact together with the
machine. Before using the appliance, carefully read all the instructions contained in thi s manual. Instal-
lation must be performed by a qualifi ed technici an in compliance with the regulations i n force. It has
been designed for domestic use and complies with EEC Directives 72/23, 89/336 (including 92/31 and
93/68) currently in force. The appliance is designed for the following purpose: washi ng and drying linen
or fabrics declared by their manufacturers to be suitable for machine washing by means of an appro-
priate symbol. Any other use shall be considered improper. The manufacture r decli nes al l res pon-
sibility for uses other than those described above.
The name plate featuring the technical data, serial number and markings i s visibly posi ti oned on the
inner edge of the door. This name plate must never be removed.
Do not leavi ng discarded packagi ng materials unsupervi sed within the home. Separate the various
packaging materials and take them to the nearest sorted waste collection centre.
The ele ctri cal and pl umbing w ork re quire to i nstal l the a pplia nce may only be pe rforme d by
qual ified technicians.
The appliance must be provi ded with an earth connection in accordance with the electrical safety regulations in force. The manufacture r decl i nes all r espons ibil i ty for dam age to persons or pr operty
re sulting from fa ilure to earth the applia nce or from a de fective ear th connection.
If the appliance i s not connected to the electrical power suppl y by means of a plug, it is necessary to
instal l an i sol ation switch with a contact opening gap of at least 3 mm.
The plug on the power cord and the corresponding socket must be of the same type and must conform
to the regulations i n force. Check that the voltage and frequency of the electri cal power supply match
the ratings on the name plate. Avoid usi ng adaptors or shunt connections. Never unplug the appliance
by pulling the power cord.
The mac hine i s only dis conne cted from the el ec tr ic al pow er s upply if the plug ha s be en re moved from the socket or if the general switch has been turned off. After installation, the plug
must re main acce s sible.
The appliance must al ways be connected to the water supply with new hoses (supplied with the appliance) . O l d hos es mus t nev er be reus ed.
Make sure the appliance does not lie on the power cord.
Before use, make sure the tub assembl y has been released (see instructions).
If the tub as sembly has not b ee n rel eased, it may da ma ge the app l ia nce or adjacent furniture or app liances during the spin cycle.
The washer dryer must never be used in vehicl es, on ships or planes, or i n special envi ronmental conditions such as explosive or corrosive (powder, vapour and gas) atmospheres or near explosive and/or
corrosive liqui ds.
Do not install the washer dryer in areas subj ect to frosting. Frozen pipes may burst under pressure.
Make sure that the drain hose is securely attached to the basin and cannot move .
If it i s not securely fitted, the repul si ve force of the water m ay detach it from the basin and cause flood-
When attachi ng the hose to the basi n, ma ke sure the w ater drains aw ay rapidl y and doe s not fill
the ba sin up.
Do not overload the appliance.
Never use detergents containing solvents or chemicals.
These may damage the machine and form poisonous fumes.
They may also catch fire and explode.
Do not wash petrol-soaked garments in the washer dryer. Make sure there are no inflammable i tems
(e.g.: lighters, matches, etc.) in p o ckets before washing.
If volatile fluids have been used to clean garments, make sure that the substances have been removed
before loadi ng them i n the washing machine.
Before l oading garments for washing, make sure the pockets are empty, the buttons securely fixed and
the zips closed.
Do not wash frayed or to rn g a rm e nts.
The glass of the door will heat up considerabl y when washing at elevated temperatures.
M ake s ur e a l l the w ater has drained away before you open the door.
If water is present, only open the door after draining i t. If in doubt, read the instructions manual.
The water in the machine is not drinkable!
Swallowing washing machine detergents can cause lesi ons i n your mouth and throat.
Before rem ovi ng laundry from the washer dryer, make sure the dr um has stoppe d m oving.
Always switch off the appliance after use to avoid wasting electrici ty.
Leave the door ajar between one wash and the next in order to keep the gasket in good condition.
Prolonged inac tivity.
If the machine i s left inacti ve for a long peri od: disconnect the m achine from the electri city and water
supplies and leave the door ajar to prevent bad smells from forming.
In the event of a fault, nev er attempt to r epair th e machin e your self. Disconnect the appli ance from
t he el e ct ric al p o we r su ppl y an d sh ut of f th e wa t er tap . T he n c all a qu ali fi ed te ch ni ci an . Rep a i rs ma y
only be performe d by qual ifie d te chnicia ns.
Repairs performed by unqualified people m ay be hazardous for users.
Obsolete appliances must be rendered unusable: ma ke sure tha t the door cannot be closed (to
prev ent c hil dren from ge tting trappe d ins ide w hile pla ying and ri sk ing thei r liv es) and c ut off
the power c or d after unplugging it.
The appliance must then be taken to a sorted waste collection centre.
Thi s appliance is inte nded for use by adults .
Do not allow children to tamper wi th the controls or play with the washer dryer.
Do not allow children to approach the applia nc e while it is working.
Keep children away from the appliance.
Small animals or chi ldren may get inside the washer dryer.
Always check the insi de of the drum before use and do not a llow chi ldre n to play w i th the appl i-
Packaging materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, metal profiles, etc.) must not be left within reach of
Keep children away from the machine when the door or detergent tray is open; the appliance may contain resi dues of detergent which can cause irreversi ble dam age to the eyes, mouth and throat, as well
as pos sible de ath by suffocatio n.
Impor ta nt !
This appliance is easy to use.
In order to obtain the best resul ts, however, read thi s manual with care and follow all the instructions
before starting.
The manual gives instructions and useful advi ce on how to install, use and service the appliance cor-
The manufacture declines all responsibility for damage to persons or property resulting
from failure to observe the above precauti ons, from tampering w ith even just a single component of the appliance, or from the use of unoriginal spare parts.
Impor tant !
The appli ance mu st be i n stal l ed b y a speci alised techni cian accor ding to cu rren t r egulations.
This wash er d r yer i s ver y heavy. Take car e when l i fting i t.
The inside of t he m ac hine c omprises a mov ing assem bly which is blocked f or transport purpos es by t he screws
(A) loc at ed at t he rear of t he was her dry er.
1. Releas e the as s em bly by rem oving t hes e screws with a 13 mm wrench.
2. Remove the screws (A) and relat iv e spacers (B) f rom the back of the washer dry er.
3. To prev ent water f rom ent ering t he mac hine or people from touching liv e c omponents with t heir f ingers, cl ose
the four h oles l eft op en by the screws with the su pplied plastic pl ugs (C ).
• Do not turn the m achine ups ide down and do not place it on its side.
• Keep all the c omponents used to block the drum assembly as they will be needed if y ou dec ide t o m ove the
appliance in future.
1. Place the appliance in the
chos en position.
2. Caref ully lev el t he machine in
all directions using a spirit
lev el and adjusting the height
of t he feet if neces sary. Af ter
adjusting the machine, lock
the f eet with t he relativ e loc k
The wat er inlet and drain hos es can be turned to t he right or left depending on inst allat ion requirements.
•Carry out this operation carefully to prevent the washing machine from vibrating, generating noise or
moving during operation.
•I f th e applian ce is installed on a carpeted floor, en sure that the openings on its underside ar e n o t obstructed.
• Make sure the washing m achine does not touch walls , furniture, etc ., while it is working.
1. Chec k t hat inlet pressure lies bet ween the f ollowing v alues: 50-900kPa. F or higher
press ures, install a press ure reducer.
2. Connect the cold water inlet hose (l ight blue ring nut) to the cold water tap with a ¾
gas t hread, t ak ing care t o s c rew it firmly int o plac e in order to prev ent leaks. The water
inlet hos e mus t not be bent or crus hed and mus t not be replac ed or cut .
3. If a hot water inlet is used, inlet water t emperat ure m ust not exceed 60°C and t he
hose with the red ring nut must be c onnected to t he hot water t ap.
•If the water pipe is new or has not been us ed for a long tim e, let a c ertain am ount of water run bef ore att ac h-
ing the inlet hose. This stops any deposits of s and and ot her im purities f rom clogging the filt ers used by t he
mac hine to prot ect the water inlet valv es.
1. Ins ert the end of t he drain hose into a drain pipe hav ing an int ernal diam eter of at leas t 4 cm and a height
ranging between 50 and 90 cm, or attac h it (using the relat ive c urv ed plastic profile) to a bas in or bath t ub.
2. Alway s check that the end of t he drain hos e is s ecurely att ached in order t o prev ent t he repulsive f orce of
the water from mov ing it out of position.
• Do not bend or obstruct the hos e as this will reduc e the f low of water.
• Any ex t ensions t o t he drain hos e m ust not exceed 1 m et re, t hey must hav e t he s ame internal diam et er and
mus t not be obst ructed in any way .
•In no case may the end of t he drain hose be subm erged in water.
Before fitting the plug into the socket, make sure that:
1. Input voltage mat c hes t hat indicat ed on the nam e plate attac hed t o the inner edge of t he door.
2. The contac tor, press ure relief valv es, power line and socket are capable of withstanding the m aximum
rated power input indicat ed on the nam e plat e.
3. The sock et is compatible with the plug s upplied with t he m ac hine without the need t o f it mult iple sockets,
adaptors or ext ens ion leads t hat could c aus e ov erheat ing or burning.
4. If the s ocket does not c orres pond to t he supplied plug, replac e the s ocket with one of a suitable ty pe.
• The plug must be accessible after inst allat ion.
• The ap pli ance mu st be ear th ed . Plug t he machine into a s ocket f it t ed with an eff ic ient eart h c onnection.
The manufa cturer dec lines all re spons ibil ity for da ma ge to pe rsons or property res ulting from
failure to earth the appliance or from a defective earth connection. Correct electrical connec-
tions guara ntee maximum safety.
•This appliance c omplies wit h EEC directive 89/ 336 of 3. 5.89 (modified by EEC directive 92/ 31) relat iv e t o the
eliminat ion of radio int erference.
• If the power cord is dam aged, only replace it with an original spare part av ailable f rom our service department.
• D o not i n sert/r emove th e p lug from th e socket i f your hands ar e wet.
• R emo ve the p lug from th e so cket by g ripping the pl ug and no t th e cord.
All the commands and cont rols of t he appliance are assem bled toget her on t he front panel.
Models w ithout delayed
start option
Models w ith delayed
start option
D esc ription of con tr ol s
Ope n door button
ON-OFF a nd pr ogr amme selection knob
Time remaining shown on displ ay LED
Spin speed shown on d isplay LED
Drying time for delicates shown on display LED
Dryi n g time for cotton s shown on display LED
Select spin speed button
Select programme and drying time button
Select programme and drying time button ena bled LED
Options buttons
Options enabled LED's
Start-Pause button
Start-Pause button LED
Select delayed start button
Select delayed start button LED
Del ayed start time s how n on d isplay LED
Open door button
ON-OFF and was hing and
drying pr og ramme s el ection kno b
Time re mai nin g shown on
display LED
Time remaining
Press the button to open the door. Chapter 5 – Washing instructions – explains how the door works and how to use it.
This knob lets you:
• switch the m achine on and off by movi ng it in ei ther
d i re ctio n f rom th e OFF positi on (knob indicator verti -
• sel ect washing temperatures within the various fab-
ric sectors by turn ing i t in both directions
• select the drying programme
The knob does not move while the programme is running.
The programme is electronically controlled by the m achine.
This LED indicates that the di spl ay i s showing the total duration of the selected programme before the programme starts,
and the time rem aining while the programme is running.
Spi n spe ed sh o wn on di s-
play LED
Delicate cycle drying time
for deli ca te s sh o wn on di s-
This LED indi cates that the displ ay is showing the maximum
spin speed for the selected programme. It stays on while spin
speed is being selected with the relative button.
This LED indicates that the displ ay i s showing the dryi ng tim e
for delicate garments (synthetics, delicates).
play LED
Intensive cycle drying time
shown on display LED
This LED indicates that the displ ay i s showing the dryi ng tim e
for cotton and c oloure d garments.
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