SMC Networks IDH4-10 Series, IDH4-20 Series, IDH6-20 Series, IDHA4-23 Series, IDH6-10 Series Operation Manual

Initial issue December, 2010
Original Instructions
/ /
/ Series
IDH4-10 IDH4-20 IDHA4-23 IDH6-10 IDH6-20 IDHA6-23
Please read this manual prior of using the ai
r dryer. Keep the manual readily available for
© 2010 SMC CORPORATION All Rights Reserved.
Operation Manual
Initial issue December, 2010
Dear Customers
Thank you for selecting SMC THERMODRYER.
This opertion manual must be read and understood throughoutly before handling this product. It provides all
essential information for maximizing product operating efficiency, as well as, for safe and longer life span
For safety operation of SMC THERMODRYER, read thoroughly and follow stated safety instructions, as
well as regulation stated within ISO 4414
& JIS B 8370*2.
*1) IS O 441 4 : P ne um ati c f l ui d po we r – Re co m me n dat i ons fo r t h e app l ic a ti o n o f
pro d uct to tr a n sm i ssi o n a nd c o nt r ol s y ste m s.
*2) JI S B 8 3 70: Pneumatic fluid power – General rules relating to systems
This manual explains about installation and operation of the product. Only those who have thorough
understanding of the fundamental operating procedure or have basic knowledge and skills of handling
industrial product for the installation and operation of the product are qualified to perform installation and
The contents of the operation manual and the other documents attached to the product cannot become a
part of the contract clause or cannot change and modify existing agreements, promises, and relationship.
Any statements contained in this operation manual cannot be newly guaranteed and modify existing
guarantee certificate.
You are not allowed to copy any part of this operation manual for usage of third person without informing it
to us beforehand.
Note: The contents of this operation manual are subjected to change without prior notice.
To customers
Chapter i. Safety Instructions
i.1 Warning: Before using air dryer
i.1.1 Hazards, warnings and Cautions used in this Manual.................................i-1
i.2 Danger classifications/ Position of hazard warning label
i.2.1 Danger Classification .................................................................................i-3
i.2.2 Electrical Hazards......................................................................................i-3
i.2.3 Hazards relating to high temperature .........................................................i-3
i.2.4 Hazards relating to rotating motor ..............................................................i-3
i.2.5 Hazards relating to compressed air circuit..................................................i-4
i.2.6 Positions of hazard warning labels .............................................................i-4
i.2.7 Hazards relating to refrigerant....................................................................i-4
i.2.8 Cautions for usage.....................................................................................i-5
i.3 Disposal
Limited warranty and Disclaimer / Compliance Requirements
Chapter 1. Names and Functions of Parts
1.1 Names and functions of parts
Chapter 2. Transportation and Installation
2.1 Transportation
2.2 Installation
2.2.1 Location....................................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Anchorage ................................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Air piping ..................................................................................................2-4
2.2.4 Drain tube.................................................................................................2-4
2.2.5 Electrical wiring.........................................................................................2-5
2.3 Cautions for re-installation
Chapter 3. Operation/ Shutdown
3.1 Check points before operation
3.2 Operation
3.3 Functions and operation of temperature controller
3.3.1 Functions of temperature controller...........................................................3-3
3.3.2 Operation of temperature controller...........................................................3-3
3.4 Shutdown
3.5 Cautions for re-start
3.6 Check points before re-start
3.7 Cautions for abnormal stop
3.8 Specifications of operation/ failure signals
Table of Contents
3.9 Remote control
Fig 3.8 Timing chart of signals
................................................................ 3-10
Chapter 4. Checks and Maintenance
4.1 Daily inspection
4.2 Parts which require regular maintenance
4.2.1 Maintenance of auto drain.........................................................................4-1
4.2.2 Maintenance of filter .................................................................................4-4
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting
5.1 Troubleshooting
Chapter 6. Reference Data
6.1 Specifications
6.2 Dimensions
6.3 Electrical wiring diagrams
6.4 Air and refrigerant circuits & Function explanation
i Safety Instructions
i - 1
Safety Instructions
Before use, read and comprehend important
cautionary notif ication well on this operattion
i . 1 Warning: Before Useing THERMODRYER
In t his ch apter , t he st ated cont ents ar e especially a bo ut sa fet y way to us e THERMODR YER f or cu stomer.
THERMO DRYER is instal l ed on the down st r eam of the com press ed-ai r to remove moi sture and
foreign material
regulat e pressure of ai r,a nd contr ol temperatur e of compress ed -ai r. We, m anufactu rer, can not t ake an y
responsibility if you use it f or any other pur pose.
THERMO DRYER wo rks with hi g h vol tage and ha s som e parts that gets hot or rot ates dur ing operati on. Ask sel ler
if yo u need com ponent r eplac em ent and s er vicing.
Not only peop le ha ndle the THERMODRY ER but ev er y peopl e who p er f orm maint enance on or do works related
to i t shou ld read safety instr uct ions on this operation manual befo re han dling .
This oper ati on manual i s n ot a general saf et y manual which is practiced by safety training repr esent atives.
Peo ple who h andle this produ ct or work aroun d it n eed t o tak e trai ni ng to compr eh and i n herent ris ks of it and
mast er measures for saf ety.
It is usua lly responsible for supervisor t o f ol l ow the safet y instructions, but each operat or or m aintemance
repr es en tati ve sho ul d d o dai ly operations on thei r own ha nd.
Op er ators and maintem anc e represent ativ es should take t he safety of working place and work environm ent into
account .
It is necess ary to t hin k of t he safety of workin g pla ce and work environment for ea ch tas k.
Take enough safet y t rai ni ng before th e operation training. It i s v er y dang er ous to do o peration tr ai nin g without
any s af ety training. Op er ati on traini ng mu st be paid attenti on to its safety.
Keep th is operation manual handy for workers relat ed to abov e c on tents to refer t o a nytim e.
i.1.1 Meaning of Signs: Caution, Warning, Danger
These saf ety inst ructions are intended to prevent hazar dous sit uat ion and/or product damage.
These instructi ons indicat e the lev el of potential hazar d by signs “Caution”, “Warning” or
“Dan ger”. Contents wi th these signs state about im portant instructi ons concerning safety. Confirm
where those signs are, and read and com prehend notic es and cautionary not i ces well before
“Cau tion”, “Warning” or “ Danger” i s the order of
im porta nc e (Danger >Warning> Cauti on). Foll owings
are the m eanin gs of th ose sign s.
Stat ements with the “Danger” sign explain ab out condi tio ns in which th ere is a
possible result of serious inj ury or lo ss of life if someone h andles wron gly du ring
operation or maintenance and did not follow the procedure to avoid danger.
i Safety Instructions
i - 2
Stat ements with the “Warnin g” sign exp lain about possibi lities that can resu lt in
serious injury or loss of life if someone handle wron gly du ring operation or
main tenance and did not follow th e procedure to avoid warnig.
Stat ements with the “Caution” sign explain about possibilities that can result in
injury o r product damage if someone handles wro ngly during operatio n o r
main tenance and did not follow th e procedure to avoid caution.
i .2 Danger Classifications / Position of Danger Warning Label
To protect operat or ’s sef ety , we gr oup danger into some t ypes un iquel y and atta ched l abels i ndicati ng t hose t ypes.
Com firm the co ntent s of t he da nger types an d positi ons of t he label s before oper ati on.
No one but professionals shoul d operate T HERMO DRYER.
Tran spo rtation, installation, and maintenance invo lve risks. These should be done
by someone who have enough knowledge and experien ce about this p roduct and
incidental devices.
No one but our service personnel or qu alified person should op en the cover panel of
this product.
Should any problem occur, address it according to statemen ts on this manual.
Identify problems according to “Ch apter 5 Troublesh ooting.”
Ask repair an d maintenance.
The product shou ld not be operated in the event of an y pro blems.
When th e product gets out o f o rder, shutdown it immediatery, and co ntact our
service person or qualified person.
i Safety Instructions
i - 3
i.2.1 Danger Classifications
Specific danger classification of this product is as follows.
Danger of Electricity
Since this product runs at hign voltage, there is the danger of electric shock. So, we display a
symbol with indications,
“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger,”
on the equipment and this
Danger of Heat
Since this product becomes hot while driving, there is the danger of burn injury. So, we display a
symbol with indications,
“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger,”
on the product and this manual.
Danger of Rotor
Since this product has parts that rotate while driving, there is the danger of catching your fingers in
or injury. So, we display a symbol with indications,
“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger,”
on the
product and this manual.
i.2.2 Danger of Electricity
Inside of this product, there is power-supplying section with high voltage separated by the cover panel. Do not
operate the equipment without the cover panel.
No one but trained qualified person should operate or inspect in the power transmission sections.
Read with caution and pay attention to the notations on danger warning labels.
Do not remove or rub danger warning labels.
Confirm the positions of danger warning labels.
i.2.3 Danger of High Heat
Since this product has parts that become hot during operation,
there is the danger of burn
injury resulting from contact with them. What is more, there is also the danger of burn injury due to
remaining heat after the power supply is cut. Therefore, wait until the temperature of hot parts become
and below.
i.2.4 Danger of Rotor
Since this product has parts that rotate during operation,
there is the danger of burn injury
resulting from contact with them. Though sometimes those parts can temporarily stop the rotation,
they will rotate again, and so do not work with them while running mode.
i Safety Instructions
i - 4
i.2.5 Danger of Compressed Air Circuit
Before replacing or cleaning parts, be sure to bleed compressed air remain inside of the
product untill the gauge indicates “0”. If you do not do this air-bleeding,
there would be the
great danger of unexpected accident, such as shooting out of parts when they are being unscrewed.
i.2.6 Positions of Danger Warning Label
Read with caution and pay attention to the notations of the danger warning labels.
Do not remove or rub the danger warning labels.
Confirm the positions of the danger warning labels.
i.2.7 Danger of Refrigerant
This product uses Fluorocarbon (HFC) as a refrigerant.
This product is specified by “Class 1 Fluorocarbon Collection and Destruction Law in
It is strictly forbitten to emit Fluorocarbon to the atmosphere. Before you repair this
product, you should collect the refrigerant with “Refrigerant collector.” Then, ask a
destruction agency to dispose of collected refrigerant. No one but someone have enough
knowledge and experience about the equipment and incidental device should do the
collection of the refrigerant.
No one but service person or qualified person should remove the cover panel of the
The quantity and the sort of the Fluorocarbon are mentioned on the specification label.
1 Remove panels for maintenance only. 2 Never inser t anythin g into product t o ensure safety. 3 Cut power prior to maintenance to prevent electric s hock. 4 Settle produ ct to room temp.before main ­ tenance topr event burn or frostb ite. 5 Ensure zer o air pressure before r eplacing parts.
1111    点 検以外
点検以外点検 以外
点検以外 ははははハハハパ゚゚゚ネル
ネルをををを取取取取りりりり外外外外さな いこと
さないこ とさないこ と
さないこ と。。。。
2222    回 転物
回転物 がある ので
があるので 指指指指、、、、棒状
棒状のののの物物物物をををを 差差差差しししし
込 まない こと
まないこ とまないこ と
まないこ と。。。。
3333    感 電
感電のののの恐恐恐恐れ があるの で
れがあ るのでれがあ るので
れがあ るので、、、、点 検
には電 源
  切切切切るこ と
ること 。。。。
4444    火 傷
火傷のののの恐恐恐恐れ があるの で
れがあ るのでれがあ るので
れがあ るので、、、、点 検
には装 置
  常 温
常温に するこ と
にするこ とにするこ と
にするこ と。。。。
5555    部 品交換
部品交換部品 交換
部品交換 のののの前前前前には
には必必必必ずずずず、、、、空 気圧力
空気圧力空気 圧力
空気圧力 をををを""""0000""""にににに
  す ること
することす ること
すること 。。。。
i Safety Instructions
i - 5
i.2.8 Cautions about Usage
Read with caution and pay attention to the notations on the danger warning labels.
Do not remove or rub the danger warning labels.
Cimfirm the positions of the danger warning labels.
Fluorocar bon Collection and Destructi on Law in Japan
フロン回収破壊法第一 種特定 製品
This product uses Fluorocarbon (HFC) as a refrigerant.
1 It is stric tly forbidden to emit Fluorocarbon to th e atmosph ere. 2 When dis posing this product, Fluorocarbon must be collected in an approp riate manner. 3 The kin d of Fluorocarbon and the amount used in this product is prited on the name label.
この 製品
冷媒と して
として 、、、、
        フロ ン
フロン 類類類類(H FC )
(HF C)(H FC )
(HF C) がががが使使使使われ ています
われてい ますわれてい ます
われてい ます。。。。
1111    フ ロン
フロン 類類類類をみ だりに
をみだりに 大気 中
大気中 にににに放出
放出す ることは
すること はすること は
すること は
禁 じら れてい ます
じられて いますじられて います
じられて います 。。。。
2222    この
この製 品
廃棄す る
には、、、、フ ロン
フロン 類類類類のののの回収
必 要
必 要 必 要
必 要です
3333    フ ロン
フロン 類類類類のののの種類 及
種類及 びびびび数 量
数量はははは、、、、型式 銘板
型式銘板型式 銘板
型式銘板 にににに記載
さ れてい ます
さ れてい ます さ れてい ます
さ れてい ます。。。。
注 意注 意
注 意
1 R ead ma nual be fore op erati on. 2 E nsur e van tilati on an d ma inten ance space. 3 K eep wat er aw ay fr om the pr odu ct. 4 S ecur e In / Out conne ctor w ith spa nn er durin g pi ping. 5 W ait 3 min utes b efore restart. 6 E nsur e Ru nning Cond ition / Evaporating Temp . in gr ee n z one.
1111      ごごごご 使 用 前
使 用 前使 用 前
使 用 前 にににに 必必必必 ずずずず 取 扱 説 明書
取 扱 説 明 書取 扱説 明 書
取 扱 説 明 書をををを 読読読読 ん で く だ さ い
ん でく だ さ いん でく だ さ い
ん でく だ さ い 。。。。
2222      通 風
通 風通風
通 風 、、、、 メ ン テ ナ ン ス ス ペ ース
メン テナ ン ス ス ペ ースメン テナ ン ス ス ペ ース
メン テナ ン ス ス ペ ース をををを 確 保
確 保確保
確 保 し て
し てし て
し て
く だ さ い
く だ さ い く だ さ い
く だ さ い 。。。。 3333      雨雨雨雨 やややや 水 滴
水 滴水滴
水 滴 が か から な い よう に して くださ い
が か か ら な い よう に して くだ さいが か か ら な い よう に して くだ さい
が か か ら な い よう に して くだ さい 。。。。
4444  I N / O U T
 I N / O U T IN / OU T
 I N / O U T ポー ト
ポ ー トポ ー ト
ポ ー ト をををを ス パ ナ
ス パ ナス パ ナ
ス パ ナ でででで 固 定
固 定固定
固 定 し て
し てし て
し て
配 管
配 管 配 管
配 管 して く だ さ い
して くださ いしてく だ さ い
して くださ い 。。。。
5555      再 起 動
再 起 動再 起動
再 起 動 はははは 運 転 停止
運 転 停 止運 転 停 止
運 転 停 止 3333 分 後
分 後分後
分 後 にににに 行行行行 っ て く だ さ い
っ て くだ さいっ て くだ さい
っ て くだ さい 。。。。
6666  R UN N IN G   C O N D ITIO N
 R U NN IN G   C O N D ITIO N ・・・・ 蒸 発 温 度計
蒸 発 温 度 計蒸 発温 度 計
蒸 発 温 度 計はははは
   グリ ー ン
グ リー ング リー ン
グ リー ン帯帯帯帯 でででで 使 用
使 用使用
使 用 し て く だ さい
して くださ いして くだ さ い
して くださ い 。。。。
i Safety Instructions
i – 6
i . 3 Disposal
When you dispose of the product, you shoud collect the refrigerant and the
refrigerat oil enclosed in the refrigerant
Dispose of the refrigerant and refrigerant oil according to the bylaw or regulation of
local government.
Do not dispose of refrigerant oil together with domestic garbage. And do not burn it in
unauthorized incinerators.
No one but
someone have enough knowledge and experience about the product and
incidental devices should do the collection of the refrigerant oil.
No one but service person or qualified person shoud remove the cover panel of the
If there are something not clear, please contact our service office.
i Safety Instructions
i – 7
i . 4 Limited warranty and Disclaimer / Compliance Requirements
The product used subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer“ and “Compliance Requirements.
Read and accept them before using the product.
Limited warranty and Disclaimer
1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered.
Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult
your nearest sales branch.
2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, a
replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.
This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred
due to the failure of the product.
3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in
the specified catalog for the particular products.
Compliance Requirements
1. The use of SMC products with production product for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) or other weapon is strictly prohibited.
2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are govemed by the relevant
security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC
product of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules goveming that export are known
and followed.
The Product is provided use in manufacturing industries.
The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.
If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange
specifications or a contact if necessary.
If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.
1. Names and Functions of Parts
1.1 Names and Functions of Parts
Names and Functions of Parts
Pressure adjustment
To set outlet air pressure.
Air pressure gauge
Displays the dryer outlet air
Evaporation thermometer
Displays the evaporation temperature of the refrigerant.
While running, it is normal if it displays within the green zone.
ON/OFF switch
Operation start/ stop control switch. Green light is lit
during operation.
Temperature controller
For setting and display of the dryer outlet air temperature.
* For details, please refer to Section 1.2
Filter inspection window
The state of the filter can be checked.
Drain outlet
Discharges drainage. Please connect with tube
of external diameter 10mm.
Ventilation air inlet Inlet for cooling air for
condenser, with built-in dust filter. Please ensure that ventilation is not obstructed.
Ventilation air outlet
Outlet for cooling air for
condenser. Please ensure that ventilation is not obstructed by any object etc.
Main body
Back view
Air inlet connection
This is the air supply inlet.
Air outlet connection
This is the air outlet.
* Please insulate piping
this device.
Signal cord entry
Cable entry for operation and failure signals. Wire of max
outer diameter 17mm can be plugged in.
(Panel hole diameter Ø22mm)
Power cord entry
Cable entry for power supply and earth wire. Wire of max
outer diameter 17mm can be plugged in. (Panel hole diameter Ø22mm)
1. Names and Functions of Parts
Side view (with panel removed)
Auto drain
Covered with insulation.
Please do not remove the insulation while operation.
Air filter
Covered with insulation.
Please do not remove the insulation while operation.
Circuit Interrupter
Set at OFF when shipped. Please let to ON when before operation starts.
Terminal block
Terminal for power supply & signals see 2.2.4.
2 Transportation / Installation
2 Transportation / Installation2 Transportation / Installation
2 Transportation / Installation
2 - 1
・・・・Use the product in the right way. During Installation, operation, maintenance, and check,
you should be careful in keeping the safety of human body.
・・・・Transportation, installation, and maintenance including dangerous work must be done by a
personnel who has enough knowledge and experience about the equipment and the
2.1 Transportation
When transporting the dryer, always follow the instructions below.
When lifting the dryer, lift carefully by the base to prevent dropping or tipping over.
Do not lift by the panels, fittings or piping.
Never lay this equipment on its side to move it. Pushing it over onto its side will damage the dryer.
・・・・Those instructions above must be followed because the equipment is so heavy that it
carries a great risk to transport.
・・・・The dryer must be transported by more than one person, or using a forklift.
Transportation and Installation
Do not hold the fittings or
piping when moving the
er, as this can damage
the internal piping.
Base plate
The dryer must be lifted by two
or more people
holding the
base at the front and back.
Do not hold the panels when
moving the dryer.
+ 30 hidden pages