SMC Sierra Monitor 5000 Sentry Instruction Manual

MODEL 5000
Version 6
Effective for all Sentry systems manufactured after September 1, 1995.
SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
Sentry Model 5000 Gas Monitoring System
Model 5000-02 Two Channel Controller Model 5000-04 Four Channel Controller Model 5000-08 Eight Channel Controller
Controller Options:
Model 5380-00
Rack Mount Configuration
Sensor Module
Model 5100-02 Combustible Gas Sensor Module Model 5100-05 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor Module - EC Cell Calibration Equipment Model 1200-26 Calibration Gas Delivery System Model 1290-02 Combustible Gas Cylinder Model 5358-00 Calibration Head, Magnetic Model 5358-01 Calibration Head, Standard Model 5360-00 Calibration Gas Delivery Fitting
1) FMRC Approval applies only to conventional (one cable run per sensor module) or multiplexed (multiple sensor modules per cable) installations. Apparatus must be installed in accordance with National Electrical Code.
2) FMRC Approval of the RS232C Data Output option applies only if used as a printer port and the apparatus connected to the controller does not use or generate greater than 250 Vrms.
Model 5383-00 Model 5387-00 Model 5392-00
NEMA-4X Configuration Printer Output Software Individual Alarm Relays
3) FMRC Approval for Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor Module applies to Model 5100-05 electrochemical cell only. Model 5100-01 solid state sensor is not approved.
4) FMRC Approval allows the presence of MODBUS firmware in the Sentry controller but does not cover the operation of the MODBUS firmware itself.
*FMRC: Factory Mutual Research Corporation
SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 CONTROLLER...............................................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 ENHANCEMENT PACKAGE ...............................................................................................................................1
1.3 SENSOR MODULES......................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 INTERCONNECT WIRING...........................................................................................................................................2
1.5 DATA TRANSMISSION................................................................................................................................................2
1.6 POWER REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................................2
2. CAUTIONS & WARNINGS...........................................................................................................................................15
2.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................15
2.2 CONTROLLER.............................................................................................................................................................15
2.3 WIRING ........................................................................................................................................................................15
2.4 SENSOR MODULES - GENERAL..............................................................................................................................15
2.4.1 COMBUSTIBLE SENSOR MODULES...............................................................................................................15
3. INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................................................................17
3.1 CONTROLLER LOCATION........................................................................................................................................17
3.2 SENSOR MODULE LOCATIONS..............................................................................................................................17
3.3 WIRING ........................................................................................................................................................................17
3.4 SENSOR MODULE INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................18
3.5 CONTROLLER INSTALLATION ...............................................................................................................................19
3.5.1 CONTROLLER CONFIGURATIONS .................................................................................................................19
3.5.2 CONTROLLER MOUNTING...............................................................................................................................19
3.5.3 ALARM DEVICE INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................20
3.5.4 RELAY OUTPUTS...............................................................................................................................................20
3.5.5 DC POWER LOAD...............................................................................................................................................20
3.5.6 POWER UP ...........................................................................................................................................................21
3.5.7 POWER DOWN....................................................................................................................................................21
4. CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE...............................................................................................................................33
4.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................33
4.2 START-UP PREPARATION........................................................................................................................................33
4.3 CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTIONS.........................................................................................................................35
4.4 SENTRY TRAINING....................................................................................................................................................35
4.5 SENTRY MENU...........................................................................................................................................................37
4.5.1 TEST KEY.............................................................................................................................................................37
4.5.2 TIME KEY ............................................................................................................................................................37
4.5.3 RESET KEY..........................................................................................................................................................38
4.5.4 MODE KEY - CALIB/CHANGE..........................................................................................................................38
4.5.5 MODE KEY - OTHER..........................................................................................................................................39
5. CALIBRATION...............................................................................................................................................................47
5.1 SENTRY CALIBRATION - AN OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................47
5.1.1 GLOBAL CALIBRATION....................................................................................................................................47
5.1.2 LOCAL CALIBRATION ......................................................................................................................................47
5.2 CALIBRATION INITIALIZATION.............................................................................................................................47
5.2.1 MODULES............................................................................................................................................................47
5.2.2 CALIBRATION PARAMETERS .........................................................................................................................48
5.3 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................................48
5.3.1 CONTROLLER SET-UP.......................................................................................................................................48
5.3.2 CALIBRATION GAS DELIVERY METHODS...................................................................................................51
5.3.3 SENSOR EXPOSURE TO GAS ...........................................................................................................................51
SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
6. MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................................................................53
6.1 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................................53
7. SERVICE..........................................................................................................................................................................55
7.1 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................55
7.1.1 GENERAL.............................................................................................................................................................55
7.1.2 INSTALLATION INSPECTION...........................................................................................................................55
7.1.3 DATA COLLECTION...........................................................................................................................................55
7.1.4 INSPECTION AND TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE..........................................................................................55
7.2 CONTROLLER .............................................................................................................................................................58
7.2.1 MECHANICAL/FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................58
7.2.2 ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................58
7.3 COMMUNICATIONS...................................................................................................................................................63
7.3.1 DESCRIPTION OF COMMUNICATIONS..........................................................................................................63
7.3.2 WARNING AND ERROR MESSAGES...............................................................................................................64
7.3.3 WARM-UP TIMERS.............................................................................................................................................64
7.3.4 ACCESS CODES...................................................................................................................................................64
7.3.5 DIAGNOSTIC CODES .........................................................................................................................................64
7.3.6 DIAGNOSTIC REPORT.......................................................................................................................................65
7.4 HYDROGEN SULFIDE MODULE (5100-01).............................................................................................................66
7.4.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................66
7.4.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................66
7.4.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................66
7.4.4 SENSOR REPLACEMENT...................................................................................................................................67
7.5 COMBUSTIBLE GAS SENSOR MODULE (5100-02)................................................................................................69
7.5.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................69
7.5.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................69
7.5.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................69
7.5.4 SENSOR REPLACEMENT...................................................................................................................................70
7.5.5 COMBUSTIBLE GAS SCALING FACTORS......................................................................................................71
7.6 OXYGEN MODULE (5100-03)....................................................................................................................................72
7.6.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................72
7.6.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................72
7.6.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................72
7.6.4 SENSOR REPLACEMENT...................................................................................................................................72
7.7 CARBON MONOXIDE MODULE (5100-04)..............................................................................................................74
7.7.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................74
7.7.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................74
7.7.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................74
7.8 HYDROGEN SULFIDE MODULE (5100-05).............................................................................................................76
7.8.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................76
7.8.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................76
7.8.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................76
7.9 TOXIC GAS SENSOR MODULE ................................................................................................................................78
7.9.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................78
7.9.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................78
7.9.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................78
7.10 AMMONIA SENSOR MODULE (5100-25).................................................................................................................81
7.10.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................81
7.10.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................81
7.10.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................81
SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
8. APPENDICES..................................................................................................................................................................83
8.1 APPENDIX A - SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................................85
8.2 APPENDIX B - LIMITED WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................89
8.3 APPENDIX C - ACCESS CONTROL BY USER CODE.............................................................................................91
8.3.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................91
8.3.2 DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................................................91
8.3.3 USER CODE INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................91
8.3.4 USER CODE REMOVAL.....................................................................................................................................91
8.3.5 DIAGNOSTIC CODES:........................................................................................................................................91
8.3.6 LOST ENTRY CODE ...........................................................................................................................................92
8.4 APPENDIX D: - MODEL NUMBERS & PARTS LIST ..............................................................................................93
8.4.1 CONTROLLER ITEMS........................................................................................................................................93
8.4.2 SENSOR MODULE ITEMS.................................................................................................................................94
8.4.3 CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................95
8.5 APPENDIX E - INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRINTER SOFTWARE OPTION...............................................................97
8.5.1 IDENTIFICATION ...............................................................................................................................................97
8.5.2 CAPABILITY........................................................................................................................................................97
8.5.3 REPORTS..............................................................................................................................................................97
8.6 APPENDIX F - MODEL 5392 INDIVIDUAL RELAY ..............................................................................................99
8.6.1 RELAY PANEL DESCRIPTION..........................................................................................................................99
8.6.2 RELAY PANEL ASSEMBLY ..............................................................................................................................99
8.6.3 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................................99
8.6.4 OPERATION.........................................................................................................................................................99
8.6.5 INDIVIDUAL RELAY SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................99
8.7 APPENDIX G - MODEL 4314 OUTPUT EXPANSION PANEL ............................................................................103
8.7.1 EXPANSION PANEL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................103
8.7.2 EXPANSION PANEL ASSEMBLY...................................................................................................................103
8.7.3 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................103
8.7.4 OPERATION.......................................................................................................................................................103
8.7.5 OUTPUT EXPANSION PANEL TESTING.......................................................................................................104
8.7.6 INDIVIDUAL RELAY SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................................................104
8.8 APPENDIX H - MODEL 5100-99 ANALOG INPUT MODULE.............................................................................106
8.8.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................................106
8.8.2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................106
8.8.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE...........................................................................................................................106
8.9 APPENDIX I - MODEL 5100-90 8-CHANNEL ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERTER............................................107
8.9.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................................107
8.9.2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................107
8.9.3 SERVICE.............................................................................................................................................................107
8.10 APPENDIX J - REFERENCE DRAWINGS...............................................................................................................109
9. INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................................119
10. LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................................................121
11. LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................................................122
SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
The Sentry 5000 is a fixed installation gas monitoring system designed for continuous operation in open or confined areas. The system is comprised of a controller and up to eight sensor modules. The sensor modules are supplied for detection of combustible gas, oxygen deficiency or various toxic gases and can be mixed within one system as required.
The Sentry controller is a microprocessor computer which performs functions including management of the sensor modules, management of alarm relays and interface with the user via the front panel which includes a concentration display, an alphanumeric display, keypad and status indicators. The microprocessor functions are permanently installed in the controller. They cannot be changed or damaged by the user and will not be altered by loss of power.
Configuration variables, such as alarm levels, can be changed via a simple keypad sequence. Information provided to the controller in this manner is retained even when the power is interrupted. This information can be protected by a "user code" to avoid unauthorized modification.
Sentry continually scans all modules for alarm conditions. No sequence of key presses can prevent the scanning except specific actions during calibration or deliberate disabling of the sensor module.
The Sentry controller is provided in a rack or panel mount version for control rooms, an environmental enclosure for outdoor, stand alone applications, or other packages for specialty applications.
Various factory installed firmware enhancements are available for the Sentry controller. These are selected at the time of purchase or subsequent upgrade. The enhancements, which are described in detail in the appropriate sections of this manual, include:
Addition of printer output firmware for models
5000-04 or 5000-02. Printer output is standard on model 5000-08.
Replace printer output firmware with MODBUS
data address protocol for host computer or DCS interface. MODBUS is an industry standard communication protocol which allows bi­directional communication via the controller RS­232C serial port.
High Alarm Acknowledge function for alarm
Low Alarm Acknowledge function for alarm
Emergency Alarm function adds a third alarm
Zone and Voting assignment of individual alarm
Analog Output software driver for use with
Model 4314-01 output module.
Custom default Gas Tags and Engineering Units
Tags for up to eight input devices.
Custom default Module Tags for up to eight
module addresses.
Configure alarm relays to be normally energized
in the safe condition.
Each sensor module ("module") is labeled internally to identify the type of gas it is designed to detect. For each gas group, the sensor and the electronics board in the explosion proof housing is different. During installation, switches in the electronics are set by the user to give the module an address (module number) to make it unique from others in the same system. Sentry then "communicates" with each module to determine its number, the type of gas it detects, the gas concentration and other information.
Inside the module housing is an electronic assembly consisting of two printed circuit board assemblies mounted under a metal top plate. The address switches and adjustment potentiometers are accessible through the plate and electrical test points (test lead jacks) are installed in the plate. Connectors for wiring from the controller and the sensor are located on the bottom of the electronic assembly. The sensor is installed in one hub of the enclosure.
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SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
Not supplied with Sentry, but necessary to the installation and operation is the three conductor wiring which connects the controller to the modules. Before this wiring is installed it is important to read and understand the installation instructions (Chapter 3) because significant economies can be realized by connecting more than one module onto a common wiring run. This standard feature is accomplished by multiplexing the signals from the modules to the controller.
Transparent to the user is the data transfer which occurs on the installed interconnect wiring. Two of the conductors are used to pass direct current (DC) from the controller to the modules. The third wire transfers a series of very rapid pulses between the controller and the sensor modules. This digital transfer of information is an important feature of the system which significantly reduces RFI and EMI problems.
The standard system requires 120 VAC, 60 Hz, at 0.5 Amp electrical supply. A factory option can be ordered for 220 VAC operation. DC voltage (12 to 28 VDC) can be used for standby power. The system will automatically switch to supplied DC operation at any time the AC voltage is interrupted.
The system includes a lithium battery for RAM memory retention during power interruptions. To ensure continuous trouble free operation, however, the primary power source must be one which is continuous and reliable, preferably dedicated to this equipment. Battery back-up or emergency power is recommended to insure continuous operation.
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Figure 1-1
Front Panel Display
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Figure 1-2
Rack Mount Configuration - Outline
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Figure 1-3
NEMA-4 Configuration - Outline
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Figure 1-4
NEMA-7 Configuration - Outline
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Figure 1-5
Panel Mount Configuration Outline
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Figure 1-6
Wall Mount Configuration Outline
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Figure 1-7
Hydrogen Sulfide Module - Outline
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Figure 1-8
Combustible Sensor - Outline
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Figure 1-9
Oxygen and Toxic Sensor Modules - Outline
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Model 5100-05 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor Module (FMRC Approved) - Outline
Figure 1-10
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Figure 1-11
Model 5100-25 Ammonia Sensor Module - Outline
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Although the Sentry system is designed and constructed for installation and operation in industrial applications including "hostile" environments, caution should be taken to insure that the installation is made in compliance with this instruction manual and that certain procedures and conditions are avoided. This chapter discusses the necessary cautions. Read the entire chapter prior to
installation of the equipment.
The controller should be installed in a location which is safely accessible during a gas alarm.
Avoid installing the controller where it will be unnecessarily exposed to wind, dust, shock or vibration or direct sun. Observe temperature range limitations.
Adhere to standard electrical installation procedures. The chassis ground on the controller must be connected to earth ground.
While the digital communication method used between the controller and modules will greatly reduce problems associated with electromagnetic and radio frequency interference the manufacturer recommends that extra caution be taken where the installation is near any sources of these interferences:
Avoid running sensor module cable close to high
power cables, radio transmission lines, or cables subject to pulses of high current.
Avoid running cables near large electric motors or
When the risk of interference is present use shielded
cables. In conduit installations the shield should be connected to the conduit. In cable applications the shield should be connected to the cable connector.
All splices must be via either a lug and terminal
system or soldered. Improperly spliced cable can result in corrosion, resistance changes and system errors.
Installation and wiring must be in accordance with the
National Electrical Code
Avoid installing sensor modules where they will be unnecessarily exposed to wind, dust, water (esp. direct hose down), shock, or vibration. Observe temperature range limitations.
Sensors may be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to certain materials. Loss of sensitivity, or corrosion, may be gradual if such materials are present in low concentrations. These materials include: Halides (compounds containing chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine), silicones, acid vapors, caustic liquids or mists.
Care has been taken by the manufacturer to ship your modules in protective packaging to avoid contamination prior to installation. It is recommended that the sensors remain protected during installation and that the covering be removed immediately prior to system start-up.
During normal use the sensor is protected from dirt and oil contamination by a sintered metal cover. If this cover becomes clogged, the response of the sensor will be reduced. Protect the sensor from contamination by careful placement, or by use of rain and dust shields.
Sensor modules must not be painted. Paint may contain compounds which will contaminate the sensor. Paint will cause clogging of the sintered metal cover and will cause difficulties during attachment of the calibration head or other maintenance activity. It is recommended that the module be tagged "DO NOT PAINT".
When sensors are replaced the thread must be Teflon taped to avoid metal to metal binding which will damage the housing threads.
Catalytic type combustible gas sensors may be poisoned by exposure to silicones. Sierra Monitor Corporation supplies resistant sensors, but care should be taken to avoid exposure to silicones. No Silicone caulking (RTV) should be used near the sensors. No other silicone based compounds should be used near the sensors unless they are fully protected during the entire cure cycle. If the sensors will be exposed to silicone during normal operation the manufacturer's sensor warranty is void.
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All systems are factory are pre-configured and calibrated.
All sensors are tagged to indicate the controller (alpha)
and the sensor module number (1 - 8).
Identify all components of the system during unpacking
and install using the factory configuration.
The system will power up in a calibrated and fully
functional condition.
Rack mounted controllers should be installed in a control room environment where they will be relatively free from dust and temperature extremes. For ease of operation select a rack window space at approximately eye level. Four controllers can be installed side by side in a 19" instrument shelf.
Enclosed controllers for outdoor applications should be located in the most protected location available with consideration for easy access for installation and calibration. The enclosures should be mounted on a vertical surface with the key board at approximately eye level. The enclosure should not face directly into the sun.
Select locations for each of the sensor modules based on the following:
Consider the density, relative to dry air, of the gas to
determine height of module above floor or ground level:
Gas Density
(Air = 1.00)
Air 1.00
Ammonia 0.60 Carbon Monoxide 0.97 Chlorine 2.49 Ethylene Oxide 1.52 Hydrogen 0.07 Hydrogen Chloride 1.27 Hydrogen Cyanide 0.94 Hydrogen Sulfide 1.19 Methane 0.55 Nitrogen Dioxide 1.58 Oxygen (Air) 1.10 Sulfur Dioxide 2.26
Modules should be placed close to the potential source
of gas.
Modules should be placed in areas accessible for
Sensors should be pointed down and the conduit
should include an inverse trap to reduce moisture (condensation) from accumulating in the electronics enclosure Figure 3-3.
Plan the wiring arrangement to minimize installation expense but with redundancy for critical locations. Wire shall be Belden (or equivalent) 949X (where X = 2, 3, 4, or 5 depending on wire gauge). If high RFI or EMI levels exist wiring should be protected by conduit or shield. Shielded wire shall be Belden (or equivalent) 936X.
In no case should the drain wire of shielded cable be used
as one of the conductors.
Any modules which are located in a common
geographical area a long distance from the controller can be connected to the same three conductor wire run installed from the controller to that area. Table 3-2, Figure 3-4.
The remote auxiliary power supply option can be used
for installation of one or more modules a long distance from the controller location. The connection from the controller to the remote power supply is via a two conductor "data link" Figure 3-4.
Number of Maximum length of wire run (feet)
modules 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
1 2 3 4
20 20 18 16 14 20 18 14 12 xx 18 16 12 xx xx 16 14 12 xx xx
Table 3-2
Minimum Wire Gauges
Table 3-1
Specific Gravity of Selected Gases
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Install conduit as required. Provide for splice boxes where multiple modules will be wired to a single run. Pull 3 (typical: white, black, green) conductors of the correct gauge wire from the controller to each splice box and from the respective splice box to each planned module location. See Figure 3-5 for proper wire termination in the splice box. Twisted wire secured with wire nuts is not an acceptable splice.
Installation and wiring must be in accordance with the
National Electrical Code
In installations where redundancy of module locations is a requirement do not install multiple modules on one cabling run as any damage to the primary wiring will disable all the modules.
Temperature rating of cable wire insulation must be
above 75oC (85oC or greater rating wiring is recommended). If cable runs through higher temperature environments, it should be specified for that environment.
Note: Remove spring from the electromechanical sensor (5100-04 through 5100-23) prior to installation. See technical note provided with sensor module.
1. Remove the electronics from the module housing by:
Unscrew the two captive panel screws in the
top plate.
Lift the electronics out of the housing.
Unplug the sensor harness from the bottom
electronics board.
2. Install the module housing onto the end of the supply conduit and/or bolt into position as required.
Note If housing grounding is required for the installation a grounding lug is located under the two printed circuit
assemblies in the housing. Install the ground wire under
the green lug. Figure 3-5
Function Module
1 +VDC P White 2 Signal S Black 3 DC Return G Green
Table 3-3
Sensor Module Wiring
4. Reconnect the sensor harness to the sensor connector on the bottom of the electronic assembly. Figure 3-7.
5. Twist the assembly 180o to take up the service loop on both the incoming wire and the sensor harness. With the sensor facing down the wording on the cover plate will be correctly oriented.
6. Carefully fit the electronics over the two posts in the housing and tighten the captive panel screws.
Module Switch Positions
Table 3-4
Sensor Module Binary Switch Positions
7. Set the dip switch Figure 3-8 on each module to indicate the module number (Table 3-4). Each of the modules connected to one controller must have a different address. (Note: Switch position 4 is not used.)
3. Connect the three wires which run from the controller to the three position terminal strip on the bottom of the electronics assembly. See Table 3-3 for terminal markings and normal wiring color code conventions. Figure 3-7 shows the correct wiring connections and the operation of the connector mechanism.
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Table 3-5 lists the number of sensor modules which can be operated on each controller model.
Model Controller Capacity
5000-02 2 Sensor Modules 5000-04 4 Sensor Modules 5000-08 8 Sensor Modules
Table 3-5
Sentry Controller Capacity
Table 3-6 lists and describes Sentry controller enclosure options.
Model Description
5380-00 Standard configuration, controller
intended for installation in instrument rack. Wiring to back connector panel.
5381-00 Controller supplied with bezel for panel
or chassis installation. Wiring to back connector panel. CHASSIS MOUNTED CONTROLLER
The chassis mounted controller is provided with a pre­installed bezel and a template for the chassis cut-out. An angle bracket is also provided to support the cantilever of the controller. Select an appropriate location at approximately eye level providing rear access for the module and alarm wiring. WALL MOUNTED CONTROLLER
The wall mounted controller is provided on a sheet metal panel containing brackets which allow for removal of the controller. Select a location, where module and alarm wiring can be run up or down the wall for distribution, and bolt the panel to the wall. NEMA ENCLOSED CONTROLLER
Mount the NEMA enclosed controller on a vertical surface with the display at approximately eye level. Mounting feet are supplied with the enclosure for external mounting bolts. Figure 1-3. Although the enclosure is designed for exposure to weather, normal measures to protect the system from harsh conditions are recommended. It is particularly important to avoid exposure of the display to direct sunlight as this can cause fading of the display during very hot weather.
5382-00 Wall mount configuration includes a
mounting panel and brackets, display is side mounted. Wiring to side facing panel.
5383-00 NEMA-4X Enclosure with latching front
door and window for viewing display. Wiring to front facing terminal strips.
5395-00 NEMA-7 Explosion Proof Enclosure
with screw in window for viewing of display and external switches for operation of keypad. Wiring to side facing panel.
Table 3-6
Sentry Enclosure Options
The instrument rack should be installed in a 19" electronic cabinet at eye level. Care should be taken to avoid heat from other instruments under the controller. WIRING CONNECTIONS
Channel wiring connections at the controller (except NEMA-4X) and at the module are made using a quick connect terminal strip. Figure 3-7. The terminal can be operated using an actuator (supplied in the system accessory bag) or by pressing a small screwdriver into the actuator slot.
It is important to understand that, because of multiplexed communication, there is a difference between "channel" numbers and "module" numbers. Channels are the physical connectors at the controller. Module numbers are the switched addresses on each module. More than one module number may be installed on a channel, up to a maximum of four modules.
Installation and wiring must be in accordance with the
National Electrical Code
Make the following connections at the controller.:
Attach the three wires for each channel to separate
channel connectors on the terminal strip marked CH1 through CH8. The sequence should exactly match that at the sensor assembly. (Typical: White 1, Black 2, Green 3.)
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Connect the necessary remote audible and visual
alarms or other process control equipment to the
"HIGH", "LOW" and "TROUBLE" dry contact relays on
the connector panel.
The Double Pole/Double Throw (DPDT) relay connections are marked to indicate Normally Open
(N/O) , Normally Closed (N/C) and Common (COM)
terminals for each pole. No voltage is applied to the terminals internally.
Typical wiring configuration is described in Figure 3-11. The trouble relay is fail safe so that it will switch from Normally Closed to Normally Open if all system power is lost.
NOTE It may be preferably to delay wiring the alarms, or delay powering them, until the detection system has been fully
activated, tested and calibrated.
Connect 120 volts AC wiring to the terminals marked Hot (black), Neutral (white), and Ground (Green).
If a 12-28 VDC supply is to be used as either back-up or as the primary operating voltage make the necessary connections to the terminal marked "DC INPUT 12 - 28V" "+" (Red) & "-" (Black).
When a battery is to be used for back-up DC supply only,
a Sentry feature provides protection against battery damage by shutting off the battery before complete
discharge. When this feature is used, the Sentry
controller can only be restarted by AC voltage.
To implement the battery protection feature, two red
jumper wires located on the power supply board must be
cut. See Figure 7-3.
If splice boxes are used to combine multiple modules on a channel the splice connections should be made using a terminal block/wire lug assembly or all wires should be soldered and insulated. Figure 3-5.
Alarm devices must be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions for the particular device. Sentry dry contact relays provide switching capability as rated in the specifications. (See Appendix A.)
Certain warning strobes have a very high peak current
which is dependent upon the phase angle of the AC line at
the precise moment the strobe is switched on. A high
current at the time of switching may cause the relay
contacts to stick together.
The corrective action to avoid contacts sticking together is
to install a 10 Ohm, 5 Watt resistor in series with the
strobe power, preferably close to the relay.
Three relays on the standard Sentry controller are for: high alarm, low alarm and trouble. The trouble relay is normally energized (power applied to coil). The gas alarm relays (high and low) are normally not energized. Individual low and high alarm relays are optional hardware.
110 VAC
+ -
Install MOV
close to switch
Install diode close to load
Figure 3-1
Typical Protection Circuit
The relays are dry contact and may be used to actuate bells, lights, sirens, solenoid valves, or contactors as required. It is recommended that for 120 VAC circuits a metal oxide varistor (MOV) rated for 150 Vrms be place across the load (Figure 3-1). (General Electric V150LA20A or equivalent). For DC circuits a general purpose rectifier diode should be placed across the load (1N4005).
Table 3-7 is provided to allow correct sizing of battery back-up. To determine total load add the applicable individual loads. (All measurements are at 12 VDC.)
Test Condition Amps Watts
Controller, No Sensors, No Alarms 0.560 6.7 Controller, No Sensors, All Alarms 0.660 8.0 Controller, 8 Combust, All Alarms 4.000 48.0 Individual Relay Board 0.750 9.3 Hydrogen Sulfide (Type 1) Module 0.260 3.1 Combustible (Type 2) Module 0.420 5.0 Electrochemical Sensor (typical) 0.050 0.6
Table 3-7
Sentry Power Load
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SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
3.5.6 POWER UP
Systems shipped complete from the factory are pre­configured and calibrated. When power is turned on the power light will start flashing and the alpha-numeric display will indicate "SYSTEM WARM-UP" "PLEASE WAIT
MM:SS" (where MM:SS is a five minute count-down
clock). When the warm-up ends the two displays will begin functioning in the "continuous scan" mode which is described in the next chapter. The large display will cycle through each module number for any modules which have been installed.
If modules have been added to the system since it was factory configured, those modules will have a blank (“—“) concentration display and the lower display will show the module type and units with "FACTOR MISSING" or
"UNCALIBRATED" messages.
If the display indicates module numbers which match the numbers used in installation, the wiring is correct and module configuration can begin. If any number is omitted the controller is not recognizing that module and the wiring should be checked for errors (the system will display "NO
MODULE" when any attempt is made to obtain information
on that module).
If the controller does not recognize any modules the display will read "NO MODULES INSTALLED".
On 2 and 4 Channel systems any module set with a number higher than four will cause the lower display to indicate "MODULE # MUST BE 1 THROUGH 4" and
the upper display to display "#E --" (where # = the
erroneous module number).
If it is necessary to remove the power all operator configured data and parameters will be saved by Sentry. (It is important to turn off the main power prior to disconnection of any module wiring because while under power Sentry will interpret certain changes as errors.)
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SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
Figure 3-2
Controller Mounting Options
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SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
Figure 3-3
Sensor Module Mounting
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SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual - Version 6
Figure 3-4
Wiring Options
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