SMART Sync, SMART Board, SMART Notebook, SMART Classroom Suite, smarttech and the SMART logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of SMART Technologies ULC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows,
Windows Vista
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.All other third-party product and company
names are mentioned for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
, Windows Media, DirectX, Internet Explorer, Excel and PowerPoint are either registered trademarks or
Getting Started1
Starting SMART Sync2
Connecting to Students3
Transferring Students to Your Class5
Working with Teacher IDs and Classes5
Navigating the User Interface6
Customizing the User Interface10
Working with Thumbnails11
Working with Groups13
Exiting SMART Sync15
Observing and Controlling Students17
Observing the Class17
Observing a Student’s Desktop20
Controlling a Student’s Desktop22
Writing Over a Desktop24
Capturing an Image of a Student’s Desktop25
Locking Student Desktops26
Disconnecting Students27
Shutting Down, Logging Off and Restarting Students’ Computers29
Broadcasting and Communicating31
Sending an Announcement36
Conducting a Poll37
Sharing Media37
Sharing a Web Page40
Viewing and Answering Questions49
Deleting a Question without Answering50
Saving the Question History51
i i
|C O N T E N T S
Clearing the Question History51
Chatting with Students53
Saving the Chat History55
Clearing the Chat History55
Enabling and Disabling Student Chat56
Sending and Receiving Files59
Sending Files to Students59
Receiving Files from a Student61
Clearing Files from the File List61
Controlling Access to Applications63
Creating and Using Application Blocking Rules63
Starting and Closing Applications68
Controlling Access to the Internet73
Blocking Internet Access73
Creating and Using Internet Blocking Rules74
Working with Other Teachers and Teacher Aides79
Controlling Teacher Aides79
Disconnecting Teacher Aides80
Joining a Class as a Teacher Aide80
Configuring SMART Sync Teacher83
Setting the Language84
Connecting to SMART Sync Class List Server85
Setting the Lock-Out Message87
Setting the Optimization Preferences88
Setting the Control Preferences89
Setting the Broadcast Preferences90
Setting the Digital Ink’s Appearance91
Setting the File Transfer Preferences92
Setting a User Authentication Password93
Setting the Advanced Preferences94
Setting the Logging Preferences99
Sending Feedback to SMART101
Customer Support103
Online Information and Support103
Technical Support103
General Inquires104
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|C O N T E N T S
Chapter 1
Getting Started
Starting SMART Sync2
Connecting to Students3
Transferring Students to Your Class5
Working with Teacher IDs and Classes5
Navigating the User Interface6
Main Toolbar and Menus8
Group Tabs8
Students List9
Customizing the User Interface10
Showing or Hiding Toolbars10
Setting the Selection Method10
Changing the Type of Class13
Creating, Editing and Deleting Groups14
Exiting SMART Sync15
With SMART Sync™ classroom management software, you can manage your
classroom and communicate with your students without leaving your computer.
SMART Sync lets you observe and control your students’ computers using the
Thumbnails view, which displays real-time images of your students’ computer desktops.
You can customize this view’s appearance. In addition to viewing the desktops, you can
capture snapshots of students’ screens, take control of students’ desktops, temporarily
lock students’ computers, remotely shut down students’ computers, block Internet
access and block the use of specific applications.
You can also use SMART Sync to communicate with your entire class, a group of
students or an individual student. You can broadcast your desktop, conduct polls, send
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
messages to students and receive replies, send files to your students, organize student
collaboration and more.
If you’re using SMART Sync with a SMART Board™ interactive whiteboard, you can
write notes using a pen tray pen and your students will see your notes on their desktops.
If you’re working at a computer, you can write notes using the tools in SMART Sync.
Starting SMART Sync
When you first start SMART Sync, you create a teacher ID and class. Students can then
connect to the class (see Connecting to Students on next page).
Every class is unique. The only similarity between two classes may be the room in
which they’re taught. Everything else may be different, including the students, the
seating plan and more.
Teachers and classes can be administered, which means they’re centrally defined in a
SMART School file (see Connecting to SMART Sync Class List Server on page 85), or
non-administered, which means they’re defined in your computer's installation of
l If you select a non-administered class when you start SMART Sync, you can
save changes to your class at any time.
l If you select an administered class, you can’t save changes to the original file, but
you can save it with a new name.
(Administered) appears beside administered classes in the Welcome to SMART
Sync dialog box.
To create a new teacher ID1. Double-click the SMART Sync Teacher 2010 icon on your desktop.
The SMART Sync window and the Welcome to SMART Sync dialog box appear.
2. Type the teacher ID in the Teacher box.
The teacher ID can’t contain the following characters: \ / : * ? < > | "
3. Click OK.
A message appears, asking if you want to create a new teacher ID.
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
4. Click Yes.
SMART Sync displays the Thumbnails view and the All Computers tab.
5. Connect to students (see Connecting to Students below), and then save the class
(see Working with Teacher IDs and Classes on page 5).
To select an existing
teacher ID
1. Double-click the SMART Sync Teacher 2010 icon on your desktop.
The SMART Sync window and the Welcome to SMART Sync dialog box appears.
2. Select a teacher ID from the Teacher drop-down list.
3. Select an existing class in the Class list.
Select New Class in the Class list to create a new class.
4. Click OK.
SMART Sync displays the Thumbnails view and the All Computers tab.
5. Connect to students (see Connecting to Students below).
If you created a new class in step 3, save it (see Working with Teacher IDs and
Classes on page 5).
Connecting to Students
You or your system administrator can install SMART Sync Student on students’
computers in one of two modes:
VisibleThe user interface is visible to students.
HiddenThe user interface is hidden from students.
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
You or your system administrator then selects a connection option depending on the
chosen mode:
Connection OptionDescriptionVisible
Allows the student to
select from a list of
available teachers
Students must manually connect
to the correct teacher ID.
If teacher discovery is
available, students can
view the IDs of teachers
currently logged on to
SMART Sync Teacher in
a drop-down list (see page
connects with this
Students automatically connect
to a teacherID.
Teacher ID
connects with this
hostname or IP
Students automatically connect
to a teacher through the host
name or IP address. (Host names
and IPaddresses identify
computers on a network.)
Uses this Class List
Server hostname or IP
You connect to your students
based on the information in a
SMART School file (see
Connecting to SMART Sync
Class List Server on page 85).
For information on creating and
maintaining SMART School files,
see document 144150.
l If a student with a version of SMART Sync Student that is incompatible
with your version of SMART Sync Teacher attempts to connect to your
class, warning messages appear on the student’s screen and your screen.
l In Hidden mode, students can’t ask questions, initiate chat, send files or
complete other tasks requiring the SMART Sync Student user interface.
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
Transferring Students to Your Class
If you connect to students through SMART Sync Class List Server, you can transfer
students connected to other teachers’ classes to your class.
This feature is only available if you use SMART Sync Class List Server and if
one or more other teachers currently have a class running on SMART Sync Class
List Server.
To transfer students to
your class
1. Select Connection > Get Missing Students from Other Teachers.
The SMART Sync – Class List Connection dialog box appears. This dialog box
shows all students connected to other teachers through SMART Sync Class List
Server and the teachers they’re connected to.
2. Select the check boxes of the students you want to transfer to your class.
You can select all students in the list by clicking Select All.
3. Click Transfer.
SMART Sync transfers the selected students to your class.
Working with Teacher IDs and Classes
You can change to a different teacher ID or select another class at any time, and the
customized profile loads automatically.
If additional students join your class or you reorganize your groups, you may want to
save the current class.
To change the teacher ID
or class
1. Select File > Change Teacher or Class.
The Teacher and Class Selection dialog box appears, displaying your current
teacher ID.
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
2. Select the teacher ID you want from the list.
Clear the current teacher ID and enter another one.
3. Select the class you want.
4. Click OK.
The SMART Sync title bar changes to reflect the teacher ID and class.
Students connected to the previous teacher ID receive a message asking them if
they want to switch to the new teacher ID. They must click Yes to connect to the
new teacher ID.
To save a
non-administered class
To save an administered
class or to save a class
with a new name
Select File > Save Class.
1. Select File > Save Class As.
A dialog box appears.
2. Type a new class name, and then click Save.
Navigating the User Interface
The SMART Sync user interface consists of four components:
l Views
l Main toolbar and menu
l Group tabs
l Students list
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
Each view contains a subset of the features in SMART Sync:
ThumbnailsWhen you start SMART Sync, you see thumbnails (miniature
images) of the connected students’ desktops. These thumbnails
change in real time (though slightly delayed) with every instance of
student input. You can customize the appearance of the Thumbnails
view by editing thumbnail names, changing thumbnail sizes and
rearranging the thumbnails.
In the Thumbnails view, you can:
Observe the class
Observe and take control of a student’s desktop
Broadcast your desktop
Broadcast a student’s desktop
Capture an image of a student’s desktop
Share media files
Share a web page
Shut down, log off or restart a student’s computer
CollaborationUsing the Collaboration view, you can organize and monitor
collaborative assignments. You can separate your class into groups
of two or three, distribute an assignment for them to complete as a
group and view their progress.
QuestionsUsing the Questions view, you can view, respond to and save your
students’ questions.
ChatUsing SMART Sync, you can chat with your whole class, a specific
group or selected students. The Chat view displays all the chat
messages, including messages between students.
In the Chat view, you can:
Chat with the entire class or selected groups
Control student chat
Save the current chat session as a text file
Clear the chat history
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
File TransferUsing the File Transfer view, you can send files to your class, to a
group or to selected students and receive files from them. The view is
divided into Sent Files, which lists the files you’ve sent to students,
and Received Files, which lists the files you’ve received from
In the File Transfer view, you can also:
Cancel a file transfer
Open a sent file
Open a received file
Clear a file from the list
ApplicationsUsing the Applications view, you can block applications on your
students’ computers, giving you complete control over the
applications your students can use. You can also remotely start and
close applications on your students’ computers.
InternetUsing the Internet view, you can block students from using specified
websites and pages.
In all views, you can lock student desktops, block Internet access, send an
announcement and conduct a poll.
Main Toolbar and Menus
Although you can access some buttons and menu options in any view, some buttons
and menu options are specific to a particular view. For example, the
Shut Down button appears only in the Thumbnails view.
When you select a view, the toolbar buttons and menu options change to the buttons and
options appropriate for that view.
Group Tabs
If you want to interact with some students but not with the entire class, you can create
groups. Each time you create a group, SMART Sync creates a tab for the new group
(see Working with Groups on page 13).
Depending on your viewing options, the main tab is named All Computers or
All Students.
|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
Students List
The students list appears on the right side of the interface when you’re in the Questions,
Chat, File Transfer, Applications or Internet view.
The Thumbnails view and the Collaboration view don’t include the students list.
You can get the same information from the students’ thumbnails.
The students list includes:
l All the currently connected students (if you’re viewing the All Students or All
Computers tab).
l All the currently connected students in a group (if you’re viewing a group’s tab).
When you select one or more students in the students list, you can interact with the
selected students using SMART Sync features, including locking students’ desktops,
broadcasting, chatting, sending and receiving files, conducting polls and more.
The symbol next to each student’s name indicates the student’s status. The symbols
appear below in order of most important status (Disconnected) to the least important
DisconnectedThe student is disconnected.
Locked OutThe student is locked out.
VoteThe student has yet to respond to a vote.
Vote YesThe student has responded affirmatively to a
Vote NoThe student has responded negatively to a vote.
QuestionThe student has asked a question.
ChatThe student has received a new chat message.
Application BlockThe student is blocked from using one or more
Internet BlockThe student is blocked from using the Internet.
ConnectedThe student is connected.
When more than one status applies to a student, the most important symbol appears.
For example, if a student is both connected and locked out, the Locked Out symbol
displays beside the student’s name.
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|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
Customizing the User Interface
You can customize SMART Sync’s user interface following the instructions in this
Showing or Hiding Toolbars
You can show or hide the toolbars to customize the SMART Sync interface.
To show or hide the
main toolbar
To show or hide the
Views icons
Select View > Toolbars > Main.
Select View > Toolbars > View.
Setting the Selection Method
You can change SMART Sync’s selection method to suit your preferences. The two
available methods are Standard and Sticky.
In Standard selection:
l If you click two items, you select only the second item.
l If you hold the CTRL key and click two items, you select both items.
l If you hold the SHIFT key and click two items, you select both items and every
item between the two.
In Sticky selection:
l If you click two items, you select both items.
l If you click a selected item, you clear the selection.
l Holding the CTRL or SHIFT keys has no effect.
If you’re using a SMART Board interactive whiteboard, it’s easier to select and
clear selections using the Sticky selection method.
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|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
To set the selection
method to Standard
To set the selection
method to Sticky
Select Options > Selection Types > Standard Selection.
The thumbnails are rearranged in alphabetical order starting at the upper left
If a new student joins the class or group, that student’s thumbnail appears
in alphabetical order in the thumbnail arrangement.
Resizing Thumbnails
There are advantages and disadvantages to increasing the size of the thumbnails. If you
make them larger, it’s easier to see details, but you have to scroll to view some of the
thumbnails. If you make them smaller, you can view more of them without having to
scroll, but it’s difficult to see details.
To resize thumbnails1.
2. Select View > Thumbnail Size, and then select one of the following options:
Changing Thumbnail Information
When you’re monitoring a class or group in the Thumbnails view, you can display the
student’s logon ID, student ID or name below each thumbnail.
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
Very Large (two thumbnails wide)
Large (three thumbnails wide)
Medium (four thumbnails wide)
Small (five thumbnails wide)
Very Small (six thumbnails wide)
Best Fit (automatically adjusts the thumbnail display to the best
The Collaboration view also displays this information.
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|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
To change thumbnail
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
2. Select View > Thumbnail Name/Description.
3. Select Logon ID, Student ID or Student Name.
Working with Groups
If you want to interact with some students but not the entire class, you can create
When you create a group, SMART Sync creates a tab for the group. Depending on your
viewing options, the default group tab is named All Computers or All Students.
When you select a group’s tab, you can interact with the members of that group. For
example, you can lock the group’s desktops, broadcast your desktop to the group, chat
with the group, send a file to the group, conduct a poll of the group and more.
To change from a lab
to a class
To change from a class
to a lab
By creating groups, you can tailor specific actions to a certain section of the class. For
example, you can create a group made up of students who are easily distracted, and
then monitor the computer screens of that group.
You can also edit the members of existing groups and delete groups that you no longer
Changing the Type of Class
Depending on your viewing options, the default group tab is named All Computers or All
Students. The All Computers group includes every computer in your lab and names the
thumbnails using the computer name. The All Students group includes every student in
your class and names the thumbnails using the student ID.
Select View > View Class As > Student Class List.
Select View > View Class As > Computer Lab.
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|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
Creating, Editing and Deleting Groups
To create a group
1. Select Edit > Add Group.
The New Group dialog box appears.
2. Type a name for the group in the Group name box.
3. Optionally, select the Allow students to join this group on their own check
box to allow students to join or leave this group.
If you don’t select this check box, only you can add or remove students
from the group.
4. Click OK.
The group appears as a new tab in the main SMART Sync window.
To edit a group1. Select the group’s tab.
2. Select Edit > Modify Group.
The Edit New Group dialog box appears.
3. Optionally, change the name of the group in the Name box.
4. Optionally, add students to or remove them from the group:
To add a student, select the student’s name in the Students list, and then
click Add.
To remove a student, select the student’s name in the Group Members list,
and then click Remove.
5. Optionally, select the Allow students to join this group on their own check
box to allow students to join or leave this group.
If you don’t select this check box, only you can add or remove students
from the group.
6. Click OK.
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|C H A P T E R 1 – G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
To delete a group
To interact with a group or
all students
1. Select the group’s tab.
2. Select Edit > Remove Group.
A warning message appears.
3. Click Yes.
Click a group’s tab to interact with the group.
Click the All Computers or All Students tab to interact with all students.
Exiting SMART Sync
Before you exit SMART Sync, consider the following:
l If you exit while a file transfer is in progress, the file transfer is canceled.
l If you want to continue to use SMART Sync but you want to change to a different
teacher ID, you don’t need to exit SMART Sync.
To exit SMART SyncSelect File > Exit.
Chapter 2
Observing and Controlling
Observing the Class17
Observing a Student’s Desktop20
Controlling a Student’s Desktop22
Writing Over a Desktop24
Capturing an Image of a Student’s Desktop25
Locking Student Desktops26
Disconnecting Students27
Shutting Down, Logging Off and Restarting Students’ Computers29
You can view a window or full screen image of a student’s desktop, take sole control of a
student’s desktop or share control with the student. You can also observe and control
your entire class using locks, shutdowns and more.
Observing the Class
You can view images of your students’ screens using the Thumbnails view, enabling you
to determine at a glance whether everyone is focused on the assigned task.
When you’re observing a class or group you can:
l Lock student desktops (see page 26)
l Block student access to the Internet (see page 73)
l Conduct a poll (see page 37)
l View and answer your students’ questions (see page 49)
l Broadcast your desktop (see page 32)
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
l Share media files (see page 37)
l Shut down, log off or restart student computers (see page 29)
To observe the class1.
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
2. Click All Computers or All Students to monitor all students.
Click a group’s tab to monitor only students in the group.
The Thumbnails view displays the thumbnails of the class or the selected group.
The symbol in the top left corner of each thumbnail indicates the student’s status.
When more than one status applies to a student, the symbol with the greatest
importance is displayed. For example, if a student is both blocked from using the
Internet and locked out, the Locked Out symbol is displayed. The symbols appear
below in order of most important (Locked Out) to least important
(Active Application).
Locked OutThe student is locked out.
VoteThe student has yet to respond to a vote.
Vote YesThe student has responded affirmatively to
a vote.
Vote NoThe student has responded negatively to a
QuestionThe student has asked a question.
ChatThe student has received a new chat
Application BlockThe student is blocked from using one or
more applications.
Internet BlockThe student is blocked from using the
Active ApplicationIf none of the situations above are true,
then the icon for the student’s active
application is displayed as a symbol. For
example, if the student is using Microsoft®
Word, then the Microsoft Word icon is
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
The Thumbnails view displays all thumbnails in a 4:3 ratio to make it easier for you
to view and organize the thumbnails. If necessary, this view also adds borders to
the image to ensure the thumbnail isn’t distorted by a change in ratio.
Observing a Student’s Desktop
You can view a student’s desktop in Window mode (the student’s desktop appears in a
resizable window, with the Thumbnails view open at the same time) or Full Screen mode
(the student’s desktop fills your screen). Window mode lets you switch between the live
image of your student’s desktop and the other parts of SMART Sync, such as the Chat,
Quiz and File Transfer views.
When you’re monitoring an individual student, you can also take control of the student’s
desktop, broadcast the student’s desktop to the class, capture an image of the student’s
desktop and write notes over the student’s desktop.
If a student’s computer disconnects from your computer while you’re observing
the student’s desktop, “No Response” appears over the thumbnail. When the
student’s computer reconnects, the message disappears and you can resume
observing the desktop.
If a student uses dual monitors, you can view both displays. Either scroll to see
an individual display or scale the displays to view them both in one window.
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
To view a student’s
desktop in Window mode
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
2. Double-click the student’s thumbnail.
The student’s desktop appears in Window mode.
While viewing the student’s desktop in Window mode, you can:
Click Controlto take control of the student’s desktop (see page
Click Broadcastto broadcast the student’s desktop (see page
Click Captureto capture an image of the student’s desktop (see
page 25).
Click Pento write on the student’s desktop (see page 24).
Click Stopto stop viewing the student’s desktop.
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
To view a student’s
desktop in Full Screen
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
2. Double-click the student’s thumbnail.
The student’s desktop appears in Window mode.
Click Full Screen.
The student’s desktop appears in Full Screen mode with a toolbar.
While viewing the student’s desktop in Full Screen mode, you can:
Select Menu > Control to take control of the student’s desktop (see
page 22).
Select Menu >Broadcast to broadcast the student’s desktop (see
page 33).
Select Menu >Capture to capture an image of the student’s
desktop (see page 25).
Click Pento write on the student’s desktop (see page 24).
4. Select Menu > Stop Observing to stop viewing the student’s desktop.
Select Menu > View in Window Mode to continue viewing the student’s
desktop, but in Window mode.
Controlling a Student’s Desktop
When you’re observing a student, you can take sole control or share control of the
student’s desktop. Any changes you make when you take sole control of the student’s
desktop are visible to the student in real time.
If a student’s computer disconnects from your computer while you’re controlling
the student’s desktop, “No Response” appears over the thumbnail. When the
student’s computer reconnects, the message disappears and you can resume
controlling the desktop.
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
To control a student’s
desktop in Window mode
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
Select the student’s thumbnail, and then click Control.
The student’s desktop appears in Window mode.
While controlling the student’s desktop in Window mode, you can:
Click Observeto stop controlling the student’s desktop but
continue viewing it (see page 20).
Click Broadcastto broadcast the student’s desktop (see page
Click Captureto capture an image of the student’s desktop (see
page 25).
Click Pento write on the student’s desktop (see page 24).
Click Stopto stop controlling the student’s desktop.
To control a student’s
desktop in Full Screen
Click Thumbnails.
The Thumbnails view appears.
Select the student’s thumbnail, and then click Control.
The student’s desktop appears in Window mode.
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|C H A P T E R 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D C O N T R O L L I N G S T U D E N T S
Click Full Screen.
The student’s desktop appears in Full Screen mode with a toolbar.
While controlling the student’s desktop in Full Screen mode, you can:
Select Menu > Observe to stop controlling the student’s desktop,
but to continue viewing it (see page 20).
Select Menu >Broadcast to broadcast the student’s desktop (see
page 33).
Select Menu >Capture to capture an image of the student’s
desktop (see page 25).
Click Pento write on the student’s desktop (see page 24).
4. Select Menu > Stop Controlling to stop controlling the student’s desktop.
Select Menu > View in Window Mode to continue controlling the student’s
desktop, but in Window mode.
Writing Over a Desktop
If you’re observing or controlling a student’s desktop, you can write over that student’s
desktop. Your notes are visible only on that student’s desktop.
l If you’re working on a SMART Board interactive whiteboard, you can write notes
using a pen tray pen.
You can change the appearance of the digital ink using the options in Floating
l If you’re working at your computer, you can write notes using the toolbar.
You can change the digital ink’s width, color and transparency in SMART Sync’s
The digital ink is temporary and the underlying application is unaffected by your notes. If
you want to save your notes, capture the screen before you clear the digital ink.
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