SMA SMC 9000TL Installation

ront cove
PV Inverter
SUNNY MINI CENTRAL 9000TL / 10000TL / 11000TL with Reactive Power Control
Installation Manual
SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 | IMEN-SMCTLRP | Version 5.1
SMA Solar Technology AG Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Information on this Document .....................................................7
2 Safety...........................................................................................10
2.1 Intended Use............................................................................. 10
2.2 Qualifications of Skilled Persons..............................................11
2.3 Safety Precautions..................................................................... 12
3 Scope of Delivery .......................................................................13
4 Product Description.....................................................................15
4.1 Sunny Mini Central................................................................... 15
4.2 Type Label................................................................................. 17
4.3 Display and LEDs ...................................................................... 19
4.4 Electronic Solar Switch (ESS)................................................... 20
4.5 SMA Power Balancer............................................................... 21
4.6 Communication......................................................................... 23
4.7 Grid Management.................................................................... 23
4.8 Fuse Holders for String Fuses ................................................... 23
4.9 Varistors..................................................................................... 24
4.10 SMA Grid Guard......................................................................24
4.11 All-Pole Sensitive Residual-Current Monitoring Unit................ 24
5 Mounting .....................................................................................25
5.1 Selecting the Mounting Location .............................................25
5.2 Mounting the Inverter ...............................................................28
6 Electrical Connection...................................................................31
6.1 Safety during Electrical Connection......................................... 31
6.2 Overview of the Connection Area........................................... 32
6.2.1 Bottom View ....................................................................................32
6.2.2 Interior View ....................................................................................33
6.3 AC Connection.......................................................................... 34
Installation Manual SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 3
Table of Contents SMA Solar Technology AG
6.3.1 Conditions for AC Connection.......................................................34
6.3.2 Connecting the Inverter to the Electricity Grid...............................35
6.3.3 Additional Earthing of the Enclosure .............................................37
6.4 DC Connection ......................................................................... 38
6.4.1 Conditions for DC Connection.......................................................38
6.4.2 Assembling the DC Connectors .....................................................38
6.4.3 Connecting the PV Array................................................................41
6.5 Connecting the SMA Power Balancer..................................... 43
6.6 Installing the String Fuses ......................................................... 45
7 Configuration ..............................................................................47
7.1 Checking the Function of the SMA Power Balancer and
Setting the Operating Mode.................................................... 47
7.2 Changing the Country Data Set .............................................. 48
7.3 Setting the Country Data Set for Operation with External
Decoupling Protection .............................................................. 49
7.4 Changing the Display Language............................................. 50
8 Commissioning............................................................................51
9 Disconnecting the Inverter .........................................................53
10 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................56
10.1 LED Signals................................................................................ 56
10.2 Display Messages..................................................................... 58
10.2.1 Measurement Channels..................................................................58
10.2.2 Status Messages .............................................................................59
10.2.3 Errors, Faults, Warnings..................................................................60
10.3 Cleaning the Fans..................................................................... 66
10.4 Checking the Fans..................................................................... 68
10.5 Cleaning the Ventilation Grids.................................................70
10.6 Checking the ESS for Wear ..................................................... 71
10.7 Checking the PV Plant for Earth Faults.....................................72
10.8 Checking the Function of the Varistors..................................... 74
4 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG Table of Contents
10.9 Replacing the Varistors ............................................................. 76
10.10 Checking the Function of the String Fuses ...............................77
10.11 Replacing the String Fuses........................................................ 79
10.12 Cleaning the Inverter ................................................................79
11 Decommissioning........................................................................80
11.1 Dismounting the Inverter...........................................................80
11.2 Packing the Inverter................................................................... 81
11.3 Disposing of the Inverter........................................................... 81
12 Technical Data.............................................................................82
12.1 DC/AC...................................................................................... 82
12.1.1 Sunny Mini Central 9000TL with Reactive Power Control ...........82
12.1.2 Sunny Mini Central 10000TL with Reactive Power Control.........84
12.1.3 Sunny Mini Central 11000TL with Reactive Power Control.........86
12.2 General Data............................................................................ 88
12.3 Protective Devices ..................................................................... 89
12.4 Approvals.................................................................................. 89
12.5 Climatic Conditions................................................................... 89
12.6 Features ..................................................................................... 90
12.7 Electronic Solar Switch............................................................. 90
12.8 Torques ...................................................................................... 90
12.9 Earthing Systems....................................................................... 90
13 Accessories ..................................................................................91
14 Contact.........................................................................................92
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Table of Contents SMA Solar Technology AG
6 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 1 Information on this Document

1 Information on this Document

This document is valid for the following device types:
• SMC 9000TLRP-10
• SMC 10000TLRP-10
• SMC 11000TLRP-10
STSatz_Zielgruppe_Fa chkräfte
Target Group
This document is intended for skilled persons. Only qualified personnel are allowed to perform the tasks described in this manual (see section 2.2 "Qualifications of Skilled Persons", page 11).
STSatz_Hinw_Weiterführende Informati onen
Additional Information
Links to additional information can be found at
Document title Document type
Three-Phase Grid Connection Technical information
Miniature Circuit-Breaker Technical information
Module Technology Technical information
Operating Parameters Technical description
Insulation Resistance (R
PV Inverters ‒ Overview of Country Data Sets Technical description
) of Non-Galvanically Isolated PV Plants Technical information
Installation Manual SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 7
1 Information on this Document SMA Solar Technology AG
Symbol Explanation
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in property damage
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-relevant
Indicates a requirement for achieving a specific goal
Desired result
A problem that might occur
Typography Usage Example
Bold •Display messages
• Parameter
• Connections
• Elements to be selected
• Elements to be entered
• The inverter displays the status Balanced.
• Select the parameter FanTest and set it to 1.
Complete designation Designation in this document
Electronic Solar Switch ESS
SMA Bluetooth
Wireless Technology
Sunny Mini Central Inverter, product
8 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 1 Information on this Document
Abbreviation Designation Explanation
AC Alternating Current
DC Direct Current
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EC European Community
EEPROM Electrically Eraseable
Programmable Read-Only Memory
LED Light-Emitting Diode
MPP Maximum Power Point
MSL Mean Sea Level
OCU Operation Control Unit
PC Personal Computer
PE Protective Earth Protective conductor
PV Photovoltaics
RP Reactive Power
Installation Manual SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 9
2 Safety SMA Solar Technology AG

2.1 Intended Use

The Sunny Mini Central is a transformerless PV inverter, which converts the direct current of the PV array to grid-compliant alternating current and feeds it into the electricity grid.
Figure 1: Design of a PV plant with three Sunny Mini Central inverters
The Sunny Mini Central is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The Sunny Mini Central should only be operated with PV arrays (PV modules and cabling) of
protection class II. The PV modules used must be released by the module manufacturer for use with this Sunny Mini Central.
PV modules with a high capacity to earth should only be used if their coupling capacity does not exceed 1,400 nF.
All components must remain within their permitted operating ranges at all times.
National approval and release
The product may only be used in countries for which it is approved or released by SMA Solar Technology AG and the network operator.
STSatz_Best Verwend_Produkt ändern
For safety reasons, it is forbidden to modify the product or install components that are not explicitly recommended or distributed by SMA Solar Technology AG.
10 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 2 Safety
Only use the Sunny Mini Central in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation. Any other application may cause injury to persons or lead to property damage.
Mounting the Product
• Do not mount the product on flammable construction materials.
• Do not mount the product in areas where highly flammable materials are stored.
• Do not install the product in potentially explosive atmospheres.
STSatz_Best Verwend_Doku beachten und zugänglich
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product.
• Read and observe the documentation.
• Keep the documentation in a convenient place for future reference.

2.2 Qualifications of Skilled Persons

The work described in this document must be performed by skilled persons only. Skilled persons must have the following qualifications:
• Knowledge of how an inverter works and is operated
• Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing and operating electrical devices and plants
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and plants
• Knowledge of the applicable standards and directives
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety precautions
Installation Manual SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 11
2 Safety SMA Solar Technology AG

2.3 Safety Precautions

Electric Shock
SiHiw_Stromschlag durch hohe Spannungen
High voltages are present in the live components of the inverter. Touching these components can cause fatal electric shock.
• Always disconnect the inverter from voltage sources before performing any work on it as described in this document (see section 9).
SiHiw_nicht geerdetes PV-Modul
Touching an unearthed PV module or an array frame can cause a fatal electric shock.
• C onn ect and ear th th e PV module s, array fram e an d el ect ric all y co ndu cti ve s urf ace s so tha t th ere is continuous conduction. Observe the applicable local regulations.
Burn Hazards
SiHiw_Verbrennungen durch Gehäuseteile
Some parts of the enclosure can become hot during operation.
• During operation, touch the inverter on the enclosure lid only.
Environmental Influences
When closed and with the ESS plugged in, the inverter has the degree of protection IP65. If the ESS is not plugged in or incorrectly plugged in during operation, moisture and dust can
penetrate the inverter. If the ESS is not correctly plugged in, this can cause contacts in the ESS to wear or the ESS might fall out of the socket. This can result in yield loss and damage to the ESS.
• If the ESS is not plugged in, the inverter must be protected against moisture and dust.
• After performing any work on inverters, plug the ESS back in as follows:
– Do not tighten the screw inside the ESS. – Firmly plug in the ESS until it is flush with the enclosure. – Ensure that the gap between the ESS and the enclosure is no more than 1 mm.
Electrostatic Discharge
SiHiw_Vor Berühren erden
Touching electronic components can cause damage to or destroy the inverter through electrostatic discharge.
• Earth yourself before touching any components.
12 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 3 Scope of Delivery
3Scope of Delivery
STSatz_Lieferumfang_In halt prüfen
Check the scope of delivery for completeness and any externally visible damage. Contact your specialist dealer if the delivery is incomplete or damaged.
Figure 2: Components of the delivery
Position Quantity Designation
A1Sunny Mini Central
B 2 Ventilation grid
C1Wall mounting bracket
D 1 Electronic Solar Switch
E5Positive DC connector
F 5 Negative DC connector
G10Sealing plug
H1Cable gland
I1Counter nut
K 1 Clamping bracket
Conical spring washer
M6x16 cheese-head screw
N1 Jumper
O 2 M6x8 cheese-head screw
Y cable
Installation Manual SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 13
3 Scope of Delivery SMA Solar Technology AG
Position Quantity Designation
Q 1 Installation manual, user manual, document set
with explanations and certificates, supplementary sheet with the default settings
* 1 spare part for the enclosure lid included
** Optional
14 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Product Description

4 Product Description

4.1 Sunny Mini Central

The Sunny Mini Central is a transformerless PV inverter, which converts the direct current of the PV array to grid-compliant alternating current and feeds it into the electricity grid.
Figure 3: Design of the Sunny Mini Central
Item Designation
A Ventilation grid
BType label
C Electronic Solar Switch (ESS)
FEnclosure lid
G Screws of the enclosure lid
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4 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG
Symbols on the Inverter
Icon Designation Explanation
Tapping You can operate the display by tapping it:
• Single tap: Switch on display illumination or switch to the next display message.
• Tapping twice: The inverter shows the display messages from the start-up phase.
After two minutes, the backlight switches off automatically.
Inverter This symbol defines the function of the green
LED. The green LED indicates the operating state of the inverter.
Earth fault This symbol defines the function of the red
LED. The red LED indicates an earth fault, a defective varistor or a defective string fuse.
Observe the documentation. This symbol defines the function of the
yellow LED which indicates a fault or disturbance. Read the manual to remedy the fault or disturbance.
Protective conductor This symbol indicates the position for the
protective conductor connection.
Danger to life due to high voltages in the inverter; observe waiting time.
High voltages that can cause fatal electric sh ock s are pres ent in t he live com pon ent s of the inverter. The capacitors take ten minutes to discharge. Prior to performing any work on the inver ter, d isc onn ect it f rom all vo lta ge sources, as described in this document (see section 9).
QR Code
The QRCode
links to the SMA Bonus Programme (for information see
16 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Product Description

4.2 Type Label

The type label uniquely identifies the inverter. The type label is located on the right-hand side of the enclosure.
Figure 4: Layout of the type label
Item Explanation
AInverter device type
BInverter serial number
C Device-specific characteristics
D Field for additional information, e.g. details of standards
E Inverter manufacture date (year-month-day)
STSatz_Typenschild_Funkt ionsbeschreibung
You require the information on the type label to use the product safely and for questions to the SMA Service Line. The type label must be permanently attached to the product.
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4 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG
Symbols on the Type Label
SMCTLRP_Tabelle Symbole auf Typensch ild
Icon Designation Explanation
Danger to life due to high voltages
The inverter operates at high voltages. All work on the inverter must be carried out by skilled persons only.
Risk of burns from hot surfaces The inverter can get hot during
operation. Avoid contact during operation. Allow the inverter to cool down sufficiently before carrying out any work. Wear personal protective equipment such as safety gloves.
Observe the documentation. Observe all documentation that is
supplied with the inverter.
DC Direct current
Without transformer The inverter does not have a transformer.
AC Alternating current
Proper disposal Do not dispose of the inverter together
with the household waste.
CE marking The inverter complies with the
requirements of the applicable EU directives.
Degree of protection The inverter is protected against dust
intrusion and water jets from any angle.
Outdoor The inverter is suitable for outdoor
RAL quality mark for solar products
The inverter complies with the requirements of the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Labelling.
Australian mark of conformity The inverter complies with the
requirements of the applicable Australian guidelines.
18 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Product Description
Icon Designation Explanation
Korean mark of conformity The inverter complies with the
requirements of the applicable Korean guidelines.
Chinese mark of conformity The inverter complies with the
requirements of the applicable Chinese guidelines.

4.3 Display and LEDs

The display and the LEDs of the inverter are located on the enclosure lid and indicate the operating state of the inverter.
Figure 5: Design of the display
Position Designation Explanation
A Display 2-line LC text display for displaying operating data
B Tap symbol You can operate the display by tapping it:
• Tapping once: Switch on display illumination or switch to the next display message.
• Tapping twice in quick succession: The inverter shows the display messages from the start-up phase.
After two minutes, the backlight switches off automatically.
C Green LED Indicates the operating state of the inverter.
D Red LED Indicates an earth fault, a defective varistor or a defective string
E Yellow LED Indicates an error or fault. Read the manual to rectify the error
or fault.
The display shows the current operating data of the inverter (e.g. mode, performance, input voltage) and errors or faults (see section 10.2 "Display Messages", page 58).
The LEDs indicate the operating state of the inverter, and clarify the messages in the display using different blink codes (see section 10.1 "LED Signals", page 56).
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4 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG

4.4 Electronic Solar Switch (ESS)

The ESS and the DC connectors form a DC load disconnect unit. There are two types of ESS with different plug designs. The function of the ESS is identical in both
Figure 6: Example of ESS design with visible metal mounting tab
Item Designation Explanation
A Plug Depending on the type of ESS, the metal
mounting tabs in the plug are visible or in a plastic enclosure.
When plugged in, the ESS forms a conductive path between the PV array and the inverter. Removing the ESS interrupts the DC electric circuit and removing all DC connectors disconnects the PV array completely from the inverter.
If the ESS is plugged in, the DC electric circuit is closed.
To interrupt the DC electric circuit, you must first perform steps 1 and 2
Remove the ESS.
Remove all DC connectors.
20 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Product Description

4.5 SMA Power Balancer

The SMA Power Balancer is a function of the Sunny Mini Central, which allows three-phase grid connection.
Figure 7: Design of a three-phase feed-in unit with three Sunny Mini Central inverters with SMA Power Balancer
Using the SMA Power Balancer, you can connect three Sunny Mini Central inverters to a three-phase feed-in unit, preventing unbalanced loads. Unbalanced load refers to power fed-in asymmetrically, which depends on the country data set selected and may be between 4.6 kVA and 6 kVA.
Taking the local network operator's connection conditions into account, you can use the SMA Power Balancer to implement three-phase line-voltage monitoring. This disconnects all three Sunny Mini Central inverters completely from the electricity grid or limits their power in the event of a grid error.
The connections for the SMA Power Balancer are galvanically isolated from the rest of the Sunny Mini Central electronic circuit.
This Sunny Mini Central has a socket for connecting the SMA Power Balancer to the bottom of the inverter. To connect three Sunny Mini Central inverters of the same type, you need a special Y cable. You can only connect Sunny Mini Central inverters which have the same type of connection for the SMA Power Balancer to one another. Sunny Mini Central inverters with a different type of connection for the SMA Power Balancer can be retrofitted and connected with the Y cable.
Operating Modes of the SMA Power Balancer
Erläuterung_SMCTLRP_Power Balancer
Wenn setting the country data set VDE-AR-N4105-HP, the SMA Power Balancer is activated by default and set to the operating mode PowerGuard. If the SMA Power Balancer is not connected to the other inverters, there is no communicative coupling between the inverters and the different line conductors and the feed-in power of the inverter is limited to 4.6 kVA.
By default, the SMA Power Balancer is deactivated for all other country data sets and can only be activated with an SMA communication product. To activate the SMA Power Balancer, you can choose from three operating modes.
Installation Manual SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 21
4 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating mode Explanation
Off The SMA Power Balancer is deactivated (default setting).
If one of the three inverters indicates a line voltage error or a device fault, only the inverter affected disconnects from the electricity grid. The other two inverters continue to feed in at full power.
FaultGuard Th is op erat ing mode a llows y ou to implement three-phase line-voltage
monitoring, which also reacts to device faults.
• If one of the three inverters indicates a line-voltage error and stops feeding in, the other two inverters also disconnect from the electricity grid immediately.
• If one of the three inverters indicates a device fault and stops feeding in, the other two inverters also disconnect from the electricity grid after five minutes.
PhaseGuard Th is op erat ing mode a llows y ou to implement three-phase line-voltage
• If one of the three inverters indicates a line-voltage error and stops feeding in, the other two inverters also disconnect from the electricity grid immediately.
• If one of the three inverters indicates a device fault and stops feeding in, the other two inverters continue to feed in at full power.
PowerGuard You can select this operating mode if the entire PV plant consists only
of three Sunny Mini Central inverters and, in the event of an error, unbalanced load is to be limited to between 4.6 kVA and 6 kVA depending on the country data set selected.
• If one of the three inverters indicates a line voltage error or device fault and stops feeding in, the other two inverters automatically limit their power to between 4.6 kVA and 6 kVA depending on the country data set selected.
22 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Product Description

4.6 Communication

The inverter can be equipped with an SMA communication interface (e.g. RS485). This communication interface will enable the inverter to communicate with special SMA communication products or other inverters (for information on supported products, see The interface can either be retrofitted, installed at the factory according to a specific order, or included in the regular scope of delivery.
You can only set the operating parameters of the inverter via SMA communication products. Depending on the type of communication, RS485 or Bluetooth, the parameters and messages are
displayed differently on the communication products.
Example: How the country data set parameter is displayed
For communication via RS485: parameter CntrySet For communication with Bluetooth: parameter Set country standard
This manual specifies the parameter names and messages of the two types of communication. In the inverter display, the parameters and messages are depicted independently of the connected
communication interface and may also differ.

4.7 Grid Management

The inverter is equipped with grid management functions.
Funktionsweise_Einspeisemanagement-Funktion mit Internetverweis
Depending on the requirements of the network operator, you can activate and configure the functions (e.g. provision of reactive power, active power limitation) via operating parameters (for information on the functions and operating parameters, see the Technical Description "Operating Parameters" at

4.8 Fuse Holders for String Fuses

The inverter is equipped with five fuse holders for string fuses. String fuses allow the inverter to protect the PV modules against possible reverse currents.
Whether you have to install string fuses in the inverter depends on the reverse-current resistance of the PV modules used and the number of strings directly connected to the inverter (for information on the string fuses, see the Technical Information "Use of String Fuses" at
Use only the string fuses available from SMA Solar Technology AG (see section 13 "Accessories", page 91).
Note that the string fuses are a precautionary measure only to minimise the risk of fire in the event of an error, for example. Using string fuses does not guarantee that the PV array is protected against consequential damage.
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4 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG

4.9 Varistors

Varistors are voltage-dependent resistors that protect the inverter against overvoltage. The inverter is equipped with thermally monitored varistors.
Varistors can become worn and lose their protective function with age or repeated strain as a result of overvoltage. The inverter detects if one of the varistors is defective and indicates an error (see section 10 "Troubleshooting", page 56).
The varistors are specially manufactured for use in the inverter and are not commercially available. You must order new varistors directly from SMA Solar Technology AG.
4.10 SMA Grid Guard
SMA Grid Guard acts as an automatic disconnection device between a grid-parallel generator (e.g. a PV plant or small wind turbine system) and the electricity grid.
SMA Grid Guard is also a grid monitoring concept which detects errors by permanently monitoring grid impedance, mains voltage and mains frequency. For example, SMA Grid Guard detects when a stand-alone grid is formed and disconnects the inverter from the electricity grid immediately.
In some countries, the connection conditions require a device which protects grid-relevant operating parameters against unpermitted changes. SMA Grid Guard performs this function.
Some country data sets are automatically protected after the first ten feed-in hours. The protected country data sets can only be changed via a communication product on entry of a personal access code, the SMA Grid Guard code, after ten feed-in hours (for information on changing parameters, see the manual for the communication product). You will receive the SMA Grid Guard code from SMA Solar Technology AG (to apply for the SMA Grid Guard code, see the certificate "Application for SMA Grid Guard Code" at
4.11 All-Pole Sensitive Residual-Current Monitoring Unit
The inverter is equipped with an all-pole sensitive residual-current monitoring unit with an integrated differential current sensor.
The all-pole-sensitive residual-current monitoring unit detects alternating and direct differential currents. The integrated differential current sensor detects the current difference between the neutral conductor and the number of line conductors for single-phase and three-phase inverters. If the current difference increases suddenly, the inverter disconnects from the electricity grid.
If an external residual-current device is required or planned, you must install a residual-current device which trips at a residual current of 100 mA or higher. That ensures that the inverter does not disconnect from the electricity grid due to leakage currents caused by operation. If the locally applicable installation regulations require the use of a residual-current device that trips at a lower residual current, e.g. 30 mA, leakage currents caused by operation can cause false tripping.
24 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Mounting

5.1 Selecting the Mounting Location

Requirements for the mounting location:
WaHiw_Lebensgefahr durch Feuer und Explosion
Danger to life due to fire or explosion
Despite careful construction, electrical devices can cause fires.
• Do not mount the inverter on flammable construction materials.
• Do not mount the inverter in areas where highly flammable materials are stored.
• Do not mount the inverter in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
☐ The mounting location must be inaccessible to children. ☐ A solid surface must be available for mounting, e.g. concrete or masonry. When mounted on
plasterboard or similar materials, the inverter will develop audible vibrations during operation,
which could be considered disturbing. ☐ It may not be mounted on a pillar. ☐ The mounting location must be suitable for the weight and dimensions of the inverter
(see section 12 "Technical Data", page 82). ☐ The mounting location must be freely and safely accessible at all times without the necessity for
any auxiliary equipment, such as scaffolding or lifting platforms. Non-fulfillment of these criteria
may restrict servicing. ☐ The installation site should not be exposed to direct solar irradiation. Direct solar irradiation can
heat up the inverter excessively. As a result, the inverter reduces its power output. ☐ Climatic conditions must be met (see section 12 "Technical Data", page 82). ☐ The ambient temperature must be below 40°C to ensure the optimal operation of the inverter.
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5 Mounting SMA Solar Technology AG
Dimensions for wall mounting:
Figure 8: Dimensions of the wall mounting bracket and dimensions of the holes for the optional anti-theft device in the
26 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
inverter enclosure
SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Mounting
Observe recommended clearances:
Figure 9: Recommended clearances
• Observe the recommended clearances to the walls as well as to other inverters or objects.
This ensures adequate heat dissipation and sufficient space to remove the ESS.
• If multiple inverters are mounted in areas with high ambient temperatures, increase the
clearances between the inverters and ensure an adequate fresh-air supply. ☑ This prevents a reduction in inverter power as a result of high temperatures (details on
temperature derating can be found in the Technical Information "Temperature Derating" at
Observe the permitted mounting position:
Figure 10: Permitted and prohibited mounting positions
• Mount the inverter in a permitted mounting position. The display should be mounted at eye level.
☑ Mounting the inverter in a permissible position will ensure that no moisture can enter. ☑ By mounting the device at eye level, display messages and LED signals can be read without
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5 Mounting SMA Solar Technology AG

5.2 Mounting the Inverter

Additionally required mounting material (not included in the scope of delivery):
☐ At least two screws which are suitable for the weight of the inverter and the surface ☐ At least two washers that are suitable for the screws ☐ At least two wall plugs that are suitable for the mounting surface and for the screws ☐ If the inverter is to be secured against theft, at least one safety screw and one wall plug suitable
for the safety screw
WaHiw_Verletzungsgefahr durch hohes Gewicht
Risk of injury when lifting and from falling inverter
The inverter is heavy (see section 12 "Technical Data", page 82). Lifting the inverter incorrectly, or if it falls during transportation or while attaching it to the wall mounting bracket result in a risk of injury.
• Lift and transport the inverter into the mounting po sition ho riz ontally. Use t he s ide recesse d gr ips or a steel rod (diameter: maximum 30 mm).
1. Ensure that there are no cables in the wall which could be damaged when drilling.
2. Align the wall mounting bracket horizontally on the wall and use it to mark the position of the drill holes. Use at least one hole on the left-hand side and one on the right-hand side of the wall mounting bracket.
3. Drill the holes and insert the wall plugs.
4. Secure the wall mounting bracket horizontally on the wall using screws and washers.
28 SMC9-11TLRP-IA-en-51 Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Mounting
5. If the inverter is to be secured against theft, mark the drill hole for the attachment of the safety screw:
• Hook the inverter into the wall mounting
• Mark the drill hole on the left-hand side or
right-hand side. If you want to secure the inverter with two safety screws, mark both drill holes.
• Remove the inverter by lifting it up vertically
and out of the wall mounting bracket.
• Drill the hole or holes to attach the safety screw and insert the wall plug(s).
6. Hook the inverter into the wall mounting bracket.
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+ 67 hidden pages