Table of Contents
Table of Contents - 1
Table of Con tents
To Customers
Chapter i Safety Instructions
i - 1 Warning: Before Using Air Dryer.........................................................i - 1
i - 1 - 1 Meanings of signs: Caution, Warning, Danger..............................................i - 1
i - 2 Danger Classifications / Position of Danger warning label......i - 3
i - 2 - 1 Danger Classi fications..................................................................................i - 3
i - 2 - 2 Dan ge r o f El e ct ricity.....................................................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 3 Dan ge r o f hi gh He a t.....................................................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 4 Danger of Roto r............................................................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 5 Dan g e r o f Compressed Air Ci r cu i t ...............................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 6 Posit io n s o f Da n ger Warning Lab e l..............................................................i - 5
i - 2 - 7 Danger of Refri g e r an t...................................................................................i - 6
i - 2 - 8 Cau ti on s ab o ut U sag e..................................................................................i - 7
i - 2 - 9 Other La be l..................................................................................................i - 7
i - 3 Disposal.......................................................................................................i – 8
i - 4 Limited warranty and Disclaimer / Compliance Requirements ........i – 9
Chapter 1 Parts Name and Functions
1 - 1 Parts Names and Functions................................................................ 1 - 1
Chapter 2 Transportation / Installation
2 - 1 Transportation..........................................................................................2 - 1
2 - 2 Installation..................................................................................................2 - 2
2 - 2 - 1 Location.....................................................................................................2 - 2
2 - 2 - 2 Anchorage..................................................................................................2 - 2
2 - 2 - 3 Air piping.................................................................................................... 2 - 2
2 - 2 - 4 Drain Tube..................................................................................................2 - 3
2 - 2 - 5 Electric wi rin g............................................................................................. 2 - 4
2 - 3 Cautions about reinstallation.............................................................2 - 5
Chapter 3 Operation / Shutdown
3 - 1 Check points before operation..........................................................3 - 1
3 - 2 Operation.................................................................................................... 3 - 1
3 - 3 Shutdown................................................................................................... 3 - 2
3 - 4 Cautions about restart...........................................................................3 - 2
3 - 5 Check points before restart................................................................. 3 - 2
3 - 6 Precautions for long-term non-operation...................................... 3 - 2
Chapter 4 Maintenance
4 - 1 Daily inspection.......................................................................................4 - 1
4 - 2 Periodical maintenance........................................................................4 - 1
4 - 2 - 1 Cleaning of ve n til a ti on g ri ll e ( su c ti o n g rille)................................................. 4 - 1
4 - 2 - 2 Service p a r t s..............................................................................................4 - 1
4 - 2 - 3 Cleaning o f Auto D rai n Strainer..................................................................4 - 1
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting............................................................................................ 5 - 1
Chapter 6 References
6 - 1 Specifications........................................................................................... 6 - 1
6 - 2 Dimensions................................................................................................ 6 - 2
6 - 3 Electrical Circuit......................................................................................6 - 3
6 - 4 Compressed Air and Refrigerant Circuit / Operation Principles.....6 - 4