SL Model SL-30 Instruction Manual

SL-30直升机说 明书
在准备操 作 直 升 机 前,请仔 细 阅 读本 说 明 书。 妥善保管 本 说 明 书. 产品的改 良 、 变 更 不做 另 行 通知 。
tryi ng to operati ng the helico pter.
Keep t his manual in a s afe place.
Chan ges in produc t specifica tions may
be effected without notice.
SL- 30 Full length of fuselage: 1240mm Full width of fuselage:210mm Total height:400mm Main rotor dia:1070mm Tail rotor dia:225mm Full equipped weight:2850g Gear ratio:9. 6 25: 1: 5.5 Compatible engine: 32- 39Class
感谢您使用 神 龙 的 产 品, SL-30型 直 升机模型
拥有坚固的 主 桨 , 全 新 的外观设计和 良 好 的 性 能 , 会给初学者 和 高 级 操 作 人员留下深刻 的 印 象 。 为 保证您能更 好 的 使 用 本 机,请仔细阅 读 本 说 明 书 。
直升机模型不是一种单纯的玩具,它拥有一些复 杂 的 装 备 设 施.不 正 确 的 组 装 和 操 作 或 对 直 升 机 进行改造,都可能会给操作人员及他人带来财产 的 损 失 和 人 员 的 伤 亡.上 述 可 能 发 生 的 事 故 我 公 司将不承担任何责任.
Those radi o controll ed helicop ter is not toy . It is a sophist icated pie ce of eq uipment
and is designed fo r hobby use on ly. If not properly assembled and ope rated, it is capable
of cau sing prope rty damage and bodily ha rm to bo th the operator an d spectators. And
the reconfigur ation of this mode l, or th e use of parts ot her than those manufactured by
Shen Long may result in accid ents due to a lac k of proper te sting. She nLong cann ot be
resp onsible fo r accident s caused in th is manner.
1.介 绍 1.Introduction
! War ni ng
2.目 录 2.Contents
1.介 绍
2.目 录
3.飞 行 安 全 守 则
4.操 作 模 型 所 需 的 装 置(另 外 出 售)
5.飞 行 训 练
6.零 件 的 名 称 及 组 装
1. Introduction
2. Contents
3. The rules for safety
4. Necessary items not included in this kit
5. Flight training section
6. Name of each part &Assembling
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Thank your purchase of ShenLong series produ cts.
The SL-30 helicopter has the new main rotor,fresh outlooking
and good performance.Beginers and advanced fliers will be
very impressed with helicopter models.In order to ensure safe
operation,plea se completely read this manual.
为保证您的安全操作,请在试飞直升机前仔细 阅读这个章节。确保您能完全明白使用的注意事 项和操作理论后,在进行飞行操作。
1.保证飞行场的清洁: 清除飞行场内的石块、金属物、电线等任 何 杂质;
2.仔细周全的考虑飞行场地周围的状况: 不要在强风、暴雨或夜间飞行; 不要在通气状况非常恶劣的地区或者建筑 物内启动引擎; 不要在人群拥挤的地方飞行; 不要在靠近房屋、学校、医院的地方飞行; 不要在靠近道路、铁路、或是电线的地方 飞 行; 不要在有无线电干扰的地区飞行。
3.以下人员不可以操作直升机: 小孩; 有生理周期及妊娠的人; 疲劳、生病和醉酒的人; 受药物影响和其它原因不能正常操作的人; 无论是初学者,或是你借用他人的直升 机, 都请先熟悉所使用的机型、并且在操 作前接受 正确的安全指导。
4.使用时不要超出飞机本身设定的功能: 不要随意改造和加工直升机; 在设计范围内正确使用它; 不要使用直升机进行空中拍摄和药剂散播。
5.穿戴合宜的服装: 穿长袖及长裤; 不要佩戴珠宝手饰,以及任何容易缠绕的 物品; 头发应固定在肩膀以上的位置; 穿有益于运动的鞋类; 带手套(在必要的环境下或当接触高温零 部件时) 穿戴护具(头盔、护膝等)
In order to ensure safe operation.Please read this section in its entirety before attempting to fly the helicopter. Please be sure you have complete understanding of the cautionary items regarding the flight of, the capabilities of,and the proper operating method of the model .Also please observe all rules and manners when flying the model.
3.飞行 安 全守 则
3. The rules for safety
Before th e flying
! War ni ng
! Caution
! War ni ng
Fail to fo llow these instructions ma y resu lt in se vere personal injury or even death.
Fail to fo llow these instructions ma y resu lt in se rious harm.
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意味着如果没有遵守 这个条例,就会 有人员的伤害甚至死 亡。
意味着如果没有遵守 这个条例,就会 造成严重的伤害。
1.Clear the airfield as much as possible. Clear the airfield of stones,wire, rop e and any other trash.
2.Give sufficient con sideration to your surroundings:
Do not fly the helicopter in strong winds, rain,or at night. Never start of operate the en gine in a poorly ventilated area or inside a building. Do not fly the helicopter in an area where there are many people . Do not fly the helicopter near houses, schools or hospitals. Do not fly the helicopter near roads, railways or electrical lines. Do not fly the helicopter where there is the possibility of interference on the radio frequency from another helicopter.
3.The helicopter should not b e operated by: Children. Anyone who is menstruating, or pr egnant. Anyone who is tired, sick or inebriated. Anyone who is under the influence of drugs or whose judgment is otherwise impaired. If you are a beginner, or if you have borrowed someone else's helicopter, be sure that you are familiar with the model, and have received safe ty instruction before starting.
4.Do not use the helicopter fo r purposes it was not designed for:
Do not remodel or reconfigure the helicopter. Always operate within the designated limitations for the helicopter. Do not use for aerial photography, or for the aerial application of chemicals.
5.Wear appropriate clothing: Please wear a long sleeve shirt and long trousers. Do not wear jewelry, or other items that may easily become entangled. Long hair should be bound to shoulder length . Always wear shoes, to ensure good footing. Wear gloves as necessary.
6.Always put away screwdrivers, wrenches and other tools.
7.检查飞机的每一部份: 使用前,检查零件有否损坏、并且查看产品 的操作功能是否正常; 检查机器电源(电池)是否有足够的电量; 仔细检查可动部份在其位置的正确性,确保所 有螺丝已被正确的安装。请考虑其它所有影 响正常飞行的异常状况; 有出现损坏或不能正常运行的机器零件请根 据我们的操作手册进行处理。如果有任何情 况超出了本手册范围,请联系你的供应商,或 是我们的工程技术服务部门; 在使用前,检查所有的螺丝已被上紧,指定 的部位已被油润,并且检查燃料是否充足或有 否漏油。
8.使用指定(正规)的零部件: 不要使用本手册或本公司所没有记载的零 件,否则会发生事故和伤害。
9.练习操作本产品时,先不要启动引擎: 启动引擎前,请先练习操作每个部件; 拥有了足够的操作技术后启动引擎; 如果发现在练习操作中有异常状况,请不要 启动引擎。
1.请使用模型专用的燃料: 不要使用其它燃料来操作本产品; 模型专用燃料是一种高力度、高燃烧性的物 质,请小心使用;
3.不要在靠近火的地方添加燃料,并且在添加燃料 时不要吸烟; 不要使燃料流出。如果燃料流出,请用布擦 干净; 排出的气体会给人带来伤害,请确保在一个 良好的通气环境下添加燃料; 不要焚烧空的燃料罐,它会引起爆炸。
4.不要饮用燃料并且不要让燃料接触到眼睛: 如果有事故发生,首先尽快吐出有害物,并 且清洗被污染的身体部位,然后立即接受医 师的诊断治疗。
6.拧紧油箱盖,并把它放置在冷暗和儿童不易接触 的地方。
7.Check each section of the helicopter: Before starting, always check to be sure that there is no damage to any part, and that the model operates and functions properly. Always check to be sure that all moving parts have been positioned properly, all nuts and bolts have been tightened properly, and other part or place in a condition that would adversely affect the flight of the helicopter. Always check to be sure that the electrical supply for the radio controls have been fully charged Repair or replace damaged or otherwise unusable parts per the instructions in the operating manual. For conditions not covered in the operating manual, consult your dealer, or our engineering service department. Before starting, check to be sure that all screws have been tightened, the designated locations have been oiled, the fuel tank is full and there are no fuel leaks.
8.Use official replacement parts. Do not use parts other than those shown in this operating manual, or in Shen Long Catalogues, There is danger of accidents or injury.
9.Practice operating the helicopter without turning the engine on. Before starting the engine, practice operating each part. Do not start the engine until you acquire enough operation skill. Also, if some abnormity is found in operating, do not start the engine.
1.Use only Glow fuel model engines. Do not use gasoline or kerosine to operate this production. Glow fuel is a powerful and highly flammable substance, always use as apprppriate for your engine.
2.Always wait until the engine has cooled down before refueling.
3.Never refuel near an open flame. Never smoke while refueling.
Be careful not to spill the fuel, but should a spill occur, wipe the model clean with a rag. Inhaling fuel and exhaust fuel can be harmful, always refuel in a well ventilated area. Do not incinerate empty fuel cans, as they may explode.
4.Be careful not to accidentally drink or to allow the fuel in contact with the eyes.
Should an accident occur, induce vomiting or wash the affected area as necessary and consult a physician immediately.
5.After refueling, restart the engine in area at least 3 meters from the spot of refueling.
6.Cap the fuel can tightly and store in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children.
燃 料
About the fuel
1.保持正确的操作姿势: 不要坐或躺在场地上进行操作; 请小心注意飞行场地的状况:(特别是倾 斜、湿滑的地区)
2.以下情况应关闭引擎: 调整机身或发射机时; 添加或更换零件时; 修理机身,或有异常的噪音和不正常的振 动时; 在其它一些潜在的危险状况下。
3.当启动引擎时,注意以下事项: 确保没有其它人或障碍物在启动范围内; 拿住飞机时,保持机身的稳定; 检查送信机节流杆和引擎汽化器是否在它们 的最低位置。
4.为了防止伤害,请不要将手靠近任何可以旋转的 部件。
5.操作时,保持放松,休闲的状态: 长时间的操作会使手指疲劳、无力、这样会 导致不正常的判断,以致发生预料不到的事 故。因此请保持适当的休息,以获得更好的 效果; 保持飞机与操作人员的安全距离; 操作人员要按照自己的能力进行操作,不正 确的飞行思路和操作会导致事故的发生。
6.为了防止烧伤,当引擎和消声器立即启动或关闭 时,不要接触它。
1.注意检查以下事项: 检查飞机的每一个部位,拧紧或替换有必要 的螺丝; 擦净油、水滴等杂质; 长期保管飞机时,要完全取出遗留在汽化器 和燃料箱内的燃料; 根据说明书的指导添加润滑剂和更换部件。
2.进行良好的保存: 保存在干燥和儿童不易接触到的地方。
3.在需要维修时,联系供应商或是我们的技术维修 服务部门:
1. Main ta in a good postu re : Do not operat e wh ile sitting o r ly ing on the ground. It is easy to los e yo ur footing on s lo pes. Please take care.
2. Alwa ys s top the engin e: When adjust in g the helicop te r body or transmitt er . When attach in g or replacin g pa rts. When the heli co pter body req ui res repair, o r when unusua l no ise or vibrat io ns occur. During any ot he r potential ly d angerous si tu ation.
3. When s ta rting the eng in e, observe th e fo llowing rules:
Make sure tha t th ere are on othe r pe ople or obstacles i n th e area. Hold the heli co pter body sec ur ely. Be sure that th e tr ansmitter t hr ottle and the engine carb ur etor are in the ir l owest posit io ns (idlin g po sition).
4. Beca us e of the danger o f in jury, never p la ce your hand or an y ob ject near the r ot ating parts .
5. Oper at e your model in a r el axed and cour te ous manner.
Fatigue fro m co ntinuous op er ation never a l on g period of tim e ca n lead to impai re d judgment an d unexpecte d ac cidents .A lways take su fficien t re st periodica ll y. Maintain a sa ve d istance bet we en yourself a nd the helicop te r while opera ti ng. Always oper at e the helicop te r within the li mi ts of your abili ty . Unreasona bl e maneuvers c an l ead to accident s an d injury.
6. Beca us e of the danger o f bu rns, do not tou ch the engine or t he m uffle r af ter startin g or i mmediatel y after stopp in g the engine.
1. Be sur e to c heck the foll ow ing items:
Check each se ct ion of the heli co pter,a nd t ighted or replace sc re ws as necessa ry . Wipe clean an y oi l, dirt or wate r. When storin g fo r long period s of t ime, always remove any re ma ining fuel fr om t he carburet or and fuel tank . Always cond uc t lubricati on a nd part repla ce ments described i n op erating man ua l.
2. Alwa ys s tore with car e. Store in a dry pl ac e, out of the rea ch o f children.
3. Cons ul t your dealer , or o ur engineer in g service section reg ar ding repair s:
飞行中 的 注 意 事项
While in flight
飞 行 后
After operating the helicopter
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不要在没有充足的知识,技术以及缺少正确 的维修工具下,对飞机进行修理,这会导致 不正确的操作和事故的发生; 在维修和调整前关闭引擎; 如果模型受到损坏或是在保存前要进行修 理,请使用配套的零部件来维修模型; 不要对机身或其它附属品进行改造加工,这 样会导致本机性能的不正常运作与发挥; 当保存或运输模型时,要注意机身的稳定以 避免破损、漏油或其它事故的发生。
噪音 为了避免干扰他人,请使用消音器。
飞行前一定要对飞机进行严格的检查,尽管无 线操纵模型直升机是一种小型并且容易飞行的飞机 模型,但是如有模型撞击人员或车辆的事故发生, 也会造成很大灾害甚至导致人员的伤亡。 对飞行时所发生的任何事故,操作人员都有无 法推卸的责任,因此我们建议操作人员要加入无线操 作的保险,详细情况请联系你的供应商。 飞行前仔细检查模型以及任何异常状况,如果 飞行时螺旋桨撞击地面,就会立刻破损、龟裂,其它 部件也会损坏。如果模型在飞行状态时破裂,会造成 大面积或严重的事故。举例说明:如果有部件从螺旋 桨内,或螺旋头本身从螺旋桨座飞出后,它的转动速 度为每分钟1200—2000转,它会对人造成很大伤害 甚至死亡(请特别注意)。 如果有任何异常状况,请 立即更换其相关零件,使用神龙的产品。
1.初学者应接受安全的技术操作指导,独立自学操作 是非常危险的。
5.仔细检查螺旋桨是否安装正确,其部位是否损坏、 划伤。
7.仔细检查送信机、接受器、启动器和电热塞的电 池是否充电。
8.仔细检查燃料及燃料管的状态,弯曲的燃料管,阻塞 的滤油器,特别是旧燃料会导致引擎的不正常启动,并 且会造成飞行时引擎停止运行而导致的飞机坠落。
9.检查电热塞,旧的电热塞不仅会使引擎不能正常启 动,而且会导致飞行时引擎的关闭。
Repairs undertaken by persons without sufficient knowledge, or lacking the proper tools, can result in impaired performance, leading to accidents or injury. Always stop the engine before making repairs or adjustments. Should your model be damaged, always repair it before storing. Always use the designated genuine replacement parts to repair your model. Remodeling or reconfiguration of the helicopter body, or appurtenant parts can result in impaired performance and should not be attempted. When storing or transporting your model, always secure it firmly to avoid loss fuel, damage or injury. About noise
In order to avoid disturbing people nearby, always use the muffler.
Strict pre-flight inspections are mandatory for real planes. Although the R/C helicopter is small and be flown with ease, it does not differ from real planes in that it flies through the sky and if it happens to hit a person or a vehicle. it may cause much trouble and lead to severe injury or damage. For accidents which occur during the flight. The pilot may be responsible.Therefore, be sure to have radio control insurance. For details, refer to the shop where you purchased this helicopter. Be sure to inspect the helicopter before flight and in the case of an anomaly.If the rotor blade hits the ground during flight, minute, cracks and loosening may occur at various parts even if there are no appearent damages, If the helicopter is flown in such a condition, the cracks on he rotor may enlarge and leading to severe accidents. For example, the weight may fly off from the interior of the rotor which rotates rapidly at around 1200-2000 rpm or the rotor may fly off from the blade holder,Immediately replace parts if any suspicious condition is noted, be sure to use ShenLong parts.
1.Beginners should receive safety and operating instruction from someone capable. Trying to teach yourself is extremely dangerous.
2.Check to be sure that there are no loose or missing nuts and bolts.
3.Check to be sure that there is no play or slack in the linkage rods or controllers.
4.Check to be sure that there are no loose bolts in the engine mount.
5.Check to be sure that there is no damage or wear to the rotor blades,especially near the blade holders.
6.Check to be sure that the rotor blade weight has been safely fastened.
7.Check to be sure that the transmitter, receiver, starter and plug heat batteries have been fully charged.
8.Check the fuel and fuel lines. Bent fuel lines. clogged filters and especially old fuel not only make the engine difficult to start, they can also lead to in flight engine failure that can result in crashes.
9.Check the glow plugs, Old plugs not only make he engine difficult to start,but also they can lead to in flight engine failure that can result in crashes.
引擎启 动 前 的 注 意 事项
! War ni ng
Befo re starting t he engine
11.检查所有从动系统的正常运作,错误的操作 与不正常的功能会导致飞机失控和毁坏。
12.检查陀螺仪的性能,特别是检查初始状态下 动作方向性的运行状况。
13.检查尾部螺旋控制带的牵力 (拉力),已被 正确调整。
1.在启动引擎前,检查附近有没有物体会被击 中或是否有缠绕螺旋桨的物件存在。
2.检查周围没有人使用同样的频率后,首先打 开送信机再打开收信机,设置送信机的节流杆 和校正的引擎启动位置。根据送信机的类型, 汽化器不在引擎启动位置是由于节流座、飞行 开关等不在其相应位置,调整它们到启动位置.
3.当启动引擎时,用手正确拿住旋转头使它不 能转动。
4.引擎启动后,消声器和引擎会变得非常热, 小心烫伤自己。
5.要停止飞行时,飞机的位置最少要距离起始 位置和操作人员15 米,仔细观察周围的状况, 确保没有其它人或危险物、障碍物在飞行场地 内。
7.在飞行或降落时如有不正常的振动和异常的 噪音,立即停止引擎,并且检查其发生的原因。
8.无理或不正确的飞行操纵会造成事故和伤 害,请遵守相关条例,安全负责任的操纵你的模 型。
10.Check the effective operating distance of the radio controls.
11.Check to be sure that all servos operate smoothly. Operating mistakes and malfunctions can result in loss of control and are dangerous.
12.Check to be sure that the gyro operates properly. In particular check the direction of operation during the startup.
13.Check to be sure that the tension of the tail rotor drive belt has been properly adjusted.
14.Check to be sure that the helicopter body is properly lubricated.
1.Before starting the engine, check to be sure that there no objects nearby that might be hit by, or become entangled in the rotor.
2.After checking to be sure that no one else in the area is using the same frequency, first turn on the transmitter and then the receiver. Set the throttle and trim to their engine startup positions. At this point, depending on the type of transmitter you have, and on the position of the idle up throttle hold flight mode switches, the carburetor may not be in the correct position for engine startup. Always return it to the startup position.
3.When starting the engine, always hold he rotor head securely with your hand so that it does not rotate.
4.After the engine has started, the engine and the muffler become very hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.
5.When taking off, the helicopter should be in a position at least 15 meters away from the startup position, and the operator. Give careful consideration to the surrounding conditions, making sure that there are no other people or obstacles in the area.
6.Before the helicopter lifts off. Adjust the tracking of each rotor. Verifying the tracking should be done from a distance of 5 meters from the helicopter.
7.Should unusual vibrations or noise occur while in flight. Land the helicopter, stop the engine and investigate the source of the problem immediately.
8.Reckless operation can result in accidents and injury.please follow all rules and enjoy the safe and responsible operation of your model.
启动引 擎
Starting the engine
1.在启动引擎后,当传送器节流杆在最低位 置的引擎是否停止运转。
2.当调整引擎的空转速度时,请拿住螺旋头 使其停止转动.请小心排出的气体。
1. Af te r startin g th e engine al wa ys be sure th at the trans mi tter thro tt le is in its lo we st positi on when stop pi ng the engi ne .
2. Wh en a djustin g th e idling sp ee d of the engine , always ho ld t he rotor he ad s ecurely s o th at it does not ro ta te.A ls o, be caref ul o f exhaust g as .
! Caution
让你的手指/拇指进行基本的操作练习,使手 指和拇指可自然移动。
2.口中说“向右翻、向左翻、向右飞、向 左飞、飞高、飞低、和引擎控制高、低等一系 列术语,手中按照这些术语反复练习操作。
3.这些形象化的飞行控制会帮助提高实际 的操作技巧,所以我们建议你练习这些形象化 (模拟)的飞行操作。
4.用摄像机记录一些你的飞行操作方式, 它会很有效的帮助提高你学习操作的进度。
4.按照说明书的提示检查送信机是否正常运 作。
如果有人已经在飞行模型,请查问他所使用 的频率波段。使用相同的频率会互相进行干扰 而导致飞机的失控,确认你自己没有使用与他 人相同的频率。
Let your fingers/ thumbs learn the movements of each channel which are the basics of the operation. Practice until the fingers thumbs move naturally.
1.Place your helicopter in the center of your room.
2.Speaking Roll RIGHT, LEFT, Nose RIGHT, LEFT, Pitch UP. DOWN and Engine Control HIGH, LOW- --- Operate the sticks accordingly.
3.This imaginary flight control will help you to display improved performance in subsequent real flights. So, we suggest you exercise the imagined flights.
4.Record some of your operations on a cassette tape recorder. It is very effective way to speed up your learning process.
1.Check again all bolts, nuts and other fasteners are tight.
2.Check the batteries of your radio are sufficiently charged.
3.Is every servo controlled by the correct movements of each stick?
4.Make a range test according to the description of the instruction manual of your transmitter.
If some one is already flying his model, ask his frequency and inform him yours. Interference from another model in the same frequency may cause dangerous mishandling of your model.
5.飞行 训 练
5.Flight training section
Flight familia rization
打开送 信 机
Tur n on the tran sm itter
打开收 信 机 和陀螺 仪
Tur n on the rece iv er and gyro
逆向关 闭
Reverse t o tu rn off
添加燃料 和 调 整 阀 门
<给油> <fuel supply>
<汽化器阀 门 的 调 整> <Needle valve adjustment>
Supp ly of fuel &adju stment of nee dle
Remove th e jo int from th e fu el tube and f il l up the tank .
Try t o avoid for ei gn matters or d irt from ente ring the fuel t ank.
1 关闭主阀门
2 打开控制开关从1.25到1.5(根据你的引擎做最后 调整)。
1 Close the m ai n needle va lv e.
2 Open the co nt rol 1. 25 t o 1. 5 turn s( Fina l ad justmen t depends o n yo ur engine ).
The needle valve is opened too much the engine cannot get enough power due to thick fuel, if not open enough, the engine might overheat.
! Caution
! Caution
1、连接点火咀到电热塞上。 2、连接启动器的电池并检查引擎的转动。 3、用手固定住螺栓头,然后用启动轴插 入引动器和转动器,当引擎启动后, 移除启动器。 4、拿住螺旋头,检查节流校正在最低位 置时引擎是否停止。
1.Connects the booster cord to plug.Be careful not to connect
the clip at the plug end of the cord to the engine.
2.Connect the starter to the starter battery and check the
rotaion of engine.
3.Hold the rotor head firmly with one hand.Fit the starter
and rotarted.romove the starter once the engine has started.
4.Hold the rotor head, Check that the engine stop when the
throttl e is set to its lowes level.
*周围没有 人 使 用 同 样的频率后,再 打 开 送 信 机和收信机.
*Turn on the transmitter and receiver after confirming that no one is using your frequency.
If the engine does not stop,remove the fuel pipe joint.
Adjust th e th rottl e li nkage.
Star ting and stoppi ng of engine
引擎的 启 动和 停 止
!Caut ion
节流杆在 最 低 位 置
1.直升机正要起飞时,逐步调整节流杆到高 的设置。
2.仔细观察螺旋桨的运动轨迹,如果两个桨 是同一轨迹,那么正确,但如果一个桨高或 低于另一个桨时,就需要调整轨迹。
3.调整螺旋桨的运动轨迹。(调节控制拉 杆) A:桨的运动轨迹高于另一个桨时
->增加拉杆长度 B:桨的运动轨迹低于另一个桨时
不正常的运动轨迹会造成飞行的振动,调 整轨迹后,确认飞行悬停时桨倾斜角度近似 为5.5度。
Keep at lea st 1 0m distan ce b etween yo u an d your
helicop te r.
1. Gr ad ually rai se t he thrott le s tick towa rd s a HIGH
setting u nt il the heli co pter is jus t ab out to taki ng o ff.
2. Ca re fully wat ch t he tracki ng o f the rotor b la de
Tri ps. If both r ot or blades a re t he same track , it is all
right. Ho we ver, if the t ra cks of one bl ad e is
higher/ lower th an t he other, i t is n ecessary to a djust
the track in g.
3. To adj us t trackin g, r emove the r od e nd of the
pitch con tr ol.
A: If the tra ck ing of blad e is h igher tha n th e other
->I ncrease the l ength of the ro d. B; If the tra ck ing of blad e is l ower than t he o ther
->R educe the len gth of the rod.
Incorre ct t racking c au ses vibra ti on of the hel ic opter.
After tra ck ing adjus tm ent, comf ri m the pitch o f bl ade at
the hover in g is 5.5 a pp rox.
螺旋桨 转 动 轨 迹
Rotor blade tracking
! Caution
! Caution
校正指向 a
Tri m to a
微调 开关的设 置
1.舵的校正(Rudder t rim) 当直升机要起飞时; When t he helicopter i s just about to tak e off;
当直升机正要起飞时,慢慢调节节流杆到高的位 置 并 且 调整其方向斜度。正确使用每个微调开关。
Inclination of helicopter
正确的调 整
Correct io n of trim
方向转向 a
Tur ns to a
方向转向 b
Tur ns to b
校正指向 b
Tri m to b
Adjustment of each trim
Slowly raise the throttle stick to HIGH.When your helicopter is just about to take off, it inclines to some directions.Correct the inclination by using each trim lever.
校正指向 c
Tri m to c
2.升降校正(Elevato r trim) 当直升机要起飞时; When t he helicopter i s just about to tak e off;
Inclination of helicopter
正确的调 整
Correct io n of trim
方向转向 c
Tur ns to c
方向转向 d
Tur ns to d
校正指向 d
Tri m to d
校正指向 e
Tri m to e
3.副翼的校正(Aileron tri m) 当直升机要起飞时; When t he helicopter i s just about to tak e off;
Inclination of helicopter
正确的调 整
Correct io n of trim
方向转向 e
Tur ns to e
方向转向 f
Tur ns to f
校正指向 f
Tri m to f
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