SMC Networks IDU3E-10,IDU4E-10,IDU3E-20,IDU4E-20,IDU6E-10,IDU6E-20 Operation Manual

Initial issue: June, 2005
2nd edition: November, 2010
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Operation Manual
Refrigerated Air Dryer
MODEL/ Series
IDU3E-10IDU3E-20 IDU4E-10IDU4E-20 IDU6E-10IDU6E-20
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Please read this manu al prio r of using the air dryer. Keep the manual r eadil y available fo r reference.
© 2010 SMC CORPORATION All Rights Reserved.
To Customers
Thanks for purchasing SMC Refrigerated Air Dryer.
This opertion manual must be read and understood throughoutly before handling. It provides all essential information for maximizing product operating efficiency, as well as, for safe and longer life span operation.
For safety operation of SMC Refrigerated Air Dryer, read thoroughly and follow stated safety instructions, as well as regulation stated within ISO 4414
& JIS B 8370*2.
*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power – Recommendations for the application of equipment to transmission
and control systems.
*2) JIS B 8370: Pneumatic fluid power – General rules relating to systems
This manual explains about installation and operation of the product. Only those who have thorough understanding of the fundamental operating procedure or have basic knowledge and skills of handling industrial product for the installation and operation of the product are qualified to perform installation and operation.
The contents of the operation manual and the other documents attached to the product cannot become a part of the contract clause or cannot change and modify existing agreements, promises, and relationship.
Any statements contained in the operation manual cannot be newly guaranteed and modify existing guarantee certificate.
You are not allowed to copy any part of this operation manual for usage of third person without informing it to us beforehand.
Caution: Please understand that the contents of this operation manual are subject to
changed without previous notice.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents - 1
Table of Con tents
To Customers Chapter i Safety Instructions
i - 1 Warning: Before Using Air Dryer.........................................................i - 1
i - 1 - 1 Meanings of signs: Caution, Warning, Danger..............................................i - 1
i - 2 Danger Classifications / Position of Danger warning label......i - 3
i - 2 - 1 Danger Classi fications..................................................................................i - 3
i - 2 - 2 Dan ge r o f El e ct ricity.....................................................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 3 Dan ge r o f hi gh He a t.....................................................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 4 Danger of Roto r............................................................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 5 Dan g e r o f Compressed Air Ci r cu i t ...............................................................i - 4
i - 2 - 6 Posit io n s o f Da n ger Warning Lab e l..............................................................i - 5
i - 2 - 7 Danger of Refri g e r an t...................................................................................i - 6
i - 2 - 8 Cau ti on s ab o ut U sag e..................................................................................i - 7
i - 2 - 9 Other La be l..................................................................................................i - 7
i - 3 Disposal.......................................................................................................i – 8
i - 4 Limited warranty and Disclaimer / Compliance Requirements ........i – 9
Chapter 1 Parts Name and Functions
1 - 1 Parts Names and Functions................................................................ 1 - 1
Chapter 2 Transportation / Installation
2 - 1 Transportation..........................................................................................2 - 1
2 - 2 Installation..................................................................................................2 - 2
2 - 2 - 1 Location.....................................................................................................2 - 2
2 - 2 - 2 Anchorage..................................................................................................2 - 2
2 - 2 - 3 Air piping.................................................................................................... 2 - 2
2 - 2 - 4 Drain Tube..................................................................................................2 - 3
2 - 2 - 5 Electric wi rin g............................................................................................. 2 - 4
2 - 3 Cautions about reinstallation.............................................................2 - 5
Chapter 3 Operation / Shutdown
3 - 1 Check points before operation..........................................................3 - 1
3 - 2 Operation.................................................................................................... 3 - 1
3 - 3 Shutdown................................................................................................... 3 - 2
3 - 4 Cautions about restart...........................................................................3 - 2
3 - 5 Check points before restart................................................................. 3 - 2
3 - 6 Precautions for long-term non-operation...................................... 3 - 2
Chapter 4 Maintenance
4 - 1 Daily inspection.......................................................................................4 - 1
4 - 2 Periodical maintenance........................................................................4 - 1
4 - 2 - 1 Cleaning of ve n til a ti on g ri ll e ( su c ti o n g rille)................................................. 4 - 1
4 - 2 - 2 Service p a r t s..............................................................................................4 - 1
4 - 2 - 3 Cleaning o f Auto D rai n Strainer..................................................................4 - 1
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting............................................................................................ 5 - 1
Chapter 6 References
6 - 1 Specifications........................................................................................... 6 - 1
6 - 2 Dimensions................................................................................................ 6 - 2
6 - 3 Electrical Circuit......................................................................................6 - 3
6 - 4 Compressed Air and Refrigerant Circuit / Operation Principles.....6 - 4
i Safety Instructions
i Safety Instructions
Be sure to read and comprehend important cautionary notifications in this operation manual before use
Do not operate the product without the cover panel.
i – 1 Warni ng: Before Using Air Dryer
In this chapter, the stated contents are especially about safety way to use the product. for customer. An Air Dryer is installed on the downstream of the air compressor to remove moisture. We, manufacturer, cannot take any responsibility if you use it for any other purpose. An Air Dryer works with hig h v oltag e an d h as so me parts that gets hot or rotates during operation. As k v end or if y ou need component replacement and servicing. Not only people handle the air dryer but every people who perform maintenance on or do works related to it should read safety instructions on this operation manual before handling. This operation manual is not a general safety manual which is practiced by safety training representatives. People who handle this pr oduct or w ork aroun d it need to take tr aining to co mpreha nd i nherent ri sks of it an d m aster measures for safety. It is usually responsible for super visor to follow the safety instructions, but each operator or maintemance representative should do daily operations on their own head. Operators and maintemance representatives should take the safety of working place and work environment into account. It is necessary to think of the safety of working place and work environment for each task Take enough safety training before the operation training. It is very dangerous to do operation training without any safety training. Operation training must be paid attention to its safety. Keep this operation manual handy for workers related to above contents to refer to anytime.
i – 1 – 1 Meaning of Signs: Caution, Warning, Danger
These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situation and/or product damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by signs “Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger”. Contents with these signs state about important instructions concerning safety. Confirm where those signs are, and read and comprehend notices and cautionary notices well before handling.
“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger” is the order of importance (Danger>Warning>Caution). Followings
are the meanings of those signs.
Statements with the “Danger” sign explain about conditions in which there is a possible result of serious injury or loss of life if someone handles wrongly during operation or maintenance and did not follow the procedure to avoid danger.
i - 1
i Safety Instructions
Statements with the “Danger” sign explain about possibilities that can result in serious injury or loss of life if someone handle wrongly during operation or maintenance and did not follow the procedure to avoid danger.
Statements with the “Danger” sign explain about possibilities that can result in injury or
product damage if someone handles wrongly during operation or maintenance and
did not follow the procedure to avoid danger.
i - 2
i Safety Instructions
i – 2 Danger Classifications / Position of Danger Warning Label
To protect operator’s sefety, we group danger into some types uniquely and attached labels indicating those types. Comfirm the contents of the danger types and positions of the labels before operation.
No one but professionals should operate an air dryer. Transportation, installation, and maintenance involve risks. These should be done by someone who have enough knowledge and experience about this product and incidental devices. No one but our service personnel or qualified person should open the cover panel of this product.
Should any problem occur, address it according to statements on this manual.
Identify problems according to “Chapter 5 Troubleshooting.”
Ask repair and maintenance.
The product should not be operated in the event of any problems. When the product gets out of order, shutdown it immediatery, and contact our service person or qualified person.
i – 2 – 1 Danger Classifications
Specific danger classification of this product is as follows.
Danger of Electricity
Since this product runs at hign voltage, there is the danger of electric shock. So, we display a symbol with indica tio ns,
“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger,” on the product and this manu al.
Danger of Heat
Since this product becomes hot while driving, there is the danger of burn injury. So, we display a symbol with indica tio ns,
“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger,” on the product and this manu al.
Danger of Rotor
Since this product has parts that rotate while driving, the re is the d anger of cat ching your f ingers in or injury. So, we display a symbol w ith indication s, “Caution”, “Warning” or “Dange r, ” on the
product and this manual.
i - 3
i Safety Instructions
i – 2 – 2 Danger of Electricity
Inside of this product, there is power-supplying section with high voltage separated by the cover panel. Do not operate the product without the cover panel. No one but trained qualified person should operate or inspect in the power transmission sections.
Read with caution and pay attention to the notations on danger warning labels. Do not remove or rub danger warning labels. Confirm the positions of danger warning labels.
i – 2 – 3 Danger of High Heat
Since this product has parts that become hot during operation, there is the danger of burn
injury resulting from contact with them. What is more, there is also the danger of burn injury due to remaining heat after the power supply is cut. Th erefore, wait until the temperature of hot parts become 50
C and below.
i – 2 – 4 Danger of Rotor
Since this product has parts that rotate during operation, there is the danger of burn injury
resulting from contact with them. Though sometimes those parts can temporarily stop the rotation, they will rotate again, and so do not work with them while driving.
i – 2 – 5 Danger of Compressed Air Circuit
Before replacing or cleaning parts, be sure to bleed compressed air remain inside of the product untill the gauge indicates “0”. If you do not do this air-bleeding,
there would be the
great danger of unexpected accident, such as shooting out of parts when they are being unscrewed.
i - 4
i Safety Instructions
i – 2 – 6 Positions of Danger Warning Label
Read with caution and pay attention to the notations of danger warning labels. Do not remove or rub danger warning labels. Confirm the positions of danger warning labels.
1 Remove panels for maintenance only. 2 Never insert anything into product to ensure safety. 3 Cut power prior to maintenance to prevent electric shock. 4 Settle product to room temp.before main­ tenance toprevent burn or frostbite. 5 Ensure zero air pr essu re b efore replacing parts.
1 点検以外はパネルを取り外さないこと。 2 回転物があるので指、棒状の物を差し 込まないこと。 3 感電の恐れがあるので、点検の前には電源を   切ること。 4 火傷の恐れがあるので、点検の前には装置を   常温にすること。 5 部品交換の前には必ず、空気圧力を"0"に   すること。
i - 5
i Safety Instructions
i – 2 – 7 Danger of Refrigerant
This product uses Fluorocarbon (HFC) as a refrigerant.
This product is specified by “Class 1 Fluorocarbon Collection and Destruction Law in Japan.” It is strictly forbitten to emit Fluorocarbon to the atmosphere. Before you repair this product, you should collect the refrigerant with “Refrigerant collector.” Then, ask a destruction agency to dispose of collected refrigerant. No one but someone have enough knowledge and experience about the product and incidental device should do the collection of the refrigerant. No one but service person or qualified person should remove the cover panel of the product.
The quantity and the sort of the Fluorocarbon are mentioned on the specification label that are explained on Page i – 8.
Fluorocarbon Collection an d Destruction La w in Japan
This product uses Fluorocarbon (HFC) as a refrigerant.
1 It is strictly forbidden to emit Fluorocarbon to the atmosphere. 2 When disposing this product, Fluorocarbon must be collected in an appropriate manner. 3 The kind of Fluorocarbon and the amount used in this product is prited on the name label.
この製品には冷媒として、        フロン類(HFC)が使われています。 1 フロン類をみ だりに大気中に放出することは 禁じられています。 2 この製品を廃棄する場合には、フロン類の回収が 必要です。 3 フロン類の種類及び数量は、型式銘板に記載 されています。
i - 6
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