SMC’s SMCWPCIT-G 802.11g 108Mbps PCI Wireless Adapter is a high speed IEEE
802.11g-compliant wireless network adapter that supports up to 108 Mbps data rate,
and seamlessly integrates with existing Ethernet networks to support applications
such as mobile users or temporary conferences. This solution offers a high data rate
and reliable wireless connectivity with considerable cost savings over wired LANs
(which include long-term maintenance overhead for cabling). Just install enough
wireless access points to cover your network area, plug wireless cards into your
notebooks or computers, and start networking.
The SMCWPCIT-G 802.11g 108Mbps PCI Wireless Adapter has two status LED
LED Status Function
Link On (Green) Indicates a valid connection.
Flashing Indicates the Adapter is scanning
for available networks.
Activity (ACT) Flashing Indicates that the Adapter is
transmitting or receiving data.
EZ Connect™ wireless products offer a fast, reliable, cost-effective networking
solution for:
•• RReemmoottee aacccceessss ttoo ccoorrppoorraattee nneettwwoorrkk iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
E-mail, file transfer, and
terminal emulation.
•• DDiiffffiiccuulltt--ttoo--wwiirree eennvviirroonnmmeennttss
Historical or old buildings, asbestos installations,
and open areas where wiring is difficult to employ.
•• FFrreeqqu
ueennttllyy cchhaannggiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeennttss
Retailers, manufacturers, and banks which
frequently rearrange the workplace or change locations.
•• TTeemmppoorraarryy LLAANNss ffoorr ssppeecciiaall pprroojjeeccttss oorr ppeeaakk ppeerriiooddss
Trade shows, exhibitions,
and construction sites that need a temporary setup. Retailers, airline, and
shipping companies that need additional workstations for peak periods.
Auditors who require workgroups at customer sites.
•• AAcccceessss ttoo dda
attaabbaasseess ffoorr mmoobbiillee wwoorrkkeerrss
Doctors, nurses, retailers, or white-collar
workers who need access to databases while being mobile in a hospital, retail
store, in an office, or on a campus.
After unpacking the SMCWPCIT-G 802.11g 108Mbps PCI Wireless Adapter,
check the contents of the box to be sure you have received the following
• 1 SMCWPCIT-G 802.11g 108Mbps PCI Wireless Adapter.
• 1 EZ Installation Wizard and Documentation CD.
• 1 Quick Installation Guide.
Immediately inform your dealer in the event of any incorrect, missing or
damaged parts. If possible, please retain the carton and original packing
materials in case there is a need to return the product.
Please register this product and upgrade the product warranty at SMC’s
Web site:
• A PC running Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP.
• CD-ROM drive.
• Minimum of 32MB RAM and 300 MHz CPU.
• Minimum of 6MB available hard disk space for utility and driver
• Another IEEE 802.11b, or 802.11g compliant device installed on your
network such as the 802.11g 108Mbps Wireless Router (SMCWBR14T-G),
or another wireless adapter, such as the 802.11g 108Mbps Wireless
Cardbus Adapter (SMCWCBT-G).