Smartwares DVR528S operation manual

This manual is written for multi DVR systems. The functions, specifications and connections can be different.
Do not place heavy objects on top of the product. Do not drop any hard objects or allow liquid to penetrate into the unit.
Regularly brush off dust on the circuit board, connectors, fans and DVR case. Turn of f the power and unplug the product before cleaning. Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the unit or replace parts yourself.
Operating Environment:
Keep and use the pr o duct at t em per atures between 0 °C ~4 0 ° C. Ke ep i t awa y from di rec t s unli ght
or heat sources.
Do not install the unit in a humid environment.
Do not expose the product to a smoky or dusty area. Avoid serious collision. Do not drop the device. Install the product on a stable and level surface to prevent the device from falling. Ensure the location planned for DVR installation is well ventilated. Do not block any openings.
Use the product only within the range of rated input/output.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Product Overview.................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Main Features ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Unpacking Inspection and Cable Connections .......................................................................... 7
2.1 Unpacking ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Rack mount ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Front Panel............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Connection Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Audio/V ideo IO Connections ................................................................................................................. 9
2.5.1 Connect Video Input .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Selection and Connection of Video Output Devices...................................................................... 100
2.5.3 Audio Signal Input ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.5.4 Audio Output: ................................................................................................................................. 100
Chapter 3 Basic Operation ..................................................................................................................... 122
3.1 Turn Power On .................................................................................................................................. 122
3.2 Turn Power Off .................................................................................................................................. 122
3.3 Log in ................................................................................................................................................ 133
3.4 Preview ............................................................................................................................................. 133
3.5 Desktop Quick Launch ...................................................................................................................... 144
3.5.1 Main Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 144
3.5.2 Video Playback .............................................................................................................................. 155
3.5.3 Recording Control ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.5.4 PTZ Control ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5.5 Image Color ................................................................................................................................... 255
3.5.6 Output Adjustment ......................................................................................................................... 256
3.5.7 System Shutdown .......................................................................................................................... 266
3.5.8 Page Switc h ................................................................................................................................... 277
Chapter 4 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................. 288
4.1 Main Menu Navigation ...................................................................................................................... 288
4.2 Video Recording Functions ................................................................................................................. 29
4.2.1 Recording settings ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.2 Video Pla yback .............................................................................................................................. 311
4.2.3 Video Backup ................................................................................................................................. 311
4.3 Alarm ................................................................................................................................................. 322
4.3.1 Motion Detection ............................................................................................................................ 322
4.3.2 Video Blind ..................................................................................................................................... 344
4.3.3 Video Loss ..................................................................................................................................... 355
4.3.4 Abnormality .................................................................................................................................... 355
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4.4 System Settings .................................................................................................................................. 36
4.4.1 General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 36
4.4.2 Encoding Settings ............................................................................................................................ 37
4.4.3 Network Settings .............................................................................................................................. 39
4.4.4 Network Service ............................................................................................................................... 39
4.4.5 Output Mode .................................................................................................................................... 48
4.4.6 PTZ Settings .................................................................................................................................... 48
4.4.7 Serial Port Settings .......................................................................................................................... 49
4.4.8 Auto Sequence Settings ................................................................................................................ 500
4.5 M anagement Tools............................................................................................................................ 500
4.5.1Channel Managem ent ...................................................................................................................... 50
4.5.2Hard Drive Management................................................................................................................... 51
4.5.3User Managem ent ............................................................................................................................ 52
4.5.4Online User ....................................................................................................................................... 54
4.5.5Output Adjustment ............................................................................................................................ 55
4.5.6Auto Maintenanc e ............................................................................................................................. 55
4.5.7Restore Default ................................................................................................................................. 55
4.5.8System Upgrade ............................................................................................................................... 56
4.5.9Device Inform ati on ............................................................................................................................ 56
4.5.10 Import/Export ................................................................................................................................. 57
4.6 System Information ............................................................................................................................. 57
4.6.1 Hard Drive Information ..................................................................................................................... 57
4.6.2 BPS .................................................................................................................................................. 58
4.6.3 Log ................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.6.4 Version Information .......................................................................................................................... 59
4.7 System Shutdown ............................................................................................................................. 600
Chapter 5 Cloud Technology Basic Operation........................................................................................ 661
5.1 Cloud technology monitor ................................................................................................................. 661
Chapter 6 FAQ and Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 666
6.1 FAQ ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.2 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 732
Appendix 1. Mouse Operations ................................................................................................................ 73
Appendix 2. Hard Driv e Capacity Calculation........................................................................................... 74
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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Product Overview

This device is an excell ent digital surv eillanc e product s peciall y design ed for secur ity monitoring. The system is more stable with embedded LINUX OS, using standard H.264MP video compression and unique spatial-temporal reasoning to achieve synchronized high definition and low bit rate audio/video monitoring. With TCP/IP network tec hnologies, it has ideally suited to remote data transmission and operation cont r ol vi a w eb ap plicati ons .
This produc t can oper at e not only as a stand alon e l ocal unit, thr ou gh a profess i on al network video surveillance platfo rm, it can also be connected to other units to form a more powerful surveillance network system, makin g full use of its capac ity in netw ork i n g an d remot e m onitorin g.
It is a perfect choice for security applications in industries and sectors such as banking, telec om m u nication, el ectrici t y, law enforcement, transpor t ation, intel li g ent communi t y, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, natural resources and water conservation facilities.

1.2 Main Features

Real-time surveillance
·Analog output interface and VGA connector to connect monitoring device or screen display.
·2 BNC outputs and 1 HD VGA for simultaneous real-time monitoring
·Real-time screen preview with zoom-in feature. You may select any area in the display to enlarge
Data storage
·Hibernate inactive hard drive in hard drive management, helping ventilation and reducing power consumption to extend the useful life of the hard drives
·Data storage using tamper-proof proprietary file format to ensure data security
Compression method
·Live data compression of A/V signals from each channel by independe nt hardware to maintai n the stable synchronization of sound and image
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Backup feature
·Backup through SATA interfac e and US B inter fac eto de vices s uch as fl ash dri ve or rem ovable har d disk
·Live disk burning, backup burning
·Local archiving by downloading files on hard drives via network to client’s PC
Video playback
·Each channel r ecords all-li ve video independ entl y while sim ultaneously pro viding retri eval, pl ayback, network monitoring, recording search and downloading
·Various playback modes, simultaneous multi-channel playback, and combination of any desired
·Select any area of the screen to zoom-in
Network operation
·Real-time remote monitoring through network connection (including mobile phone)
·Remote PTZ control
·Remote control video retrieval and live playback
·Configuration of device parameters through user port
·Live recording and playback on client’s PC
Alarm coordination
·Alarm linkage to camera recording, auto sequence, screen display, buzzing, screenshot snapping, Email notification and FTP uploading
·Multi-channel relay on/off swi tc h for al arm outputs , fac il itati ng coor dinated actions and on-s i te li ghti ng control
·Protective circuit on both alarm input and output to prevent damage to main units
Communication interfac e
·RS485 serial port for alarm input, PTZ control and keyboard
·RS232 jack. Expandable ke yboard connection can be us ed for m as ter c ontr ol, s ystem m ai ntenance and upgrading through connected PC serial port, as well as matrix control
·Standard Ethernet interface for remote network access
Smart operation
·Mouse operation
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·Keyboard operation
·Quick copy-paste function to clone same settings in the menu Other features
·2 X 12V power outputs
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Chapter 2 Unpacking Inspection and Cable Connections

2.1 Unpacking

When you receive the product, first inspect the package for visible damage. The protec tive p acking mat eri als us ed for t he pr oduct c an han dle mos t acci dental s hocks and impacts during transport.
Then, take out the device, remove protective film from the DVR, and inspect the product for any vis i bl e sign of damag e.
Final l y, open t h e case t o c h ec k for loos e connec ti ons to fr ont p anel data cables , power cord, power supply to fans and motherboard.
1.Fro nt and Re ar Pan els
Refer to th e us er m anual f or details on t he f unc tions of vari ous f ront p anel b uttons
and rear panel connectors.
Please verify carefully the product model on the front panel plaque and make sure it
is the m od el you ordered.
Do not tear off the label on the rear p anel as it is extremely important to our post-sale service. Wh en y o u c o ntact our post-sa le s erv ic e, y o u wi ll ne ed t o provide th e mo del number and serial number printed on the label.
2. Items to be checked after opening the case
In addi tion to chec kin g f or visib le d amag e, pl eas e insp ect f or an y loo se conn ec tions to the front panel cable s, power cord and motherboard.

2.2 Rac k mou n t

The product uses a standard 1U chassis and can be mounted to a standard rack.
Installation procedures and precautions:
1Make sure the room temperature is below 35° C (95°F);
2Allow 15cm (6”) clearance around the product for proper ventilation
3Always fill the rack from bottom up
4、Consideration should be giv en to protecting the rack from circuit ov erload when mounting multiple units to the rack.
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Boot up or shut down
Manually begins recording
Back to previous Menu or cancel operation in the function menu
Back to preview status when in the playback status
Enter into Mainmenu
Enter into Mainmenu
Press up or dow n to select record file in the playback status
In t h e Pr e view screen,press up or down to go into 1/4/8/9/16 multiple channels screen

2.3 Front Pane l

(1)Power (2)Rec (3)IR (4)ESC (5)Menu (6)Enter (7)Arrow
Functions of front p anel buttons
Recording REC
Remote controlling indicator light
In the Menu,press up or down to move Cursor Change configuration in the Drop-down menu
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In the Menu,press left or right to move Cursor
In the playback status,press left or right to move cursor of function button
Back to preview status when in the playback status
< >

2.4 Connection Diagram

(1)Video input (2)Video output (3)Audio output (4)Audio input (5)USB interface (6)Network interface (7) VGA interface (8)Power input (9) RS485 PTZ output (10) HDMI output

2.5 Audio/Video IO Connections

2.5.1 Connec t Video Input

The DVR has BNC video input connectors. Signal requirementsPAL/NTSC BNC1.0V75Ω)。
Video signal should conform to the national standards with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, low distort ion and low i nterference; r equiring pic ture to be cl ear, with no image distorti on, with natural color and appropriate brightness.
Ensure stable and reliable camera signal:
Install the cam era i n appropriate l ocations to avoid bac klighti ng and surroundi ngs with dim light or use low illumination camera and camera with ef fective backlight compensation.
Cameras should share reliable common ground with the DVR to ensure the normal operation of the camera.
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Ensure stable and reliable line transmission of signal:
Use high-qual ity, shielded vi deo coa xial cabl e. Selec t the ri ght t ype dependi ng on the trans mi tting distance. I f the distance is extensive, you should consider the use of cable with twisted pairs, v ideo signal enhancing devices and fiber-optic cables to maintain the signal quality.
Keep the video transmitting line away from other devices and circuits that generate strong electromagnetic interference. In particular, protect it against high voltage power surge.
Ensure secure wire connections:
Signal li nes and shi elded cabl es shoul d ha ve tight connecti ons. Avoid fal se sol dering and pre vent oxidation of the solder connection surface.

2.5.2 Selection and Connection of Video Output Devices

, 75Ω) video output and VGA output exist They can operate
When using a computer monitor as an alternative surveillance display, pay attention to the following:
1. In order t o pr ol ong the li fe of the equi pm ent, do n ot l ea ve the m onitor powe r-on for an extended
period of time
2. Perform demagnetizing regularly to ensure proper working status of the monitor
3. Keep it away from devices generating strong electromagnetic interference.
TV is not a r eli abl e alter native as the video ou tput de vice. It al s o req ui res m i nimizing the power -on time and ti ght c ontrol of interference from surroundi ng power source and devices. Possible electricity leakage from low quality TV could result in damage to other devices.

2.5.3 Audio Signal Input

AV interface for audio input.
With higher impedance, active pickup is required.
As with video input, th e audio transm ission li ne should minimize inter ference, prevent inad equate soldering and faulty connections. Pay special attention to protection against a high voltage power surge.

2.5.4 Audio Output:

The par ameter of the DVR audio output s ignal i s usually greater tha n 200m v 1kΩ ( AV). It can be
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directly connected to low impedance headphones, powered speakers or drive other audio output devices through an ampl if ier. If spatial isolation cannot be established between external speakers and pickups, it could result in a whistling sound. In the event, you may:
1 Use pickups with better directivity;
2 Adjust speaker volume to the level below whistle threshold;
3 Use sound-absorbing materials in the working environment to reduce sound reflection and
improve room acoustics;
4 Adjust the layouts of pickups and speakers to reduce the occurrence of whistling.
Connections to PTZ
A. The PTZ decoder must share a common ground with the DVR or possible presence of
common-mode voltage may cause you to lose control of the PTZ.
We recommend shielded twisted pair cable with its overall shield being used for common
B. Prevent against high-voltage power surge. Wire cables must be able to protect equipment from
C. Connect a 1 20 Ohm res istor in par allel at the far-end to reduce reflec tion and guarant ee the
signal quality;
D. T he AB-wire connecti ons of the DVR’s 485 cable cannot be combined wi th 485 c ables from
other output devices;
E. AB line voltage of the decoder should be lower than 5V.
Ground Wires of front-end equipment
Incorrect grounding may result in chips being burned.
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Chapter 3 Basic Operation

NoteGrayed out button means the function is not supported

3.1 Turn Power On

Conn ect th e u nit to a suit able power out let befor e t urning on the p ower s witch on the rear panel. Power indicator light is on and DVR starts booting. When the booting is finished, a “beep” is heard. Multi-scr een is the default video output mode. If the unit is turned on within the scheduled recording time period, the system will start scheduled rec or ding automatic ally. Rec ording indic ator on the c orresp onding channel turns on. The system w or ks normall y.
Note: 1. Before turning on the power, make sure the mains voltage matches sliding switch of the unit and the power cord is connected correctly.
2. External power supply requires 220V±10% /50Hz.
W e recom mend the us e of power supply with s table volt age and less ripple interf erenc e. Whenever possible, consider the use of UPS for power backup.

3.2 Turn Power Off

The unit can be turned off using softswitch and “hardswitch”. Softswitch, Sele ct Turn Offin【Main Menu】>【Shutdown System】; Hardswitch,Press the power switch on the rear panel to turn off the power. Instructions:
1. Power failure recovery If the DVR is shut down unexpectedly during recording, after the unit is rebooted it
will automatically save the data before the shutdown and return to where it was.
2. Replacing hard drives You must turn off the rear panel power switch be fore replacing the hard drive.
3. Replacing batteries Save the configuration information and turn off the rear panel power switch before
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replacing batteries. The DVR uses button batteries. You need to check the system time peri odically. Batter i es need be replac ed w h en t h e tim e b ec omes inac c urate, we recommend replacing batteries of the same type once every year.
Note: Save the configuration before replacing batteries on the motherboard or
the config urati on information wil l be lost .

3.3 Log i n

After normal start-up, the operator is asked to log in. The system will provide
corresponding functions based on user permissions.
Factory default setting provides 3 user types with no password: admin, guest, and default. The factory s etting of admin user has superuser per missions while the def aults for guest and default are limited to preview and playback. Admin and guest user s may change their password but cannot change the permissions. Default user is a default login us er. Def au lt user may ch ang e permissi ons but not the password.
Figure 3.1 Log In
Password prot ectio n: If the password is en tered incorrect ly on 3 co nsecu tiv e o ccasion s, the system will display a warning ala rm; After 5 con secutive attempts, the account w ill be locked (The account will be unlocked automatically upon system reboot or after 30 minutes).
For security rea son s, plea se change your U ser ID and Password u nd er “ User M anag emen t” (refer to Chapter 4.5.2 User Management) after initial login.

3.4 Preview

After n orm al logi n, t he uni t sh ows th e pr eview s cr een . Right clic k th e mous e to s witc h
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Each preview screen ca n show date, time, channel name, m onitori ng c hannel playback
and alarm status.
Motion detected

3.5 De sktop Quic k La unch

Table 3.1 Preview Symbols
Video loss
Camera lock
In Preview mode, right click the mouse to pop-up Quick Launch menu as shown in
Figure 3.2. Qui ck L aunch men u i nclu des: M ain M enu, G uid e, R ecord e Mode, PlayBack,
PTZ Contr ol, High sp ee d PTZ, Color Setting, Output adju st,and Log out.
Figure 3.2 Quick Launch Menu

3.5.1 Main Menu

The main menu includes operating functions of the device.
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Figure 3.3 Main Menu

3.5.2 Video Playback

Playback video files on the hard drives. Playback page is accessible by either using desktop quick launch or entering Main Menu】>【Recording Functions】>【Video Playback】.
Note: For normal playback, the hard dri ve containi ng the file mus t be set up as read/wri te or read-only (refer to 4.5.1 Hard Drive Management).
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Figure 3.4 Video Playbac k
Playback Control
Storage Device Selection
File Search
File Information
Recording Type
Channel Selection
File List
Progress Bar Option
Date Selection
Time Inqui ry
Descriptions of TablePlayback Controlplease see below:
File Lis tdisplays all files match the search criteria
File InformationShow details of selected files;
File Backup】Bac kup f iles tic ked. Clic k t he b utt on t o sh ow t he s creen as Fi gure 3. 5
and follow the instructions.
Note: Install a storage device large enough for the backup files before the operation;
If the bac kup is ter minated, fil es alread y copied to the stor age device can be pl ayed back independently.
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Figure 3.5 Storage Device Check
Detect: Detect storage devices connected to the unit. It could be USB flash drives or hard
Erase: Select the devices you wish to clean up. Click Erase to delete files on the devices. Stop: Stop the backup; Backup: Click Backup to show the di alog as Figur e 3.6. Backup can be setup based on fil e
type, channel, or time.
Figure 3.6 Record Backup
Empty: Empty file information shown; Add: Show all information matching the specified file properties; Start/Stop: After selecting the files, click Start to backup and Stop to terminate the backup.
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Note: During backup, you may exit the page to execute other functions.
File S ear c hSearch for records ba sed on the specified search criteria
Figur e 3. 7 Fil e Search
File Type: Select the type of files to be played back;
Hard Drive Selection: Select the type of storage device; Channel: Choose the channel number fo r playback. “All” means all channels; Start time: Specify the start time of the record being searched.
End time: Sp ec ify the end ti m e of the record being searched.
Descriptions of TablePlayback Controlplease see below:
Keys Functions Keys Functions
Play reverse
Step forward
Play last frame
Play last file
Fast forward
Play next frame
Play next file
Full Screen
Table 3.2 Playback Control Keys
Note: Frame playback can only be used in Pause mode.
Operation tipsShow the function of the button indicated by the cursor.
Special Fe at ures:
Accurate Playback:In Search Criteria window, enter the time (hour, minute, second)
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of the record being searched. Click Enter to acc ess playback screen. Click Playback button directly to perform Accurate Playba ck of the record searched;
Zoom In: W hen perform ing singl e-screen full s creen playback, l eft clic k the mouse to sel ect any area on the scr een. Left click the mous e again within the selec ted area to playback in zoom-i n mode. Right click the mouse to exit zoom-in.

3.5.3 Recording Control

Control rec ording on each channel . Highlight ed “” indicates the current recordi ng status of the
channel. Playback page is accessible by either using desktop quick launch or entering Rig ht Click】>
Recor mode.
Figure 3.8 Recording Control
ScheduleRecord in accordance with the configuration parameters; 【ManualRegardless of the current status of the channel, selecting “Manual” will start the recording
on the corresponding channel
STOPRegardless of the current status of the channel, selecting “STOP” will stop the recording on
the corresponding channel

3.5.4 PTZ Control

Control Pan/Tilt/Zoom connected to the device. Use desktop quick launch to enter the menu.
Control interface is shown as in Figure 3.10. Functions supported: Control PTZ directions, step length, zoom, focus, aperture, operating preset, point-to-point patrol, trace, boundary line scanning, auxiliary switch, light switch, and horizontal rotation.
Note 1. Before operating, m ak e sur e the A/B cabl es of the dom e are proper l y conne c ted to the DVR
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A/B jacks
2. Setup PTZ parameters in Right Click>PTZ Setup】;
3. Functions supported by PTZ depend on the features supported by PTZ protocol.
Figure 3.9 PTZ Control
Step lengthDeterm i ne the rotati ng range of th e PTZ. The l arger the sett ing, the l onger th e step length. Setting range1 ~ 8
Direc tion ControlControl the rotation of the PT Z. Support controls in 8 directionsfr ont panel supports only 4 directions);
【High Speed PTZ 】After selecti on, the selected chann el displ ays full -screen. Hold down the left button of the mouse to quickly rotate and position the PTZ. Turning the mouse wheel while holding down the left button can adjust the camera zoom;
SetAccess function setting menu Page SwitchEnter function control menu.
/ keys to adjust camera magnification
Special Fe at ures:
1. Preset
Select certain direction as preset. PTZ automatically rotates in the direction based on the preset value.
1Preset setup
To setup a direction as preset, follow these steps: Step 1: In Figure 3.10, use arr ow keys to rotate the PTZ to the desired pres et position. Cl ick
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input box
Preset input box
Setting key to enter Figure 3.11;
Step 2: Click Preset button and input preset value in Preset Position box;
Step 3: Click Set to return to Figure 3.10. When complete, each preset value has a corresponding preset position. Del Preset: Enter the preset value, click Del Preset button to clear the preset setting.
Figure 3.10 Preset position setup
2Prese t posi tion call-up
In Figure 3.10, click Page Switch button to enter PTZ control interface as shown in Figure 3.12. Enter the n um ber of the preset i n Value Input Box. Click Pr eset Position to r otate the PTZ to the corresponding preset position.
repeatedly following the Point-to-Point patrol setup.
Figure 3.11 PTZ Control
2. Point-to-Point Patrol
Connect mul tiple pres et positions to c onstruct a patrol route. PTZ will s weep the patrol route
1Point-to-Point Patrol Setup
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Patrol route is the trace line consisted of multiple preset positions. To set up:
Step 1: In Figure 3. 10, use arrow ke ys to rotat e the PT Z to the des ired pr eset dir ection. Cl ick Set key to enter Figure 3.13;
Step 2: Click the Point-to-Point Patrol key and enter a route number in Patrol Route box. Click Ad d Preset Posit ion key to i nput preset num ber in the dialog bo x. That wi ll be one of the preset points selected for patrol;
(You may add or delete preset points after finishing the patrol route setup)
Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until the desired patrol route includes all preset points.
Del Preset: Enter the preset value, click Del Preset button to clear the setting for preset points.
Clear Patrol Ro ut e: Enter the patr ol r oute num ber, clic k Clear Patrol Rou te button to clear al l
point settings along the patrol route.
Figure 3.12 Point-to-Point Patrol Setup
2) Point-to-Point Patrol Call-up
In Figure 3.10, click Page Switch button to enter PTZ control interface as shown in Figure 3.12. Enter Point-to-Point Patrol number in Value Input box. Click Point-to-Point Patrol key to start PTZ patrol repeatedly. Click Stop key to terminate the patrol.
3. Trace
Using PTZ control to setup a patrol trace. Call it up to have PTZ patrolling along the trace
1) Setup Trace
To set up the trace, follow the steps below:
Step 1: In Figure 3.10, click Set key to open Figure 3.14;
Step 2: Click Trace key to enter trace number in the value input box;
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Step 3: Click Start button to enter the page shown in Figure 3.10 and adjust Zoom, Focus,
Aperture, and Direction, etc. Click Set and return to Figure 3.14; Step 4: Clic k End to complet e the setup. T race num ber now has i ts corres ponding r oute. Ri ght
click to exit Setting page.
Trace value i nput box
Figure 3.13 Trace Setup
2) Trace call-up
In Figure 3.10, click Page Switch button to enter PTZ control interface as shown in Figure 3.12. Click Trace button and enter trac e num ber i n Value Input box. PTZ will operate foll owi ng the route setup. Click arrow keys to stop.
4. Boundary Line Scanning
Set up a horizontal route and call up line scan to have PTZ run repeatedly on given route.
1) Line Scan Setup Follow below steps to set up a section of horizontal curve as the trace for PTZ search:
Step 1: In Figure 3. 10, use arrow ke ys to rotat e the PT Z to the des ired pr eset direc tion. Cl ick Set key to enter Figure 3.15. Select the left boundary and return to Figure 3.10;
Step 2: Use arrow keys to selec t the des i red pos iti on. Cli ck Set to enter Figure 3.15 and sel ect the right boundary. Then return to Figure 3.10;
Step 3: Complete the setting for left and right boundaries of the position. Note: When left and right boundaries are on the same horizontal level, PTZ will rotate counter
clockwise from left boundary to the right;
If they are not on the same level, PTZ uses the end of the horizontal trace connecting to the left boundary as the right boundary point and rotate anticlockwise from the left to the right.
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