Smart Technologies 2010 User Manual

SMART Classroom Suite™ 2010
Overview Guide
Windows® Operating Systems
Product Registration
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Keep the following information available in case you need to contact SMART Technical Support.
Product Key: _____________________________________
Date of Purchase: _____________________________________
Trademark Notice
SMART Board, SMART Classroom Suite, SMART Notebook, SMART Response, SMART Sync, SMART Exchange, the SMART logo and smarttech are trademarks or registered trademarks of SMART Technologies ULC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Adobe and Flash are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other third party products and company names are mentioned for identifi cation purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Patent No. US6320597; US6326954; US6741267; US7151533; US7499033; and CA2252302. Other patents pending.
Copyright Notice
©2009–2010 SMART Technologies ULC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any means without the prior written consent of SMART Technologies ULC. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of SMART.
Welcome 1
About this guide 1 About SMART Classroom Suite software 2
Installation considerations 4
A typical configuration 4 Installing SMART Classroom Suite software 6
The teacher experience 8
Teaching 8 Assessing students 9 Resources for teachers 12 Monitoring students 13 Fostering communication and collaboration 14
The student experience 15
Managing files 16 Completing assignments and taking notes 16 Completing assessments 17 Communicating and collaborating 18 Resources for students 19
Customer support 20
Online information and support 20 Training 20 Technical support 20 General inquiries 21 Registration 21
Overview Guide


About this guide 1 About SMART Classroom Suite software 2
SMART Notebook software 2 SMART Notebook SE software 2 SMART Response interactive response system 2 SMART Sync software 2 Other components 3
SMART Product Drivers 3 Gallery content 3 SMART Notebook Math Tools 3
SMART Classroom Suite™ interactive learning software is a suite of SMART Technologies software
for teachers and students. By using the suite with products such as the SMART Board™ interactive
whiteboard, teachers can create highly interactive learning environments in their classrooms.

About this guide

This guide introduces you to the components of SMART Classroom Suite software and provides a
high-level overview of setting up and using these programs in a classroom.
This guide is intended for teachers and system administrators in schools that have purchased the
suite or are considering purchasing it. After reading this guide, you can refer to user and system
administrator guides, Help files and other documentation from SMART Technologies for detailed
instructions on installing, configuring and using the suite.

About SMART Classroom Suite software

SMART Classroom Suite software integrates the following SMART Technologies software:
l SMART Notebook™ collaborative learning software
l SMART Notebook™ SE (Student Edition) collaborative learning software
l SMART Response™ interactive response system
l SMART Sync™ classroom management software
In addition, the suite includes SMART Product Drivers, Gallery content and a 30--day trial of SMART
Notebook software Math Tools.

SMART Notebook software

SMART Notebook software enables teachers to create interactive lesson materials and present them
to students using a SMART Board interactive whiteboard or other computer system. With a rich set of
design and delivery features and access to Gallery content, SMART Notebook software connects
teachers to content, tools and support for creating high-impact lessons for students.

SMART Notebook SE software

SMART Notebook SE software helps students complete assignments, take notes, manage due
dates and organize digital material. SMART Notebook SE software offers the same creative tools
and features as SMART Notebook software, so it’s easy for teachers to share lesson notes and
.notebook files with students.

SMART Response interactive response system

SMART Response interactive response system enables teachers to gain insight into how well
students understand lessons. Teachers can ask questions spontaneously during class, or they can
prepare assessments in advance using SMART Notebook software.

SMART Sync software

SMART Sync software helps teachers keep their students focused on learning. With SMART Sync
software, teachers can monitor and control students’ computers as well as facilitate collaboration.

Other components

SMART Product Drivers
SMART Product Drivers enables teachers’ computers to work with SMART Board interactive
whiteboards or other SMART products. The drivers include the Floating Tools toolbar and other
software tools that teachers can use with their SMART products.
Gallery content
The Gallery, which is available in both SMART Notebook software and SMART Notebook SE
software, contains clip art, backgrounds, multimedia content, .notebook files and pages that teachers
and students can use. The Gallery also provides access to SMART Exchange™ online community
and other online resources.
SMART Notebook Math Tools
SMART Notebook Math Tools is an add-in for SMART Notebook. It includes mathematical features,
such as equation editing, handwriting recognition for mathematical terms, additional shape tools,
measurement tools, graph generation and a launcher for Texas Instruments™ (TI) emulators. A 30-
day trial is included, and you can activate SMART Notebook Math Tools using the product key you
receive from SMART Technologies or your reseller.
Overview Guide

Installation considerations

A typical configuration 4 Installing SMART Classroom Suite software 6
Using the installation wizards 6 Using the command line interface 6 Using SMART Install Manager 6
This chapter is intended for your school’s system administrators. It presents a typical configuration of
SMART Classroom Suite software and describes installation options.

A typical configuration

In a typical configuration of SMART Classroom Suite software, different components are installed on
the teacher computer, student computers and other computers on the school network:
Teacher computer Student computers Other computers
SMART Notebook software
l SMART Product Drivers
SMART Response interactive response system
SMART Sync Teacher software
SMART Notebook SE software
SMART Sync Student software
SMART Sync software Administrator Tool
SMART Sync software Class List Server
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You can install Gallery content on individual teacher and student computers or in a central location
on the school network.
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