GW6290: glassware washers with forced-air drying system.
Hinged door.
This document is an appendix to the appliance's user manual and must be consulted together with the manual for proper, safe use of the device.
It contains up-to-date information concerning the characteristics of the washing programs installed in the appliance.
Programs may vary depending on the firmware version installed in the appliance. If in doubt, have authorised staff check on the appliance that the installed version is the same as the
version stated in the table at the back of this document.
Demi, DW: demineralised water, the type of water used in a specific phase of the program.
Cold, CW: cold mains water, the type of water used in a specific phase of the program.
Hot, HW: hot mains water, the type of water used in a specific phase of the program.
K_TEST: indicates the predisposition in the phase of the “conductivity check” (active only if present and activated the option for the control of the water conductivity, “IC6290”).
ID_prog: identity number of the washing program; it is not necessarily bonded to the program name. (E.g. the program “ custom 1 ” has ID_prog = 21).
Int.: “Intensive” – use this program to process dirty elements.
N.C.: "NOT CONTROLLED" - refers to the relatively short heating phases during which the heating elements are “on” but no target temperature value is set.
P1, ... P5: the code refers to the activation of the relative peristaltic pump, with dispensing of the liquid detergent associated to it.
Each pump has a default dispensing rate set in the factory.
P1b, P2a: the code refers to dispensing by pump P1, P2 at a rate different from the default rate, used in special cases, as specified in the program table.
P1(20), P2(20), P3(20), P4(20), P5(20)
20 (dosage for service purpose only – peristaltic pump service program)
TD: thermal disinfection - phase during which the target temperature is kept above a target value for a specified time. The efficacy of the thermal disinfection process is indicated by
means of parameter A0. In preset programs, the target value for a thermal disinfection process is always at least 80°C.
Temp. T [°C]: Target temperature of the current phase. The temperature inside the tank is kept constant around the specified value for the time shown in the table. The phase during
which the temperature is held at the target value is called the EXTENSION phase. When no target temperature is indicated or the indication is (“0”), the heating elements are not
activated (e.g. during a cold prewash or for cold rinses).

WATER FILLING: at each step corresponds a load of water. The quantity are specified in the table.
PHASE NUMBERING: the display of the machine, during the progression of the cycle, provides information on the various stages in progress. The first phase assumes the identity of
"Phase 1", the second phase "Phase 2", etc.
CYCLE TIME: the stated time (on the display) for the complete cycle is completely indicative and refers to standard test conditions: intake water pressure 3bar, cold water temperature
25°C, hot water 55°C, electrical connection 3/N/PE 400V. Pressures and temperatures lower impact on cycle duration.
Parameter A0 is used by product standard EN ISO 15883-1 to assign a numerical value to the thermal disinfection process.
It is calculated mathematically using the formula:
z = 10°C - t = duration of time interval considered in seconds - T = load temperature in °C.
When calculating the parameter, only the time intervals during which the temperature is above 65°C are considered.
For our thermal disinfection programs, the calculation is simplified by only including the “extension” phase, when the temperature is kept constant with reference to the target value set.
DRYING: Drying stage at the end of the cycle are present only on the models equipped with a drying system.
CHAMBER RECOVERY DRAIN: Only if installed the optional "WD-VDS": according to the default factory programs settings, the first two phases of the cycle are marked as "recovery
drain" (potentially contaminated).
Programs from n.1 to 20 (ID_prog from 1 to 20) are defined as Factory non-editable programs.
Custom programs: programs from n. 21 to 40 (ID_prog from 21 to 40) are predisposed to be personalized, with a maximum of n.10 washing phases.
The change can be made through the touch-screen interface of the device, using the updated firmware.
If parameters are modified from the default settings, a record should be kept of the various phases and the new program settings.
ATTENTION: The editing of a washing program requires specific knowledge in relation to the load-treatment process, and to the device parameters. For this reason, the
function is protected by password.
Always proceed according to the rules in force in the place of installation: a custom program, used to process the load, must be validated according to the standards and
regulations applicable.
Consult the authorized technical service for clarification. Warning: when creating a custom program, do not include more than two thermal disinfection phases at 93°C for
Programs 200, 201, 202, 203 are service programs, not to be used for the processing of the load.

Prewashing / Washing / NAOH
Washing / NAOH washing /
Thermo disinfection
Cycle time std
empty chamber
10 Thermal disin. GW 93°C
11 Thermal disin. GW 93°C
12 Thermal disin. GW int.
93°C 5'
13 Thermal disin. GW int.
93°C 10'