Loci™ Carrels
Computer Carrels for Testing & Study Privacy
Loci™ Carrels are available with flipIT® FIK19 Convertible
Workstations and flipIT® FIL18 Laptop Safes as options. Installation instructions are included with the flipIT® products for
their installation into the factory cutout, as ordered.
This manual shows the approach for assembling all Loci™
products, but uses the single sided Loci™ for demonstration.
The double sided Loci™ should be assembled on its feet and
requires 2 people working together for best results.
The single sided Loci™ is shown assembled on it’s back. It is
recommended that 2 people work together to lift the unit
upright, especially if add-on Loci™ are assembled together.
If the add-on modules assembled are more than four, it is
recommended that these also be assembled on their feet
using 2 people working together.
Loci™ Back-to-Back End & Divider Panels
LCS-305648 LCA-305648
Loci™ Single Side Stand Alone
LCS-302848 -XXX solid work surface
LCS-302848-K19 ipIT®
LCS-302848-L18 ipIT® Laptop Safe
© 2011 CBT Supply, Inc. dba SMARTdesks. SMARTdesks® flipIT® and Loci™ are registered trademarks of CBT Supply, All rights reserved. flipIT® FIK19 US Patent 7,784,412. flipIT Laptop Safe® US Patent 7,757,612
Loci™ Single Side Add-On Carrels
LCA-302848 -XXX solid work surface
LCA-302848-K19 ipIT®
LCA-302848-L18 ipIT® Laptop Safe
Tools required:
Phillips #2 driver, manual & power
Stand-alone Pins. 1 11/16” bronze tone pines attach
side panels for stand-alone units, and end panels to
Add-On units. For finished end panels only.
1/2” diameter pin hole
Add-On Pins. 2 1/2” silver tone pins have spring-fit stop on shaft. These are used
to attach add-on modules together for internal joinery.
Phillips drive, 5/8” #8 thread wood screws are used
for attaching Wire Management. 3 are supplied for
each WM-WWC18.
single-side panel; two
per back-to-back panel.
Common panel for backto-back Loci, stand-alone
or add-on.
Note: Wire grommets get
installed in cable passthrough ports.
Floor Glides, 2 per panel.
1” diameter x 1” adjustment, 1/4” x 20 thread.
Back panel for Loci single
sided units, stand-alone
and add-on.
Note: No wire grommet
WM-WWC18 Wire Wonder wire management channel. One per user.Wire Grommet. One per
Single-side side panels:
two per stand-alone, plus
one per add-on unit.
Note: One wire grommet
Back-to-back side panels: two per stand-alone,
plus one per add-on unit.
Note: two wire grommet holes per panel.
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Loci™ Single-Sided Carrels
The stand-Alone consists of two side panels, one
back panel, one work surface and one shelf. It is assembled using only the single ended pins, 7 per side.
An add-on unit starts with a stand-alone unit, but
the second side is assembled with double-ended
pins, 7 per side, so it can accept the add-on unit.
The add-on units are assembled in line. They can be
assembled at any work surface height desired: 28,
30 or 36. If they are to be the same height, doubleended pins must be used for add-ons.
If the heights are to alternated, single ended pins are
to be used.
Loci Single Sided
Stand-Alone Unit
Loci Single Sided
Add-On Unit
Loci™ Back-to-Back Carrels
The Back-to-Back unit consists of two side
panels, one back panel, two work surfaces
and two shelves. It is assembled using only
the single ended pins, 14 per side.
An add-on unit starts with a stand-alone
unit, but the second side is assembled with
double-ended pins, 14 per side, so it can
accept the add-on unit.
The add-on units are assembled in line.
They can be assembled at any work surface
height desired: 28, 30 or 36. If they are to be
the same height, double-ended pins must
be used for add-ons.
Loci Back-to-Back
Stand-Alone Unit
Add-On units can be assembled endlessly.
Loci Back-to-Back
Add-On Unit
If the heights are to alternated, single ended
pins are to be used.
SMARTdesks.com 3 800 770 7042
Add-On units can be assembled endlessly.