SmartSight S1500e, S1502e, S1504e, S1508e User Manual

S1500e Series
User Manual
S1500eTM Series
Firmware Release 2.60/3.0
User Manual
Copyright SmartSight Inc., 2003
S1500eTM Series User Manual Firmware Release 2.60/3.0
Published by: SmartSight Networks Inc.
1800 Berlier Street Laval (Quebec) Canada H7L 4S4
Publication date: December 22, 2003 The SmartSight logo, SmartSight, S1500e, S1502e, S1504e,
S1508e, nDVR, and Versalis are trademarks of SmartSight Networks Inc. Any other product names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accur acy of this document, SmartSight makes no warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising from the use of the information contained herein.

Table of Contents

Who Should Read this Manual ............. .............. ...... vi
How to Use this Manual ......................................... vi
Contents ........................................... ............. vi
Conventions .................................................. vii
Related Documentation .................................. viii
Related SmartSight Products ......... .............. .... viii
About Us . .............. ............... .................. ............. ix
Warranty .............................................................x
Chapter 1 Overview................................................ 1
About the S1500e Series .......................... ........... ...2
Physical Characteristics ....................... ..............2
Security ......................................... .................2
Video .............................................................3
Shipment .............................................................4
Unit Casing Description ................. .................. .......5
S1500e and S1502e .........................................5
S1508e ..........................................................6
S1504e ..........................................................7
Chapter 2 Network Planning.................................. 9
Chapter 3
Configuring the Unit .......................... .............. ..... 12
Configuring and Installing the Unit..... 11
Computer Requirements .................................. 12
Setting Unit Parameters ............................. ..... 12
Table of Contents S1500e Series
Performing a Point-to-Point Connection ..............15
Installing the Unit ............. ........... ........... ............. 17
Performing Serial Connections .............. .............. ...18
Configuring the I/Os ....................... .................. ...20
Alarms .........................................................21
Audio ...........................................................21
Performing a Hardware Reset ................................24
Status LEDs ... .......... ........... ............... ........... ...... 25
System LED on the S1500e and S1502e .......... ...26
System LED on the S1504e and S1508e .......... ...27
Video LEDs on the S1504e and S1508e ..............27
Chapter 4 Setting Parameters with the CLI ........ 29
Getting Started ........ ........... ........... ............... ...... 30
Starting the CLI with Telnet .............................30
Using the CLI ............. .................. .............. ...31
Serial Port ....................... .............. .................. ...32
Access Management ................. ............... ............. 33
User Accounts ............. ........... .............. .......... 33
Security ........................................... ............. 34
System Status ................. .............. ........... .......... 35
Network ........................................ ..................... 36
Advanced Menu ........................... ........... .......... ...37
Load Default Configuration .... ........... ............... ......38
Reboot System ................ ........... ........... ............. 38
Chapter 5 On-Screen Display (OSD)..................... 39
Quadrant 2: SmartSight Logo and Video Message .....40
Quadrant 3: Receiver Setup Details ........................41
Appendix A Factory Default Configuration .......... 43
Appendix B
RS-485 Multidrop Connections ......... 45
Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H
DHCP Support and APIPA Service.... 47
DTE and DCE Connections........ ........ 49
CLI with SConfigurator ..................... 53
CLI with HyperTerminal .................... 57
Audio Pinouts.................................... 63
Technical Specifications.................. 65
Glossary................................................................... 69
Index ........................................................................ 75
Compliance.............................................................. 79


The S1500eTM Series User Manual presents the information and procedures on installing, configuring, and using the SmartSight S1500e series video servers.
This guide covers the following firmware versions:
Unit Firmware version
S1500e 2.60
S1502e S1504e S1508e
Preface S1500e Series

Who Should Read this Manual

This manual is intended for managers, IT system administrators, engineers, and technicians who will use the S1500e series units. It provides conceptual information on how to configure, install, and operate the units.
This manual assumes that you are familiar with:
Installation and manipulation of electronic equipmentGeneral use of computersMicrosoft Windows operating systemsLocal area networks (LANs) and basic IP data
communication concepts and practices
Pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) platforms (cameras and keyboards)

How to Use this Manual

This manual contains all the information needed to install, configure, and use an S1500e series unit.


The S1500e Series User Manual is divided into the following chapters:
1 Overview—Provides a brief description of the features
of the S1500e series and illustrations of their casings.
2 Network Planning—Describes planning operations
relative to the IP network over which the S1500e series units will work.
3 Configuring and Installing the Unit—Presents the
configuration and installation procedures for the S1500e series unit.
4 Setting Parameters with the CLI—Explains how to
program the S1500e series unit using the SmartSight command line interface (CLI).
5 On-Screen Display (OSD)—Presents the four
quadrants on the receiver unit.
User Manual How to Use this Manual
The manual also includes the following appendixes:
A Factory Default Configuration—Lists the default
parameter values of the S1500e series unit.
B RS-485 Multidrop Connections—Presents the 2-wire
and 4-wire RS-485 multidrop connections.
C DHCP Support and APIPA Service—Explains how the
dynamic host configuration protocol server and the Microsoft APIPA service work.
D DTE and DCE Connections—Presents diagrams
explaining how to differentiate and connect data terminal equipment (DTE) and data communication equipment (DCE).
E CLI with SConfigurator—Explains how to access the
command line interface with the SConfigurator tool.
F CLI with Hype rTerminal—Expla ins h ow to acce ss th e
command line interface with the Windows HyperTerminal tool.
G Audio Pinouts—Presents pinouts for audio input/output
and the audio specifications.
H Technical Specifications—Lists the complete technical
specifications of the S1500e series unit.
A glossary, an index, and compliance information complete the manual.


The following typographic conventions are used throughout this manual:
Visual cue Meaning
Connect to The name of a window, dialog box, field, or any other
interface element. The value of an interface element.
File > Properties Any sequence of steps (in the menu structure of a
graphical application, in the navigation structure of a Web site, and so on).
connection_name Text that must be replaced by a user-supplied value.
Text representing variable content.
UNIT_1 The name of a command, file, or directory. Text that
appears on the screen. Examples of user-supplied values.
Preface S1500e Series

Related Documentation

In addition to this manual, the following documentation is also available:
S1500e Series Quick Installation Guide—Contains the
S1500e series configuration steps and the installation procedure.
SConfigurator User Manual—Presents the instructions on
how to use a SmartSight proprietary sof tware to configure the S1500e series unit, connect it to other units, and update its firmware.
Release Notes—Contain information about S1500e series
upgrades and known issues still under investigation, as well as a description of features not covered in this version of the documentation.
All these documents are contained on the SmartSight Utilities CD shipped with the S1500e series unit. Furthermore, a paper copy of the Quick Installation Guide is included with your order.

Related SmartSight Products

You may use the S1500e series units along with the nDVRTM software. This user-friendly video management and storage software is able to view, record, and play back video simultaneously from any location.
The S1500e series and nDVR are part of the Versalis of products. Versalis is the only networked digital video solution that combines distributed viewing, storage, and capture of high quality, high resolution live video, voice, and data.
For more details about V ersalis and nDVR, visit our Web site. For pricing information, call your dealer.
User Manual About Us

About Us

Positioned at the intersection of wireless and digital video streaming, SmartSight, based in Quebec (Canada), is dedicated to developing video solutions for CCTV and IP networks that deliver real-time video content over LAN, wireless LAN, WAN, Internet, and 2.5/3 G cellular networks. SmartSight’s networked digital video solutions enable video management and monitoring primarily for security, surveillance, and asset protection in airports, government, municipal, and transportation facilities as well as corporate enterprises. SmartSight also offers ISPs and ASPs a tool to provide real-time video broadcast over the Internet.
Web Site
Our Web site is located at You can use it to download the products specifications, application notes, and user documentation, as well as to request the latest versions of firmware and software (under Support > Downloads).
If you encounter any type of problem after reading this manual, contact your local distributor or SmartSight representative. You can also use the Support section on our Web site to find the answers to your questions. Submit questions, inquiries, and comments in the Requests subsection, or browse our solution database (FAQ) holding resolved issues.
SmartSight technical support personnel is available to help you use your units and the related software.
To reach technical support
On the Web: Support section on www.smartsigh tnet works .com By phone: 1 888 494-7337 (North America) or +1 450 686-9000
Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 18:00 EST
By fax: +1 450 686-0198
Preface S1500e Series


Each standard product manufactured by SmartSight is warranted to meet all published specifications and to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of delivery as evidenced by SmartSight packing slip or other transportation receipt. Products showing damage by misuse, abnormal conditions of operation or products which have been modified by Buyer or have been repaired or altered outside SmartSight factory without a specific authorization from SmartSight shall be excluded from this warranty. SmartSight shall in no event be responsible for incidental or co nsequentia l damages including without limitation, personal injury or property damage.
SmartSight responsibility under this warranty shall be to repair or replace, at its option, defective work or parts returned to SmartSight with transportation charges to SmartSight factory paid by Buyer and return paid by SmartSight. If SmartSight determines that the Product is not defective within the terms of the warranty, Buyer shall pay all costs of handling and transportation. SmartSight may, at its option, elect to correct any warranty defects by sending its supervisory or technical representative, at SmartSight expense, to customer’s plant or location. SmartSight shall in no event be responsible for incidental or consequential damages including, without limitation, personal injury or property damage.
Since SmartSight has no cont rol over condit ions of use, no warranty is made or implied as to suitability for customer’s intended use. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, except as stated herein. This limitation on warranties shall not be modified by verbal representations.
Equipment shipped ex works SmartSight factory shall become the property of Buyer, upon transfer to the common carrier. Buyer shall communicate directly with the carrier by immediately requesting carrier’s inspection upon evidence of damage in shipment.
Buyer must obtain a return materials authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions from SmartSight prior to returning any product under warranty. Do not return any SmartSight product to the factory until RMA and shipping instructions are received.


Designed for video monitoring and surveillance over IP networks, the S1500e series video server is a self-contained solution delivering high quality MPEG-4 video at 30 frames per second over 10/100Base-T networks. The video server can easily be extended over local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs) or the Internet using ISDN, PSTN, or xDSL routers. It is built on open standards to provide long-term investment protection.
The S1500e series is part of the Versalis solution that provides compelling video-over-IP solutions to the CCTV industry.
This unit is for indoor use only.
1 Overview S1500e Series

About the S1500e Series

The S1500e series contains several units covering different input/output needs.
Each unit is configured to interface, right out of the box, with the most popular camera data port configuration (4800 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).

Physical Characteristics

An S1500e server can be a receiver (-R) or a transmitter (-T); a single receiver and four transmitter units are available. Here is an overview of their features:
Unit Video I/O Data input Maximum frame rate
S1500e-R 1 output 3 dry contacts N/A S1500e-T 1 input 3 dry contacts 30 frames per second (fps)
S1502e 2 inputs 3 dry contacts 2 inputs at 15 fps S1504e 4 inputs 8 dry contacts 4 inputs at 30 fps full motion S1508e 8 inputs 8 dry contacts 8 inputs at 15 fps
All units have two independent serial ports (for RS-232 and RS-422/485 protocols) and a reset button.
You can also purchase an S1500e-T unit with the extended temperature option.
Unless otherwise specified, the word S1500e refers to any of these units.
You power the S1500e units with 12V DC.
full motion


Every S1500e unit comes with a unique SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate for securing its IP link. SSL is a commonly used protocol for managing the security of IP message transmission. Therefore, the connections between two units or between a unit and the SConfigurator tool can be secured.
The SSL protocol secures the following data: I/O , serial port, and VSIP communication. It does not apply to audio and video transmission.
User Manual About the S1500e Series
Once a unit is in secure mode, you cannot access it anymore with Teln et and yo u ca nnot perf orm f irmware upd ates through the IP network on it. H owever, you can co nfigure it with SConfigurator.
For more information about this security feature, refer to the SConfigurator User Manual.


The S1500e series units can have the following video resolutions:
Resolution Unit Number of
Number of lines
QCIF All units 176 128 144 CIF All units 352 240 288 2CIF All units except
2CIFH (All columns)
4CIF All units except
All lines All units except
S1502e and S1508e All units 704 240 288
S1502e and S1508e
S1502e and S1508e
The frame rate of the units can be:
NTSC—1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, or 30 frames per second (fps)PAL—1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, or 25 fps
For more information about these video par amet ers, refer to the SConfigurator User Manual.
352 384 448
704 480 576
352 480 576
1 Overview S1500e Series


Your S1500e shipment contains the following items:
The requested transmitter and/or receiver units
Product code Description
S1500e-R Ethernet receiver S1500e-T Ethernet transmitter (one input) S1500e-XT Ethernet transmitter (one input) for extended
S1502e-T Ethernet transmitter (two inputs) S1504e-T Ethernet transmitter (four inputs) S1508e-T Ethernet transmitter (eight inputs)
ProductCode-A Transmitter or receiver with bidirectional audio ProductCode-V S1504e or S1508e transmitter with a video output
For the S1500e and S1502e: A 12V DC external power
supply (for North America only)
For the S1504e and S1508e: Rack mount bracketsThe SmartSight Utilities CD containing the
documentation and release notes for the unit as well as the SConfigurator application
The S1500e Series Quick Installation Guide
The shipment may also contain the following options:
For the S1500e and S1502e: A 10-unit rack mount panel
For the S1504e and S1508e:
A 12V DC power supply for a single unit (PS1260)
port (to be available on a future firmware release)
User Manual Unit Casing Description

Unit Casing Description

The S1500e electronics are enclosed in a non-weatherproof extruded aluminium casing that is not meant for outdoor use. The front and back panels vary depending on the unit.

S1500e and S1502e

The front panel consists of:
An RJ-45 jack A system status LED A reset button A female DB-9 connector for RS-232 use
S1500e Series
LAN 10/100
System status
RJ-45 Ethernet
RS-232 serial port (DB-9 connector)
The back panel consists of:
A 12-pole connector for power, input/output, and
One or two female BNC connectors to be used as video
input or output
Optional audio connectors
12V DC
Alarm/audio I/O
RS-422/485 serial port Audio (optional)
In 1
In 3
In 2
Video 2
Video 1
Video Audio
Main video Video 2 for S1502e
1 Overview S1500e Series


The front panel consists of:
An RJ-45 jack Eight video status LEDs A system status LED A reset button A female DB-9 connector for RS-232 use
LAN 10/100
Video Status
System status
Video input status
RJ-45 Ethernet
RS-232 serial port (DB-9 connector)
The back panel consists of:
Multipole connectors for power, input/output, and
An optional video output BNC connectorEight video input BNC connectors Four DIP switches for the video input terminations Optional audio connectors
Audio (optional)
12V DC
Pwr Out In RS422/485
Rly 1
Rly 2
Rly 2
Rly 1
RS-422/485 serial port
In 1
In 3
In 2
In 8
In 7
In 6
In 5
In 4
Video inputVideo input
Video out
Video in 1
Video in 2
Video in 3
Video in 4
Video in 5
Video in 6
Video in 7
Video in 8
Alarm/audio I/O
Video out (optional)
DIP switches
User Manual Unit Casing Description
The DIP switches determine if a video input is terminated in the unit (with a load resistance of 75 ohms) or left in high impedance for looping (hi-z).
ON 1 2
75 ohms
Position 1 is for the video input to the left of the switch, whereas position 2 is for the video input to the right.


The front panel consists of:
An RJ-45 jack Four vi d e o s t a t u s L E D s A system status LED A reset button A female DB-9 connector for RS-232 use
LAN 10/100
Video Status
1 2 3 45678
Video input status
RJ-45 Ethernet
System status
RS-232 serial port (DB-9 connector)
Since the S1504e comes in the same casing as the S1508e, eight video inputs are displayed. The four inputs used are numbered 1, 3, 5, and 7.
1 Overview S1500e Series
The back panel consists of:
Multipole connectors for power, input/output, and
An optional video output BNC connectorEight video input BNC connectors Four DIP switches for the video input terminations Optional audio connectors
Audio (optional)
12V DC
Pwr Out In RS422/485
Rly 1
Rly 2
Rly 1
RS-422/485 serial port
Rly 2
In 1
In 3
In 2
In 8
In 7
In 6
In 5
In 4
Video input
Video out
Video in 2
Video in 4
Video in 1
Video in 3
Video in 5
Video in 6
Video in 7
Video in 8
Alarm/audio I/O
Video out (optional)
DIP switches
In the DIP switches, only the left position is used.

Network Planning

To allow optimal configuration, you must properly plan your network.
2 Network Planning S1500e Series
It is critical to ensure that no IP link of more than 300 feet (100 meters) be present in a network, unless otherwise stated by connection equipment such as 100Base-T to SC converters, which can offer a 1.25-mile (2-km) range.
The S1500e supports a streaming method called multicast, which permits more than one receiver unit to view a video stream at any one time. Here is a typical connection for a point-to-multipoint application.
Video source
Sw i t c h
nDVR Monitor
Monitor 1
Monitor 2

Configuring and Installing the Unit

To prepare your S1500e unit for operation, you have to perform a series of steps:
Basic configuration, mainly for communication a nd serial
Physical installation in its final locationAlarm and audio configurationConnection to the serial ports
Remember that your unit is an indoor product that cannot support an outdoor environment.
3 Configuring and Installing the Unit S1500e Series

Configuring the Unit

The following configuration steps are required:
Setting a series of parameters, including the IP addressIn an analog extension context, perform ing
point-to-point connection

Computer Requirements

The minimum software and hardware requirements for the computer needed to configure the unit are:
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 or higher, or Windows XPNetwork cardSerial port

Setting Unit Parameters

The first step in installing an S1500e system is to change the IP address of the unit to ensure compatibility with an existing network. The default IP addresses of all units are based on the APIPA service and will be in the ra nge
169.254.X.Y, where X and Y are relative to the MAC address of the individual unit; for more information about the APIPA service, see page 47.
To work properly, units on the same network must have unique IP addresses. The unit will not prevent you from entering a duplicate address. However, its system status LED will turn to flashing red; then the unit will reboot with an APIPA address. If the unit is a receiver, the “Duplicate IP Detected” message will also appear in the on-screen display (for more information about this display, see Chapter 5, page 39).
You can set the IP addresses of a unit by two methods:
Connecting your unit to the same LAN as the computer
running SConfigurator (described next)
Using the command line interface (see page 36)
Next, you have to set the serial port parameters of the unit.
User Manual Configuring the Unit
To set the parameters of a unit:
1 In a lab, unpack the unit and set it on a table. 2 Plug the S1500e IP connector directly to a computer
using a crossover cable or to your LAN using a straight-through cable.
3 On the S1500e and S1502e only, install the ferrite
snap-on clamp on the Ethernet cable:
Ferrite Clamp
4 Powe r the u n it. 5 Start the SConfigurator software included on the
SmartSight Utilities CD shipped with your equipment. The SConfigurator window appears.
6 From the General tab, click Program Options.
The Program Options window appears.
7 Ensure that the VSIP Port value is 5510; otherwise,
click Default.
8 Ensure that the Discovery IP Address is; otherwise, click Reset to Broadcast.
3 Configuring and Installing the Unit S1500e Series
9 Check Detect All Units on LAN, then click OK. 10 Choose the Units tab, then click Discover.
A unit of type “Unknown” with a 169.254.X.Y IP address appears in the list; it corr esponds to your new uni t.
11 Select the unknown unit, then click Configure. In the
Reconfigure unit? confirmation window, click Yes. The New Network Configuration window appears.
12 To use DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol),
check Use DHCP. Otherwise, enter the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway of the unit, as provided by your network administrator.
For more information about DHCP, see page 47.
13 Click OK.
The unit reboots with its new network configuration.
14 In the Units tab, click Discover.
The new S1500e unit appears.
User Manual Configuring the Unit
15 Select the unit, then click Configure. 16 Configure the serial port parameters to match those of
the target equipment (for instance, camera or PTZ keyboard).
For more information, refer to the SConfigurator User Manual.
The S1500e initial configuration is now complete. You perform further configuration with either the SConfigurator or nDVR software, both from SmartSight.

Performing a Point-to-Point Connection

To allow transfer of video, audio, I/O, and serial port data in a point-to-point context (as opposed to using the nDVR software), you have to create a connection between a transmitter and a receiver. Typically, both units sit on the same IP subnet as SConfigurator and have the same VS IP port; to access othe r unit s, refer to the unit discovery section in the SConfigurator User Manual.
The two units must have the same firmware version, with the following exception: The S1504e and S1508e, both at firmware release 3.0, will work with an S1500e receiver at version 2.60.
For more information about the connection process, refer to the “Managing Connections” chapter, also in the SConfigurator User Manual.
To perform a point-to-point connection:
1 Start SConfigurator. 2 In the Units tab, discover the desired units.
The discovered units appear in the Units box.
3 Configuring and Installing the Unit S1500e Series
3 Choose the Connections tab, then click Add.
The Connection Creator window appears.
4 Select a transmitter in the left column and a receiver in
the right one.
5 To disable I/O data transmission (for example, alarms),
clear Forward I/O.
6 To disable serial port data transmission (like PTZ
commands), clear Forward Serial Port Data.
7 To enable audio, check Enable Audio, then select the
audio mode.
8 Click Connect.
You should now have video on the monitor connected to the receiver unit.
User Manual Installing the Unit

Installing the Unit

Once your system is successfully configured, it is ready to be installed in its final location.
The number of video inputs varies depending on the unit in the S1500e series. Each source requires a means to output the video. Depending on the context, you require up to eight S1500e receivers to output the video:
Point-to-point analog extension—One receiver per video
nDVR—No receiver, since all output will be directed to
the computer screen
To install the system:
1 On the transmitter, plug the video cables of the domes
or cameras to the video connector s.
2 On an S1504e or S1508e unit, set the DIP switch for
each video input.
3 In a point-to-point context, plug each monito r video
input cable to an S1500e-R video connector.
4 Connect the RS-422/485 serial port of the unit to the
target device (for instructions, see page 18).
5 Plug the network cable to the RJ-45 Ethernet connector
on the unit.
6 When installing an S1500e-XT unit, make it stand
vertically, allowing for better cooling.
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