SKY WING Communication Electronics SK BTI 020V User Manual

BTI-020V Bluetooth transmitter and receiver all in one
user manual
Welcome to use Bluetooth transmitter/ receiver BTI-020V.
 Introduction
BTI -020V is a Bluetooth transmitter and re cei ver all in one function adapter ,when used as a Bluetooth transmitter, it can transfer the music on your mobile ,Walkman,TV,computer ,etc to your Bluetooth re cei ve r,Stere o Blue tooth headphone,and Bluetoo th spea kers ,e ct ,through wireless technology. When used as a Bl uetoot h rece iver, it can been a stere o Blue tooth headp hone (b y plug gin g hea dphone audio cable in to 3.5mm port),or connectin g wi th speake r to re ceive audio signal through wireless.
Please read the user man ual careful l y before use the uni t .
Overview :
A, Bluetooth transmitter side
BTI -020V
Bl ue tooth ve rsion
Chi pset
CSR B C8670
Bluetooth receiver working time
Approx. 12 hours
Bl ue too t h tra ns mi tte r wo rki n g ti me
Approx. 13 hours
Full charging ti me
Approx. 2 hours
Bluetooth p rofile
Supp o rts (in Blue too th trans mitter mo de)
If the Blue too th device support the same CODEC, the
Supp ort dual conne ction i n recei ve r mode
Supp o rt conne ctin g with two mobile phone
Pas s code for suppo rte d Bluetooth headset, Blue too th
receiver, Bluetooth speaker etc.
Prio ri ty APT-X, Se cond SBC
APT-X ti ps
COD EC Single conne ction, pri ory suppo rt APT-X LL
B, Bluetooth receiver side
C, Mul ti -function button
D, L ED i ndica tor
E, 3.5MM audio po rt (AUX)
F, Micro USB charging port
transmitter could conne ct two Bluetooth spea kers o r
two Bluetooth headse ts simul taneousl y
48k HZ CODEC (hea dset or spea ke r must also suppo rt
APT-X );
Ba tte ry
250mAH rechargeable lithium battery
Cha rging suppl y
Working temperature
Net weight
Approx. 18g
Di mension
Two connections, it will switch to SBC CODEC
5VDC,100-240V AC adapter,≥300MA
Preparati on bef ore using
1, Before going to use BTI-020V, please full charge BTI-020V ,Walkman , mobile , TV,Compu te r ,e ct whi ch suppo rt
3.5MM AUX de vi ces .
Operatio n
1, BTI-020V charging:
For the f irs t using, plea se full y charg ed the model BTI-020V.
Please charge w hen in low batte ry:
When the de vi ce is in working mode , if the RED LED flashes th ree times continuousl y (not in clude Red LED
flas hes on ce fo r s uc cess full y conne ction ), means the unit is working in low vol tage, please charge the uni t.
A, Pleas e conne ct the charging cable to the adapter ( USD ou tpu t port) or computer
B, Then using Mi cro USB charging cable connecting with BTI-020V
C, In charging mode, Red LED on, will off when full charging
D, The entire charging time around 2 hours
Work ed as a B luetooth t ransmitter
Function opti on for BTI-020V
Cha nge di fferent wo rking mode through the Slide option bu tton .
When the unit in off sta te , please s lide the button to “TX” side, then press MFB to powe r on the uni t, all the paired devi ce information in RX mode will be deleted after power on.
Please d on’t swi tch TX o r RX mode i mmediatel y in 3 s econds after uni t turn o ff , be cause the uni t is s till ha vi ng powe r, if swi tching to TX or RX mo de i mme diatel y, i t will e nter i nto the previous p owe r of f mode to re-turn on .
No te : when wo rked a s the Blue tooth trans mitte r, i t onl y could sta y 4 devi ce re cords and these de vi ces
will be taken ove r by the lates t pai red de vi ce .(Be cause the unit sup ports “automatically
Re -conne ctio n “ function,if staying too much devices record, the re-pairing time will be lasting longer ).
BTI -020V automaticall y Re-conne ctio n time :
In 7 seconds for the uni t has 1 paired re cord
In 12 seconds fo r the unit has 2 paired records
In 17 seconds fo r the unit has 3 paired records
In 22 seconds fo r the unit has 4 paired records
Basic opera tion
Power on
Blue LED flashes twice quickly
Blue LED flashes quickl y
Un connected s tandby
Blue LED flashes once every second
Conne cted s tand by
Solid Blue LED Low voltage
Red LED flashes q uickl y
Cha rging
Solid Red
Ful l y cha rged
Re d LED turns off
1. po wer on :
In off s tate , press MFB a round 3 s econds , Blue LED flashes twice, BTI-020V is powe re d on . (If BTI-020V did not co nnect with an y de vi ce, it could ente r into pai rin g mode qui ckly wit h Blue LED flas hes a fte r powe r on)
2. Power off :
In on s tate , press MFB a round 3 s econds , Red LED fla shes twice ( if relea se after Red LED immediately, Red LED ma y onl y flas hes on ce) , BTI -020V power off. Please re-powe r on the uni t a fter po wer o ff the unit 3 se conds l ate r
since the voltage of the chipse t may not disappea r total ly.
3. Pai ring mode :
Power on the uni t, double cli ck the MFB, the Blue LED flashes quickl y to enter pai ring mode , it will be in co nnecti ve s tandb y mode if no conne ctions in 2 minu tes .
4. Clear up the pai ring list :
Power off with the current working mode(TX or RX), 3 seconds late r, swi tch to the othe r worki ng mode , then power on, the pairing informati on for the former mode will be cleare d up.
5. Co nne ct with all the connected de vice :
Power on the uni t ( using two conne ctions simul taneo usly ), sho rt press MFB to connect all the conne cted de vi ce au tomati cal ly, bu t it onl y su pport two de vi ces con nection simul taneously, pri oritize the lates t two conne cted devi ces , successfull y conne cted , BTI-020V is solid blue. If BTI-020V could not conne ct wi th an y de vi ce in 22 seconds (This is up to how many paire d de vi ce BTI-020V stored), it will enter into pairing mode. When used as Bluetooth tra nsmi tte r, it support two conne cted de vices transfer Audio simul taneousl y.
6. Power off automatically
The B TI -020V will power off automaticall y when the ba tte ry vol ta ges lowe r than 3.1 V .
7. LED indi cator in transmitter mode :
BTI-020V Working as a Bluetooth receiver Switch the TX or R X button t o chose the u nit in Bluet oot h transm itter mode ,or in Bluetooth receiver
When in power off state,switch the butt on t o RX si de, then long press MF B button to turn on it, all the
paired devices record will be cleared. Please dont switch TX or RX mode im mediately in 3 seconds after unit
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