S L I G H T L Y N A S T Y E L E C T R O N I C S A D E L A I D E , A U S T R A L I A
Circ u i t Ove r view
For full schematics, please download the separate schematics PDF. Excerpts shown
in this manual may be outdated and are provided for reference only.
The 2251 is really a fairly basic module in terms of architecture, with a filter core
surrounded by some simple buffering and CV processing elements, along with a
bonus utility VCA. The functional blocks are divided as follows in the schematics:
1. CV/Signal buffers - These buffer the inputs for the resonance CV and
the audio signal input. The resonance CV buffer also serves as an
attenuverter for additional control functionality.
2. Exponential Converter - This converts the linear input CV into an
exponential current that controls the cutoff frequency of the filter core.
This also includes the buffer/attenuverter for the frequency CV input
and associated front panel controls. This allows for the possibility 1V/
Oct tracking (with careful setting of the attenuverter!) and can also be
temperature compensated if desired.
3. Filter Core - The filter core is a 2-pole state-variable design that
provides simultaneous lowpass, highpass, and bandpass outputs, with a
VCA-modulated feedback path creating a voltage controlled, self-
limiting resonance. An additional mixer stage creates a notch output by
mixing the low- and high-pass signals.
4. Extra VCA - As half of one of the LM13700 OTA ICs is unused by the
rest of the circuit, a bonus VCA can be provided to extend the
functionality of the module.
Block diagram of the Model 2251.
Circles marked "X" are attenuverters.
M O D E L 2 2 5 1
M u l t i b a n d F i l t e r