NOTICE:To The besT of our knowledge This documenT is believed To be accuraTe.The manufacTurer reserves The righT T
change The informaTion and does noT a
ssume any responsibiliTy for omissions and/or errors found in This documenT.
WARRANTY: manufacTurer warranTs This pro
ducT To be free from defecTs in maTerials and workma
for a period of
(1) year from The shipmenT daTe. manufacTurer warranTs The following iTems fo
(90) days from The daTe
of shipmenT: rechargeable baTTeries, disks
and documenTaTion. during The
warranTy period, The manufacTurer will, aT iTs discreTion, eiTher repair or replace any producT ThaT proves
To be defecTive. To exercise This warranTy, wriTe or call your local disTribuTor. you will be given prompT
assisTance and reTurn insTrucTions. please send The producT wiTh shipping prepaid To The indicaTed servic
faciliTy. repairs will be made and The pro
ducT will be reTurned To you. repaired
or replaced pro
ducTs ar
warranTed for The balance of The original warranTy period,
or nineTy (90) days from The daTe of The repair.
This warranTy does noT cover The repair of any producT whose serial number has
been alTered, defaced o
removed. This warranTy does noT cover finishes (scraTches on surface or screen), normal wear and Tear, nor
does iT cover damage resulTing from misuse, dirT, liquids, proximiTy or exposure of heaT, accidenT, abuse, neglec
misapplicaTion, operaTion ouTside of The environmenTal specificaT
ions, Tampering, unreasonable use, servic
performed or aTTempTed by unauThorized service cenTers,failure To provide reasonable and necessary mainTenance.
This warranTy does noT apply To defecTs resulTing from pro
ducT modificaTion wiThouT manufacTurer’s
express wriTTen consenT, or misuse
of any producT
or parT. This warranTy also
does noT apply
To sofTware, non-rechargeable baTTeries, damage from baTTery leakage,
and improper polariT
of The baTTeries
or problems arising from normal wear
or failure To
follow insTrucTions. Thi
does noT cover lcd damage, physical damage To The Jog dial buTTon, slide swiTch a
reseT swiTch; elecTrical
damage of The producT due To high volTage or improper baTTery Type.
The design and implemenTaTion of any circuiT based on This producT is The sole responsibiliTy of The cusTomer
manufacTurer does noT warranT any damage ThaT occurs as a resulT of The user’s circuiT or any defecTs Tha
resulT from user-supplied producTs. This warranTy does noT apply To repairs or replacemenTs necessiTaTe
by any cause
beyond The conTrol of facTory including, buT noT limiTed To, operaTion conTrary To furnished
insTrucTions, shipping accidenTs, modificaTion or repair by The user, neglecT, accidenTs or oTher acTs of god.
The foregoing is in lieu of all oTher expressed warranTies and The manufacTurer does noT a
ssume or auThoriz
any parTy To assume for iT any obligaTion or liabiliTy. The duraTion of any warranTies ThaT may be implied by law
(including The warranTies of merchanTabiliTy and fiTness) is limiTed To The Term of This warranTy. in no evenT
shall The manufacTurer be liable for special, incidenTal or consequenTial damages arising from ownership or
use of This producT, or for any delay in The performance of iTs obligaTions under This warranTy due To cause
beyond iTs conTrol. This warranTy is limiTed in duraTion To one (1) year from The daTe of original purchase.
This warranTy is in lieu
of all oTher warranTies, expressed or implied, including any implied warranTy of
merchanTabiliTy or fiTness
for a parTicular use. The remedies provided herein are buyer’s sole and exclusi
remedies. neiTher manufacTurer, nor any of iTs employees shall be liable for any di
recT, indirecT, special, incidenTal
or consequenTial damages arising ouT of The use of iTs devices and sofTware even if manufacTurer has bee
advised in advance of The possibiliTy of such damages. such excluded damages shall include, buT are noT limiTed To
cosTs of removal and insTallaTion, losses susTained as The resulT of inJury To any person, or damage To properTy.
following safety precautions should be observed prior to usin
this product and any a
ssociated accessories. Although devices and
accessories would normally be used with non-hazardous voltages
here are situations w
here hazardous
conditions may be present.
This product is intended for use by qualified perso
nnel wh
recognize shock
hazards and are fam
iliar with the safety precautions
required to avoid pos
sible injury. Read and follow all installation
eration, and maint
enance instructions carefully before g the
product. Refer to the m
anual for complete product specifications.
If the product is used in a manner not specified, the
provided by the product may be impaired.
Inspect the Smart Tweezers case before using.
Do not use the device if it appears to be damaged.
• Do not use the device if
it operates abnormally.
• Do
not attempt to measure any components in
circuit when your circuit is alive or active.
To avoid poss
damage to Smart Tweezers or to the
equipment under test, follow these guidelines:
• Disconnect circuit power supply and discharge all high-voltag
capacitors before testing resista
nce, i
nductance, or capacitance.
• Do not apply external
voltages of more than 1.6 V.
• Use proper terminals
and functions for your measurements.
• Only supplied charger (DC 5V) should be used to c
harge the battery.
heading in this manual
dangers that might result in personal
injury or death.
read the a
ssociated information very c
before performing the indicated proced
The CAUTION heading in the manual indicates
hazards that coul
damage the device. Such
damage may invalidate the w
1 2
SmartTweezers_Manual_03.8.indd 1-2 10/14/2011