Slamtec RPLIDAR S1 User Manual

Shanghai Slamtec.Co.,Ltd
Low Cost 360 Degree Laser Range Scanner
2018-01-31 rev.1.0
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 1
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 3
ITEMS IN THE DEVELOPMENT KIT ....................................................................................................................... 3
RPLIDAR S1 ...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
USB ADAPTER .................................................................................................................................................... 4
CONNECTION AND USAGE ..................................................................................................................... 6
CONNECTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
INSTALL DRIVER FOR THE USB ADAPTER ........................................................................................................... 6
RUN DEMO APPLICATION .................................................................................................................................. 8
TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................................................... 10
MOTOR SPEED ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................................................................... 10
SDK INTRODUCTION AND USAGE ...................................................................................................... 12
RPLIDAR S1 PIN DEFINITION AND SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................ 12
PIN DEFINITION FOR THE USB ADAPTER ......................................................................................................... 13
CONFIGURE RPLIDAR S1 SCAN FREQUENCY ................................................................................................. 15
SDK USAGE ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
OPERATION RECOMMENDATION....................................................................................................... 16
PRE-HEATING FOR BEST PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................................... 16
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE................................................................................................................................... 16
AMBIENT LIGHT ................................................................................................................................................ 16
REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................. 17
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 18
IMAGE AND TABLE INDEX ................................................................................................................................. 18
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Copyright (c) 2009-2017 RoboPeak Team Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Shanghai Slamtec Co., Ltd.
RPLIDAR S1 development kit includes the matched tools used for evaluating RPLIDARs performance and initial development. After connecting the RPLIDAR S1 with PC via USB cable and connecting the power adapter to the USB cable, users can observe the cloud map of the environment scanning point collected by the RPLIDAR in RoboStudio and start development based on the SDK.
Items in the Development Kit
RPLIDAR Development Kit contains:
o RPLIDARPWM motor driver embedded
o USB Adapter
o Micro-USB cable
o Power adapter
Figure 1-1 Items in the RPLIDAR Development Kit
USB adapter
Power Adapter
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Copyright (c) 2009-2017 RoboPeak Team Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Shanghai Slamtec Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-2 The RPLIDAR
The RPLIDAR S1 development kit contains standard RPLIDAR S1 unit (S1M1). The RPLIDAR is embedded with logic IO drivable motor controller which can be used to configure the scan frequency by tuning motor speed. Developers can also choose to turn off the motor for power saving purpose.
RPLIDAR usage and interface definition will be introduced in the coming sections.
USB Adapter
The USB adapter comes with a dial switch. It can be used to switch the Baud rate from 115200 to 256000 or vice versa, which is compatible with RPLIDAR S1 and former RPLIDAR series. Please note that the Baud rate should be set as 256000 if the USB adapter is connected with RPLIDAR S1..
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Copyright (c) 2009-2017 RoboPeak Team Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Shanghai Slamtec Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-3 RPLIDAR Adapter
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Copyright (c) 2009-2017 RoboPeak Team Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Shanghai Slamtec Co., Ltd.
RPLIDAR S1 can be easily connected to PC according to the following steps.
1) Connect RPLIDAR S1 with the USB adapter.
Figure 2-1 Connect RPLIDAR S1 and USB Adapter
2) Connect the USB adapter to your PC via the Micro-USB cable. If the PC is
on, after connecting the USB cable to your PC and connecting the power adapter to the USB cable, the indicator light of the USB will light up but the RPLIDAR will not start scanning.
Figure 2-2 Connect the USB Adapter to PC via Micro-USB Cable
Install Driver for the USB Adapter
The USB adapter converts UART to USB by using CP2102 chip. You need to install the device driver for the chip. The driver can be found in the provided SDK package or downloaded from Silicon Labs official website:
Heres the installation steps in Windows: after connecting the RPLIDAR with PC, please find the driver file “CP210x VCP Windows” and choose correct operating system version accordingly: x86 for 32-bit OS and x64 for 64-bit OS.
Connection and Usage
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